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Old 11-29-2015, 02:27 PM
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What was that phone call about?

What do you think is the reason for girls to go back home so quickly? Let's see if we can guess it before the season 5 premiere
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Old 11-29-2015, 09:49 PM
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Originally Posted by coffee&tv (View Post)
What do you think is the reason for girls to go back home so quickly? Let's see if we can guess it before the season 5 premiere
I've been speculating, too!

The obvious possibility is John having another heart attack. He seemed so stressed when the police broke into his home, looking for Eric. Also, his financial troubles are bound to take a toll. And heart disease is not something that just goes away. John was eating egg whites and tofu in Season 2, and then, in Season 4, he was back to grill night.

After Angelo's death, I do not want to see the girls face the possibility of losing John again. How many fathers have to die on this show? I'm sure John wouldn't die, but do we even want to explore that again? I don't. Ugh! Please, I hope not.

I do not believe any major health problems will happen to Kathryn.

Another possibility is marriage problems (or even further financial problems) for John & Kathryn, but would Bay & Daphne return home for just that? I tend to think not.

A third possibility is Baby Carlton having health problems. That's not unusual with Down Syndrome. I do believe Bay & Daphne would return home, if the health crisis is serious enough.

I do not believe the girls would return home simply because Regina is drinking again. They would return home if Regina faced a health crisis, though, and THAT does feel like a possibility to me. If the writers do not give Regina a health crisis, what are they going to do with her character in Season 5? I don't believe Eric will return. With the things Lizzy Weiss tweeted about his character, it feels like he is definitely gone. But I don't want the girls to be focused on losing another parent. I really don't. Enough is enough with the parents' lives being in danger!

My sister believes Tank will either commit suicide or will try to commit suicide, but I don't believe that. I think that storyline has completely ended. And even if Tank did do something, Bay & Daphne would NOT return home for that.

Would Bay & Daphne return home if something happened to Emmett or Travis? It's not like either character is family. I am not sure Bay & Daphne would return home, unless it is a death.

I could see Lizzy Weiss killing Emmett's character. With everything the writers have done to Emmett's character over the last four years, it feels like something she would do. Emmett's death might bring the girls home, and then, Bay would be completely free to date Travis.

Bay & Travis could mourn Emmett's loss together. Heck, they could do it from Travis's bed. Would Lizzy Weiss be that heartless to Bemmett fans? I could see her laughing at us. Maybe I am too jaded by everything that's happened to see clearly, though.

Could Bay race home because something happened to Ty?

The character hasn't been forgotten, even if the actor is unavailable. In Season 4, Bay put Ty's name in a prominent place in her self-portrait. Emmett's name did not appear anywhere in Bay's "hair" of words.

Maybe Ty is still a contender for Bay's heart. Ty did promise Bay that he always comes back, and unlike all of Emmett's promises, none of Ty's have been reversed.

I doubt anything will have happened to Baby Abby. She seems to be forgotten. If something did happen to Abby, would Bay even assume that Daphne would want to return home with her? Maybe.

Something may have happened to Melody. Marlee Matlin is busy on Broadway, and that's a possibility that might bring both Bay & Daphne home. But since Melody has new twins, that would be SO sad. I hope nothing happened to Melody.

If Travis has been injured, I could see that being the impetus to bring Bay and Travis together as a couple. He was just in a car accident last season, but I guess it is possible he could have another accident. It would be more believable that it would awaken Bay's feelings, if we had seen Travis as Bay's rock last season. Instead, Travis caused Bay way more problems than he solved (fighting with people at UMKC, telling Garrett about Tank, renting the art gallery, etc.). We never saw Bay really lean on Travis. Even when Travis offered to take Bay's box of Emmett mementos, Bay chose to dispose of it on her own.

Other possibilities?

I find it interesting that some people felt it was wrong for Bay to offer to accompany Emmett to LA, since it wasn't her dream. Yet I haven't heard anyone say anything negative about Bay's decision to accompany Daphne to China, even though that wasn't Bay's dream either.

