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Old 10-20-2004, 12:47 AM
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This episode was aimed at us but not in the way we wanted.

1) With Luke's ignorance we're told. No there is no consequences or inconveniences in Rory's life WHATSOEVER. So stop even thinking about it. The affair was a device to get Lindsay out of the story. Not to develop the show one bit.

In other words no one knows about the affair.

2) Luke is meant to be a straw figure to represent those who dont like the pairing. With Lorelai knocking down his arguments and Luke apologizing at the end.

Luke's arguments.

He's a punk. He broke her heart before.
He got married and bailed out.
He is pining for Rory while getting married.
He doesnt know what he wants.
How can Rory trust him?
Dean isnt "good for her."
Rory is like Pippi. Dean would be bad for Pippi.


You're only mad at him from years past. What has he done lately? *cough* *cough*
Their problems were mutual. You don't know the full story.
Young people make mistakes. (Oops, did i just put my genitalia there?)
He's 19 give him a break.
It isn't science there is no sure things.
He's better than Jess and there are no princes out there.
It's Rory's choice. Shut the hell up.
I need this to work....

3) Luke's main criticism is about him marrying Dean while he was "clearly" pining for Rory. Showing Dean's mistake was not waiting around for Little Miss Perfect to become free. One is supposed to have lives of quiet desperation around the Gilmores.

4) Rory defends marriage saying divorce is wrong. Unless you're telling someone they should get divorced before you'll bed them again.

5) On Dean being whipped. She makes out with him. Gets him all worked up. Gets him to agree to the stupid double date thing. And leaves him to walk like a penguin in the morning. Dean needs to wise up. But hopefully Rory will break him like a twig first.
Thomas: How can you be a nymphomaniac and never had sex?
Isabelle: I'm choosy.
I'm bored and you're bald. But I laughed when you called me the snail. My trail runs behind me. I'm guilty. No secrets. You're not such a picture yourself

Last edited by Raja; 10-20-2004 at 01:09 AM
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Old 10-20-2004, 12:57 AM
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Rory defends marriage saying divorce is wrong.
Rory's a two faced little bitch.


I... arg!

I just don't understand how this happened? Why aren't there any consequences? Is it because GG is such a happy, fluffy family show?
It's ok for them to have one of the main characters sleep with her married ex, but they can't show either of them suffering the aftermath because... why? Because it'd be soooooooo sad?


This is all crap.

(I'll calm down later. Probably should do it before posting, but I'm dumb like that)
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Old 10-20-2004, 01:03 AM
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Originally posted by Holly Gilmore
Rory's a two faced little bitch.
Why apologize for saying this?
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Old 10-20-2004, 02:17 AM
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I didn't like that on the date they were trying to recreate "old times". They're not 16 anymore, and they need to start acting like it. I was as annoyed as Luke that Dean kept telling him what things meant, like he read the Gilmore Girl Official mannual or something.

I like that Luke doesn't like Dean, although his reasons weren't the best. Especially about Rory needing a prince. She does not deserve a prince. I guess I can cut Luke some slack since he doesn't know about the adultry, but I still don't like that Rory is still 'perfect' in everyone's eyes.

Holly Gilmore, I know what you mean when you say you felt numb when you saw that they broke the seventh commandment. I think I was in shock. I was holding out hope that it was just the promos getting everyone excited, but then I saw the bed sheets turned back, and all was lost. I just kept thinking about how guilty I would feel if I ever did something like that, which is why I hate that they are getting away with this completely unscathed. It's just wrong.
I remember something about a limbo stick?

Last edited by musicalredhead; 10-20-2004 at 03:17 AM
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Old 10-20-2004, 02:39 AM
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What the hell is up with the episode title?

How the crap does Luke not know?

What do you mean, Luke kept telling Dean what things meant?

When I watched the finale promo, I just rolled my eyes. I thought they were just gonna make out. I was already pissed over the loss of Jess, so I already kinda didn't care. When Rory and Dean jumped out of the room during the finale...I suppose I already knew, but I was like..."they just stripped down, maybe they didn't get all the way there before getting caught...the bed's unmade...maybe they unmade it and were about to hop in when Lorelai came in..." but from Lorelai's face/voice...I knew. And then stupid whore said "we were safe" and made it crystal and three years of my life were down the fncking toilet.
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Old 10-20-2004, 03:24 AM
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Originally posted by Airie75
How the crap does Luke not know?

What do you mean, Luke kept telling Dean what things meant?
Luke doesn't know because no one told him; he asked Lorelai if Dean separated from Lindsey because he was still in love with Rory, which implied that he didn't know about the event that led to the separation (plus maybe then he wouldn't have been so hell bent on how perfect Rory is).

There were a few times that Lorelai and Rory would say something that a normal person might not know what they were talking about (as they often do), and Dean would explain it to Luke; because Dean knows everything about the Gilmore Girls. This would make Luke irritated.
I remember something about a limbo stick?
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Old 10-20-2004, 04:21 AM
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Oh, god, that reminds me of that episode when Dean was explaining the ways of the Gilmores to Max. I hated that episode. And that part was so "only insiders know what they're about" and it fncking angered me. I hate cliques. It made them see so cliquey.
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Old 10-20-2004, 05:36 AM
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Luke has been in Rory and Lorelai's life a lot longer than Dean. He knows that they're quirky and odd and when he wants to know what something means he asks one of them. But generally he's in the "I don't want to know" corner. He doesn't need to know what every little thing they do or say means. He never has.

