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Old 05-28-2014, 08:31 PM
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♔ King & Queen ♕ {Mary♥Francis} #149: “I love Francis MORE.” ~ Mary

francis & mary

e q u a l s;
“She's his equal in every way.
He loves her. She loves him.”

the s t o r y so far
Mary and Francis were childhood playmates, each one remembering their shared history fondly: the falling feathers, the laughter, the general mayhem they brought to the castle halls. “Francis is a girl’s name,” young Mary whispered as they raced up the stairs hand-in-hand. Fast-forward to years later and it’s almost like meeting again for the first time. Mary stands nervously on the front lawn, searching for the boy she once knew as a child. “Is that Francis?” one of her ladies inquires, but the man before her is not the right one. Not at all. She continues to search the unfamiliar faces, hoping… and that’s when Francis appears. She knows him in a heartbeat and her face lights up. What a relief, what luck…

If they were just a girl and just a boy, things would be so simple, but most worthwhile things never are…Their first conflict is head vs. heart ~ Mary and Francis are not your average teenagers, they are rulers of nations, and as such, their obligation to their countries far outweighs their desire for their own happiness. It is Francis who understands this well before Mary arrives, causing him to keep her at arm’s length... he cannot let himself love her, it’s far too dangerous for both his nation and his heart. And it isn’t long before Mary’s duty to protect Scotland teaches her that Francis is right.

“Love is irrelevant to people like us, a privilege we do not share.”

And yet… the heart wants what the heart wants ~ Mary and Francis yearn for one another. Mary already loves him and all she desires is for him to love her in return. He tries to fight the pull, but the pull is far too strong. Logic, reason and duty fall to the wayside; his heart tells him to love her relentlessly, and it is far too loud for him to ignore.The chemistry is palpable long before their hands clasp together or their lips and tongues touch. The sparks ignite with every gaze—with just a breath of air between them. In a moment alone by a lakeside at sunset or clinging to each other by firelight, their passion burns like a supernova.Mary had once vowed to save Francis, and when Mary’s life and reputation are put at risk, Francis proves that he’d be willing to do the same-- even at the risk of his own life. Mary goes to him afterwards, her body humming with the fear of losing the man she loves and the realization of just what he was willing to give up for her. She beats her fists against his chest, begging him to tell her why he would be so stupid, and the answer takes her breath away.

“Because I love you…”

It is no wonder then, that all previous bumps in the road are long forgotten. #thepull now rules their heads and their bodies as well as their hearts. He whispers for her to tell him when to stop and she replies, “Never…”
After weeks of "never stopping," they share an intimate morning together full of hopes and dreams of their shared future. Lounging in bed, enjoying a moment of precious stillness (tm, Kayeberrie), imagining a future full of children and grandchildren. Tickles and giggles with no inhibitions. The bliss of being in love, the comfort and freedom they feel in each other’s arms-- it is everything they'd ever wanted and more. When he proposes to her later that day, they are so overjoyed that they literally resort to twirling and skipping through a meadow. The highest of the highs…

…lead to the lowest of the lows. No otp is complete with out its fair share of angst, and these two have heapfuls to spare. A prophecy looms, tying Mary and Francis’ marriage to Francis’ premature death; Mary’s desperate attempt to save the man that she loves, turns the world upside down and shatters both their hearts into tiny pieces. There is absolutely nothing she wouldn’t do to save him and nothing he wouldn’t do to be with her until his dying day, whether far or soon.

Francis accepts his defeat, believing the love of his life, as well as his crown, are lost to him. He takes the freedom that once belonged to his brother and he disappears…Mary, left behind with a broken heart, finds herself desperately trying to keep her plan to save Francis afloat. It weighs heavily on her, but she uses all her strength to do what needs to be done and tries to make the best of her new, darker world. She is just coming to a place of acceptance in this world, when Francis’ sudden and unexpected return begins to pull her back to the light.
The revelation that the prophecy has changed begins to tear down the walls of Mary’s new reality. She is afraid to believe, she is terrified to trust that it won’t be taken away once again. However, when her greatest foe, Catherine, grants her a free and clear choice to be with the man she truly loves, she takes this gift and runs with it. Quite literally. Racing desperately through the castle hallways she searches for the only man who has ever been in her heart. With tears of joy she flings herself into his waiting arms and lips, drinking him in after a seemingly endless drought.

“You. It’’s you. It’s always been you.”

Francis reciprocates her kisses; they are the glue that mends his broken heart. The third time’s the charm, as he asks her once more to become his wife.The wedding day solidifies that these two equal halfs are now one unbreakable whole. They are equals in their marriage, partners in all things for their rest of their lives. As Queen and King Consort of Scotland, and someday King and Queen Consort of France, they will share the burden of ruling their people with clear heads and compassion. It is their combined strength as a #powercouple that has them poised to be truly great leaders. Together they will overcome all future obstacles, til death do they part.