What's the difference whether Bay aimlessly landed in LA or in China? Either place she could have made her own dreams come true, even if she chose it because of a loved one's dreams.

It hurts my shipper's heart that Bay so readily sacrificed everything for Daphne and moved away with Daphne, when Daphne has never supported or even done anything positive for Bay.

Why couldn't Bay have loved Emmett with the same dedication she loves Daphne? Is it because Emmett cheated with Simone? It seems like Bay had that loyalty to Emmett until he did, and then, after that, things were never the same between them.

When Emmett was making his movie short on the beach, his male character accuses the female character of never getting over the fact that he slept with "Sierra" and even says, "You did this to punish me."

I think that's how Emmett felt. Bay was holding back during their entire second relationship. Emmett had to have sensed that and realized that Bay's feelings were not the same (not as good) as their first relationship, when ironically, Emmett was the one holding back.

At the end of Season 3, Bay did want to help Daphne. That's true. But I believe the only reason Bay took the fall for Daphne is because doing so settled her ambivalent feelings about leaving home to be with Emmett. Despite Bay's hard work to come up with a plan and to find the financial means to accompany Emmett to LA, I don't think Bay was really ready to leave home. Even when she arrived on the beach in LA, I feel like she did it out of desperation, because Emmett was pulling away from her and she felt lost after what happened with Tank.

I still don't think Bay was really ready to leave home, and if Emmett had told Bay to go ahead and move in with him, I am not so sure that Bay would have done so. I don't feel like she was ready.

If Bay & Emmett ever have a chance at a third relationship, I hope that Emmett's original cheating will not still hang over their heads. Bay really took Emmett for granted in their second relationship, as if she could do anything she wanted, and Emmett would never leave her. Now that Emmett did leave Bay, perhaps she won't take him for granted in a third relationship. I noticed that Emmett did not take Bay for granted in their second relationship, and I believe that's because he lost her in their first relationship. I'd love for the third time to be the proverbial charm for Bay & Emmett. I miss them together so much. Always.

After everything that shook out in Season 4, especially between Bay and Regina, I do feel as though Bay was finally ready to leave home. I don't like that Daphne is so important to Bay. As a viewer, I guess I am supposed to enjoy their relationship and root for it, but it makes me sick. I cannot get past the fact Daphne used Bay and hasn't done anything to repay the debt.

It still bothers me that the parents are so accepting of it, too.

Earlier today, I was looking at some of what it takes to become a medical doctor. The material is daunting. With Daphne's inability to hear, she would have to literally be working day and night for the next eight years. There would not be time for boyfriends. If the writers have her become a doctor and do not show her nose literally in a book at every moment, then the storyline will be a complete fairy tale.

I wish Switched at Birth allowed us to see a couple in love, really in love. Daphne screwed everything up with Mingo and never allowed herself to fall really hard for him. Regina messed up everything with Eric. Toby and Lily are together, but they sure do not come across as a couple in love. They may be in love, but the writers do not allow viewers to see anything but their fighting.

Why can't there be happiness like this for one young couple on Switched at Birth? These two real-life people (in the video) know how to have fun. They are adorable. They are in love. Couldn't Toby and Lily have been cute like this and had an awesome wedding? That would have been so sweet to see after his elopement debacle. Why doesn't anyone ever have fun with young love on Switched at Birth? It's always SO painful, for everyone young and in love. John & Kathryn, an older couple, did have something close to this moment with their family dance. But even that was after a season of pain.

I want some happiness on Switched at Birth and NOT just for the older couples. Young love can be happy, too.

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Old 12-01-2015, 04:18 PM
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John's heart attack would be so boring and predictable! I think it's one storyline that's been buried.

Nothing about Kathryn seems "urgent". The only thing it could be is her forgotten musical, but that is not "let's go back from China" reason.

