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Old 03-02-2004, 10:01 PM
Master Fan

The Survivor's Avatar
Joined: Apr 2003
Posts: 12,333
Revenge Of The Cliques - MYOC RP

Plot: [i] At Redwood High, cliques are what make up the school. You either fit into one of the groups and you become their best friends, or you will not survive the next four years. During the four years here, you are most likely to face some hoslitity if not verbal or physical altercations with the other groups. The year 2004 is no difference, each of the cliques want this year to be the year that their cliques took care of the other cliques once and for all. However, something happens not of the cliques anticapate, some of the members start to fal for other members in different cliques and some even start to date. Can they attraction and new found relationships survive this clique war or will their loyalty to their clique and group of friends be to great for their relationship to over come.
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BG Rule - Unlimited Spots - Must take at least 2.
No one liners.
Have Fun.
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The Preps/Populars

Name: Mikayla *Kayla* Hamilton
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Clique: Leader of the Preps
Relationship: TBA
Personality: Mikayla is described as a cold hearted, b*tch, due to how she treats everyone especially people that is not from her clique, since she doesn't like them. Kayla, as her true friends called her, can be nice if you catch her in the right moment, if you dare, that is, since most of the time, Mikayla is her own b*tchy self. Being born with a silver spoon in her mouth, Kayla has always looked down on people who don't have as much money as she has. Mikayla thinks money can buy just about everything and that she can get away with murder with it.
History: Growing up in a huge house, Mikayla was always a spoiled, little brat. Her parents, Arthur and Emily would give the world to their precious little daughter. They let her do anything and never punished her for anything, she did wrong so this made Kayla think it was right to look down on people that aren't as popular and rich as her. Being an only child also made her parents spoiled her rotten since Kayla didn't have any brothers or sisters to fight with. By her parents spoilting her like this, they made Mikayla, the b*tch that she is today.
Taken By: PJ_Believer
Played By: Mandy Moore

Name:Dean Evans
Personality:Dean is a guy that likes to have fun. He never really thinks about the consequences of his actions. As a matter of fact, he hardly ever thinks about it. Or thinks at all. Dean likes to do what he wants when he wants it and that is all that matters to him. He likes to make people question themselves. He;s a bit of a cruel guy too. He thinks everyone is below him. Doesn't matter who they are, they are nothing compared to him.
History:Dean is a Evans. To some that may not seem like much of anything. But to others, its a big thing since he is the son of one of the wealthiest families in this town. Dean is a spoiled little brat. His entire family doesnt even really know who he is. All they do is give him what he asks for in hopes that he stays out of their business. No one notices much of the things he does. He has done a lot of things that would convince most parents to send their kids off to some military school. But not Dean's. They don't even know who his best friend is. Or what girl he is with at the moment. Or Anything else about him. And he likes it that way.
Taken By:Otep
Played By:Chris Carmack

Name: Richard Lewis
Age: 19
Grade: Senior
Clique: Prep
Relationship: TBA.
Personality: Richard tries not to be too snobby to people in other cliques, he insists that it isn’t their fault they’re ‘less fortunate’. He is easy-going, fun to be around, he talks to the people from other cliques as though they are his best mates.
History: Richard is from old money, none of that Noveau Riche stuff. His mother was not rich, she was a middle class girl, and his father was the heir to his grandfather’s fortune. They met by chance, and fell in love. Many people said that Richard’s mother married his father for his money, but they really truly were in love. Richard’s mother brought him up to respect all people of all classes, and he tried to, but some of his father’s upbringing rubbed off on him, and he can be very snobby at times.
Taken By: Jacoba
Played By: Tom Welling

