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Ron_Beckett 03-26-2009 06:24 PM

Yeah normal Clark was funny. I loved how Chlois went at Clark with the pipe and missed and he said he could have gotten hurt!

And I agree, Chloe as Watchtower is more fitting. Her reporter days are over. While she was great at it and everything it's time to move forward.

Wingster 03-26-2009 06:40 PM

Clark framed Lois rules? huh...
How exactly did Chloe change back?
Watchtower is good but i would've preferred her get back to reporting

Erica was decent as Chloe imo...some of her line delivery was off i felt

ocfan27 03-26-2009 07:01 PM

Clark and the Flash working together? Magician? How random. Jimmy and Chloe really over-marriage wise? Chloe waking up as Lois…what will Clark do? Will he notice? Clark-looking good as usual. Taking Jimmy’s side? What? Luthorcorp! Lex on the newspaper! Oliver looking at the paper. Oliver can’t go near Lex’s private collection….him looking at the newspaper again…what’s he planning? Babbling in Latin? What? Clark realizing it was Chloe-lol! Clark misses the old days! I don’t want him to be a normal reporter! Book brings Death? Clark has been affected by magic….Clark wished he was normal? Not original at all! Clark will never be normal…no matter what he wishes for. Clark trying to be funny… “Just don’t tell human resources” I don’t like people all normal! He’s strange when he tries to be normal. What is Oliver up to now? “Thanks’ Lex” Oliver working for the magician? Oliver and Zatanna fighting…. “You can’t just bring someone back and change fate” –Oliver Clark isn’t made to be a normal reporter..he’s a superhero! Chloe saying all inspiring words to Clark! Clark jumping to stop the spell! Clark talking about Jonathan!..aww! Clark finally realized he has a purpose! Talking about Chloe and Jimmy-not Clark! Clark needed to mention Lex! What are Oliver/Chloe up to? Working with the JLA? What? Not a good episode at all…dull and semi-predictable and just random

meli5 03-26-2009 07:13 PM


How exactly did Chloe change back?
She was telling Clark to be the hero that he is, and that she believed in him. She was being supportive Chloe..and she just switched back.

Wingster 03-26-2009 07:20 PM

...right...that still makes little sense to me

meli5 03-26-2009 07:21 PM

I guess Chloe really wants to be Clark's support system :shrug:

broken crown 03-26-2009 07:37 PM

I really enjoyed tonight's episode! I thought Zantanna was a great character. The actress did a great job and I hope they bring her back to help out. Also, I think I'm starting to ship Chloe/Oliver. I've liked Oliver with Lois in the past, but we all know she was destined for Clark and I've liked Chloe's chemistry with Lex and Davis, but they were both obviously evil. I think Alison/Justin have alot of chemistry, but I don't know if they'd ever do something with them since she's still married to Jimmy technically...but you never know.

Kyls 03-27-2009 12:17 AM

God.. I have no idea if I want to watch this or not.

You can't always go by other peoples comments to decide if an episode is worth watching, but when it seems like a lot of Chloe fans are done with the show for good after it.. it sounds bad.

Spike it up 03-27-2009 10:41 AM

Well this was fun!

1) Clark.
Great episode for Clark, and especially for Tom to have some fun with.

I like how Clark's wish came to be.
"Weird has become so normal it's not even weird anymore.
Honestly, I like what I'm doing at the Planet right now. But, I would be lying if I'd said there weren't days when I wish I could forget about saving the world and just be a normal reporter."

I'm glad his wish wasn't something that would make Clark look bad. In the past Clark sometimes saw his powers as an obstacle to his happiness, but here even though he forgot he had them thanks to the spell, that wasn't the reason why. The fact that he sometimes wishes his life was a bit more normal doesn't matter. It's what he does regardless of that fact that counts.

Tom as normal Clark!
OMB, I was dieing!! The man has a brilliant comedic timing!!
All the comedy bits were pure gold.

"Aren't you gonna do anything?"
"You're absolutely right Lois...911."


The whole rooftop scene!!
"I don't make the news. I just report it."
Ha ha, oh the irony.

"Just don't tell human resources."
Tee hee, just goes to show that Clark has a great sense of humour.

"I think...this doorknob needs better maintenance. Look at the rust in here. No wonder it broke right off!"
"Wow. The acoustics up here are amazing!"
"Lois! Have you completely lost your mind? That could have really hurt!"