J+K divorce would be forced. It would be interested however to see the contuation of their finantial problems that would lead to,selling the house, since it's such a important and iconic place for everybody.

Kathryn's mum dying?

I don't think it's anything with baby Carlton. We got to see him for 10 seconds and the next news would be about him not being well? Ditto with baby Abby.

Regina falling off the wagon yet another time would be repetitive. I really don't know what they could do wth her character to make it more likeable and for fans to care about. I don't want to see another love drama.

I agree with you ollibear about seeing the last of Tank. He created so much chaos and got our favourite couple to split up, I don't see anybody rooting for him anymore.

Would Bay be contacted if anything happened to Emmet? I think Daphne would get a text message rather than her. Same with Melody. I don't think anybody would think about contacting her if anything was wrong with Travis. If it was about Ty, she would want to drag Daphne back with her.

I really hope it's not going to be a completely random thing "oh look, there was a third baby switched with you"
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Old 12-01-2015, 05:37 PM
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Originally Posted by coffee&tv (View Post)
John's heart attack would be so boring and predictable! I think it's one storyline that's been buried.
I agree. A million times, I agree!

Nothing about Kathryn seems "urgent". The only thing it could be is her forgotten musical, but that is not "let's go back from China" reason.

J+K divorce would be forced. It would be interested however to see the contuation of their finantial problems that would lead to,selling the house, since it's such a important and iconic place for everybody.
I agree with all of the above, too.

I would be sad to see John and Kathryn sell the house, but the writers did float the possibility when Kathryn told Toby and Lily that she would do it to help them, if necessary.

That could be what the writers go with, just to shake things up.

As much as I love the house (and often depend on the exterior view to help me process the change of venue within an episode), I'd rather see the house go than Bay & Emmett.

Both are iconic symbols on the show.

Selfishly, I want to keep the house AND Bay & Emmett, but I'll throw the house to the wolves to keep Bay & Emmett together.

Kathryn's mum dying?
She's off in Europe somewhere. Neither girl is that close to her. Somehow, I don't believe they would return home for her death. But maybe they would.

Perhaps something happened to Adrianna (Regina's mom). The show needs to explain her absence, since she can only be on one more episode ever (because of her contract on Jane the Virgin.

I do believe both girls would return home for Adrianna.

I don't think it's anything with baby Carlton. We got to see him for 10 seconds and the next news would be about him not being well? Ditto with baby Abby.
I agree.

Regina falling off the wagon yet another time would be repetitive. I really don't know what they could do wth her character to make it more likeable and for fans to care about. I don't want to see another love drama.
Me either!

I am sick of Regina's love drama. I still haven't forgiven Regina for the way she treated Angelo when he was alive. And she sure didn't mourn long after his death.

Regina is awful in the way she has treated Bay. Just awful.

I hate the way Regina lived rent-free for all of those years, but begrudged Daphne a credit card and help with her college tuition.

Worst of all, I hate the way Regina turned her nose up at Angelo's child and welcomed Will (aka Keon) with open arms. What does Regina have against Angelo's biological children? She cannot get close to either of them.

I really don't like Regina. I wish the actor could still sign. I feel like that would open my heart to her. I would love to see Regina have scenes with Emmett. He was like a son to her, and she hasn't acted as though she knows him since Season 1B.

I wonder how Regina, John, and Kathryn feel about Emmett in the wake of his breakup with Bay. That's something I would be so interested to see explored, but the writers won't go there.

I would have liked to see Melody be protective of Emmett, too, after his breakup with Bay. But it is as if that part of Melody's personality has disappeared. She only protects Travis now.

And Melody's devotion to Bay (especially after everything that happened with Tank) doesn't feel real to me. She no longer has ANY qualms about Bay as a mate for her son? All of her reservations about Bay disappeared? I've never known of any change in personality to be that complete. Usually people hold onto some reservations.

Switched at Birth solves problems more completely and more quickly than any other show I have ever encountered. It's weird.

