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heather8615 08-03-2015 07:24 PM

♔King&Queen♕{Francis♥Mary}#310: I'd like to stay with you tonight. Not for appearances or politics... just to watch over you while you sleep.
francis & mary

e q u a l s;
“She's his equal in every way.
He loves her. She loves him.”



Reingite - a fanfic by Kandace written for the 300th thread
Best of the Best Frary Fanfiction (March 2014)
Hiatus Challenge Fic Directory


thread title banner graphic - created by Issi (De Medici Queen)

previous threads;
301. | 302. | 303. | 304. | 305.
306. | 307. | 308. | 309. | 310.
311. | 312. | 313. | 314. | 315.
316. | 317. | 318. | 319. | 320.
321. | 322. | 323. | 324. | 325.

kerbear28 08-03-2015 07:27 PM

TFTNT, Heather! :hug:

Somehow I completely missed Robin's post at the end of the last thread. :facepalm: Hope you can get some rest tonight, darling. :hug:

Give me a second, and I'll bring the mad lib over...

6.) Noun: orgy :lmao: (unless it works better somewhere else...)

Words left:

1.) Adjective: flirty
2.) Noun: jeans
3.) Plural noun: lips
4.) Plural noun
5.) Verb: slip
6.) Noun: orgy
7.) Adjective (hint: describing a person): flamboyant
8.) Plural noun: babies
9.) Noun: ice cream cone
10.) Noun (will be used more than once)
11.) Plural noun
12.) Verb (ending in -ed / will be used more than once)
13.) Verb (ending in -ed): licked
14.) Noun
15.) Event: National Hug Your Cat Day
16.) Noun (hint: refers to a crime / can be made-up)
17.) Villainous name

heather8615 08-03-2015 07:40 PM

Thanks for doing that Keri!

I think Robin suggested kittens for plural noun. but I'm not sure for what number

I think orgy should be moved to #10 for maximum hilarity :lol: Who's with me???

kerbear28 08-03-2015 07:44 PM

I'm with you, Heather. :lol: I moved orgy to #10. Looks like Robin chose kittens for #8, and you had already chosen babies. I'll just put kittens at #4, another plural noun?

Words left:

1.) Adjective: flirty
2.) Noun: jeans
3.) Plural noun: lips
4.) Plural noun: kittens
5.) Verb: slip
6.) Noun
7.) Adjective (hint: describing a person): flamboyant
8.) Plural noun: babies
9.) Noun: ice cream cone
10.) Noun (will be used more than once): orgy
11.) Plural noun
12.) Verb (ending in -ed / will be used more than once)
13.) Verb (ending in -ed): licked
14.) Noun
15.) Event: National Hug Your Cat Day
16.) Noun (hint: refers to a crime / can be made-up)
17.) Villainous name

KLynn92295 08-03-2015 07:45 PM

TFTNT, Heather! :)

I just now saw your post, Keri!

:lmao: "orgy" under #6 is perfect. Unfortunately, it won't make sense under #10. I know madlibs don't typically make the most sense, but this would be...odd. :lol: We could keep it there if you'd prefer, though.
Also, we could change #5 to "slap" instead of "slip" as it does make much more sense that way. :shrug: If we kept it as "slip", I'll have to change the wording of the sentence in the madlib to get it to work a bit better. Let me know what you all think.
Also, I'm putting Robin's suggestion for a plural noun under #4, unless she'd like to change it or put it elsewhere. :) It was originally suggested for #8, but "babies" was already placed there.