Ha ha ha. Tom plays oblivious!Clark so perfectly! There were tears in my eyes from laughing too much.

I love how he got through to Zatanna, by shearing his own experience.

And yay for Clark being all for moving on and saying he likes his life as it is now.
"This is who I am Chloe. Every morning I wake up with a purpose. *smiles*."

One small complaint though - seriously Clark, it wouldn't have take you long if you just called Chloe to wish her happy birthday. It's a minute tops. Tsk.
But the present was cool.

And another small comment.
I was cracking up at the faces Clark was pulling when Chloe said she's jealous at Lois for living her dream life. After the "are you serious?!" face in last episode, after she suggested he quits Daily Planet, his confused expressions continued in this episode, like he's wondering what the hell is going on in her head. lol
Nice choice on how to play Clark there, Tom.

2) Clois.
Just how good were all Clois bits in this episode?

a) We finally got some confirmation on how Clark feels.

First look when he caught Lois. He had such smitten look.
"You just never looked at me like that before."

"Whether you like it or not, Lois Lane is a part of your life now. And, considering the non-stop PuppyDog eyes you give her, I'm guessing you don't mind much at all."
And Clark not denying it and considering it.

Jealousy when he heard Lois has a date.

b) New dynamic is set in place.
With Lois not showing any more romantic interest, and Clark starting to realize what could have been. All along, with their trademark snark still intact! Hell yeah! I said there was no chance Clois would turn into one of the angsty couples just because there are feelings between them now.

I love that the teasing is still present.
First Daily Planet scene when Clark thought Chloe was Lois.
"You couldn't have been deported from Mexico that quick."
"Isn't there a limit to how tight a shirt can be to meet the dress code?"

I was cracking up so much! He was having so much fun teasing Lois, and Chloe was fully confused and her face was screaming "why is Clark acting like this, it's so unlike him?!" Ha ha.

"Can this wait until after your post lunch, pre-dinner, after coffee snack break?"
This slayed me!!
Mostly because I have one of those! lol

And then last Daily Planet scene when Lois did a repeat of the squeaky chair thing Clark did in Odyssey. Is that like their "thing" now? Ha ha.

It's adorable that he not only kept, but also framed, the rules.
"Let me see it."
"Lois, I don't know what you're talking about."
"You have a terrible poker-face, Smallville. Gimme, gimme."
*Clark sighs in defeat, pulls out the framed rules.*
"Wow. Who would've known you were this sentimental? I think we should hang it up so that everyone can see it."
"This is a memento from my first day on the job. And a constant reminder that there's only one Lois Lane."
"You better believe it."

Great scene!

And aw, how jealous did he look when she told him she has a date? *pets*
Now, now, luv, you didn't really think she's wait around forever moping over you? Ha ha.
That's our girl, I don't want her to be heartbroken, I want her to move on with dignity.

"You want me to call you if something comes on the wire, see if you're available-?"
"So you can stand me up again?"
"Lois, that was a-"
"Mistake. Agreed."

And the walls are up baby! \o/
Just as predicted. Lois will shut him down romantically, and it will be Clark who will have to do the chasin' this time. *gets comfy* Well, I'm ready - bring it! :D

3) Lois.
Two things I really liked about Lois in this episode:
a) They showed that she's not the type to pine over anyone. We saw her smiling, laughing, having fun, getting on with her life and dedicating herself to work.
All the while, she's not ignoring Clark, or treating him like he wronged her in any way. She's treating him like she always did. It shows maturity, and I like it.

b) We were showed that she's busy working all the time. She got called on assignment. We actually got to see her on assignment for once, as short as that scene was! People commented on her latest article. We saw a lot of press passes on her table. Even for monster truck rally! lol So she wasn't there for fun earlier this season when Clark mentioned it, she was working.
It establishes nicely that while we don't have Erica in all 22 episodes, the time she's not here Lois is out there chasing stories and getting her work published. I'd prefer to see all that, but until they give us full 22 episodes to make that possible I'll settle for this.

But they were pushing it a bit too much with the Dalai Lama picture. lol Try not to overdo it guys.

4) Chloe.
Well talk about me doing a 180 about someone during the same episode.

