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Old 05-08-2011, 06:21 PM
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I WAITED A WEEK twelve I would have been flipping out. I'm not even sure when I first saw those episodes, I think I had to wait to catch them randomly on repeats because I didn't have internet then so I couldn't watch it online.

I just saw ''Reptile Boy''. I love the last scene...
And then Halloween. Buffy wanting to be a normal girl from him and Angel liking her because she isn't.
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Old 05-08-2011, 06:22 PM
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There's a ghost in the mirror,
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My feet have led me straight into my grave.
Oh Lord have you walked away? Have you walked away from me?
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Old 05-08-2011, 06:30 PM
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Originally Posted by CallistaHogan (View Post)
Of course, I completely agree with you since you've seen the Spike/Buffy story and you're more of an expert on it than I am. In many ways, their stories are completely different. When you start comparing them, piece by piece, element by element, their stories are utterly different and I wouldn't claim they're not. In fact, I adore the fact that they are completely different. Wouldn't it be boring just watching the same scenes over and over again with different faces? I definitely think so.

I can't really speak on Spike/Buffy, so I'll just take your judgment on it. However, I disagree with the fact that Spike had parts of his humanity before he met Buffy and Damon didn't before he met Elena. I think the inherent difference in the two lies in the fact that in the TVDverse, there exists a convenient "switch" that vampires can turn off when they become vampires. That's what Damon did. In Buffyverse, Spike did no such thing. In BtVS, vampires are considered, by and large, purely evil creatures with no hope of redemption. They don't need a switch. I'm not sure what's so special about Spike that he could fall in love with Buffy, but I do know that Damon had humanity before he met Elena. He just didn't want to feel it. He didn't want to admit he had it. Yet both of the characters had the ability to love. Even though Spike eventually got over Drusilla, I do believe that he truly loved her. The way he doted on her clearly expressed that idea. In much the same way, Damon loved Katherine for 145 years, even when he claimed to have shut out every inch of his humanity. It was only when he met Elena that he realized that he couldn't shut out his humanity and that his image of Katherine had been a mirage. Spike realized that Drusilla wasn't worth his time and effort without any help from Buffy, obviously, but regardless, they both realized that the person they had been in love with for years wasn't worth it.

I disagree that Elena is Damon's only link to humanity. Damon might have found himself gradually being unable to keep that switch flipped when he met Elena, but ultimately... that's not his only link to humanity now. He cares about his brother. He loves his brother, even though he'd never say so in those exact words. Like he said in the S1 finale, he found himself wanting to protect Mystic Falls. If his only link to humanity was Elena, then he'd only want to keep her safe. He wouldn't want to protect Elena's friends, her family, her town. And yet... he did. Elena might have been the catalyst for Damon's return to humanity, but she is not, by any stretch, his only link to humanity. I believe that with all my heart. Now he cares about Stefan. Liz. Caroline. He's turning into a better man, with hardly any encouragement from Elena (that we've seen, with the exception of 2x13). He does selfless things without Elena's knowledge or approval. Elena doesn't even know the half of how selfless Damon has truly become.

I suppose we just have inherent differences in how we view Damon, in particular, but by and large, I agree that they have numerous differences. However, as an objective bystander, the end result of their journeys are quite similar. There are little nuances to each that make them distinguishable from each other, but yes, I believe they're similar. We just see the characters quite differently, IMO. Which is interesting. Variety is the spice of life!
You see, in BTVS there is such thing as a vampire without a soul and a vampire with a soul. In fact, there was always only one vampire with a soul - Angel. He got a soul because he was cursed. Soulles vampires are pure evil with no redeeming qualities... and yet Spike was different. I know you didn't see the later seasons ,but Spike went to fight his soul back on his own. No other vampire in history ever did that, because as you and I both mentioned, Jossverce vampires are pure evil and they love being that way; they have no humanity and no other vampire before Spike ever wanted to bring his soul back. But Spike ended up wanting that. He always had some humanity left in him that no other soulles vampire in Jossverce ever had.

TVD vampires are very different. They are able to have humanity and some of them are able to control their instincts, they are capable of love and friendship and caring and they can get alone with other people and live among them: like Caroline, Stefan, Lexy for instance. With Spike he was just ONE. The only vampire like that... Damon's story is great and I'm not, by any means, trying to bring his character down or anything (I thought that for some reason my previous post might look like that and I'm sorry if it did, because it is definitely not what I intended to do. I was just trying to point out the differences ), he is unique on his way of improvement and it's great. I think both of them have an amazing story and I highly recommend you to see BTVS so you can fully form a view on it

And I do see the similarity between both Elena and Buffy being the inspiration for Damon and Spike to change. These girls where able to bring the best in them

And as we remembered Damon...


