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Lexipedia 11-04-2011 03:02 AM

morning girls
did i miss anything

bambi pm

givelovesolong 11-04-2011 03:52 AM

Morning. And not really -- just a bit of discussion on the whole Gemma using "grandchild" as opposed to "grandchildren" thing.

Lexipedia 11-04-2011 04:05 AM

Thanks Bree.

jacey2 11-04-2011 05:43 AM

I guess I didn't pay enough attention when it came to Gemma and her reference to her grandchildren. I was more upset when Unser asked if she was ready to stand over the grave of the mother of her grandchildren and she didn't respond no. I think Gemma believes that she has some type of control over Clay. What I wanted for her to say is if anything at all happens to Tara she will go to the club about Piney. That way Clay could never have called the hit. All she did was ask Clay not to hurt Tara which left him an out.

The scenes from next week go from little loving moments with the Teller family and Tara/Jax to all out terror. I don't know how I will get through it. I think I'll pull a Piney and have a bottle of alcohol right next to me and just keep pouring.


givelovesolong 11-04-2011 05:58 AM

Jacey, there is no doubt I'll down a couple of Vodka shots before I watch the episode. I'm going to need to calm my nerves first. And during. And probably afterward, too. S**t.

And I think Gemma's lack of a response to Unser's comment about Tara being the next corpse she'll be standing over came down to the fact that she was trying to figure out how she'd handle the mess Clay had made. It wasn't about her not caring or wanting it -- I think the look on her face somewhat relayed that she doesn't want to see that happen. She was still trying to process everything herself, though.

Lexipedia 11-04-2011 06:03 AM

Bree, I agree you on Gemma's reaction to it. I mean I think she was taken by surprised by Unser saying that no matter how much in the back of her mind she might have thought it. It's one thing to think of something it's another to say it outloud.

This is OT a tad: but seriously Kenny is labeled as a series Regular on Prime Suspect I think the show has gotten better. While I've missed an episode or 2 all the episodes I've seen so far all he is a boyfriend to the lead of the show. Ugh. I mean idk why it's bothering me but it is.

phoenix_2011 11-04-2011 06:09 AM

Haylie, thank you for the new thread :hug:


Originally Posted by Lexipedia (Post 59407292)

Thomas has teeth already? WOW! I hope Tara isn't breastfeeding anymore.

I'm still struggling with Gemma and the grandchild comment. In the deleted scene she was adamant that Tara was Abel's mother and now she's talking crap. Hmmmmmmm :rolleyes:

ETA - I just came home from seeing Kings of Leon and Band of Horses were the support act. They played 'No ones gonna love you' and I instantly thought of Jax and Tara :lol:

givelovesolong 11-04-2011 06:12 AM

Haylie -- yes, exactly. And we know that Gemma harboured some concern for Tara's safety, otherwise we wouldn't have seen both of the occasions where she promised Clay she'd handle everything and in return, had him promise that Tara would remain untouched.

A lot of good that has done, huh?

ETA: I'm blanking, I think, and I can't think of which DS you mean, Phoenix?

And speaking of deleted scenes, I thought I read a comment on here awhile ago that mentioned there was a DS from S3 that (further) demonstrated Gemma's care and concern for Tara during her kidnapping? I've been through all the scenes and I didn't come across anything, so I wondered if I was imagining things or if I'd just missed something...?

luckynori 11-04-2011 06:19 AM

I think drinking is how many of us will get through the episode.

Gemma still seems to think she can have it all. She can have Clay and Jax and Tara and the boys. She can be Queen and mother and mother-in-law and grandmother. She can have JT dead, her secrets buried, and the love and respect of the club. But Clay has just screwed the pooch on her biker royalty fantasy. That is gone now. And she has to realize that something has got to give.

It is entirely possible that Jax could have forgiven her for JT. I don't know if it's a rewrite or Tara was lying, but when Tara read the letters in NS JT pretty much said if he died Gemma and Clay did it. Tara suggested that the only things in those letters about Gemma was her having an affair with Clay before JT died. I kind of find it hard to believe that someone as well versed in sex as Jax is couldn't look back on that time and realize Gemma and Clay were screwing around. Even JT said they were barely hiding it.

But if that is the only thing in those letters about Gemma, I think Jax could have forgiven her. Especially in light of finding out about JT's own affair. All else fails she lies and says JT was full of crap and her affair with Clay didn't happen until after he died. Jax doesn't put much stock into anything his father says anymore, so lying could very well work.

Covering up Piney's death is a problem. If she only learned it was Clay after and let it play out, things would have been different. But covering for Clay. Disrespecting Piney that way, that's going to be hard for Jax to get over.

But thanks to Clay picking up that phone, Gemma is now Uber Screwed. I don't know if Jax could forgive her or Unser for knowing the threat Clay posed to Tara and not letting him know. Someone (I think Zoie) mentioned that Clay would have no problem dragging her down in this with him. I don't doubt Clay would try to hide behind Gemma if/when Jax finds out he ordered this hit.