I was extremely annoyed with Chloe at the beginning of Hex. Her pity party was obnoxious at times. Seriously, what was up with her little monologue when she was looking at Lois talking to those people at the party?! "That was supposed to be my life. Bitch, bitch, whine, whine." And Ollie looking at her like she lost it. Where did that come from and WTH, who talks like that?! I'm glad Ollie called her on it. You have nothing to complain about Chloe - not being a reporter anymore, Isis, failed marriage, all that is your own doing, and happened because you let it. You want things to change - go and fix them.

I get the wish. I saw it more as wishing to go back when things were more simpler than anything else. Like she said, "with all the ups and downs lately, it would be nice to leave it all behind and be in the bullpen again."

I loved all the parts that were played for laughs.
Like Chloe trying to wear her own clothes even though it's too small now.
Chloe's "why are you so mean to me?" face when Clark showed up and started being his usual snarky self around Lois. Ha ha.
"Oh really" expression and pose when Clark mentioned Jimmy and talk him and Lois had about Chloe/Jimmy break up. Mwah, I loved Erica's face, and "I mean business" hand on the table pose - that was so Allison.
Confusion when the cop gave her Lois' poker winnings.
The whole:
"It's okay. I'm Chloe. Stood her up at formal Chloe. Planted one on you because Zod was ending the world Chloe. Krypton, Jor-El, Fortress, Brainiac Chloe."
"Bingo. And just like that wardrobe malfunction over there, some magician showed up at my birthday party in fishnets and hexed me. But you'd know about it if you hadn't skipped it to answer voicemails from Lois. Not that I'm dwelling."

Ha ha. Loved how Erica delivered that!

The rooftop scene was too hilarious!!

I'm not surprised that what broke the spell was Chloe trying to get Clark to do his thing, and basically playing his sidekick. Ever since she learned his secret that was something she enjoyed the most, so even without her consciously knowing it at the time, it makes sense that was what did the trick.
I'm glad she finally *realized* it.
Some of us have been saying it for years. That she's not into reporting anymore, and enjoys being a superhero sidekick more. Here Chloe finally figured it out, and it seems like she found her focus again. She seemed happy and excited again in that last scene.
That last Watchtower scene rocked! I didn't expect it, so I did an excited "squee" and clapped when it happened. lol
It feels right for the character. The foundation can be found in previous seasons - she already did it in Justice, she always enjoyed helping Clark, and Ollie on occasions, plus she loves working on computers.
It's good they finally found a storyline that suits her.
"Watchtower is officially online."
*thumbs up*

My only concern is how this will fit into the show. While I love it, it's not something that can be part of the storyline in every episode. Just like JLA, it's cool, but the show is not about that, it's about Clark. And Clark doesn't need constant back up or sidekicks, he works on his own. So I don't want to see a repeat of previous seasons, where they had Clark run to Chloe to research something for him, when he could have done it himself, just because they needed something for her to do.
So hopefully they'll find a balance, and won't frell it up.

What I also loved is the return of Clark/Chloe friendship.
They actually had a conversation that had nothing to do with solving some crisis, or dealing with superhero problems, or Chloe telling Clark what to do.
They had coffee, talked about their problems, and chatted like friends while giving each other friendly advice.
Wouldn't mind seeing more Clark/Chloe scenes like that, and less *points few lines up*.
And I'll toast with them on leaving the past behind and moving on!

5) Oliver.
Two things I especially liked:
- He seems to be feeling guilty about killing Lex. AND YOU DAMN WELL SHOULD BE, OLLIE!
- He still knows better and didn't want to push his luck with magic by making a wish. Wise choice.

I enjoyed his scenes with Zatanna. They had good chemistry and a nice vibe going on.
Also, I cracked up when he asked if her card means she'll just "poof" and appear when he calls her name, and she told him it's her phone number, and he's all "ooh". LMAO Aren't you suppose to be smooth with women, Ollie? *g* Though can't blame him for getting distracted, she was amazing.

6) Zatanna.
Hot, fun, good with magic. Smart enough to figure out Ollie is Green Arrow. Rocking that short skirt in the scene at Ollie's office, and has a fantastic costume. Knows how to get what she wants. Has a good reason behind her actions, yet still does the right thing in the end. Not above apologizing. All that, and she managed to get Ollie in bondage. Rock on girl! I'm glad you left your card, I'd be thrilled to see you again!
Please be coming back Miss Swan.