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Old 05-08-2011, 06:32 PM
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Peter/Olivia: Finished S1, and should start S2 on Monday, can't wait
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Robin/Marian: Miss them so much
Andrew/Hannah: Being the most adorable rl couple ever
----> “I’m in the arms of my first love. The person I’ll always love. I love you, Scott Mccall.”
Because I love you
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Old 05-08-2011, 06:34 PM
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Loved that. They were always on each other's minds. I don't usually end up shipping book couples, either. I tend to just take in a novel as a whole, not really focusing on the romance sub-plots necessarily. But when a book couple does catch my eye, I fall hard for them and just can't get enough of their story.
Same. Like Jacob/Marlena from Water for Elephants - loved the book as a whole so much, and I enjoyed them but not enough to ship them. But Dex/Emma were the story of this novel - their relationship, and honestly Emma's effect on Dexter was the story. It was beautiful.

And that Damon/Elena video from the last couple of pages "Skinny Love" is absolutely breathtaking. This finale is going to kill me

And yay Buffy talk! Esp. Buffy/Angel - we need to see more BA love in here.
"I'm not saying goodbye because this is not the end of our story."
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Old 05-08-2011, 06:48 PM
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Originally Posted by mary ksand (View Post)
You see, in BTVS there is such thing as a vampire without a soul and a vampire with a soul. In fact, there was always only one vampire with a soul - Angel. He got a soul because he was cursed. Soulles vampires are pure evil with no redeeming qualities... and yet Spike was different. I know you didn't see the later seasons ,but Spike went to fight his soul back on his own. No other vampire in history ever did that, because as you and I both mentioned, Jossverce vampires are pure evil and they love being that way; they have no humanity and no other vampire before Spike ever wanted to bring his soul back. But Spike ended up wanting that. He always had some humanity left in him that no other soulles vampire in Jossverce ever had.

TVD vampires are very different. They are able to have humanity and some of them are able to control their instincts, they are capable of love and friendship and caring and they can get alone with other people and live among them: like Caroline, Stefan, Lexy for instance. With Spike he was just ONE. The only vampire like that... Damon's story is great and I'm not, by any means, trying to bring his character down or anything (I thought that for some reason my previous post might look like that and I'm sorry if it did, because it is definitely not what I intended to do. I was just trying to point out the differences ), he is unique on his way of improvement and it's great. I think both of them have an amazing story and I highly recommend you to see BTVS so you can fully form a view on it

And I do see the similarity between both Elena and Buffy being the inspiration for Damon and Spike to change. These girls where able to bring the best in them

And as we remembered Damon...


Oh, okay. So vampires in Buffyverse ARE able to bring back their souls? They simply choose not to? From what I had seen of Buffy, I had just assumed that becoming a vampire strips oneself of their soul and the only way to have a soul is if you were "cursed" into having one again. I completely understand now. In a way, then, all vampires have this box inside them, the box that contains their soul. Most of their "boxes" are shut and locked and there is no way that they could open them even if they had the desire. Angel's box was opened forcibly by someone who had the lock and they reserved the right to lock the box up again if they felt it necessary. Yet Spike's "box" was always left partly open, so that he had the desire to love, to feel, etc. And when he met Buffy, that box was thrown wide open. Almost like the switch in the TVD-verse, except the default for a TVD vamp is that the switch is always "on," so to speak. They always have their emotions unless they choose to switch them off. So Buffy vamps = box closed. TVD vamps = switch defaulted to "emotions." Does that make sense? Am I getting this right? I'd hate to make a fool out of myself.

Your post definitely didn't make it seem like you were dissing Damon, don't worry about that. I completely understand your perspective, and in a way, Spike's story is even more fantastic than Damon's. They're both utterly unique, although I can't help drawing parallels. I am a parallel fiend.

I also agree about Buffy and Elena. They were the catalyst to Spike and Damon realizing the full extent of their humanity, but after that... they were able to form connections. They were able to care about other people. In a word, they became selfless. The girls really brought out the best in them.

And I will definitely have to finish watching BtVS after this conversation. I already KNOW that I'm going to end up shipping Spike/Buffy. In a way, I already do.

Damon/Elena and Damon/Stefan are the two best relationships on TVD, bar none.

ETA: Just saw the last post on the previous page. I had forgotten about Darla. So it is almost like the switch. Darla's "box" was left slightly open as well, so she was also able to feel love. Yet some vampires don't choose to open the box and they choose to leave it closed. I'm over-simplifying things, of course, but that's what makes sense to me.
chuck, tell me our story.

