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Old 05-08-2012, 08:47 PM
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Here is a clip called The Bodyguard Memorable Moments

The Bodyguard: Memorable Scenes - YouTube
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Old 05-08-2012, 09:05 PM
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Perfect Gentleman

It sure is tempting to try to write a convo around the actual concert that Whitney gave at the Cipriani Hotel in New York all those years ago. Her spotting KC in the crowd, reacting with sheer joy, giving him props before the crowd, which would applaud, and then inviting him onstage for his part of the IWALY dedication. I just know some video footage would pop up and totally debunk my convo as a line of nonsense. So here is what I say happened backstage, after KC saw his date off in a private car, and an assistant led him to Whitney’s suite. Ladies, I edited out some errors that I spotted. Plus, I inserted a special guest star!!

WH: Oh. My. God. It’s The Man himself!
KC: Don't get up. Just wait there for me.
KC: Cissy, it's been so long. How could your daughter keep us apart like this? (hands Cissy some roses) And I thought I saw a little doyenne, or princess in training a little while ago.
Bobbi Kristina: (She raises her hand eagerly, straight up) Meeee!!
KC: (squats in front of her) Yep, there she is! The one and only Kristina. (presents a small toy to Bobbi Kristina) You’re going to like that.
Then KC sees Boooby Clown.
KC: Hey
He nods at Boooby, who is hovering. Then Kevin looks at Whitney again. Before Kevin approaches her, he spots Mary J. Blige and a guy with her.
KC: Man, it's R&B royalty. Ms. Mary, how are you?
Mary J.: I'm good, you know? My girl did great, didn't she?
Approaches Whitney with a bouquet of wild flowers, the kind you find in a meadow.
KC: These are for you. (Winks at her) Mary, I'm sorry, I ran out. I would have brought you something, but the Houston ladies, well, they came first.
Mary J.: I know; I get it. You have to treat your girl.
Boooby: She ain't nobody girl! And the baby is a Brown. Her name ain't Houston, it's Broooown.
Mary J.: Alright, OK. Let's just keep having a good time, now.
WH: I am getting up, no matter what you say. Come here! (They hug, and of course his arms go around the waist.)
KC: Look at you! Gorgeous as usual.
Boooby: (Smirks)
WH: Thank you. And for the flowers, too.
So everybody sits down and WH and KC have to behave themselves, while they make chit chat. Well, Whitney behaves, anyway.
KC: You had no idea I would be here, did you? You know, I had a notion to jump onstage to surprise you.
Whitney shakes her head and laughs, and is interrupted by …
Boooby: Naw, man. The handlers woulda clocked you.
Mary J.: No, Bobby. That ain't cool. Listen, I have to run, though. Kevin, nice to see you. Whitney, girl, you were amazing as usual. Call me. (Kisses Whitney)
KC walks her and her companion to the door. KC and the guy do then man handshake and they leave.
KC: (To Whitney.) But you’d save me right? One word from the queen would stop the thugs from moving in.
WH: Yeah, I’d get you out of trouble. You don’t trip or anything, so I’m not going to do you like that.
Boooby: (Kisses his teeth.)
KC: (Winks at Whitney)
Boooby: You got something in your eye, man?
Whitney: It is kind of dry in here. I’ve been blinking a lot myself. Must be that cold, dry November air.
KC: You should wear a fur. That’ll keep you warm. You know, unless it gets too hot. (He can’t help but smile. Whitney blushes a little, and fans herself. Bobbi Kristina crawls further up in her lap, trying to snuggle.)
Whitney: Mama, isn’t it time for Krissy to head to bed? (Bobbi Kristina immediately brightens up, and begins to campaign for a doll, then her bike, then milk, then water.)
