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Old 01-15-2016, 07:50 AM
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Yeah, I knoooow Miros, but it's still purple
Ahw, hope your kittycats keep you good company when you're not feeling so well
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Old 01-15-2016, 08:05 AM
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Anyone have any plans this weekend?

I have a party tonight, my oldest friend's boyfriend and his twin sister are throwing a party together for their birthday and from past years I know their parties are always the best, so I'm excited also lots of people there I haven't seen in ages, so that will be fun too. And I am bringing the boyfriend and it'll be the first time he'll get to meet a lot of my friends, I'm kind of nervous but I'm sure it'll be good!
"Babes, I found the churros!" x
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Old 01-15-2016, 08:14 AM
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That sure sounds like fun Those are always the most interesting moments when you're in a new relationship: bringing him to your friends/family/etc.

I'm heading to my parents some time soon. Tomorrow my mom and I are going to the birthday of one of my cousins (she's 3 months older than me), so I'll be seeing some family I haven't seen in a while
And I just got a whatsapp message from my mom that we'll be going to some kind of documentary/movie about David Bowie on Sunday at a movie theater. Like I said, my dad's a huge fan, and it'll be good for me to know a bit more about him My dad's still kinda really sad about his passing...

Sooo... that's my weekend
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Old 01-15-2016, 08:40 AM
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Sounds like a good weekend!

Yeah, I'm not so nervous about him getting along with everyone, but the language barrier sucks a bit. He does speak/understand some Dutch, but not fluently, and of course everyone speaks English but I still worry that on a party with lots of people like that, the majority will of course be in Dutch and he might feel a little left out, especially cause there are so many people I haven't seen in a long time and that I really need to catch up with so I can't keep my complete attention on him at all times but I'm sure he'll understand and he does at least know one other person there so I'm sure it'll be okay!
"Babes, I found the churros!" x
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Old 01-15-2016, 03:41 PM
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I came home during my lunch break and tossed myself in bed. Then I had to drag my butt back up to finish off the day and get back to work. So glad the day is over.
I was going to join my cousin and some of his friends on a small two-day road trip, but no energy…

Val, I hope you had a blast!

Mascha, sounds like you'll be having a jam-packed weekend.
You say it's just a car and that it ain't got no meaning
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Old 01-16-2016, 03:53 AM
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How was the party, Val?
What language(s) does he speak fluently?

Napping during lunch break, did it help a bit?
Ahhhw, hope you'll feel better after the long weekend
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Old 01-16-2016, 04:10 PM
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Sorry you had to sit out on that road trip, Miros. Feel better!

Mascha, hope your weekend is going great

I had a really good time at the party yesterday but I'm still recovering from it it all went very well though, and I really didn't have anything to worry about at all! Everyone we talked to immediately switched to English to make him feel included and everyone helped to teach him some more Dutch, too

What language(s) does he speak fluently?
He's German, so that and English mostly we usually talk in English but switch to Dutch or German sometimes too so it's kind of a mix
"Babes, I found the churros!" x
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Old 01-16-2016, 04:42 PM
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Woke up coughing at 3:30 AM, took more Ny-Quil Still dealing with the aftereffects.
Tried to eat some solids today but that only created a coughing fit, so I’m back to liquids, cough drops, and my good old Echinacea tea
Looks like this will be the rest of my 3-day weekend

I’m glad you and your bf had a great time at the party, Val. I bet you guys have cute little accents when you speak in English.
Btw, what does your English sound like? I have to google that someday.

How was your party, Mascha?

Omigosh! I found a Lil Black Beauty emoji.
You say it's just a car and that it ain't got no meaning
But this car right here, this car is freedom.
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Old 01-16-2016, 05:05 PM
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Biggest hugs and lots of good vibes coming your way, Miros! hope you get better soon!

the typical Dutch accent in English is pretty terrible, so I'm kind of glad I've heard before that I don't really have it. I think I do have an accent, but it's mostly a mix of a lot of different things and people have tried to figure out where I was from before but couldn't.