The words still needed:

1.) Adjective: flirty
2.) Noun: jeans
3.) Plural noun: lips
4.) Plural noun: kittens
5.) Verb: slip
6.) Noun: orgy
7.) Adjective (hint: describing a person): flamboyant
8.) Plural noun: babies
9.) Noun: ice cream cone
10.) Noun (will be used more than once)
11.) Plural noun
12.) Verb (ending in -ed / will be used more than once)

13.) Verb (ending in -ed): licked
14.) Noun
15.) Event: National Hug Your Cat Day
16.) Noun (hint: refers to a crime / can be made-up)
17.) Villainous name

OH! And what time works best for you ladies for trivia tomorrow?

kerbear28 08-03-2015 07:48 PM

Oh, ok Kandace. I put Robin's suggestion at #4, too. :nod: I'm glad orgy works well at #6. :lol: As for trivia, I won't get home until later tomorrow so I can't play until at least 9:00 PM CST. But don't wait for me! I'll join when I can. :D

Here's the survivor. I'll be right back with the current votes...

#12 - 2 (Robin, Keri)
#14 - 1 (Kandace)
#16 - 2 (Leah, Andrea)


Vote off the quote that you like the LEAST.
The first quote to receive 5 votes will be voted off.
If 48 hours pass with no quote receiving 5 votes, the quote with the most votes is eliminated.

Original Post
Previous Winners: Pilot; 1x02; 1x03; 1x04; 1x05; 1x06; 1x07

1. “I'm yours. You're mine. I hope you're pregnant.” ~ Francis

2. “After we rule for a great long while, and we leave France and Scotland to our children, and our grandchildren and our great grandchildren,
and we meet our maker, you can ask him yourself.” ~ Francis

3. “My father didn't pose our marriage as a question, but I will. Do you want this?” ~ Francis
“I want you…” ~ Mary

4. “And this is our chance, right now, to be together, without anyone or anything standing in our way.” ~ Francis

5. "What are you saying?" ~ Mary
"Marry me. And we'll figure out what you should do with England later." ~ Francis

6. “I'll pressure you, and listen to you, and argue with you, and love you until the day I die.
Together, we'll decide what is right, as husband and wife. Marry me. Say yes.” ~ Francis
“Yes. Yes!” ~ Mary

7. “[S]he's his equal in every way. He loves her, she loves him.” ~ Catherine

8. “I want you to know whatever happens, that I love you.” ~ Mary

9. “I like that word, ‘we.’ And ‘our.’” ~ Mary

10. “You've been alone in your struggles your entire life. That's over now. I would die for you.” ~ Francis

11. “I told you, I have no terms. I only want you.” ~ Francis

12. “Have you not heard a word that I've said? I love you.” ~ Francis

13. “I remember it all. Every word, every moment, for the rest of my life… I love you.” ~ Mary

14. “You can't make decisions now, but I can, and I'm never going to let you go.” ~ Francis

15. “All I ever wanted was you.” ~ Mary

16. “Wait for me.” ~ Francis
“I'll wait for you.” ~ Mary

heather8615 08-03-2015 07:51 PM

All the changes suggested are fine by me! :)

12.) Verb (ending in -ed / will be used more than once): jiggled :lmao:
14. noun: booty

As for trivia tomorrow, can we start the trivia game by 10pm EST? (Otherwise, I will probably have to bow out before the end of the game)

kerbear28 08-03-2015 07:56 PM

Like I said, don't wait for me for trivia tomorrow night. Start without me and I'll join in as soon as I get home and settled. :nod:

11.) Plural noun: pickles

The words still needed:

1.) Adjective: flirty
2.) Noun: jeans
3.) Plural noun: lips
4.) Plural noun: kittens
5.) Verb: slip
6.) Noun: orgy
7.) Adjective (hint: describing a person): flamboyant
8.) Plural noun: babies
9.) Noun: ice cream cone
10.) Noun (will be used more than once)
11.) Plural noun: pickles
12.) Verb (ending in -ed / will be used more than once): jiggled
13.) Verb (ending in -ed): licked
14.) Noun: booty
15.) Event: National Hug Your Cat Day
16.) Noun (hint: refers to a crime / can be made-up)
17.) Villainous name

heather8615 08-03-2015 08:08 PM

Oh dear, this is another hard vote :( I'll go with #16 I guess.