7) The rest:
I think Erica did a great job playing Chloe. I was cracking up over how she got some expressions spot on. Like the wide eyed look, raised eyebrows, nervously looking left-right, lip bite, and so on. Also, the walk was great, I especially noticed it when Chloe walked away from Clark towards the story/latin speaking guy.

Erica and Tom made this episode. They were fantastic! It's too much fun to see them interact on screen. 12-13 episodes per season really isn't enough. :(

This episode was hilarious!! Bryan Q. Miller, sir, I'm extremely happy you came on board this year! Here's hoping you'll get even more episodes to write in season 9.

"One year closer to the sweet release of death!"
It's a good thing my sister doesn't watch Smallville, she'd so use that one for my next birthday! She already comes up with something similar every year. LOL Loved that!

Bunny slippers are a family thing! Both Lois and Chloe have them. lol

Superman curl! Twice! Once when he caught Lois, and second time on the roof when he was talking to Zatanna. Neat.

*BonesGirl85* 03-27-2009 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by +supernova+ (Post 33236679)
I really enjoyed tonight's episode! I thought Zantanna was a great character. The actress did a great job and I hope they bring her back to help out. Also, I think I'm starting to ship Chloe/Oliver. I've liked Oliver with Lois in the past, but we all know she was destined for Clark and I've liked Chloe's chemistry with Lex and Davis, but they were both obviously evil. I think Alison/Justin have alot of chemistry, but I don't know if they'd ever do something with them since she's still married to Jimmy technically...but you never know.

Ditto on that Susan....I have to say I will ship with you, because OMG Alison/Justin do have tons of chemistry that flys through the screen I saw it first when they did the last episode with Lana. But Chloe as a part of the Justice League, was a great thing for her I think....After everything that happened and I think they are leaning towards Oliver/Chloe just the way the episodes been with them together....or it just the amazing acting on both! But this episode I have to say was a lot better, I LIKED the wishes and Chloe being Lois that was great!

Wingster 03-27-2009 01:03 PM


I was extremely annoyed with Chloe at the beginning of Hex. Her pity party was obnoxious at times. Seriously, what was up with her little monologue when she was looking at Lois talking to those people at the party?!
It was a brief moment telling a friend how she felt. It was very similiar to the Ollie Lois talk in Bride. But of course Chloe isn't allowed to react without someone (Ollie) being unsympathetic. 03-27-2009 01:19 PM

^It wasn't exactly the same as the Ollie/Lois talk in Bride. Lois wasn't indulging in a pity party and she was actually telling Oliver that he should just go inside and join the party. Ollie chose to sit down and talk to Lois about it. Chloe just chose to go ahead and complain about her current situation to Oliver. Not the same IMO.

Cris, once again great review:clap:. I agree so much with what you said. I'll post my thoughts on the episode later:).

Wingster 03-27-2009 01:29 PM

Kinda the same...being alone with a bottle of alcohol is a pity party

Chloe was alone but wasn't destroying the mood of the party...Ollie came to her and she decided to talk to him.
Ollie came off very bad for not even attempting sympathy
in fact he's come off bad this whole season 03-27-2009 05:02 PM

All right, fine she was having a pity party, but the point is that she wasn't forcing her pity party on anyone else. Ollie asked her if she wanted to talk and kind of prodded her until she did. Chloe complained to Oliver whether he wanted to hear it or not.

Spike it up 03-27-2009 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by wingster (Post 33258757)
It was a brief moment telling a friend how she felt. It was very similiar to the Ollie Lois talk in Bride. But of course Chloe isn't allowed to react without someone (Ollie) being unsympathetic.

It's not similar.
One is reaction to something that just happened, the other is "oh, poor me" rant.

Lois was down over something that just happened and she had no control over, so she wanted to be alone for a bit. Ollie joined her and kept her company, and then got her to talk about how she feels. She didn't express jealousy or any other kind of negative emotions towards anyone else.

Chloe had a pity party of epic proportions where she's jealous of Lois, and partly Clark too, for living the life she once wanted.
She complains about not working at the Daily Planet (not like she tried to do her job when she was employed there, or tried to get a job at some other papers after being fired, or tried to get rehired now that Lex is gone), about Isis (where she chose to work, but now complains about kids "who will probably wake up to be psycho killers" - nice counselor moment there) and about her non-existant happily ever after with Jimmy (if she actually tried to listened to her husband, and not side with a guy she barely knows, maybe her marriage would have worked out).
*All* of those things being the way they are right now is something she could have changed if she tried. But she didn't. I guess it's easier to feel sorry for herself.