*smacks Dean* Go away!!!

I feel like pulling my hair out. People are mad at Luke for being 'childish' and treating Dean badly...

I just.... *pulls hair out* Luke, unlike everyone else in SH, had an opinion and wasn't afraid to voice it. He didn't like Dean and he didn't like Dean being with Rory, and rather than just smiling and trying to make nice, like Lorelai, he gave Dean the cold shoulder and made it clear that he wasn't going to be buddies with him. He tried at first, but he wasn't comfortable and he was honest about it.

And I didn't like Rory snapping at him for it, either. I have heard people saying that they liked it, and this is my response to those people:

I personally didn't like that Rory snapped at Luke. Yeah, he wasn't that nice to Dean, but I'm sick of everyone just plastering on fake smiles and pretending to be ok with this whole R/D thing. Luke had an opinion and he didn't just gloss over it, he let it be known.

R/D haven't had to deal with what they did in hardly any ways. I was never ok with this storyline but I would have been more ok with it if it meant that Rory would wake up and make a change in her life.

But even Lorelai isn't allowed to say how she really feels anymore for fear of hurting Rory's delicate, princess feelings. I'm sick of it.
Arg. And Luke ends up apologizing and feeling like the bad guy? And Lorelai defends them and won't even admit to Luke that she hates it.

And don't even get me started on Dean asking for a beer. *shakes head* I wouldn't even ask my mother-in-law for a beer now and I'm 21 years old. I know Lorelai is a lot cooler than my mother-in-law, but still... don't get too comfortably too soon, Dean. *******.
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Old 10-20-2004, 05:42 AM
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Holly, come over here and let me give you some of my Rogaine.
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Old 10-20-2004, 01:16 PM
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Seeing that I skipped this episode too, I'll only respond to these:

Originally posted by Raja

You're only mad at him from years past. What has he done lately? *cough* *cough*
Their problems were mutual. You don't know the full story.
Young people make mistakes. (Oops, did i just put my genitalia there?)
He's 19 give him a break.
It isn't science there is no sure things.
He's better than Jess and there are no princes out there.
It's Rory's choice. Shut the hell up.
I need this to work....
In order of the asinine-ness of the statements.....

1) "I need this to work." WTF? Needs what to work? Amy needs this pathetic storyline to work even though she's putting no effort into it, and expects everyone to love Rory/Dean? Ew.

2) He is NOT better than Jess. Whatever. I'm still pissed that the show ruined Jess's character. Although, yeah, I can see how Lorelai would hate Jess, why the hell does she think Dean is BETTER?

3) What has he done recently? Um.... Why don't you TELL him, Lorelai?

4) Well, as the premiere showed, the problems were NOT mutual, the problems were created by Dean as an excuse/result of the cheating. That's where the title of this thread comes from.

5) Young people make mistakes/he's 19 give him a break -- 19 is an adult. If Dean was old enough to get married, he's old enough to face up to his actions. I am still clueless as to why Lorelai is DEFENDING him.

6) Rory makes horrible choices, Lorelai, you know that. Stop pretending it didn't happen.

7) It was always a sure thing that Rory was not attracted to Dean. Hmm.....wonder what changed.

Luke not knowing about the affair is a way for Amy to sweep it under the rug permanantly. I'm glad I quit the show. I'd rather watch the Degrassi repeats anyway.
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Old 10-20-2004, 06:41 PM
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Originally posted by CanonsAreWorthless
I'm glad I quit the show.
Canons! I advocate doing that like I would advocate draft-dodging.
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Old 10-20-2004, 07:02 PM
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I totally agree CanonsAreWorthless!!

Everyone can see that Rory and Dean have absolutely nooo chemistry together whatsoever, so why the hell did she have them sleep together in the first place?? The whole scene was awkward, as are the most recent eps. Dean and Rory are just plain wrong.

I wish Logan wouldn't fall for Rory, I wish no one would, she dosen't deserve anyone!

I hope that Jess comes back (for reasons of his own i.e. Luke, Liz, etc.) and see's Rory, Rory tries to reconcile with him, he totally brings her down, and she feels hurt and alone. Her judgement continues to piss me off.

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Old 10-20-2004, 08:54 PM
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Originally posted by rorynjess4ever
I wish Logan wouldn't fall for Rory, I wish no one would, she dosen't deserve anyone!
I am of that mind as well at the moment. Just reaffirming my reaffirmation on a repetitive basis.
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Old 10-21-2004, 12:03 AM
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I don't think she deserves anyone right now either. Maybe Dean. But then we'd have icky R/D still and that's worse.

I don't like how everyone thinks Rory deserves someone better than Dean or Jess. She's no where near perfect, and recently she's not even a nice person.
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Old 10-21-2004, 12:36 AM
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Jess needs work she's not willing to put in and patience she's not willing to have. Yeah, I love him, but the man's got problems.

Hey, but his problems make me wanna help him. Whereas Dean's make me want to kill. So I'm kind of the Anti-Rory. She's helping the one that needs the opposite.
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