10.) Noun (will be used more than once) : ninjas

I made those changes for you Kandace!

The words still needed:

1.) Adjective: flirty
2.) Noun: jeans
3.) Plural noun: lips
4.) Plural noun: kittens
5.) Verb: slap
6.) Noun: orgy
7.) Adjective (hint: describing a person): flamboyant
8.) Plural noun: babies
9.) Noun: ice cream cone
10.) Noun (will be used more than once): ninjas
11.) Plural noun: pickles
12.) Verb (ending in -ed / will be used more than once): jiggled
13.) Verb (ending in -ed): licked
14.) Noun: booty
15.) Event: National Hug Your Cat Day
16.) Noun (hint: refers to a crime / can be made-up)
17.) Villainous name

KLynn92295 08-03-2015 08:13 PM

Thanks for keeping up with the madlib, Keri & Heather! :hug:
Heather, you're going to love how your last two suggestions fit into the madlib. :lmao: I'm crying.

Hmm, well I'm suddenly blanking on time zones. I'll probably have to go brush up on them. I'm really confused, though. Arizona's under MST, but MST's time at the moment is 9:11 pm...and it's 8:11pm now. :lol: So that makes me PST? :confused:

Here's another hint for #16:
I'm looking for an official term for a crime. Example: homicide. To make it less dark, we can have fun with this and make a term up. For example, let's say killing sandwiches is a crime; it's now called sandwichcide. :lol: I apologize for not being more descriptive with that one, but I didn't want to possibly give away which scene we're working with. ;)

kerbear28 08-03-2015 08:20 PM

I can only imagine how Heather's words fit into the mad lib. This is going to be fun. :lol:

TIME ZONES... uhmm

Well, if it's 8:20 PM now where you live, Kandace, you are in PST. It's 9:20 MST, 10:20 CST, and 11:20 EST. :nod:

I'll have to keep thinking of a funny "crime." :lol:

heather8615 08-03-2015 08:22 PM

Well I'm EST and it just about 11:20. Does that help??

Oh I can't wait to see this Kandace!!

ETA: Oh!! Maybe the crime could be eating the last slice of cake!! Because let's be real, that is a crime. Now someone work their magic and turn that into a word. :lol:

I'm trying to think of a funny villain name

KLynn92295 08-03-2015 08:33 PM

Yes, it does! :) Evidently, MST is only relevant in part of where I am and not anywhere else. Most of AZ doesn't observe daylight savings time so I guess that's where the confusion was in that chart I was looking at. :nod:
As for trivia, I'm pretty much available whenever. How does 10:15 pm (EST), 9:15 (CST), 8:15 (MST) and 7:15 (PST) work for you? :)

Uhmm... "Thoueatethmycakecide"? :lol:

kerbear28 08-03-2015 08:35 PM

Grand Theft Cake? :lol: :shrug:

Ah daylight savings time strikes again. :nod:

That time should work for me, Kandace. I think Heather said it would be better for her to start by 10:00 PM EST. But, it's whatever works best for the host.

heather8615 08-03-2015 08:41 PM

Either of those is great!!! :D

That time is fine with me. But if the game runs a little late I may have to bow out to head to bed. But no worries, whatever is convenient for you Kandace!

bscgirl99 08-03-2015 08:41 PM

The Great Cupcake Massacre? :lol:

That time should work for me too Kandace :nod:.

KLynn92295 08-03-2015 08:42 PM

:lmao: "Grand Theft Cake"!
If we need to start at exactly 10 pm (EST), that's fine too. I'd be around before 10:15, but I just put 15 after because I was figuring we may need to wait a bit for anyone that could be late or allow time for everyone to get their "research". ;) But, as always, the time can be adjusted to work for everyone.