I agree with you ollibear about seeing the last of Tank. He created so much chaos and got our favourite couple to split up, I don't see anybody rooting for him anymore.
I don't think of Tank as having had anything to do with Bay & Emmett's breakup, but I do hope he is gone. That whole storyline is such a depressing black hole for me. It sucked all of the joy out of the show.

When I think about being a Bemmett fan for all of these years, and when I think about how the writers and the cast have treated us (through their art and through their words in interviews and tweets), I feel abused.

It's not that Bay & Emmett aren't together. That's okay. It's the disdain and the contempt that everyone connected with the show seems to feel for Bemmett fans. That's what hurts me.

I believe Gilles Marini and DW Moffett are the only ones who ever made me feel loved and appreciated. Reading between the lines, everyone else connected to the show seems to hate Bemmett fans.

Would Bay be contacted if anything happened to Emmet? I think Daphne would get a text message rather than her. Same with Melody.
Maybe Regina wants to tell things to Bay first, after that verbal lashing Bay gave her.

Or maybe Kathryn got the news, because she works at the college with Melody now. I could see Kathryn calling Bay first.

Wouldn't Kathryn call Bay with this news, before she would text Daphne?

I feel like the writers would love nothing better than to kill off Emmett. I'm not sure that they would do it. They may not want to give his character that much attention.

As far as things go with THE CALL, nothing I can imagine makes me care, unless the call is about Emmett. They've strung things out for so long, Emmett is seriously the ONLY one I care about back home in the States.

I don't think anybody would think about contacting her if anything was wrong with Travis. If it was about Ty, she would want to drag Daphne back with her.
You are probably right, unless Bay has been dating Travis for all of these months. Otherwise, I would think Daphne would get word about Travis (probably from Melody), before Bay.

I really hope it's not going to be a completely random thing "oh look, there was a third baby switched with you"
Me, too. I want things to matter. I'm sick of the shallow. I want the show to return to its deep roots.
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Old 12-02-2015, 12:42 PM
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after reading all these possibilty's i couldn't even think of what would be so urgent they have to go home.

like said john's heart attack would be predictable same with regina's addiction.

only thing i could think of was that maybe something would've happend with melody while giving birth.

or that something might have happend to lily or toby, that one or both might have been in an accident but my mind really can' t think of anything other then a few reasons that have already been mentioned.
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Old 12-02-2015, 02:25 PM
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But Melody is adopting, not pregnant. Also seeing the 10 month jump, all the expected babies already have arrived

SaB FB team is reading this forum today they've started the same phone call discussion Other fans' speculations:
- John is dead (as the actor appears now in Chicago MD)
- John has been arrested
- Carlton is dead
- something is wrong with Carlton
- Carlton was switched at birth
- Bay is pregnant
- Daphne's lie has been discovered and she's going to jail
- Grandma died
- something to do with Regina and Eric's ex wife
- Regina has been arrested for her involvement with Eric
- Tank's been arrested
- Eric's been arrested
- Ty is dead

So a lot of death and prison!

I feel it's important that it was a phone call. It would mean, that the news was too important to send in a text. I really hope it's not health related, like the girls need to go back to be a bone marrow donors.

I'd love for Regina to start signing again. It's not like she doesn't have to carry heavy trays in the coffee place! Or drew designs when she had a studio.
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Old 12-02-2015, 04:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Tavee (View Post)
after reading all these possibilty's i couldn't even think of what would be so urgent they have to go home.

like said john's heart attack would be predictable same with regina's addiction.

only thing i could think of was that maybe something would've happend with melody while giving birth.

or that something might have happend to lily or toby, that one or both might have been in an accident but my mind really can' t think of anything other then a few reasons that have already been mentioned.
Welcome, Tavee!

My name is Amy. Thanks for joining us in speculating! It's fun to have more members with us, while we wait.