CH: Come on, now, love. (She scoops up the baby and chats with WH about heading to bed, etc.)
Kevin gets up and gets the door for them. At the door, they chit chat a little, BK high-fives KC and they leave. Then KC returns to his chair, across from the settee where Boooby and Whitney are sitting. Boooby glares, KC pays him no mind.
KC: (Nods at Whitney’s belly.) So how are things?
WH: (brightens) They are great! I’m in my –th month. (Everyone makes chit chat about her baby.)
KC: Very nice. You know I wasn’t going to ask you outright if you were expecting. That would have gotten me slapped.
WH: I wouldn’t do that. You know I’m not going to do any violence to Kevin. You never gave me a reason to slap you.
KC: (Smiles) Well, no I never did. Not me. (Looks bored, then says to Whitney) There is a nice terrace around the way. You want to grab your coat and go for a little walk?
Boooby: You want me to bust yo’ @ss?
WH: (Looks irritated) Would you stop? I could use a walk, anyway. I’m not crippled.
At that point, Boooby’s cell phone rings.
Boooby: Excuse me. I have to take this call. Y’all can go for a walk, I guess, but be back before long.
KC: Let’s go.
KC gets up and immediately finds Whitney’s coat. Then helps her into it. Once, they are out on whatever terrace or balcony there is, looking at the city lights, he lets out a breath.
KC: Bunch of bull----. ‘Be back before long.’ What is he, your chaperone?
WH: He’s being a husband. Come on, give him a chance. He’s making an effort, and we’re in a good place now. Let me just enjoy it.
KC: (Smirks) Well, don’t worry. I came her to be a perfect gentleman. (winks) I just have one question.
WH: Go, baby.
KC: How long is this mercy date going to last, Whitney? Man, you’re absolutely smokin’, and then I look at that guy and it doesn’t add up. I mean, I know you like kids, and women tend to pity strays, but good GOD, Whitney.
WH: It’s not a mercy date, it’s a marriage. And you need to be nicer, Kevin. You were provoking the guy.
KC: I wasn’t. But if I were doing that, who would blame me? Here you are, this luminous goddess. I’m surprised all the other guys behaved themselves. If we had our wits about us, instead of just watching you with our jaws on the floor, we’d fling your little man out into the cold and give you the Cleopatra treatment, you know? I’d be the main guy feeding you the grapes, and the other slackers could just be getting your water or something.
WH: Oh, stop campaigning. I’m just happy your date was there to keep you in check.
KC: Hey, wasn’t I a gentleman? Did I run up on stage and try to put my tongue in your mouth? No. And just now? I didn’t even pull you on my lap where you belong. We’re alone now and I’m not trying to be on you the way God intended. And I haven’t even tried to pick you up and run off with you to, like, the Caribbean or anything. You gotta start giving me credit.
WH: You can’t do all that, anyway, Kevin.
KC: There are loads of things I could do. Just try me.
WH: Please watch your mouth.
KC: Can’t. I’m watching yours.
WH: You ain’t getting’ no play. Not tonight.
KC: You sure you don’t want to get in my car and drive around the park? Snuggle up?
WH: No!! My husband expects us back very soon. You’re so reckless!
KC: (Stands up straight and watches her for a second.) OK. But we’re going to have a complicated history together of you keep chiding me like this.
WH: Oh, Lord.
KC: OK, I’ll stop. Just let me say this one thing.
WH: And?
KC: It’s pretty obvious to me … that … your mother likes me better. Don’t give me the daggers! I’m a nice guy, good manners. Baptist upbringing. She wants me as a son-in-law, I can tell. Just listen to your mother on this, Whitney.
WH: OK, I’m heading back in. You’re not behaving.

