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Old 04-10-2016, 06:32 AM
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ooh snap!!
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Old 04-10-2016, 08:29 AM
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Originally Posted by bonnie51 (View Post)
reportedly someone is
from flash world? ??? i think its arrow world and its already happened they cant do both shows ??
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Doctor Who ~ season 14/ 1
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Old 04-10-2016, 03:22 PM
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yep, from the Flash too.... and the EP's did say that people would be leaving - across the shows
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Old 04-10-2016, 07:04 PM
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Originally Posted by bonnie51 (View Post)
yep, from the Flash too.... and the EP's did say that people would be leaving - across the shows
Naww thats so sad legends they have said that from the start not sure how it would work for the show.. arrow well laurel character never got good storylines saying that with this world they can always come back
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Old 04-10-2016, 08:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Summer Falls (View Post)
Naww thats so sad legends they have said that from the start not sure how it would work for the show.. arrow well laurel character never got good storylines saying that with this world they can always come back
yeah. well it depends on who it is - presuming there is one. from what the EP's said and the filming in the cemetery it would appear that there is going to be at least one
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Old 04-11-2016, 06:11 AM
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Originally Posted by bonnie51 (View Post)
yeah. well it depends on who it is - presuming there is one. from what the EP's said and the filming in the cemetery it would appear that there is going to be at least one
huh i thought it was Laurels death we saw there.. ooh man someone from flash is dying aswell i cant handle that
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Old 04-12-2016, 01:29 PM
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well.... maybe not? I mean.......they could have shot in the same cemetery?

I still think Henry dying is the most likely option though
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Old 04-12-2016, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by bonnie51 (View Post)
well.... maybe not? I mean.......they could have shot in the same cemetery?

I still think Henry dying is the most likely option though
yeah i do think so to its him
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Old 04-13-2016, 08:47 PM
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yeah... actually I'm kind of more interested in what - if any - the rest of the fall out is going to be from the conclusion of the season.

I know we find out what Barry needs to be happy or something like that - Iris I presume? - at least that is where this season leads me to believe it i is heading

and it appears that Cisco's powers grow, Wally finds out - maybe? etc...
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Old 04-14-2016, 05:46 AM
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I hope its no one and its just them visting laurels grave who knows
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Old 04-14-2016, 09:17 AM
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that would be nice yes but I do not think we are going to be so lucky
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Old 04-14-2016, 10:12 AM
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There's zero chance they're going to visit Laurel's grave imo. Laurel's funeral is going to take place on Arrow 4x19 and Barry is the only one who tries to attend it. Also, there's plenty of Flash characters who have been spotted in funeral attire that didn't even know Laurel. Why would they visit her grave?
There's also the issue that this is the season finale of The Flash, it's highly improbable that they're wasting such an important episode by having the characters mourn a person from another show, especially considering that these writers have disrespected Laurel until her last breath.

I'm already dreading the finale because Joe and Henry are the only likely options and for different reasons I'd be super pissed if either of them died. At this point I hope for a twist, that there will be a fake out of some sort.
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Old 04-14-2016, 11:41 AM
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agree in all honesty though I don't really have strong feelings regarding Laurel on Arrow. I know some people felt as you stated, and a lot of others hated the character/actress. I... really didn't care. Maybe that says something regarding who she was portraying, IDK... but I just didn't ever get worked up about the character generally tbh

though I don't know about everyone else in the funeral attire. I mean, I have seen them in it, yes...

but the thing is... on a show that deals with time travel - even the death or Joe or a Henry - could potentially be altered at a later point by said time travel back to an earlier time.

Whose to say someone doesn't die in 2x22 ( we know from GG etc that its really supposed to heart breaking, etc. ) and then Barry decides to go back in time to try to save said person AFTER the funeral?

If that were to happen then it would seem to real out the idea of the people being in funeral clothes being safe. And it wouldn't even have to mean that he was successful, etc... just that he tried. Kind of like when he initially went back to save his mom and then didn't.
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Old 04-14-2016, 12:37 PM
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Originally Posted by bonnie51 (View Post)
agree in all honesty though I don't really have strong feelings regarding Laurel on Arrow. I know some people felt as you stated, and a lot of others hated the character/actress. I... really didn't care. Maybe that says something regarding who she was portraying, IDK... but I just didn't ever get worked up about the character generally tbh
I feel apathetic about Arrow in general. I don't have strong feelings towards Laurel either but we're talking about a woman who has always been treated like crap by her ex and her last words are about how he was the love of her life. Ugh

Originally Posted by bonnie51 (View Post)
Whose to say someone doesn't die in 2x22 ( we know from GG etc that its really supposed to heart breaking, etc. ) and then Barry decides to go back in time to try to save said person AFTER the funeral?

If that were to happen then it would seem to real out the idea of the people being in funeral clothes being safe. And it wouldn't even have to mean that he was successful, etc... just that he tried. Kind of like when he initially went back to save his mom and then didn't.
I hope there won't be any time travel. They're already recycling too many storylines and going back in time to try to save a loved one would be the exact same plot of last year. Also, Barry knows that changing the timeline is dangerous and can have unpredictable consequences so I don't want him to try it again. If time travel happens, I'd rather it be by accident than on purpose. Of course, the writers don't give a damn about what I want
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Old 04-14-2016, 01:08 PM
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Originally Posted by FireQueen (View Post)
I feel apathetic about Arrow in general. I don't have strong feelings towards Laurel either but we're talking about a woman who has always been treated like crap by her ex and her last words are about how he was the love of her life. Ugh
WOW.... yeah, that's... that's pretty damn bad.

I cut bait with Arrow probably... soon after Season Two. Watched some of Season 3 off and on but more off than on.

In a lot of ways I guess you might say I switched from Arrow to the Flash.

I hope there won't be any time travel. They're already recycling too many storylines and going back in time to try to save a loved one would be the exact same plot of last year. Also, Barry knows that changing the timeline is dangerous and can have unpredictable consequences so I don't want him to try it again. If time travel happens, I'd rather it be by accident than on purpose. Of course, the writers don't give a damn about what I want
Agreed. I don't want the time travel really, either... but depending on who the death is - I can see it happening. If it's Henry, IDK... since the show has made so much of it about Joe being his dad, etc...

if it were someone else? It could be possible. And of course, they have teased at times lately the Flash point plot - whether or not that was to signify anything or just a random line - I have no ideas obviously.

In a perfect world there is no time travel. No matter who it is. Not just because of the consequences but because of... lets see.

Traveled back in 2x17, will travel back in 2x21.... already did it briefly in the cross over .... so I think that it is enough in one season. Unless they are really doing Flash point and saying it happens because he went back in time one too many times....

which at this point I don't think I want. They need to stop going back in time or messing with time so much and actually develop things first. We're two years in - almost - time to let some things happen and then go from there. I know the Flash and time travel was a huge part of his comic story, etc... but I've had enough for this season. That, plus I have real concerns over what that would even look like. Would really no one remember? Would Cisco, Caitlin, etc... not have any idea who he was?

I'm all for Flash point maybe in Year 4, or Year 5, etc... when things might need a little kick start potentially. But right now, the ratings are strong, there seems to have been a set up for Season 3 and end of the season story lines - no more time travel after 2x21, please.

I will happily co-sign on that. no matter what happens, I do not care for anymore time travel either
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