Wingster 03-27-2009 06:31 PM

she was lamenting on what a topsy turvy year had really...she listed specific examples of the year she had
which included three months kidnapped and having Braniac in her
also the wedding from hell. Ollie knows all this and just acted insensitively

and just cause she caused those things doesn't mean she can't feel what are we never allowed to express our feelings or lament on what went wrong in ones life?

smoothaise 03-29-2009 08:29 PM

Cris :love: Your reviews are EPIC. And I agree with alot of the points you made.

Alexander 03-29-2009 08:42 PM

As a big Chloe Sullivan fan, I'm not disappointed with "Hex" at all. Infact, I enjoyed it. I've embraced the character's direction, and I think AM is doing a great job (in S8), and I look forward to hopefully a lot of WatchTower moments working alongside Oliver, JL and Clark.

I think TW did an excellent job directing and acting in this episode:)

We had several awesome scenes, some humor, but also the overall storyline character development for several of the cast moved forward.

The changing in the phone booth was an iconic moment on SV.

Glad that the door is left wide open for Zatanna to return, b/c the guest star actress did an amazing job, plus she looked "very nice" (let's just leave it at that)

I thought Erica's Chloe was very believable, and I also loved Allison Mack's scenes, esp. the one that got her to change back, and got Clark to "change back" as well. Very superman like moment:)

Overall, I'd rate 'Hex' with 4 out of 5, and say it's one of my favorite episodes of the season.

Alexander 03-29-2009 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by wingster (Post 33235945)
...right...that still makes little sense to me

You need to re-watch the episode then and pay attention to how one can "take the spell off". It made perfect sense.

Kush, although you don't prefer it, you have to agree that the creative team at least gave Chloe a more established thing to do that fits better with where the show is headed.

She was never going to go back to journalism. The creative team closed that door last season.

So, remain at Isis Foundation (where she doesn't have a clearly defined role), or become WatchTower (,and part of Oliver's team).

She can still be Clark's best friend (and probably will be no matter what she does), and she can still help meteor victims on the side.

Alexander 03-29-2009 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Kyls (Post 33244558)
God.. I have no idea if I want to watch this or not.

You can't always go by other peoples comments to decide if an episode is worth watching, but when it seems like a lot of Chloe fans are done with the show for good after it.. it sounds bad.

Reading fan reviews is a bad way to decide if you should watch something or not. Speaking from personal experience here, but you owe it to yourself to at decide wheather to watch it or not. It also helps to watch an episode without thinking you are going to hate it. Just a thought.

Wingster 03-29-2009 08:51 PM

i actually did understand it after analyzing a bit further
Watchtower is better than Isis...

oh and i don't think TW directed this one

smoothaise 03-29-2009 09:02 PM

Word Alex :nod: I enjoyed the episode alot more than I thought I would. It did do justice to Chloe and finally gave her a more stable role.

And ITA - it's not in your best interest to just read fan reviews to develop an opinion. To contribute to a discussion on said character, or the show, you owe it to yourself to watch the episode and create your own opinion - otherwise your letting others dictate your thought process. :eek:

Kyls 03-30-2009 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by Strider (Post 33350135)
Reading fan reviews is a bad way to decide if you should watch something or not. Speaking from personal experience here, but you owe it to yourself to at decide wheather to watch it or not. It also helps to watch an episode without thinking you are going to hate it. Just a thought.

I did end up watching it in the end, and I really liked it.

I think my favourite part was whammiedClark with EDChloe on the DP roof. :rotfl: Actually.. just whammiedClark in general. "911." :lol:

And the Chlark scene at the end. It was overdue. They talked.. and it was nice. :D Plus, I love that Chloe and her belief and encouragement was what helped him break through and be himself again. I also liked Clark's choice of gift.

I still feel like it's a shame that Chloe can't be a reporter. But at the same time.. being Watchtower is potentially a much sweeter career. She gets to be a part of the whole superhero thing, and it's apparent she loves this.

I had issues with the flower clips in EDChloe's hair. She may have worn those things in Season 1, but has she worn them lately? Not that I can recall. Plus - in Lois's hair they looked super kiddie, and ridiculous. I don't believe Chloe would have actually looked in the mirror and still have gone out of her apartment like that.