Last edited by GobSmacked82; 05-09-2012 at 05:17 PM
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Old 05-08-2012, 09:08 PM
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He really wished he could have "found that girl"

Originally Posted by danyale06 (View Post)
Here’s another beautiful song that Kevin penned. I think someone mentioned before on another thread that it too might have been written for Whitney. Keep in mind that Kevin said he often wrote songs while on the set making different movies—especially after The Bodyguard; he said his wife Christine later found some of his songs lying around and encouraged him to sing them with his band. Hence, they are songs that have just only debuted in recent years.

Not only are the lyrics to “Find That Girl” beautiful, but the melody is also easy on the ears (for you guys who may not be into Country Western music). It’s a beautiful song with Whitney written all over it! But it is so utterly sad. When I listen to Kevin sing “Find That Girl,” my heart aches for him. It hurts all the more knowing he must have written these beautiful lyrics for Whitney, his Star Crossed Love.

Find That Girl

I don't know how, don't know when
But I know that I will see her again someday
Going to find that girl
Got some leads, got some names
All my friends said that I'm insane
And they're right, I'm gonna find that girl.

I'm gonna find that girl
Gonna make her mine
Gonna look for her till the end of time
Gonna find that girl
Gonna change her life
Gonna turn it around
I'm gonna make it alright

Had my plans yesterday but I threw them all away for her
I'm gonna find that girl
Never thought that just one night, just one kiss
Could change my life this way

I'm gonna find that girl

I'm gonna find that girl
Gonna make her mine
Gonna look for her till the end of time
Gonna find that girl
Gonna change her life
Gonna turn it around
I'm gonna make it alright

Love that trail of lost highways
She could be sitting in a small cafe somewhere
Gonna find that girl
She'll turn around and there I'll be
She'll throw her arms around me, oh yeah
Gonna find that girl

I'm gonna find that girl
Gonna make her mine
Gonna look for her till the end of time
Gonna find that girl
Gonna change her life
Gonna turn it around
Make it alright

I'm gonna find that girl
Gonna make her mine
Gonna look for her till the end of time
Gonna find that girl
Gonna change her life
Gonna turn it around
Going to make her my wife

And here's Kevin singing "Find That Girl"...
Kevin Costner & Modern West - Find That Girl - live - YouTube

During the 10-year-span after he divorced his first wife Cindy (1994) and before he married his second wife Christine (2004), why would it have been so difficult for Kevin to “find that girl” unless she was not available? (Whitney, anyone?) What other woman could he have been talking about that had him obsessing like that? Remember, those were the 10 years when he was a “free” man—free to chase all the women he wanted to, yet all he could do was to think about finding that one “girl.” In the song, he says once he finds that girl, he’s going to “change her life,” he’s going to “turn it around,” he’s going to “make it alright.” Guess whose life needed to be changed…and turned around… and made to be alright? Surely, he wasn't talking about Christine.

Moreover (as many Kevney shippers have already said), throughout the years, Kevin keeps referring to the love of his life as a G.I.R.L. In “Find That Girl,” he keeps repeating that he is searching for “that GIRL” --just as he refers to his lover in "Moon So High” as somebody with a “little GIRL smile”; just as he refers to Whitney in the beginning of her eulogy by saying, “she’s a GIRL,” (and “I’m a boy”). Then later in the eulogy, he refers to Whitney by saying, “I can see her in my own mind…a skinny little GIRL running around…” Can we not all see that the Whitney is “That Girl,” “That Little Girl,” and the woman with the “Little Girl Smile”?

Reading the lyrics and listening to “Find That Girl” really makes me feel sadness for Kevin—more than any other song he’s written. How much heartache has this man endured over the years--not being able to be with the one woman he truly loves? And now that his one true love is gone forever, how utterly empty he must feel. Poor, poor Kevin.
Welcome on board!!

I agree with your take on the inspiration for these songs by Kevin and agree how sad he must have felt throughout the years loving Whitney but not being able to be with her. I remember hin saying in many recent interviews that (paraphrasing) " He had taken bit bites at life and that life has done the same to him". Kevin is only 57 years old but sounds when he says this as if he is in his 70s or 80s and that tells me that he thinks he has led a very eventful life (a lot of it in his heart and in his mind) that kind of took a lot of energy out of him. I also notice that he will say that when being interviewed about Whitney. If he believes that they were star-crossed-lovers and loved each other all these years without making it happen for them to live together like in a "forbidden" love that takes a lot of energy to be emotionally and spiritually in two places at a time: with your current partner while thinking about the partner you wished you could be with if the choice depended only on you.
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Old 05-08-2012, 09:10 PM
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I don't think Kevin was looking to marry anyone for a while. He played around and cooled his heels.
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Old 05-08-2012, 09:39 PM
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Originally Posted by GobSmacked82
It sure is tempting to try to write a convo around the actual concert that Whitney gave at the Cipriani Hotel in New York all those years ago. Her spotting KC in the crowd, reacting with sheer joy, giving him props before the crowd, which would applaud, and then inviting him onstage for his part of the IWALY dedication. I just know some video footage would pop up and totally debunk my convo as a line of nonsense. So here is what I say happened backstage, after KC saw his date off in a private car, and an assistant led him to Whitney’s suite.

