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Old 03-14-2008, 01:17 AM
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Cordy/Buffy #5: Because They Are Our Favorite Female Characters Of All Time

Buffelia's Minions

1. I_Love_JennaJameson
2. Jaime_Bee
3. Mischalicious
4. True Daisy lover
5. Issa
6. ashleyt
7. MelBelle2
8. GretchenPie
9. tootyfnfrooty

Reasons Why We Love Buffy/Cordy

1. Because they are each others rivals
2. Because they are both gorgeous Queens
3. Because Cody is the dating Slayer
4. Because Cordy will always be straight with Buffy
5. Because they are secret friends
6. Because they went to the Homecoming Dance together
7. Because they are the Betty and Veronica of BTVS
8. Because Cordy wanted to help Buffy in WSWB
9. Because Buffy saved Cordelia
10. Because Cordelia thanked Buffy for helping her.

Art from Quicksand

Buffy/Cordy Quotes

Cordelia: Hi! I'm Cordelia. (offers her hand)
Buffy: (accepts it) I'm Buffy.
Cordelia: If you're looking for a textbook of your very own there's
probably a few in the library.
Buffy: Oh, great, thanks. (they get up) Where would that be?
Cordelia: I'll show you, come on. (they start out of the classroom) So
you're from Hemery, right? In L.A.?
Buffy: Uh, yeah.
Cordelia: Oh, I would *kill* to live in L.A. That close to that many
Cordelia: Well, you'll be okay here. If you hang with me and mine,
you'll be accepted in no time. Of course, we do have to test your
coolness factor. You're from L.A., so you can skip the written, but
let's see. Vamp nail polish.
Buffy: Um, over?
Cordelia: So over. James Spader.
Buffy: He needs to call me!
Cordelia: Frappaccinos.
Buffy: Trendy, but tasty.
Cordelia: John Tesh.
Buffy: The Devil.
Cordelia: That was pretty much a gimme, but... you passed!
Buffy: Oh, goody! (Welcome To The Hellmouth)

Cordelia: And if you're not too swamped with catching up you should
come by the Bronze tonight.
Buffy: The who?
Cordelia: The Bronze. It's the only club worth going to around here.
They let anybody in, but it's still the scene. It's in the bad part of
Buffy: Where's that? (stops outside the library doors)
Cordelia: About a half a block from the good part of town. (laughing)
We don't have a whole lot of town here. But, um, you should show!
Buffy: Well, I'll try. (looks toward the library) Uh, thanks.
Cordelia: Good. So, um, I'll see you in gym, and you can tell me
absolutely everything there is to know about you. (Welcome To The Hellmouth)

Willow: But aren't you hanging out with Cordelia?
Buffy: I can't do both?
Willow: Not legally.
Buffy: (exhales) Look, I really wanna get by here, new school, and...
Cordelia's been really nice... to me... anyway. (Welcome To The Hellmouth)

Buffy: Have you guys seen Willow? Did she come by here?
Cordelia: Why? Do you need to attack her with the stick? Jeez!
Buffy turns and goes.
Cordelia: (to her groupies) Excuse me, I have to call *everyone* I have
*ever* met, right now. (Welcome To The Hellmouth)

Cordelia: Of course we're going to the Bronze. Friday night? No cover?
But you should have been there last night. 'Cause I ran into Buffy...
Cordelia: ...and can she be any weirder? She attacked me! Do you
believe it?
Cordelia: So anyway, I come outta the bathroom, and she comes running
at me. Screaming! With a stick! 'I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna kill
you!' I swear!
Boy: Who?
Cordelia: Buffy!
Harmony: The new girl?
Boy: What's her deal?
Cordelia: Well, she's crazed. (Welcome To The Hellmouth)

Buffy: So you've come to *me* for help.
Cordelia: (nods) Because you're always around when all this weird stuff
is happening. And I know you're very strong, and you've got all those
weapons... I was kind of hoping you were in a gang.
Buffy can't believe what she's hearing.
Cordelia: Please! I don't have anyone else to turn to! (Out of Sight, Out of Mind)