Aww yay an official Delilah emoji!
"Babes, I found the churros!" x
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Old 01-16-2016, 05:19 PM
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I'm just going to take it easy, and I'm glad I don't have to worry about calling in on Monday since I already have it off.

I wonder if you and Mascha have similar accents... And btw, I do NOT have a Texas accent. THANKFULLY!!!

Yeah that emoji is perfect. My orange tabby is now grooming both girls. He usually leaves them with drenched mohawks. I'm beginning to wonder if he's doing that just to be a jerk.

Have a great rest of the night or good morning depending on when you see this.
You say it's just a car and that it ain't got no meaning
But this car right here, this car is freedom.
~My Deloreon
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Old 01-16-2016, 05:42 PM
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I have really no idea if I have an accent. I bet I do. Took a course in academic English last year, and the teacher told us the Dutch are TERRIBLE at the 'th' sound, and most Dutch never get rid of that terrible 'th' Then a German guy asked if there was any way to get rid of the German-English accent, and she basically told him 'no' (German and Dutch have very different sounds, so our English accents are also different ).

Like most academics, I do switch a lot between academic (British-ish) English and American English and I probably do have a Dutch accent now and then My previous project supervisor did tell me after a presentation I gave my English was 'really good' (gave me a 9 (A+) for it ), so I hope that means my Dutch accent isn't too bad I have a classmate who's from the very east of The Netherlands (for Val: Twente ), and her English accent is sooo funny

That black kittycat emoticon
Now that you mention cats... I really shouldn't forget to throw Puss outisde He's sleeping on a chair right now,

My party was fine saw some family I hadn't seen in a while
I snowed today Luckily it didn't stick, because it wasn't freezing
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Old 01-16-2016, 06:15 PM
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Omigosh! I didn’t realize that you guys pronounce your “o,” "g," and “r”s the way we do in Mexican Spanish!
Will the coincidences ever end!?!!!!

You don't like snow??
You say it's just a car and that it ain't got no meaning
But this car right here, this car is freedom.
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Old 01-17-2016, 03:49 AM
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I HATE snow
Well, I like snow when it's the weekend, and the snow is all pristine in the woods, and we go for a walk, etc. But after the weekend, it really should all melt away Otherwise you'd just get like this brown yucky (half-melted) stuff on the roads (due to the salt).
Snow is cold, and I don't like cold

Oh my, there's actually stuff on YT about Dutch-English accents
This guy's English sounds really well, but you can still hear the accent

The English 'o' in a word like 'bottle' (or well, in the US pronounciation, not in the British), sounds a lot like our 'a' (or actually, one of many ways to pronounce the 'a' in Dutch ).
The 'r' is very variable in Dutch, really differs between different regions, as is the 'g'.

And yes, that part of the video about 'think/tink' is exactly what I meant by 'the Dutch having trouble with the th'
I do hope though my English sounds better than what he says is 'English for the average Dutch person'
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Old 01-17-2016, 08:53 AM
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Bwahaha that guy doesn't sound too bad when he's talking in his normal accent, but yeah when he's doing to 'typical Dutch' accent it's pretty terrible... Sadly I do know a lot of people who sound that way when they speak English

I think (hope) I don't have any problems with the 'th' sound. But I remember being really little and being taught how to pronounce it, my parents had some friends from the UK with kids close to my age so I picked up a lot every time they came over. Probably also because of that, and because I grew up watching a lot of British English television, that I sound more British than American, I guess.
"Babes, I found the churros!" x
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Old 01-17-2016, 12:44 PM
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It’s weird how no foreigners want to have an accent even though the native speakers consider accents sexy.
Val, if you picked up the English and American accents as a child, you should sound pretty much like a native speaker then.

Did you go see the David Bowie film, Mascha? How was it?

Being a lazy bum has its healing benefits for sure. I’m feeling a lot better today.
You say it's just a car and that it ain't got no meaning
But this car right here, this car is freedom.
~My Deloreon
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