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scififan2009 10-05-2020 10:58 AM

This was a funny one.

Clark and Chloe finally had chemistry. ;)

activia 10-05-2020 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by scififan2009 (Post 102111512)
This was a funny one.

Clark and Chloe finally had chemistry. ;)


Strong opinion

I thought they had a great brotP chemistry with sometimes seeing little hints of more.
For me
and Lex/Lionel had great Chemistry with most everyone

eternalfate 10-05-2020 07:26 PM

Clark had chemistry with the people he was suppose to have chemistry with. lol Whether anyone shipped it or not. lol All different kind of chemistry as well.

activia 10-05-2020 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by eternalfate (Post 102115134)
Clark had chemistry with the people he was suppose to have chemistry with. lol Whether anyone shipped it or not. lol All different kind of chemistry as well.

Agreed. Some of the guest characters were better than others. Amazing with the kids... and Alicia. Stand out to me

scififan2009 10-06-2020 09:16 AM

activia 10-06-2020 09:24 AM


I have probably watched this episode 100X hahaha and legit watched it 6 times

rpmaluki 10-06-2020 09:32 AM

Clark was absolutely hilarious in this episode, like laugh out loud funny once he thought he didn't have any abilities. I especially loved seeing his feelings for Lois from a different POV.

activia 10-06-2020 11:08 AM

Absolutely! I def LOL with that rooftop scene. "This handle really needs maintenance look at the rust!" "The sound up here is amazing! It's a perfect echo point" "Chloe that could have really hurt me"

I loved that Chloe got to see Clark from a different perspective because Clark IS so much different with Lois. Chloe's reaction like who is this guy... Also for her to see what it's like to be the object of Clark's affection "you never looked at me like that before".... and then when Clark acts different to hide his secret. "superspeed? we didnt even take a car" Chloe is like UGH WTF :lol:

scififan2009 10-06-2020 12:55 PM

It was nice to watch the show have some fun at the Chlois fans expense.

They really were the worst thing about being in the fandom back then.

activia 10-06-2020 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by scififan2009 (Post 102121467)
It was nice to watch the show have some fun at the Chlois fans expense.

They really were the worst thing about being in the fandom back then.


That is Chloe/Lois right? I mean that has to be a BroTP ship. How could that be negative?


eternalfate 10-06-2020 01:39 PM

^ Back in season 1-3 a lot of fans speculated that Chloe would end up being Lois Lane because of her origin story and how she was written how people would've expected Lois to be written as a teenager and remember Chloe wasn't in the comics at all so it made people more convinced of that.;)

Season 4 is when everyone knew for sure that ummm... Chloe and Lois are not the same person so those hopes and dreams were dashed out the window. lol

activia 10-06-2020 01:55 PM

So were they just endlessly bitter about Lois's appearance? Was that the issue?

eternalfate 10-06-2020 01:58 PM

^ Some fans were because they thought it would reduce Chloe's role and it dashed some of their dreams of Chloe being Lois... however even with all of that, Lois was an instant fan favorite when she joined which is how originally she was only suppose to appear in 4 episodes that got moved up to 8 and ultimately 13 for season 4!
But Chlois stands for = Chloe/Lois, Chloe is Lois. loll

activia 10-06-2020 02:22 PM

Oh how different it is to binge watch a 10 season show in 2 weeks.

scififan2009 10-06-2020 02:32 PM

Consider yourself lucky you weren’t around during the shipping and fandom wars.

Every season they kept coming up with lame ass theories how Lois would eventually get killed off and Chloe would change her name to Lois Lane and end up with Clark.

Eventually it just became sad to watch them even try.

activia 10-06-2020 03:39 PM

It couldn't have been as bad as the TVd fandom lol but yah that can ruin the enjoyment...gah...always surprises me how different people see the same show. Of course I dropped tvd after s4.

scififan2009 10-06-2020 03:45 PM

Happy to say that I watched TVD without ever getting involved in fandom drama. Just binged the first 6 seasons. Huge time saver watching a show after it’s almost run it’s course.

eternalfate 10-06-2020 07:15 PM

I think it's so much different binging a show then watching it as it airs... when you watch it while it airs, it's the headaches, the what if's, the speculations. lol Just a lot. lol Binging makes you watch some things differently I think.

Nicole that's amazing you went through Smallville in 2 weeks.:rotfl:

activia 10-06-2020 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by eternalfate (Post 102124689)

Nicole that's amazing you went through Smallville in 2 weeks.:rotfl:

Amazing is one word for it

I got a lot of flack. It helped my husband wasnt working due to the pandemic so I could slack off.

Yes I have watched shows both ways and usually enjoy them more binge watching but they seem to stick with you more when you watch them live....i find when you binge its more like watching a movie you are just so in it and its fresh and you don't have time to theorize so you tend to get more surprised...but you can forget cause you haven't dedicated years of your life and talked with people about it unless you get obsessed like I did with smallville lol the office I watched in a couple of months..err not weeks...2 a night...and I already forgot most of it.