WH: Oh. My. God. It’s The Man himself!
KC: Don't get up. Just wait there for me.
KC: Cissy, it's been so long. How could your daughter keep us apart like this? (hands Cissy some roses) And I thought I saw a little doyenne, or princess in training a little while ago.
Bobbi Kristina: (She raises her hand eagerly, straight up) Meeee!!
KC: (squats in front of her) Yep, there she is! The one and only Kristina. (presents a small toy to Bobbi Kristina) You’re going to like that.
Then KC sees Boooby Clown.
KC: Hey
He nods at Boooby, who is hovering. Then Kevin looks at Whitney again. Approaches her with a bouquet of wild flowers, the kind you find in a meadow.
KC: These are for you. (Winks at her)
WH: I am getting up, no matter what you say. Come here! (They hug, and of course his arms go around the waist.)
KC: Look at you! Congratulations. (He stops short to introduce his date.)
WH: (To Costner’s date) You want a chair, baby?
So everybody sits down and WH and KC have to behave themselves, while they make chit chat. Well, Whitney behaves, anyway.
KC: You had no idea I would be here, did you? You know, I had a notion to jump onstage to surprise you.
Whitney shakes her head and laughs, and is interrupted by …
Boooby: Naw, man. The handlers woulda clocked you.
KC: (To Whitney.) But you’d save me right? One word from the queen would stop the thugs from moving in.
WH: Yeah, I’d get you out of trouble. You don’t trip or anything, so I’m not going to do you like that.
Boooby: (Kisses his teeth.)
KC: (Winks at Whitney)
Boooby: You got something in your eye, man?
Whitney: It is kind of dry in here. I’ve been blinking a lot myself. Must be that cold, dry November air.
KC: You should wear a fur. That’ll keep you warm. You know, unless it gets too hot. (He can’t help but smile. Whitney blushes a little, and fans herself. Bobbi Kristina crawls further up in her lap, trying to snuggle.)
Whitney: Mama, isn’t it time for Krissy to head to bed? (Bobbi Kristina immediately brightens up, and begins to campaign for a doll, then her bike, then milk, then water.)
CH: Come on, now, love. (She scoops up the baby and chats with WH about heading to bed, etc.)
Kevin gets up and gets the door for them. At the door, they chit chat a little, BK high-fives KC and they leave. Then KC returns to his chair, across from the settee where Boooby and Whitney are sitting. Boooby glares, KC pays him no mind.
KC: (Nods at Whitney’s belly.) So how are things?
WH: (brightens) They are great! I’m in my –th month. (Everyone makes chit chat about her baby.)
KC: Very nice. You know I wasn’t going to ask you outright if you were expecting. That would have gotten me slapped.
WH: I wouldn’t do that. You know I’m not going to do any violence to Kevin. You never gave me a reason to slap you.
KC: (Smiles) Well, no I never did. Not me. (Looks bored, then says to Whitney) There is a nice terrace around the way. You want to grab your coat and go for a little walk?
Boooby: You want me to bust yo’ @ss?
WH: (Looks irritated) Would you stop? I could use a walk, anyway. I’m not crippled.
At that point, Boooby’s cell phone rings.
Boooby: Excuse me. I have to take this call. Y’all can go for a walk, I guess, but be back before long.
KC: Let’s go.
KC gets up and immediately finds Whitney’s coat. Then helps her into it. Once, they are out on whatever terrace or balcony there is, looking at the city lights, he lets out a breath.
KC: Bunch of bull----. ‘Be back before long.’ What is he, your chaperone?
WH: He’s being a husband. Come on, give him a chance. He’s making an effort, and we’re in a good place now. Let me just enjoy it.
KC: (Smirks) Well, don’t worry. I came her to be a perfect gentleman. (winks) I just have one question.
WH: Go, baby.
KC: How long is this mercy date going to last, Whitney? Man, you’re absolutely smokin’, and then I look at that guy and it doesn’t add up. I mean, I know you like kids, and women tend to pity strays, but good GOD, Whitney.
WH: It’s not a mercy date, it’s a marriage. And you need to be nicer, Kevin. You were provoking the guy.
KC: I wasn’t. But if I were doing that, who would blame me? Here you are, this luminous goddess. I’m surprised all the other guys behaved themselves. If we had our wits about us, instead of just watching you with our jaws on the floor, we’d fling your little man out into the cold and give you the Cleopatra treatment, you know? I’d be the main guy feeding you the grapes, and the other slackers could just be getting your water or something.
WH: Oh, stop campaigning. I’m just happy your date was there to keep you in check.
KC: Hey, wasn’t I a gentleman? Did I run up on stage and try to put my tongue in your mouth? No. And just now? I didn’t even pull you on my lap where you belong. We’re alone now and I’m not trying to be on you the way God intended. And I haven’t even tried to pick you up and run off with you to, like, the Caribbean or anything. You gotta start giving me credit.
WH: You can’t do all that, anyway, Kevin.
KC: There are loads of things I could do. Just try me.
WH: Please watch your mouth.
KC: Can’t. I’m watching yours.
WH: You ain’t getting’ no play. Not tonight.
KC: You sure you don’t want to get in my car and drive around the park? Snuggle up?
WH: No!! My husband expects us back very soon. You’re so reckless!
KC: (Stands up straight and watches her for a second.) OK. But we’re going to have a complicated history together of you keep chiding me like this.
WH: Oh, Lord.
KC: OK, I’ll stop. Just let me say this one thing.
WH: And?
KC: It’s pretty obvious to me … that … your mother likes me better. Don’t give me the daggers! I’m a nice guy, good manners. Baptist upbringing. She wants me as a son-in-law, I can tell. Just listen to your mother on this, Whitney.
WH: OK, I’m heading back in. You’re not behaving.
Dang, i was hoping you wrote that he surprised her on stage. I still liked it tho. BB is such a wannabe thug--he aint hard! I like how you wrote Kristina in there as well. Until after your break from convos! Peace!
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Old 05-08-2012, 09:40 PM
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Interesting update. Who was Booby call from? A girlfriend waiting in the wings? It would be interesting if he had to suddenly leave for a couple hours.