Cordelia: If I'm not crowned tonight then, then Marcie's won! And that
would be bad. She's evil, okay? Way eviler than me.
Buffy: Cordelia has a point.
Cordelia: Buffy's with me on this. (Out of Sight, Out of Mind)

Cordelia: So, how much the creepy is it that this Marcie's been at this
for months? Spying on us? Learning our most guarded secrets? So, are you
saying she's invisible because she's so unpopular?
Buffy: That about sums it up.
Cordelia: (exhales) Bummer for her. It's awful to feel that lonely.
Buffy: Hmm. So you've read something about the feeling?
Cordelia: (stops Buffy) Hey! You think I'm never lonely because I'm so
cute and popular? I can be surrounded by people and be completely alone.
It's not like any of them really know me. I don't even know if they like
me half the time. People just want to be in a popular zone. Sometimes
when I talk, everyone's so busy agreeing with me, they don't hear a word
I say.
Buffy: Well, if you feel so alone, then why do you work so hard at
being popular?
Cordelia: Well, it beats being alone all by yourself. (Out of Sight, Out of Mind)

Cordelia: Here's a chocolate... Oh, I don't think I need the loony fringe vote.
Buffy: Well, I don't even like chocolate! Okay, that was the lamest come-back of our times. (Out of Sight, Out of Mind)

Cordelia: Look, Buffy, you may be hot stuff when it comes to demonology or whatever, but when it comes to dating, I'm the Slayer. (Halloween)

Cordelia: If you ever tell to anyone that I changed in a mop closet...
Buffy: Your secret dies with me. (looks around) Looks okay. But hurry.
Cordelia: Okay. (Out of Sight, Out of Mind)

Cordelia: You're really campaigning for bitch of the year, aren't you?
Buffy: As defending champion, are you nervous?
Cordelia: I can hold my own. (When She Was Bad)

Buffy: You know what you were saying before? I understand. Somehow it
doesn't seem to matter how popular you are when...
Cordelia: You were popular? In what alternate universe?
Buffy: In L.A. Th-the point is, I did sort of feel like something was
Cordelia: Is that when you became weird and got kicked out?
Buffy: Okay. Can we have the heartfelt talk with a little less talk
from you? (no response) Cordelia? (Out of Sight, Out of Mind)

Cordelia: Oh, my God!
She is in hysterics, and it's distracting Buffy.
Buffy: Cordelia, shut up.
Cordelia: (meekly) Okay. (Out of Sight, Out of Mind)

Cordelia: Hi.
Buffy: Hey!
Cordelia: Look, um, I didn't get a chance to say anything yesterday
with the coronation and everything... but, um, I guess I just wanted to
say thank you, all of you.
Xander: That's funny, 'cause she *looks* like Cordelia.
Buffy elbows him in the chest.
Cordelia: You really helped me out yesterday, and you didn't have to.
So, thank you. (Out of Sight, Out of Mind)

Buffy: I-I'm not going with Angel. I'm going with -- ye gods -- Cordelia.
Willow: Cordelia?! ...Did I sound a little jealous just then, 'cause I'm not really...Cordelia?!
Xander: Cordelia's much better for you than Angel. (Reptile Boy)

Cordelia: Oh! I would, I would love, *love* to go!
Richard: So, who's your friend? (indicates Buffy)
Cordelia: (looks) Her? Oh, she's not my friend.
Tom: She's amazing!
Cordelia: She's more like a sister, really! We're that close. (Reptile Boy)

Cordelia: Put yourself in Buffy's shoes for just a minute, okay? I'm Buffy, freak of nature, right? naturally, I pick a freak for a boyfriend, and then he turns into Mr. Killing-spree, which is pretty much my fault...
Buffy: Cordy! Get out of my shoes. (Dead Man's Party)

Cordelia: Buffy! Did you lose weight? And your hair... Alright, I
respect you too much to be dishonest. The hair's a little... (smiles
widely) Well, that really isn't the point here, is it? The Zeta Kappas
have to have a certain balance at their party, and Richard explained it
all to me, but I was so busy really listening that I didn't hear much.
Anyway, the deal is they need you to go. And if you don't go, I can't.
And I'm talking about Richard Anderson, okay? As in Anderson Farms,
Anderson Aeronautics (becomes emotional) and Anderson Cosmetics. (sobs)
Well, you see why I *have* to go. Buffy, these men are rich. And I am
*not* being shallow. Think of all the poor people I could help with all
my money!
Buffy: (off in her own world) I'll go.
Cordelia: (surprised) You'll go? (huge smile) Great! I'll drive. Oh, Buffy, it's like we're sisters! With really different hair. (Reptile Boy)

