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Old 05-28-2014, 08:47 PM
Master Fan

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Joined: Mar 2007
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Hello! Checking in from vacation!!! I'm missing a lot on here it seems, but I haven't missed the 150th thread! But that could happen...we are supposed to be traveling home on Friday, and likely Saturday too b/c it is such a long drive. However after watching the weather it looks like it is going to be raining all day tomorrow. Which cuts into our plans for the zoo, and also plans for going back down to the beach. Depressing!! I honestly don't know what we'll do for sure... I just kind of hope tomorrow isn't a washout!

I really wanted to play trivia, and I did lurk just a tiny bit last night during that...but not enough to participate.
I've already forgotten when Wednesday was in the hiatus schedule? What was it?

I will probably not be able to participate in the pilot re-watch. I hope I don't miss the 150th...
"The world can be dark Mary, and uncertain, and cruel. The only thing that really matters is that we face it together. Whatever the future brings, you are my light."
icon credit to Andrea!
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