The love story of Mary Queen of Scots and King Francis II shall never be forgotten by history.
~firewall (Rachel)

001. - 100.
101. Robsessed_MeesterManic
102. SmashinglySweet
103. stilestilinski
104. thebluemartini
105. Ceruleannight
106. Tappintoes
107. MaybeSomeday
108. jules166
109. shebacs
110. drowninginfeels
111. Infinitywr
112. Dare2Dream
113. moniegold
001. History
002. Laurie McCarthy
003. Adelaide Kane
004. Wardrobe Department
005. Jonathan Keltz
006. Bash
007. Lola
008. Charles
009. Greer
010. Alyssa Campanella
011. the wasp
012. @reignwriters
013. Catherine de Medici
014. Marie de Guise
015. FraryFanBoy
016. Toby "What is shipping?" Regbo (because anything else is just RUDE)
★ ★ ★

“I remember it all. Every word. Every moment, for the rest of my life. I love you.”

“If you weren't the future King of France...
and I was just a girl, not the Queen of anything...
would you want this?
"I remember it all. Every word. Every moment, for the rest of my life. I love you."
But I'd save you, and we could go to Scotland and rule there.”
“Tell me when you want me to stop.”
“Oh I'll pressure you... and listen to you, and argue with you
...and love you until the day I die.”
"You know what my heart says now?
It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what.
You're a true queen. A queen that any king would kill for."
"It’s pretty obvious now, that for us to stay sane, we need to be together."
“I want you to know, whatever happens, that I love you.”
"They would have killed you! Why would you do something so stu–"
"Because I love you!"

"If I were just me, Francis, not the future king of anything, and you were just you, Mary… Mary.
Well, this would be the moment that I declared myself yours. Only yours."
"And I’m yours. Truly."
"I would rather have hope with you than certainty anywhere else."
“All I ever wanted was you.”
"You've been alone in your struggles your entire life. That's over now. I would die for you."
"What we decide is right, for our people." "I like that word. 'We' and 'our'."
“The fact of the matter is I am committed to you now.”
"After we rule, for a great long while, and we leave France and Scotland
to our children, and our grandchildren, and our great grandchildren...
and we meet our maker... you can ask him yourself."
"I told you I have no terms. I only want you."
“Together we'll decide what is right - as husband and wife.”
"I see a future for us quite clearly. We would be happy.
I would give anything to spend my life, however long, at your side."
"It wasn't for lack of love. Or joy, or trust in you. It was because
I couldn't bear the thought of losing you."
“It’s odd, isn’t it? That your mother was the one to show me
what was truly in my heart. You. It’s you, it's always been you.”

★ ★ ★

the 100th soundtrack;
{click on the artwork to listen}

the fanfiction;

by lemontart (Laura)

Missing scene from 1x13. After the second hallway scene Mary and Francis go somewhere to begin to reconnect.
Read: AO3 | FF

Best of the Best Frary Fanfic

001. | 002. | 003. | 004. | 005.
006. | 007. | 008. | 009. | 010.
011. | 012. | 013. | 014. | 015.
016. | 017. | 018. | 019. | 020.
021. | 022. | 023. | 024. | 025.
026. | 027. | 028. | 029. | 030.
031. | 032. | 033. | 034. | 035.
★ ★ ★

001. | 002. | 003. | 004. | 005.
006. | 007. | 008. | 009. | 010.
★ ★ ★

001. | 002. | 003. | 004. | 005.
006. | 007. | 008. | 009. | 010.
011. | 012. | 013. | 014. | 015.
★ ★ ★

LJ Community | fymf@tumblr | Couples
★ ★ ★

Sometimes in such a place
His image comes to me.
The sweet smile on his face
Up in a cloud I see.
Then sudden in the mere
I see his funeral bier.

When I lie quietly
Sleeping upon my couch,
I hear him speak to me
And I can feel his touch.
In my duties each day
He is near me always.

Nothing seems fine to me
Unless he is therein.
My heart will not agree
Unless he is within.
I lack all perfection
In my cruel dejection

★ ★ ★


★ ★ ★

threads 001. to 100.
101. | 102. | 103. | 104. | 105.
106. | 107. | 108. | 109. | 110.
111. | 112. | 113. | 114. | 115.
116. | 117. | 118. | 119. | 120.
121. | 122. | 123. | 124. | 125.
126. | 127. | 128. | 129. | 130.
131. | 132. | 133. | 134. | 135.
136. | 137. | 138. | 139. | 140.
141. | 142. | 143. | 144. | 145.
146. | 147. | 148. | 149. | 150.
I don't think. I know.
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Old 05-28-2014, 08:33 PM
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TFTNT!! the use of capitals in the title is
bread new thread for our pilot re-watch!! how perfect!!!
~ feathers & fireflies ~
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Old 05-28-2014, 08:36 PM
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tftnt, Rachel! And the addition of the capital letters is very appropriate. A brand new thread to kill with our pilot rewatch discussion!
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Old 05-28-2014, 08:47 PM
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Hello! Checking in from vacation!!! I'm missing a lot on here it seems, but I haven't missed the 150th thread! But that could happen...we are supposed to be traveling home on Friday, and likely Saturday too b/c it is such a long drive. However after watching the weather it looks like it is going to be raining all day tomorrow. Which cuts into our plans for the zoo, and also plans for going back down to the beach. Depressing!! I honestly don't know what we'll do for sure... I just kind of hope tomorrow isn't a washout!