"There's only one Lois Lane." seemed like an audience thrown line rather than something that belonged in the conversation, so that bugged me a little too.

Chloe speaks Latin! I found that awesome.

Zatanna was great. I'd love to see her back.

Alexander 03-30-2009 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Kyls (Post 33357617)
I did end up watching it in the end, and I really liked it.

I'm glad you decided to watch the episode:)


I think my favourite part was whammiedClark with EDChloe on the DP roof. :rotfl: Actually.. just whammiedClark in general. "911." :lol:
That was a fun and entertaining scene, Erica and Tom did a great job with the comedic timing in it:nod:


And the Chlark scene at the end. It was overdue. They talked.. and it was nice. :D Plus, I love that Chloe and her belief and encouragement was what helped him break through and be himself again. I also liked Clark's choice of gift.
Since Lois can't will not know Clark's true identity, it's imperative that Chloe, his best friend is there to remind him of this, and be the one to give him the encouragement talks, that he is a hero.


I still feel like it's a shame that Chloe can't be a reporter. But at the same time.. being Watchtower is potentially a much sweeter career. She gets to be a part of the whole superhero thing, and it's apparent she loves this.
Well, the creative team decided when they were planning the S8 "overall story" that Chloe will be moving on.

Being WatchTower may also open the door for her to maybe finally appear as a comics character in future DC series.


I had issues with the flower clips in EDChloe's hair. She may have worn those things in Season 1, but has she worn them lately? Not that I can recall. Plus - in Lois's hair they looked super kiddie, and ridiculous. I don't believe Chloe would have actually looked in the mirror and still have gone out of her apartment like that.
Hmm, I didn't even notice that, but I guess they wanted to have a "physical" difference, however small and subtle in the way Chloe(Lois) looked at the DP in those scenes.


"There's only one Lois Lane." seemed like an audience thrown line rather than something that belonged in the conversation, so that bugged me a little too.
It's a line straight out of the comics:nod:


Chloe speaks Latin! I found that awesome.
I think Chloe's intelligence and knowledge has never been in question. We never found out if she's still going to MetU or what, but even if she isn't "taking college classes", girl's got smarts.


Zatanna was great. I'd love to see her back.
Door was left wide open. I think they will definitely bring her back in S9. I just have a feeling, if the guest star actress is available, that they'll want to bring her back.

Ken...I have to say, I've been pleasantly surprised myself lately. I've been really enjoying the episodes as a fan just looking to be entertained, and I've been less critical in general. I believe Chloe's new direction will be great for her character, and I can't wait for more of that in future episodes. Can't wait for Clark's reaction to that as well:D 03-30-2009 09:18 PM

Alex, great review of the episode! So here are my thoughts (finally :P)

Chloe/EDChloe - Like Cris, Chloe slightly annoyed me at the beginning but I really liked the premise of having her spend a day in Lois' shoes to see what her life is really like. I found it interesting that she talked in the beginning of the episode about Lois living her life and walking the beat, yet when she was giving the chance at living Lois' life she didn't even consider writing about it or investigating Zatanna for a story. All she wanted to do was have the spell reversed. I think that having Chloe decide to become the Watchtower at the end of the episode was a good fit for her, since Chloe really is a computer whiz and having her be the Watchtower combines her computer skills with her sidekicking savvy and actually lets her help people by doing something that she's qualified to do. Another thing I really liked was the Chloe/Clark scene at the end when Chloe was herself again. I was pleased that Clark tried to make up for not calling her on her birthday by bringing her a peace offering at the end and how they both agreed that they should move on with their lives. I thought that the toast with the coffee cups was also a nice touch. With regards to Erica’s portrayal of Chloe, I think she did a really solid job at portraying the character. Unlike her performance of Faora, Chloe is already an established character with a significant fan base, also unlike Faora, who was an evil genius, the differences between Chloe and Lois are much more subtle, so it must have been much more difficult for Erica to play Chloe than it was for her to play Faora. There were definite expressions and body language that Erica nailed, like EDChloe’s reaction upon finding out that she was Lois and the way EDChloe placed her hand on the desk and waited for Clark to try and explain himself in that scene at the Daily Planet. Another thing that was great was her delivery of the line, “Not that I’m dwelling”. I thought the way she said that was very Mack like. Oh I also loved the way her eyes kind of darted back and forth in that scene with Zatanna. Very well played, Durance.