*Note- Of course BB could be mad because Whit directed IWALY more at Kev than anyone.
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Old 05-08-2012, 10:20 PM
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Has anyone ever seen these pics of Whit yet they are breathtaking and gorgeous!

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Old 05-08-2012, 11:56 PM
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I love you Gobsmacked! It made me laugh!! Especially this: Did I run up on stage and try to put my tongue in your mouth? No. And just now? I didn’t even pull you on my lap where you belong. We’re alone now and I’m not trying to be on you the way God intended. And I haven’t even tried to pick you up and run off with you to, like, the Caribbean or anything..

haha ;D
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Old 05-09-2012, 03:46 AM
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Originally Posted by AchrisL (View Post)

Interesting update. Who was Booby call from? A girlfriend waiting in the wings? It would be interesting if he had to suddenly leave for a couple hours.

*Note- Of course BB could be mad because Whit directed IWALY more at Kev than anyone.
I had not thought of that. Nice twist for part 2? It would have to be a few days from now, though ...
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Old 05-09-2012, 04:33 AM
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Originally Posted by EricaCallieShipper
Has anyone ever seen these pics of Whit yet they are breathtaking and gorgeous!
Erica I LOVE these!! Just stunning!! Thanks for posting these!!
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Old 05-09-2012, 06:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Raven03 (View Post)
Erica I LOVE these!! Just stunning!! Thanks for posting these!!
Yeah I found them some time ago and I just think they are amazing also this one as well is breathtaking:

I just love her hair like this too I've never seen it before like that it's different I wish she had it like that again.
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Old 05-09-2012, 12:16 PM
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Yes a girlfriend or a groupie that he has meet before willing to do the thing with him.