Even if he could get past the hit on Tara (which won't happen) his sons were in danger. The man said the only thing that got him through the past 14 months were Tara and his boys. Clay put a target on them.

He beat the guy who sold Wendy crank while she was pregnant with Abel. He shot Kohn with no hesitation. He went out of his way to chase down and kill Salazar.

Clay created a mess. And by thinking she could control him, Gemma is now pulled into this mess with him. Jax finds out about this hit on Tara, that Gemma knew where Clay's head was, colors her involvement (or lack thereof) with JT and Piney now.

Back before the

Lexipedia 11-04-2011 06:27 AM

Lucky, I completely agree with you. Speaking of you Lucky, I'm excited for Sunday
Bree, yes it was a clubhouse scene with Juice.

phoenix_2011 11-04-2011 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by givelovesolong (Post 59423095)

ETA: I'm blanking, I think, and I can't think of which DS you mean, Phoenix?

And speaking of deleted scenes, I thought I read a comment on here awhile ago that mentioned there was a DS from S3 that (further) demonstrated Gemma's care and concern for Tara during her kidnapping? I've been through all the scenes and I didn't come across anything, so I wondered if I was imagining things or if I'd just missed something...?

It was in Out. Gemma asked if Tara said yes to Jax's proposal and said how he needed someone real to settle down with.

That DS from S3 was from ep12. It was with Gemma and Juice, she was preparing for the breakfast the next day and asked for news on Tara.

givelovesolong 11-04-2011 06:34 AM

Lucky -- Jax is without a doubt going to be pissed off for not being informed about any possible danger Tara could have been in, no matter where the threat was coming from. And I think it's worse that it was his own mother that kept it from him, too. I think he'd take that harder, especially if something were to happen to Tara. And if that is the case, Gemma had better feel as guilty as all hell.

I don't know why, but I'd always thought Gemma was aware of the gun stuff and that it was actually for another reason -- that he didn't disclose -- that Clay had JT killed. When Unser first asked Clay did Gemma know the real reason, I just figured there was more to it, but then this last episode Unser seemed to indicate it was the gun thing that Clay lied to him about and it had him questioning if maybe Gemma had lied about it too.

And I agree that Gemma thinks she can have it all. At least, I definitely believe she thinks she can save it all. And her actions in reaction to Piney's death didn't really surprise me -- if Clay listened to her, it might have even had the chance to work. I figure then a whole lot less blood would be shed and it would soon move on to a battle for Gemma to keep Jax and Tara and the boys close, keep them from leaving.

I'm still very interested to see how Gemma reacts to the information that Clay is behind the hit, though. Whenever that happens. She made him promise twice that Tara would be left alone, and both times he lied and went ahead with plans behind her back.

ETA: Thanks guys. I missed that somehow, so I'll get on that.

And yeah, I thought that may have been the DS you were referring to, Phoenix.

luckynori 11-04-2011 06:36 AM

The deleted scene with Juice and Gemma was in the extended version of June Wedding, which may be why you couldn't find it in the deleted scenes. Because that added to the extended version of the episode on the DVD.

It was a really good scene because it starts with Happy kind of giving the prospects crap about Gemma giving them the slip. Juice says it's happened to all of them to which Happy replies "Not to me."

That's when Juice tells her that Tara is being held hostage. She gets really concerned and wants to go down there. The only way Juice gets her to stay is by telling her it would kill Jax if she got taken in.

givelovesolong 11-04-2011 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by luckynori (Post 59423423)
The deleted scene with Juice and Gemma was in the extended version of June Wedding, which may be why you couldn't find it in the deleted scenes. Because that added to the extended version of the episode on the DVD.

It was a really good scene because it starts with Happy kind of giving the prospects crap about Gemma giving them the slip. Juice says it's happened to all of them to which Happy replies "Not to me."

That's when Juice tells her that Tara is being held hostage. She gets really concerned and wants to go down there. The only way Juice gets her to stay is by telling her it would kill Jax if she got taken in.

Yep, that'll be why. I knew it was hidden somewhere in the extended episode so I scrolled through it and must have passed the scene off without realising. Also, I get very distracted by the ultrasound scene and I usually end up watching it over and over and over again for about half an hour... :P

Thanks, Lucky.

luckynori 11-04-2011 06:52 AM

I know we all have differing opinions on who it is that's actually grabbing Tara. What I would be interested to see is if it turns out to be someone other than Lobo, if Unser, Gemma, and Tara automatically assume that it was Clay anyway.

That would be a bit of a twist wouldn't it. That because of his 'I won't hurt Tara' finger crossing, Gemma immediately assumes (both correctly and incorrectly) that Tara was taken by someone Clay hired. I could even see Unser helping her get to that point

Gemma: He promised me he wouldn't hurt Tara.
Unser: Doesn't mean he wouldn't hire someone to do it. He had a lot of help taking JT out, too, remember.

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