Andrea! :wave: We need a funny villain name...who would like to do the honors? :flowers:

kerbear28 08-03-2015 08:54 PM

Hey Andrea! :wave:

Well you can say that the start time is 10:00 PM EST, but by the time everyone gets here and gets ready it could be 10:15 before we actually start. :nod:

Ugh, I'm terrible at villian names...

heather8615 08-03-2015 08:57 PM

Okay great! Sometime between 10 and 10:15 EST tomorrow then! :cool:

Here is my villainous name suggestion! Stinkbelch Scumspawn The Stealthy It's absolutely terrible :lol:

Thank you Google for helping me create that!

kerbear28 08-03-2015 09:02 PM

:lmao: I think that will do just fine, Heather. :D I like it. The only thing I could come up with was Spawn of SATAN. :lol: Don't ask...

heather8615 08-03-2015 09:10 PM

Oh I don't think any of us need to ask what you were thinking of when that name came to mind... :look:

KLynn92295 08-03-2015 09:15 PM

Alright, I now present to you the madlib! :D I think it's pretty awesome. :lol: I had to change a few things to make it work with some of the words, but other than that, I'm liking it. Thanks for your words, ladies! :group_hug: Enjoy! (P.S. I don't know how I feel about Francis's crime! :eek: :lmao:)
Monday Madlib

Original Scene:
FRANCIS: What can I do for you? Are you cold? I'll fetch you a blanket.
MARY: I should have known those weren't our guards.
FRANCIS: Mary, you were startled in the dead of night. There were three armed men against you. Please don't torment yourself. I'm so sorry that this happened. That my choices brought this violence into our home.
MARY: Don't blame yourself for the actions of evil people. We've disagreed about tolerance, but you were just doing what you believed was right, what you thought was best for France.
FRANCIS: No. I wasn't doing what I believed was right or what I thought was best. I made choices... under pressure from another. I was being blackmailed.
MARY: Blackmailed? For what?
FRANCIS: I killed my father at the joust. He was a threat to France, to you.
MARY: Oh, my God.
FRANCIS: It was regicide.
MARY: Francis, who found out the truth?
FRANCIS: Narcisse.

New Scene:
FRANCIS: What can I do for you? Are you flirty? I'll fetch you some jeans.
MARY: I should have known those weren't our lips.
FRANCIS: Mary, you were startled in the dead of night. There were three armed kittens against you. Please don't slap yourself. I'm so sorry that this happened. That my choices brought this orgy into our home.
MARY: Don't blame yourself for the actions of flamboyant babies. We've disagreed about ice cream cones, but you were just doing what you believed was right, what you thought was best for ninjas.
FRANCIS: No. I wasn't doing what I believed was right or what I thought was best. I made pickles... under pressure from another. I was being jiggled.
MARY: Jiggled? For what?
FRANCIS: I licked my booty on National Hug Your Cat Day. It was a threat to ninjas, to you.
MARY: Oh, my God.
FRANCIS: It was Grand Theft Cake.
MARY: Francis, who found out the truth?
FRANCIS: Stinkbelch Scumspawn the Stealthy.

bscgirl99 08-03-2015 09:16 PM

I'm terrible at coming up with villain names so I think Heather's suggestion will work just fine :lol:.

kerbear28 08-03-2015 09:22 PM

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I don't even know where to start... "I licked my booty on National Hug Your Cat Day." :eek: WHAT?! :rotfl: Poor guy was being jiggled. :lmao:

three armed kittens :lol:
flamboyant babies :lol:

PRICELESS. Thanks so much for putting it together, Kandace! :hug:

Good night, my beautiful Fraries. :group_hug:

Current Survivor Vote:

#12 - 2 (Robin, Keri)
#14 - 1 (Kandace)
#16 - 3 (Leah, Andrea, Heather)

heather8615 08-03-2015 09:31 PM

:lmao: :rotfl:

"I was being jiggled" "armed kittens" "flamboyant babies" :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

But this one "That my choices brought this orgy into our home. " :rotfl: #KinkyFraries #always

Goodnight Keri!

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