Last edited by CallistaHogan; 05-08-2011 at 06:53 PM
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Old 05-08-2011, 07:24 PM
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Most of their "boxes" are shut and locked and there is no way that they could open them even if they had the desire. Angel's box was opened forcibly by someone who had the lock and they reserved the right to lock the box up again if they felt it necessary. Yet Spike's "box" was always left partly open, so that he had the desire to love, to feel, etc. And when he met Buffy, that box was thrown wide open.
That is almost a perfect description I only want to add a little remark: not most boxes are shut and locked in Whedonverse, but ALL the boxes are. As you mentioned TVD switch thing is always "on" by default for all the vampires unless they choose to switch it "off", while in Whedonverse it was only Spike who fought back the monster inside him and brought his soul back willingly. No other vampire would ever make such a choice, because, as you mentioned, their boxes are locked, but Spike's was always half opened (even before meeting Buffy he was able to be selfless, to feel, to love the way other vampires could not) and Buffy was the one to open it wide.

Again, I am absolutely not trying to say that Damon's story was less epic or anything, it just was different in terms of the writer's world, you know? TVD vampires and BTVS vampires are very different and it makes both shows even more interesting to watch.

And I will definitely have to finish watching BtVS after this conversation. I already KNOW that I'm going to end up shipping Spike/Buffy. In a way, I already do.
I sm glad you are looking forward to see Spuffy and believe me, they are not gonna disappoint you

Damon/Elena and Damon/Stefan are the two best relationships on TVD, bar none.
Definitely I am basically watching the show for them. I love how complecated, but real and unique at the same time both relationship are.

ETA: Just saw the last post on the previous page. I had forgotten about Darla. So it is almost like the switch. Darla's "box" was left slightly open as well, so she was also able to feel love. Yet some vampires don't choose to open the box and they choose to leave it closed. I'm over-simplifying things, of course, but that's what makes sense to me.
I think Darla was one of those very rare cases Like in Spike's case, her box was slightly open as well, but just not the way it was with Spike. As much as unique Darla could be, she never fought for her soul. Spike was the one and the only who ever did that
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Old 05-08-2011, 07:35 PM
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Originally Posted by mary ksand (View Post)
That is almost a perfect description I only want to add a little remark: not most boxes are shut and locked in Whedonverse, but ALL the boxes are. As you mentioned TVD switch thing is always "on" by default for all the vampires unless they choose to switch it "off", while in Whedonverse it was only Spike who fought back the monster inside him and brought his soul back willingly. No other vampire would ever make such a choice, because, as you mentioned, their boxes are locked, but Spike's was always half opened (even before meeting Buffy he was able to be selfless, to feel, to love the way other vampires could not) and Buffy was the one to open it wide.

Again, I am absolutely not trying to say that Damon's story was less epic or anything, it just was different in terms of the writer's world, you know? TVD vampires and BTVS vampires are very different and it makes both shows even more interesting to watch.
I completely agree with you. I would only say that, given Darla's case, the vast majority of the boxes are closed. Yet, in some rare cases, the boxes are not as airtight as they should be or they're left slightly ajar. So some emotions, like love, are able to seep through, but the vampires are still selfish and only concerned with their own wants and desires and such. Darla might have loved Angel, but she wanted him at all costs. She didn't have a care in the world for anyone else except Angel. From what I've seen of her, anyway. Whereas Spike was able to wrench his entire box open once he met Buffy, even though it was left slightly ajar even before that. As you say, Darla was only able to feel love. Spike was able to regain his soul: an extraordinary feat for a vampire.

Yes, I completely understand that. Both stories are epic in their own way -- just as epic, IMO. I just have a soft spot for DE because I know their entire story, but I'm sure that I will love Spike/Buffy just as much once I know everything about them.


chuck, tell me our story.
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Old 05-08-2011, 07:43 PM
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Old 05-08-2011, 07:44 PM
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Originally Posted by CallistaHogan (View Post)
ETA: Just saw the last post on the previous page. I had forgotten about Darla. So it is almost like the switch. Darla's "box" was left slightly open as well, so she was also able to feel love. Yet some vampires don't choose to open the box and they choose to leave it closed. I'm over-simplifying things, of course, but that's what makes sense to me.
I think the box metaphor's too restrictive for the concept of a soul on BTVS/ATS. Just like with humanity, a vampire's actions depend on choice. We only know of a handful of vampires entire story and they were all very different and I always felt that it was easier to peg them as evil then to admit that there's humanity inside of the vampires and that maybe that humanity is what makes them the perfect killers.

Spike is a heavily romanticized vampire and that's probably why he doesn't work for me. Angel was a much more layered being in that he's perpetually beige when he starts to be about more than just Buffy. Darla was as well, when she started to find her own voice and narrative. There are a lot of other vampires that you meet who are not necessarily one-dimensional. Look at Dracula, The Master, Mr. Trick, Drucilla, Penn, etc.