Name: Summer Gally
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Clique: Populars
Relationships: TBA
Personality: Summer is a fun loving girl. She seems care free and is always up for a party. She loves to have a good time. Everyone knows her due to many different reasons. She is always doing charity events for her church or her school. She tries to help everyone out. You might consider her annoying because she is a cheerleader and can be a little bubbly and bouncy. She is always hyper, never sitting still, and always jabbering her head off. She'll talk to anyone, she is girly girly but tomboyish as well. She is sarcastic,funny and loyal. She stands up for herself and always trys to remain optimistic
History: Summer came from a wealthy family. Her life seems so perfect. She is very wealthy. Her dad buys her whatever she wants, whenever she wants. She doesn't talk about it much but her parents always fight when they are not around her. She feels like they treat her like a baby, like she won't understand what's going on and that drives her nuts. Summer doesn't want another cellphone or a car, she wants her parents to get along and spend time with her. They are always off in their own little world
Tb: cliffy
Pb:camille guaty

Name:Isabelle *Belle* Whitely
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Clique: Preps
Relationship: TBA
Personality: Belle is one of those people who doesn't sugarcoat things. You ask her a question, she's gonna answer it honestly. She's got a quick wit and a bad temper. She doesn't take crap from people and sticks up for herself and her friends. She's quite sarcastic.
History: Belle was born in London and soon after the Whitely's moved to America. They flitted about the country, never staying anywhere for too long. Finally her father got a job offer as the editor of a prominent newspaper in Redwood. So they moved to Redwood when she was just a kid. She's been here ever since. The Whitely's are very wealthy and Belle gets pretty much everything she wants.
Taken By:TheScientist
Played By:Anna Paquin

The Musicians

Leader of the MusiciansTB: ~¤ Impressions ¤~

Name:Brady Hart
Personality:Brady is a guy who when speaking to, you can always tend he only has one thing on his mind. And that one thing always seems to be music. Sure, you can try to have a conversation with him about something other then music, but it gets to be difficult considering the fact that it is the only thing he ever cares about. He is not like most teenage boys which the only thing on their mind is girls girls and girls. Nope. Not Brady. The only thing on this guys mind has always been and will always be music. Nothing can ever change that.
History:Brady was born into a family of musicians. His mother was a singer and his father, a blues guitarist. Neither of them had what it takes to make it big. They gave up on their dreams too soon. Brady is not like them though. He refuses to give up on his dream until he achieves it. He picked up his first guitar when he was ten, it was his dads old one and he fell in love with the feel of the strings on his fingers. The beautiful sound that comes from each string as it is plucked, its the only thing in his life that he can always count on.
Taken By:Otep
Played By:Chad Michael Murray

Name: Tyler Winston
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Clique: Musician
Relationship: TBA
Personality: Tyler is intensely shy. He has always found it hard to communicate with other people, which is why he plays piano. It allows him to express himself, but it has also given him the opportunity to meet other people, other musicians, who, once they get to know him, realise that he has a very dry, witty sense of humour.
History: Tyler’s parents wanted him to play classical piano. He began to learn, and was quite gifted at playing. He enjoyed classical piano until he was about 11, when he stumbled upon some old music books that had jazz and blues pieces in them. He played them and discovered he loved the style of music, and, after he had mastered all of the music in the books, began to write his own stuff. His parents were disappointed that he had stopped playing classical music, but are proud that he writes his own music and support him in every endeavour. His dream is to record his music.
Taken By: Jacoba
Played By: Daniel Johns

Name:Charlie Waters
Personality:Charlie lives for music.It's the one thing she can always rely on no matter what.It's the one tihng that makes her feel comfortable.Charlie is really the artsy type.She'll be the first one to tell you that music is her life,but she also is into art(yes,she plans to put her own artwork on her first record) and writing(singing lyrics written for her is out of the question).She's very understanding and stands by the people she loves.Some see her as very mature for her age and an old soul.Charlie may not be an enternal optimist but she's far from a pessimest.She doesn't see the world in rainbows or even in black and white,but in purple.She's hardworking nad never gives up on her dreams.Charlie stands by Tupac's philosophy that "Reality is wrong,dreams are for real".At first,she started with simple guitar lessons and writing her own music.But now that she's older,she's gotten more into rock.She's able to play lead guitar and even bass and is in a rock band in which she sings lead vocals and plays guitar.
History:Charlie is the daughter of a poet and an artist,which is probably how she got into the arts.Her father,a struggling artist,was raised in a small Southern town and moved ot New York to live his dream of making it big.There he met Charlie's mother,who was already an up and coming poet,known in the writing circles.They at once clicked and got married only after dating for 6 months.They always raised Charlie to be an individual and raised her in the arts.They always encouraged her to do what she wanted and her parents are pretty open with her.Of course,her family suffers from money problems sometimes,but her parents are in a loving commited marriage and always find a way to keep themselves afloat.
Taken By: DreamOn777
Played By:Emily VanCamp