Xander: Okay, let's not say something we'll regret later, okay?
Cordelia: You crazy freak!
Buffy: Vapid whore!
Xander: Like that! (Homecoming)

Cordelia: You're starting to look a little slagged. What, are you just skipping foundation entirely now?
Buffy: Cordelia, I have at least three lives to contend with, none of which really mesh. It's kind of like oil, and water, and a third unmeshable thing.
Cordelia: Yeah, and I can see the oil. Is that your mom? Now, that is a woman that knows how to moisturize. Did it, like, skip a generation? (School Hard)

Cordelia: Aren't there laws against this sort of thing? (walks over to Buffy and Owen) Owen! Look at you, here all alone...
Owen: Cordelia, I'm here with Buffy.
Cordelia: Oh! Okay. Do you wanna dance?
Owen: No, I'm still here with Buffy.
Cordelia: You are so good to help the needy.
Buffy: Cordelia, Owen and I would like to be alone right now, and for that to happen, you would have to go somewhere that's away.
Cordelia: Well, when you're ready for the big leagues, let me know. (Never Kill a Boy On The First Date)

Cordelia: I, I can't go out there. All those people staring at me and judging me like I'm some kind of... Buffy! What if I mess up? (Puppet Show)

Cordelia: (talking about Giles) I didn't notice anything yesterday whenI saw him talking to the police.
Buffy: And you waited to tell us this because . . .?
Cordelia: I didn't think it was important.
Xander: We understand - it wasn't about you.
Buffy: What was he talking about?
Cordelia: Oh, don't tell me - I know this one. It was something about a . . .homicide. (The Dark Age)

Cordelia: Buffy? Love the hair. It just screams 'street urchin!' (Halloween)

Cordelia: Half the school is out with the flu. It's a serious deal, Buffy. We are all worried about how gross you look (Killed By Death)

Cordelia: You know, we've never really been close, which is nice, 'cause I don't really like you that much, but... you have on occasion saved the world and stuff, so I'm gonna... do you a favor.
Buffy: And this great favor is...
Cordelia: I'm gonna give you some advice. Get over it.
Buffy: Excuse me?
Cordelia: Whatever is causing the Joan Collins 'tude, deal with it. Embrace the pain, spank your inner moppet, whatever, but get over it. 'Cause pretty soon you're not even gonna have the loser friends you've got now. (When She Was Bad)

Buffy/Cordy Essay

Cordelia and Buffy
by Buffonia

Buffy: I-I'm not going with Angel. I'm going with -- ye gods -- Cordelia.
Willow: Cordelia?! ...Did I sound a little jealous just then, 'cause I'm not really...Cordelia?!
Xander: Cordelia's much better for you than Angel.

Buffy/Cordy in a nutshell? It's the witty sarcasm that's a little too vicious and a little too cruel. It's the underlying sameness of Cordelia being fitted for a May Queen gown as Buffy stares on in longing. It's Buffy pumping a shotgun and saying "I look cute in a tiara" as Cordelia smiles to her knowingly. It's two strong, beautiful women kicking ass and oozing sex appeal.

Like sisters, with really different hair

As different as these characters are, witness my borrowing of a clich骨ere, they are actually quite similar. Cordelia is sometimes considered the Anti-Buffy: superficial, self-centered and completely lacking tact. However, it has also been stated, by Buffy herself even, that she was Cordelia. Pre-destiny, before the demands of her calling, Buffy was the popular, prom queen cheerleader.

Apocalypses, and the stopping of them, tend to change people. Buffy's priorities were dramatically altered from "make boys drool" and "buy new shoes" to "save world" and "don't get killed." She fell in love, made quality friends and got hit by a major dose of reality; these being the catalysts in her transition from superficial to superhero. Funny, it seems a very similar sequence of events happened in Cordelia's life from season 2 BtVS and beyond.