I agree that we seem to have covered all of the possibilities. To me, other than something happening to Emmett or Travis, it's all SO boring.

So I hope something has happened to Emmett or Travis, because I am tired of retread story lines. This show has done more than any other show I know.

Originally Posted by coffee&tv (View Post)
But Melody is adopting, not pregnant. Also seeing the 10 month jump, all the expected babies already have arrived

SaB FB team is reading this forum today they've started the same phone call discussion Other fans' speculations:
- John is dead (as the actor appears now in Chicago MD)
- John has been arrested
- Carlton is dead
- something is wrong with Carlton
- Carlton was switched at birth
- Bay is pregnant
- Daphne's lie has been discovered and she's going to jail
- Grandma died
- something to do with Regina and Eric's ex wife
- Regina has been arrested for her involvement with Eric
- Tank's been arrested
- Eric's been arrested
- Ty is dead

So a lot of death and prison!
Yes! I saw that on Facebook, too, and the show has already had a lot of death and prison. So while I understand fans believing that there will be more, I hope that is not the direction the writers go.

The writers won't be bringing in the police to arrest Tank. Of that I feel sure.

They also won't be killing Carlton or switching him at birth. I believe the writers are beside themselves with excitement for the prospect of a story about a child with Down Syndrome next season.

And Bay won't be pregnant. I'm 100% certain that the phone call won't be about that. And I'm 99% sure we will never see Bay pregnant in the real timeline of the show, although I wish we would.

Everything else is a possibility, but not exciting, with the exception of Daphne going to prison. That would be exciting. I saw where someone on Facebook posted that the secret has to come out eventually, but I actually believe the writers never mean for it to be revealed.

I hate how shallow the execution has been of that particular plot twist.

It's ironic.

Bay always thought Emmett cared more about Daphne than he did about her, and Emmett always put Bay first in his heart. Whereas, Bay loves Daphne far more than she ever loved Emmett.

It's sad to me. I believe Bay will always choose Daphne over Emmett, and in real life, I don't believe that would happen.

I don't understand from where Bay's loyalty to Daphne arises. In real life, there would be resentment between the two. There would be repercussions (far greater than Bay's community service and parole) for that decision.

The parents should have levied some natural consequences for Daphne, even if the court system did not. Viewers should know whether or not Melody knows the truth. We know that Travis believes Bay is a convicted felon, because he complimented her on that.

But what does Melody think?

She is a critical person to BOTH Bay and Daphne. How do viewers not know whether or not Melody knows the truth.

Wouldn't Melody be disappointed in whichever girl actually committed the vandalism?

If Melody knows it was Daphne, then she should have had a talk with her. If Melody believes it was Bay, then she should have had a talk with Emmett about whether or not Bay is the right person for him to invite to live with him in LA.

I don't like how quickly and completely characters change on Switched at Birth. Is ANYONE on this show consistent in their characterization? At all?

I don't feel like they are consistent. There are not many adjectives I can attach to any character and say with confidence that the character has been like that throughout the series.

Everything on Switched at Birth feels as though it's here today and gone tomorrow. It makes everything about the show feel fly-by-night.

Character progress is erased at the drop of a hat. Consistent character growth is the stuff of dreams. And no one's word on Switched at Birth can ever be counted on to mean anything.

It's depressing.

I feel it's important that it was a phone call. It would mean, that the news was too important to send in a text. I really hope it's not health related, like the girls need to go back to be a bone marrow donors.
I'm with you! I really hope it's not health related.

At one time, I would have liked a story like that. Not any more, though. We've been through the ringer WAY TOO MUCH to go through a story like that now.

I'd love for Regina to start signing again. It's not like she doesn't have to carry heavy trays in the coffee place! Or drew designs when she had a studio.
Unfortunately, the actor has a health problem and has been told that she cannot ever sign again. I wish she could.
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Old 12-28-2015, 11:39 PM
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How about they got found out they overstayed their visas and are being deported lol? But no, that would be the military cops with their guns.