Jocks and Cheerleaders

Name:Charlie Parker
Clique:Leader of the Jocks/Cheerleaders
Personality:Charlie isn't really what you would expect from most of the jocks.He's not a jerk and he doesn't even really care all that much about sports.So he puts up an act so that he doesn't upset the people around him.He works himself way too hard because of his dad.He's really hard working and focused even when he doesn't care about something.To others,he could appear to be macho,to look down on others who aren't like him,and the typical jock - stupid,tough,and always ready ot hit on cheerleaders.He's nothing like that though.He's sweet and sensitive and hates every moment that he has to pretend to be someone else.He's just looking for a way out that won't hurt anyone or let down the rest of the guys on his team and girls.
History:Charlie was raised by his father and his step-mother.His mother died in a car accident when he was only 6.His father was a high school sports all-star.His mother and father were the It Couple of the school.She was a cheerleader and he was the head jock.They stayed together through college and in their senior year of college,he proposed to her.He had a dream of becomming a sports star - mainly a basketball star,but he let go of his dream,when the year after they were married,Charlie's mom got pregnant and he needed to support them.When Charlie's mother died,Charlie and his father were heartbroken.Charlie's dad got cold and wasn't the same happy person he had been before.When Charlie was 10,his father married another woman.She was rich and suddenly they went from living in a normal household to living a huge house where Charlie's dad didn't have ot work half the time.Ever since Charlie's mom died,his dad has pushed him to be the best in sports.He made Charlie join all the teams;football,basketball,baseball,track; and he made sure that Charlie worked so hard that he was almost always the captains of all the teams.
Taken By: DreamOn777
Played By:Kip Pardue

Name: Denise Moore
Age: 16
Grade: Sophmore
Clique: Put the name of the clique they are in.
Relationship: For friends and relationships leave TBA.
Personality: 3-4 lines.
History: 5-8 setences.
Taken By: The Survivor
Played By: Christy Romano

Name:Jake Whitman
Age: 16
Personality: Jake is your typical jock thinking he is the best and the greatest out of everyone around him. He is sarcastic and doesn’t care what he does to other people because he knows no one would ever try to pull something against him. He finds enjoyment in other people’s misery and likes to use girls for the benefits.
History: Jake never meant to turn out the way he did he was born into a good family and achieved a sheek attractiveness at an early age. He was always a hit with the ladies and he was talented in sports. When Jake’s parents separated Jake was a little unsettled at first and he began to experience using drugs and drinking with his buddies. But when the divorce was final he slowly stopped and now is becoming more settled into life. He doesn’t mean to be cruel he just can’t stand people that judge him and act like they know what kind of hell he has gone through in the past when they don’t have any idea.
Taken By:CherryChica87
Played By: Paul Walker