Rollercoaster of love

The heart of the Buffy/Cordy relationship lies in their unique chemistry, which is rooted in their not-so-unique love-hate relationship. Or, well, like-hate. After a difficult starting point, they finally managed to attain a mutual respect and understanding for one another, despite the jabs and undercuts to each other.

"Buffy! Did you lose weight? And your hair... Alright, I respect you too much to be dishonest. The hair's a little... (smiles widely) Well, that really isn't the point here, is it?"

Cordelia gravitated to Buffy since day one. Honestly, it can be brushed aside as the ritual New Girl Inquisition. But she was willing to adopt Buffy into her circle of Cordettes based on first, physical impressions and the passing of the "coolness test."

In Invisible Girl, we see Buffy's understanding of Cordelia's quest for queendom. They even share a moment, through a locked a door, before Cordelia is kidnapped by a homicidal student. Cordelia, even though she ostracized Buffy from time to time, turned to the Slayer for help in times of crisis.

After becoming part of the group in Prophecy Girl (her help in vanquishing the legions of undead acting as a Scooby initiation) Cordelia soon began her own personal growth. Thanks to Buffy's semi-friendship.

Cordelia often approved of Buffy's opinion. Even going so far as to admit that Buffy was the reason she lowered her standards to that of Xander Harris, saying that she never would have looked twice at him had Buffy's presence not made him "marginally cooler."

Get by with a little help from your friends

Cordelia's tendency to see and say things as they are is a useful complement to Buffy's habitual denial. When Buffy wigged out during I Only Have Eyes for You, Cordelia bluntly stated "Overrelate much?"

In their own ways, they have tried to help each other out in times of emotional distress. Attempts that were usually met with sarcasm and a side of cold shoulder from the other party. Cordelia's snarky yet well-intentioned advice to Buffy in When She Was Bad proved that Cordy did give some thought to Buffy's well-being.

After Cordelia and Xander's all-too-public break up, Buffy returned the gesture in an almost exact scene in The Wish. Same alley. One girl following the other out of the Bronze. And both talks ended with Cordy almost becoming vamp food. Although Buffy's attempt at friendly advice was, well, friendlier, we can mostly credit that to Cordelia's bitterly sarcastic self-defense mechanism.

Life's a song

Worth mentioning are the lyrics to the song that plays during the music montage of Buffy and Cordy smugly competing and exchanging looks during Homecoming:

Well, I don't wanna be president
Superman or Clark Kent
I don't wanna walk 'round in their shoes
'Cause I don't know whose side I'm on
I don't know my right from wrong
I don't know where I'm going to
I don't know about you
And I may not be the man you want me to
I can be myself
How 'bout you?
I don't wanna make you mad
I don't wanna be your dream come true
'Cause I don't know just what I've found
I don't know my sky from ground
I don't know where I'm going to
I don't know about you

It's all about power

Despite their inhabiting separate ends of the social spectrum, there was always a kind of rivalry between Buffy and Cordelia. When it came to boys (i.e. Owen and Angel), Buffy came out on top...of the competition. But Cordelia was given many an opportunity to push back, demeaning Buffy at every chance in front of their peers.

Their mutual jealousy and quest for power in their respective circles came to a head at Homecoming, when the fight for a crown became a fight for survival. They were forced to push aside their petty differences (and some might argue, similarities) to work as a team. Because nothing, and I do mean nothing, shows you who your true friends are like a nice, hard battle to the death. Cutely enough, it all ends with both girls tying for a crownless non-victory.

From tiaras to boys to heartbreaking break ups, these girls can always relate to each other. With similar tastes and backgrounds, they can count on one another for advice or a helping superhuman hand.

Buffy and Cordelia have the classic potential for love according to Jossverse code. And current developments considered, there is a lot of room for romance. There is Angel and Los Angeles, just to name a few common ties that bind. Not to mention the Slayer's supernatural attraction to white hat demons.

Maybe it won't be cuddles and puppies, maybe it will just be the white hot battle for a metaphorical crown in the back of a limo. But one thing's for sure, these two jaded heroines have the kind of chemistry that kills.