I also find when binging you are less likely to drop a show

Watching friends live was a truly awesome experience because at that time everyone talked about it. I would go to school the next day and discuss it with my friends and it became part of our culture..... its not like that as much anymore as there is so much more content and people dvr etc. ... its not the same.

scififan2009 10-06-2020 10:51 PM

I seriously envy people who just get to experience Smallville now for the first time, via binge watching. It must be so nice for them.

activia 10-09-2020 08:37 AM

I have been reading through smallville tropes (enjoyable) and I came across this which is relevant to this discussion (which is exactly what you are explaining to me):

A meta example. In the early seasons, the writers used Chloe as an Expy for Lois Lane. However, it was apparently a little too effective, and once the real Lois was introduced in Season 4, there was a very vocal faction known as the "Chlois Theorists" who refused to accept Erica Durance's Lois as the real thing and clung to the idea that Chloe would inevitably turn out to be the "real" Lois. The producers, the writers and even Allison Mack herself repeatedly stated that the Chlois Theory was never going to happen, but the Chlois Theorists adopted the attitude that the showrunners were simply "hiding the truth," as if this were some grand conspiracy and insisted that, by the time Smallville ended, the theory would come true (Super Secret Spoiler: It didn't). Eventually, though, the exasperated writers decided to make a joke out of it and spoof the idea in Season 8's "Hex," via a magical spell by Zatanna (everything goes back to normal by the end). The episode's ending even has Chloe pointedly note "I will never be Lois Lane" as she fully embraces her new role as Watchtower.

rpmaluki 10-09-2020 09:07 AM

While Chloe was a Lois Lane stand in from S1-S3, I rejected the idea of her somehow becoming LL. I wanted "real" Lois Lane and was thrilled Erica came onto to the show and could never accept anything less.

My first time watching this show, I struggled with a lot of things/creative choices and such. I only watched as long as I did because I was a Superman fan and wanted to love the show and while I liked TW, I wasn't enthralled much so it wasn't difficult to cut ties with the show for over a decade. I loved Oliver and Michael actually made me care about Lex (up to a point - I mean he's THE arch nemesis for Superman, eventually I'd dread watching his scenes no matter how brilliantly played by MR). Clois are the reason I got back into it, Tom and Erica sold me this show this time around, they had a great rapport as either rivals or friends and eventually as lovers. The comedic timing in this episode was top notch. It reminds me of the first half of Persuasion (the funny bits) where Lois isn't acting herself, just like Clark in Hex. It's almost the reverse "Lois" was playing against a hexed Clark and in Persuasion Clark is playing against a hexed Lois and both are trying to get the other to snap out of it.

activia 10-09-2020 09:24 AM

I never thought Chloe was going to be LL. I wasn't a big superman fan but I knew the basic mythology. I didn't even know Lana was comic Canon. I believe I briefly watched the show when it originally aired because I remember having these thoughts...why is he obsessed with Lana instead of Lois why is Lex his friend and he doesn't this really superman or just some WB teeny Bop show? I honestly don't remember what if any episode I watched and wonder if I only saw promos and heard about it in passing. Obviously I didn't give the show a chance. Although back then I didn't know I was a sci fi fan because when I was young my dad made me watch star trek with him and I didn't like the show. I originally even rejected Stargate after only seeing an episode or two ..then years later came across it again and became obsessed and bought the entire box series. Then vampire diaries gave me another in to the fantasy genre..and I gave flash an honest shot and loved it. Due to the crossovers I decided to give the rest of the arrowverse a shot but only really ended up liking arrow. While I was watching reactors to Flash they mentioned smallville during the elsworlds crossover as they went to the farm location and again when TW made an appearance on COIE ..the look on the reactors face ..his eyes lit up like you wouldn't believe so I decided I would have to watch it one day.....and well here we are.

I figured that Lex would turn evil and Chloe and Lana were just earlier characters then the mythos I knew. As soon as Lois showed up I knew Clana wasn't going to be end game....I think I remembered COIE to the point where they would be together but not sure if I really put that much thought into it as a binge watched the show at an alarming pace. I legit finished the first half of the show in less than a week. I did spoil myself on what season they found out his secret cause it was so frustrating.....but I didn't know how or exactly when.

eternalfate 10-10-2020 07:57 PM

^ People just believed in the Chloe will turn out to be Lois Lane theory because of her background... it screamed Lois Lane! and of course at the time Chloe was the only character on the show who wasn't from the comics so it made people question what was her future purpose and her being a reporter and then wanting to be in the Daily Planet screamed Lois Lane. lol

Also about your whole post, I am happy that after all the years of rejecting Smallville that you gave it a try and it really became one of your favorite series because of it.:)

activia 10-10-2020 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by eternalfate (Post 102161792)
^ People just believed in the Chloe will turn out to be Lois Lane theory because of her background... it screamed Lois Lane! and of course at the time Chloe was the only character on the show who wasn't from the comics so it made people question what was her future purpose and her being a reporter and then wanting to be in the Daily Planet screamed Lois Lane. lol

Also about your whole post, I am happy that after all the years of rejecting Smallville that you gave it a try and it really became one of your favorite series because of it.:)

But then why would they name her Chloe instead of just calling her Lois Lane??? They didnt do that with any other characters. So yeah I had no idea Pete Ross was part of the mythos either so easier for me to accept there being other characters I guess.

of course I'm thrilled too! My dad is going to watch SV with me :D. He's not a shipper but he loves Sci-Fi/Super hero shows. If you haven't watched Stargate SG1/Atlantis I recommend :p

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