Also: I love everything about who these two are and choose to be on any given day. Whether you believe in Angel/Angelus is up to you but I find it all fascinating.

I am done with my graceless heart
So tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart

Last edited by ashleyt; 05-08-2011 at 07:51 PM
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Old 05-08-2011, 07:50 PM
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Originally Posted by ashleyt (View Post)
I think the box metaphor's too restrictive for the concept of a soul on BTVS/ATS. Just like with humanity, a vampire's actions depend on choice. We only know of a handful of vampires entire story and they were all very different and I always felt that it was easier to peg them as evil then to admit that there's humanity inside of the vampires and that maybe that humanity is what makes them the perfect killers.

Spike is a heavily romanticized vampire and that's probably why he doesn't work for me. Angel was a much more layered being in that he's perpetually beige when he starts to be about more than just Buffy. Darla was as well, when she started to find her own voice and narrative. There are a lot of other vampires that you meet who are not necessarily one-dimensional. Look at Dracula, The Master, Mr. Trick, Drucilla, Penn, etc.
Of course. The box metaphor is too restrictive for BtVS, just like the concept of a "switch" on TVD is often too restrictive. It's just a way to compartmentalize why and how vampires became different from the soulless vampires that Buffy, or anyone else, stakes and kills because they DO have no humanity left.
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Old 05-08-2011, 07:56 PM
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Originally Posted by CallistaHogan (View Post)
Of course. The box metaphor is too restrictive for BtVS, just like the concept of a "switch" on TVD is often too restrictive. It's just a way to compartmentalize why and how vampires became different from the soulless vampires that Buffy, or anyone else, stakes and kills because they DO have no humanity left.
Also vampires are half breeds on BTVS, not so much in TVD. So you have to account for the demon inside of the vampire. We actually receive no information on exactly what type of demon "infects" the human when they turn. Not all demons are bad there either so that's also affects the type of vampire you get.

It's so hard to stop talking about these shows
I am done with my graceless heart
So tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart
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Old 05-08-2011, 08:02 PM
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On Buffy/Angel though... the vampires were so much more detached from their human selves. I mean, even Spike; he was a nerd as a human. He had no back bone. And as a vampire he was competitive and loud and in your face.

Angel literally had a different name when he was soulless. Because he was literally two different people. Angelus was different than other vampires in that he didn't just enjoy causing pain, he craved it. The way other vampires craved blood. He would spend time and effort on torturing a person. Something other vampires wouldn't do. Other vampires cared about the kill. The blood. Angel cared about creating the most pain. And he was an oddity because of this. If you look at Angel and Angelus, he literally carries himself differently as both. The way he speaks, walks, etc. Where as Spike has basically the same personality with and without a soul. As does Darla (though she's obviously much more moral). So it really depends on the vampire.

And like someone said earlier. Vampires can love. Spike loved Dru very much. He would have given his life for her, which is very out of character for a vampire. I don't think Angelus and Darla loved each other. They were devoted to each other because it worked. They worked well together and enjoyed each others company. But the second that changed they would throw each other under the bus in a heartbeat.

Harmony was very much like her human self when she was a vampire. Then you have Gunn's sister who turned and was immediately a different person. It can go either way and theirs really no pattern to it.

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Old 05-08-2011, 08:02 PM
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Originally Posted by ashleyt (View Post)
Also vampires are half breeds on BTVS, not so much in TVD. So you have to account for the demon inside of the vampire. We actually receive no information on exactly what type of demon "infects" the human when they turn. Not all demons are bad there either so that's also affects the type of vampire you get.

It's so hard to stop talking about these shows
That's also true. Sometimes vampires are more evil than others. Sometimes their "boxes" are left slightly ajar. Your mention of all the vampires that are not typically one-dimensional (Drusilla, Darla, Mr. Trick) makes me wonder if the boxes might be open slightly in some vampires, but the same emotion does not "escape" every time. Sometimes it might be love. Sometimes it might be cunning more refined than any other human could have had or any other stereotypical vampire could have had. Sometimes it's more strength. More intelligence. Like Drusilla, maybe it's that childlike innocence that, all in all, ended up making her a better predator. It all depends on what type of box you have. The type of demon you have. Just like there are wide varieties of people and wide varieties of empathy levels, there are wide varieties in vampires as well. The only difference is that vampires tend to sway more towards the evil end of the spectrum and it is a rare vampire that can turn them around to possibly become unselfish.

I know, right? It's so difficult to stop thinking about the little nuances. It's all so complicated!
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Old 05-08-2011, 08:05 PM
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LOVE the "Without You" DE vid!

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