Clark - Tom Welling did a fantastic job in this episode and you could just tell that he was having so much fun. I loved the way they set up Clark’s wish. Unlike all the times in the past, when Clark has moped and whined about having powers and how he wished he was just a normal guy, Clark made it clear that he liked what he was doing at the Planet and that there are only times when he wishes he was normal. Thank you PS3 for progress! Then the way Tom played normal!Clark was just brilliant. That phone call to 911 was hilarious and he kept bringing the funny as we found out that Clark has quite the sense of humour when he’s not burdened with the weight of his abilities. A few of my fave lines were:

“Lois is the tall one”
“It’s rule number 4!”
“Just don’t tell human resources”
“I believe…that this door needs better maintenance. Look at all the rust on this thing, no wonder it just pulled right off.”
“That’s amazing…the acoustics on this roof are incredible! It’s like there’s some perfect echo point right here!”
“Lois have you lost your mind? That could have really hurt!”

And just…the way Tom delivered these lines was pure gold. Like how he sounded so hurt that Lois didn’t remember the rules and how he was so proud to be a reporter and the way he backed up from EDChloe when she came towards him with the poll :lmao:. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed more during an episode of Smallville than I did during Hex. That rooftop scene was priceless! Futhermore, I was so very proud of Clark when he talked to Zatanna and convinced her to reverse the spell. He managed to forge a connection with her that I found believe and not forced, unlike some of the strange ways they’ve made Clark connect with guest stars in the past. Clark was very Super in that scene and Jonathon would have been so proud of him. Cris, mentioned before how she loved that line about him waking up every morning with a purpose, well I loved that line too. Clark’s back on track and he’s fully embracing his role as a hero and I adore that. He’s no longer shying away from his responsibilities, instead he’s acknowledging the fact that the world does need him and he’s doing his best to be the hero that Metropolis needs. And yay for Clark deciding to move on with his life! I’ll drink to that :cheers:. Finally, Tom did a great job in that last Clois scene with the cornered expression on his face when Lois brought up the framed rules and the way his hand hit the desk, then how his eyes nervously darted around to see if anyone was watching. I also loved the slight “Meh” he gave after hearing about Lois’ date and how you could tell that he regretted standing her up and how he really didn’t think that last rule was a good idea. Kudos to Tom Welling for a superb comedic performance:clap:.

Lois - I loved the brief scenes we got of ED as Lois in this episode. She looked stunning at Chloe’s birthday party and trust Lois to deliver an inappropriately funny line from the get go “One year closer to the sweet release of death” :lmao:. Another thing that was great was that we actually got to see Lois on assignment this time instead of just hearing about it. Thank you BQM for writing in that scene! I love how Lois is clearly working her way up and the respect she gets from her colleagues for the work she does. Similarly, I thought that scene with the cop was a nice touch that gave some more insight into Lois’ life and it’s great that she’s making contacts who actually work well as expositional characters and are qualified to give her this type of information. And Lois playing poker with cops? Hee, hilarious:lol:. That last scene with Lois was great and I’m really happy to see that Lois isn’t just moping around about Clark. Instead, she’s trying to move on with her life and behaving like a mature adult by not completely freezing Clark out. She kept the promise she made to him in Infamous that it would be okay if he didn’t show, since he’s clearly still a very good friend of hers. However, things are still different between them and Lois’ walls have been raised.