He excuses himself and tells Whit he needs to fly to Vegas for a job prospect (it's just a half hour by plance or 45 mins at most) and since he is on the verge of causing trouble she "understands" and bids him off.
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Old 05-09-2012, 02:11 PM
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Originally Posted by AchrisL

Yes a girlfriend or a groupie that he has meet before willing to do the thing with him.

He excuses himself and tells Whit he needs to fly to Vegas for a job prospect (it's just a half hour by plance or 45 mins at most) and since he is on the verge of causing trouble she "understands" and bids him off.
Maybe atlantic city b/c vegas would be prob 3hrs from where they are. Cipriani is on wallstreet in ny
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Old 05-09-2012, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Raven03 (View Post)
Maybe atlantic city b/c vegas would be prob 3hrs from where they are. Cipriani is on wallstreet in ny
Don't know about LV or AC, ladies. LV is too far and AC was just coming into its own as a celebrity hangout. If I can dig uo a hot hotel/casino from '98 then maybe. But I would go w/ a NY club. Th hey were right there.
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Old 05-09-2012, 03:55 PM
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Originally Posted by whitney&kevinforever (View Post)
Welcome on board!!

I agree with your take on the inspiration for these songs by Kevin and agree how sad he must have felt throughout the years loving Whitney but not being able to be with her. I remember hin saying in many recent interviews that (paraphrasing) " He had taken bit bites at life and that life has done the same to him". Kevin is only 57 years old but sounds when he says this as if he is in his 70s or 80s and that tells me that he thinks he has led a very eventful life (a lot of it in his heart and in his mind) that kind of took a lot of energy out of him. I also notice that he will say that when being interviewed about Whitney. If he believes that they were star-crossed-lovers and loved each other all these years without making it happen for them to live together like in a "forbidden" love that takes a lot of energy to be emotionally and spiritually in two places at a time: with your current partner while thinking about the partner you wished you could be with if the choice depended only on you.
In general, he sounds weary to me--no energy. I don't think it has to do with Whitney as much as everything overall--he's probably looking back on mistakes he made, how things could've gone better. Let's face it, he had a meteoric rise and then slammed into a brick wall in terms of his career. Just simply imploded. I think he burned alot of bridges in hollywood by some of his behavior and that contributed--that's why he'd have regrets. He's now doing the tv series Hatfield's and McCoy's but even that is bittersweet--'sweet' in that it is a decent role, but 'bitter' in that it's a tv series instead of a movie. I'm glad he has the music thing going, but I doubt it would be his first career choice. And then when he's asked about his kids--instead of being bubbly and enthusiastic, he sounds weary of that situation as well and calls them 'noisy'. He's trying to couch it as a lighthearted remark, but you get the feeling he really means it. I'm sure the early death of Whitney just brought home the point even more that life is short and can be even shorter than you expect. He's probably asking himself 'is this all there is?'

Originally Posted by AchrisL (View Post)
I don't think Kevin was looking to marry anyone for a while. He played around and cooled his heels.
While I'm sure he more than enjoyed his newly-found bachelorhood after his divorce, I've read that he had tried to reconcile with his ex-wife Cindy but she didn't want him back--understandable on her part as I'm certain any trust she had in him was completely destroyed. I also read that he'd have friends bring attractive women to his place so he could find a girlfriend. Then with at least Elle MacPherson--who was one of these women-- they reportedly were in a 'trial marriage' almost immediately after they met. That was in 1996 I believe. So I think he was ISO a stable relationship but like the song says he was 'looking for love in all the wrong places' like with porn actresses and God knows what else. He said CB was the only woman in his life he could take out in public. I mean wow--what does that say about who and what he was involved with? When you think about it--as unaccomplished as CB was and is and let's face it not exactly a '10' in the looks dept, that situation could've only been fostered if he had been looking for someone to settle down with--probably missed the stability of a marital relationship desperately. So instead of waiting any longer for either Whitney or a higher-caliber replacement than what he ended up with, in CB he found the 'least worst' option and decided to settle for it because it wasn't the particular woman in his life that matter as much as simply having a stable relationship again like he had once with Cindy. JMO of course, but that scenario fits what I've seen and read.
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