I'd say best bet is that Adrianna died, or that Will has showed back up with no Eric, or something happened to baby Carlton (who I'm sorry, I don't care about at all).
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Old 01-17-2016, 05:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Kassiek (View Post)
How about they got found out they overstayed their visas and are being deported lol? But no, that would be the military cops with their guns.

I'd say best bet is that Adrianna died, or that Will has showed back up with no Eric, or something happened to baby Carlton (who I'm sorry, I don't care about at all).
I don't care about Baby Carlton either. Lizzy Weiss's decision to make Toby and Lily's relationship so rocky directly affects my feelings for the baby. I'm thinking "the call" will be what brings Toby and Lily home, too.

My gut tells me that Eric and Will are gone for good.

Adrianna is a possibility. Other ideas?

I just cannot figure out what has happened to bring the girls home from China. I do feel like it will be some sort of an accident or health crisis, but I am not sure who will be involved.
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Old 01-28-2016, 11:43 PM
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Originally Posted by ollibear (View Post)
I don't care about Baby Carlton either. Lizzy Weiss's decision to make Toby and Lily's relationship so rocky directly affects my feelings for the baby. I'm thinking "the call" will be what brings Toby and Lily home, too.

My gut tells me that Eric and Will are gone for good.

Adrianna is a possibility. Other ideas?

I just cannot figure out what has happened to bring the girls home from China. I do feel like it will be some sort of an accident or health crisis, but I am not sure who will be involved.
Any other ideas? I'm still thinking health crisis, but I am beginning to think that it might be something long term, rather than an injury. Could Bay have discovered that someone she knows and loves has some sort of terminal illness?

Chasing Life was just cancelled, so I want to say that writers wouldn't do that. But I don't know.

It's a mystery. I really do want to know.
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Old 01-29-2016, 09:24 AM
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Chasing Life went downhill fast, mostly when they killed off the most beloved character. I think it would be different if we love the characters. SaB does have a base of characters we love, not just one.
Joey/Pacey <3 Veronica/Logan <3 Emmett/Bay <3 Rachel/Jesse <3 Simon/Alisha
"I thought our story was epic, you know, you and me. [...] Spanning years and continents. Lives ruined, bloodshed. EPIC."

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Old 01-29-2016, 10:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Kassiek (View Post)
Chasing Life went downhill fast, mostly when they killed off the most beloved character. I think it would be different if we love the characters. SaB does have a base of characters we love, not just one.
Switched at Birth needs to be careful, though. I adored the family in early seasons, but that love is eroding. My affection for Toby has dwindled. He seems so weak. Ditto Regina, my affection for her character is gone, mostly because of the way she treats Bay. I was hating Daphne for a while, but I will say my love for her is returning. And I talk big about how stupid and flaky the writers make Emmett, but he is still my all-time favorite character, for any work of fiction. I don't want the writers to give Emmett a terminal illness. I do not want THAT to be the reason he returns to KC. I do wish the writers would make Emmett stronger.

To me, John and Kathryn are uninspiring right now. Travis's disloyalty to Emmett makes me mistrust him.

I'm not sure how many Switched at Birth characters I love right now. Bay, Daphne, and Emmett?
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Old 02-01-2016, 10:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Kassiek (View Post)
Chasing Life went downhill fast, mostly when they killed off the most beloved character. I think it would be different if we love the characters. SaB does have a base of characters we love, not just one.
Yeah that is true
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Old 02-03-2016, 11:33 AM
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Originally Posted by ~TwilighterTee~ (View Post)
Yeah that is true
Is everyone still in love with the Switched at Birth characters right now?

Let's check in with each other. How are you feeling about each one?
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Old 02-03-2016, 11:27 PM
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Originally Posted by ollibear (View Post)

Is everyone still in love with the Switched at Birth characters right now?

Let's check in with each other. How are you feeling about each one?
Yeah I am
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