I really wanted to play trivia, and I did lurk just a tiny bit last night during that...but not enough to participate.
I've already forgotten when Wednesday was in the hiatus schedule? What was it?

I will probably not be able to participate in the pilot re-watch. I hope I don't miss the 150th...
"The world can be dark Mary, and uncertain, and cruel. The only thing that really matters is that we face it together. Whatever the future brings, you are my light."
icon credit to Andrea!
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Old 05-28-2014, 08:47 PM
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Watch out for the bear, Rach. He snores.

Don't worry. No more decrees. Being queen has been wonderful, but exhausting. I'll keep my queenie avi through bedtime, okay? Full 24 hrs ...

I have a few more images to make and then I think I'm headed to bed.
In a world of chaos, she could be your silence.
The oceans of her kindness, they will pull you under.
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Old 05-28-2014, 08:51 PM
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Your reign has been incredible, Queen Kate. Even though you may abdicate your throne, you will always be a queen in my heart.

Hope your day tomorrow isn't a washout, Robin! That would be awful. Enjoy the rest of your vacation.
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Old 05-28-2014, 09:03 PM
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Originally Posted by kerbear28 (View Post)
Your reign has been incredible, Queen Kate. Even though you may abdicate your throne, you will always be a queen in my heart.
awwww!!! I completely agree with what Keri has said!! you were a wonderful Queen!!

I also hope that the weather cooperates with you tomorrow Robin! hope you are having a nice relaxing and fun vacation!!

I'm gonna head to bed in a little bit, so goodnight everyone! See you tomorrow for the Pilot rewatch!!

~ feathers & fireflies ~
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Old 05-28-2014, 09:13 PM
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Play your trivia right, Kate, and you may soon be Queen once again.

Long May ____ Reign!

Good luck with your vacation weather, Robin. We miss you, but don't worry, there will be plenty more fun waiting her when you get back.
I don't think. I know.
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Old 05-28-2014, 09:30 PM
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Good night, my darlings! See you tomorrow for the pilot rewatch!

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Old 05-28-2014, 10:06 PM
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Happy 100K
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Old 05-28-2014, 10:13 PM
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tftnt, Rachel! Great choice on the title

Goodnight, Heather & Keri! Tomorrow's our first re-watch!! Are we doing anything during the day in preparation?

Robin, I hope the rain holds off so you can enjoy the zoo! We miss you and are so glad you are checking in!

Also, calling all euro Fraries!! Rachel gave me the go ahead for hosting a separate trivia night next Tuesday!!! So timing wise.. does 8 pm GMT, work for everyone? I think that is around my lunch break, time zone conversion has never been my strong area. I could also offer 3pm GMT because that is before I leave for work, but I don't usually see a lot people on at that time...
It's life's greatest treasure to love... and to be loved in return.
- - Poldark - -

Anna ~ Ceruleannight
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Old 05-28-2014, 10:13 PM
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Originally Posted by firewall (View Post)
Play your trivia right, Kate, and you may soon be Queen once again.

Long May ____ Reign!
I see what you did there ...

As a side note, I will bestowing final favors upon artwork selection when I make my final choices. More on that tomorrow. Many thanks to everyone who catered to the queen's whims today.

Edit: Final favors are to be bestowed upon Tessa, Anna and Heather for art submissions! Please PM me a scene request for a custom-made 150th celebration avi.

And I just put the finishing touches on the 150th OP, which means I'm really needing icons, fics, etc. that anyone might have for me ... *hint-hint*

Off to bed. I've been up waaay too late.
In a world of chaos, she could be your silence.
The oceans of her kindness, they will pull you under.

Last edited by kategrinstead; 05-28-2014 at 11:51 PM
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Old 05-28-2014, 11:53 PM
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Headed to bed! Kate you were a wonderful queen for the day! (did you ever find your bear?!)

Euro Fraries let me know what time works for your trivia night!

It's life's greatest treasure to love... and to be loved in return.
- - Poldark - -

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Old 05-29-2014, 12:01 AM
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Hey guys

TFTNT The title

Only 1 more to 150 threads

So guys, do you want me to make a video?
Whatever the future brings, you are my light.
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Old 05-29-2014, 12:12 AM
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hi ale
Bellamy I need you,
You need me?You left me. You left everyone.

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