Buffy/Cordy Links

leave me lying here
cordyslash: stories by pairing
Deep Waters
-:Sacrificing Normalcy:- A Slash-Fiction Archive for Buffy Summers and Cordelia Chase
Buffy/Cordy fanfiction

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Last edited by I_Love_JennaJameson; 03-21-2008 at 09:18 PM
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Old 03-14-2008, 01:19 AM
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You even have the previous thread links.

"To me, this is much more real. If these two crazy kids can make it work, it will be a lot more interesting than a kind of romance with obstacles thrown in." - Marti Noxon

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Old 03-14-2008, 01:22 AM
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I told you, my love of Buffelia is unhealthy

Probably because I think they are two of the most beautiful women on the planet, along with being my idols, and the best female characters ever created.
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Old 03-14-2008, 01:24 AM
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Originally Posted by I_Love_JennaJameson (View Post)

I told you, my love of Buffelia is unhealthy

Probably because I think they are two of the most beautiful women on the planet, along with being my idols, and the best female characters ever created.
Well said.

"To me, this is much more real. If these two crazy kids can make it work, it will be a lot more interesting than a kind of romance with obstacles thrown in." - Marti Noxon

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Old 03-14-2008, 01:29 AM
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I'm still in love with the essay in the OP, it sums up Cordy.Buffy perfectly.

I'm so close to face planting my keyboard
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Old 03-14-2008, 01:30 AM
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Originally Posted by I_Love_JennaJameson (View Post)

I'm still in love with the essay in the OP, it sums up Cordy.Buffy perfectly.

I'm so close to face planting my keyboard

Wake Up!

I'm tired too.

I'm having fun though.

"To me, this is much more real. If these two crazy kids can make it work, it will be a lot more interesting than a kind of romance with obstacles thrown in." - Marti Noxon

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Old 03-14-2008, 01:36 AM
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I'm having as much fun as a half asleep person can

I think I'm gonna attempt some more Buffelia icons tomorrow. I miss my Buffelia icon. Must Pimp the Cordy/Buffy love.
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Old 03-14-2008, 01:38 AM
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Originally Posted by I_Love_JennaJameson (View Post)
I'm having as much fun as a half asleep person can

I think I'm gonna attempt some more Buffelia icons tomorrow. I miss my Buffelia icon. Must Pimp the Cordy/Buffy love.
Go for it!

"To me, this is much more real. If these two crazy kids can make it work, it will be a lot more interesting than a kind of romance with obstacles thrown in." - Marti Noxon

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Old 03-14-2008, 01:50 AM
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Thanks :

I have my old PB open. The PB before my Buffelia love was discovered. There is no Buffelia in this one. Evil, bad, non-fem slashy PB.
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Old 03-14-2008, 01:52 AM
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Originally Posted by I_Love_JennaJameson (View Post)
Thanks :

I have my old PB open. The PB before my Buffelia love was discovered. There is no Buffelia in this one. Evil, bad, non-fem slashy PB.
Aww only Spuffy.

"To me, this is much more real. If these two crazy kids can make it work, it will be a lot more interesting than a kind of romance with obstacles thrown in." - Marti Noxon

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Old 03-14-2008, 02:00 AM
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And Jeff/Trish

And for some reason this is in my Spuffy folder

Sometimes I scare myself
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Old 03-14-2008, 02:02 AM
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"To me, this is much more real. If these two crazy kids can make it work, it will be a lot more interesting than a kind of romance with obstacles thrown in." - Marti Noxon

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Old 03-14-2008, 02:02 AM
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YAY we made it to #5 for Cordy and Buffy.

Sometimes I scare myself
If I found that in my Spuffy folder I'd be scared too.
I can't explain what happened on that floor
but the music played, we held each other close
and we danced...yeah, we danced
.¸.•*´¨¤ ¤¨´*•.¸.
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Old 03-14-2008, 02:03 AM
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You're here!

How are you?
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Old 03-14-2008, 02:05 AM
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"To me, this is much more real. If these two crazy kids can make it work, it will be a lot more interesting than a kind of romance with obstacles thrown in." - Marti Noxon

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