Clois - I found it amazing that an episode that barely had any Lois has done the most to advance their relationship since Committed, at least IMO. We found out that Clark and Lois talk on the phone with each other a lot, since she called him six times and he answered every call. I love how Lois and Clark are talking about the Chimmy breakup situation and I think it makes a lot of sense that Lois would be 100% Team Chloe, while Clark chooses to be Switzerland and remain neutral, since Clark did show a lot of support for the Chimmy relationship earlier in the season and he was talking to Chloe about focusing on Jimmy in Turbulence. Another detail that’s great is that Clark knows her schedule like the back of his hand, so he picked up that something was off with her when she deviated from the norm. He knows when her breaks are, he’s gotten used to her insults, and he’s gotten very comfortable working with Lois. This is a nice contrast to Committed when Clark wanted to go off on his own so that he could use his abilities and find Chloe and Jimmy. In Hex, we got to see how far they’ve come since then and it’s clear that they work together quite often and Clark is used to the way they do things. I loved that little loving look Clark gave EDChloe when she tripped and he caught her. I thought it was a great callback to Apocalypse and the dip/catch Clark did when Alt!Lois stumbled into him, but this time Clark’s the one looking at Lois with the googly eyes instead of the other way around. Clark was even surprised that EDChloe was giving him a “WTF?” look, which makes me wonder just how often Clark looks at Lois like that. Oh I also enjoyed how Clark came up behind EDChloe when she was talking to the cop, he seemed to be a tad protective of her, unlike in Plastique, when Lois tried to charm that cop and he chuckled quietly in the background at her bungled attempts. The best part though, was when Clark quoted rule number 4 by heart and we found out that he framed her rules! He kept them and framed them! It looks like Lois’ help meant more to him than we initially thought ;). Also I loved how hurt Clark sounded when EDChloe was like “WTH are you talking about?” He thought that Lois would remember the rules and that they’d mean something to her like they meant something to him. Like I said before, the rooftop scene that followed this nearly had me on the floor laughing. Tom and Erica played off of each other excellently and I liked the switch in their dynamic from having Tom play the straight man to Erica’s comedian to having Erica play the straight man to Tom’s comedian. The last Clois scene was incredibly well done and furthered the development in their relationship tremendously. This scene was a direct parallel to the last scene in Odyssey. Back in Odyssey we had Clark annoying Lois in the squeaky chair, dropping a bombshell on her, then leaving with her staring after him with a tender look on her face while she held his nameplate in her hands. Now in Hex we have Lois in the squeaky chair, annoying Clark, while she revels in the knowledge that Clark does care for her more than he admits. It’s great that Chloe told Lois about the framed rules so Lois gets a better idea of Clark’s feelings for her, and it was clear that the framed rules really touched her. Another thing that was awesome was that we got to see Clark jealous of her date, with the not so subtle, “do you want me to call you if anything comes in over the wire, to see if you’re available” and his not so thrilled face at her suggestion to add the latest rule to the list, while he watches her walk away and holds the framed list in his hands. We’ve clearly seen how hard Lois has fallen for Clark, so it’s about time that we get to see more from Clark and I love the way this episode set it up for Clark to chase Lois.

Ollie - Hallelujah, Ollie’s showing remorse over killing Lex! Yes Ollie you are not supposed to be a murderer and I’m glad that you feel bad about what you did. Also, Justin Hartley and Serinda Swan had very nice chemistry and I really enjoyed their scenes together. I liked seeing the GA back in action and how he went to get the book for Zatanna. I wasn’t too thrilled about how quickly Ollie gave up his identity though. Come on man! You gotta do better than that! I liked Ollie’s reluctance at giving the book over to Zatanna and then his “Not good” reaction when she snatched the book from him just as he was about to toss it into the fire. And as a red-blooded female, I really appreciated the imagery of Ollie bound in chains to that pole :eyebrows:. I wonder how he got down:look:. Anyways, the last Ollie and Zatanna scene was also nicely done and I liked his bemused and bewildered expression when she gave him her phone number and then vanished.

Zatanna - Way to get the look right PS3/wardrobe dept! Unlike their design for the Black Canary, Zatanna truly looked like she stepped out of a comic book. Serinda Swan is a very gorgeous woman and she pulled off the look, complete with the top hat and the fishnets, perfectly. I think that this character managed to get a surprising amount of depth with only 10 minutes of screen time and I really sympathized with her desire to resurrect her father. I liked it that she fully understood the cost and was willing to sacrifice her own life to bring her father back, but I thought it was even better that she found the strength to reverse the spell after Chloe got trapped in the portal, because she knew that she did not want to be responsible for killing someone and that her father would not have wanted that for her. The way she fell to her knees and the expression on her face was heartbreaking. Like I said before, I really enjoyed the Ollie/Zatanna scenes and the wink she gave him when she left him her card at the end was a very nice touch. Oh and I absolutely loved the attention to detail BQM gave this episode with having Zatanna speak some of her spells backwards. I’m glad that they left the door open for her to come back and I hope to see her again next year.

Overall, Hex is definitely one of my favourite episodes of the season. IMO, BQM delivered a great comedic episode chock full of continuity and parallels to other episodes that actually furthered character and relationship development and I have to give him props for that. And with that I think I’m done with this really long review :P.

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