Name: Riley Geller
Age: 18
Grade: junior
Clique: Leader of the Criminals
Personality:Riley has many different sides to her. She is very loyal and sweet if she likes you. It's real hard to get on Riley's good side because she has a hard time trusting people. She likes to cause trouble, it's a way of her letting her anger out. She is very smart but she hardly ever goes to school. She hates people that think they are better then she is. She is sarcastic and doesn't take crap from anyone. She thinks she is a good leader but at times it overwelmes her. She is very streetsmart and she thinks everyone out there is waiting to screw her over
History: Riley never knew her parents. They were way to young to have children so they abandoned her at a police station. She was just a baby, she was taken in and put into foster cares. She grew up wondering why her parents left her. She blamed herself for them up and leaving her. She didn't know what she did that was so wrong they left her. She was sad as a kid, watching everyone else get adpoted. Riley grew and her anger grew in side of her. She soon started to hate her parents for leaving her. She has been in and out of foster cares. She doesn't really care much anymore. She doesn't want to get attached to anyone. She is very street smart and lets no one mess with her friends. They are the only family she has but she'll never admit it. She just doesn't want to get hurt anymore by anyone. She acts tough and she steals and cheats to get attention. She likes the feeling it gives her. If you get pass all that, you'll see Riley just as a angry, scarred and scared girl
Tb: cliffy
Pb: Christina Aguilera

Name: Aaron Stevenson
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Clique: Criminal
Relationship: For friends and relationships leave TBA.
Personality: Aaron's tough, he likes to knock people around, and doesn't really care about rules. He just wants to do his own thing, and have fun while doing it.
History: Bounced around from foster home to foster home, Aaron's used to not being in one place for any longer than 5 months. Now living with his grandparents, it looks like he'll be here for awhile. He was taken away from his parents as a baby, they proved to be unsuitable, and since then things have been rough for Aaron. But it has all only made him stronger.
Taken By: missalana
Played By: James Lafferty

Religious Ones

Leader of Religious Ones TB: The Survivor PB: Brittany Snow

Name: Jenna Yearwood
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Clique: Put the name of the clique they are in.
Relationship: For friends and relationships leave TBA.
Personality: 3-4 lines.
History: 5-8 setences.
Taken By: The Survivor
Played By: Brittany Snow

Name: Cara Norwood
Age: Seventeen
Grade: Junior
Clique: Religious Ones
Personality: Depite having more complexities than your average teenager, Cara can easily be summarized with a single word: naive. The fact that Cara has been sheltered from the time she was a toddler would certainly be an easy discovery. Her father still thinks of her as the little girl who enjoyed playing with Barbie and Ken, and therefore has no problem in being overprotective about everything she does. Having long worn her heart on her sleeve, Cara has always been controlled by what she is feeling. If she’s happy, she’s on cloud nine. If she’s sad, you better believe she’ll cry you a nice river. With a tendency to get caught up in the moment, Cara has a hard time when it comes to the idea of moderation. The type to befriend anyone and be nice regardless, Cara is probably one of the nicest people you will ever meet. Although she believes strictly in her faith and practices it every minute she can, Cara likes to live on an edge.
History: The youngest and only female of five children, Cara has always been the apple of her parents’ eyes. Spoiled beyond everything, Cara had the newest type of every toy there was, but she was never one to flaunt what she had. Instead, she would break off a piece of her candy and hand it to the kid sitting next to her. From afar, the Norwood household was an ideal home. But every family has its problems. When Cara was seven, her parent’s split up and the little girl, along with two of her brothers, moved in with their father. Since then, the three children rarely ever see their mother and their other siblings, but they say in contact with each other. To say that the seperation doesn’t hurt Cara would be a blatant lie.
Taken By: Driven
Played By: Anne Hathaway


Leader Of GeeksTB: The Scientist PB: Clay Aiken

Name: Samantha Patricks
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Clique: Geek
Relationship: TBA.
Personality: Samantha is friendly and easy-going, when she’s not busy studying. She is worried about not making it into college, because if she doesn’t, she won’t be able to get a scholarship to Harvard Law School. Much of her spare time is spent on studying, and tends to be teased a great deal because of it, but she has learned to ignore those who do it.
History: Her parents never went to college. They met in high school and spent most of their time with each other, which resulted in poor marks, and neither of them were able to pay to go to college. They ended up working in low paying jobs and struggle to meet the bills each month. They put a great deal of pressure on Samantha to succeed in high school, so she can get a scholarship and become someone successful and make lots of money so she doesn’t end up like them.
Taken By: Jacoba
Played By: Amy Acker

Name: Milo Setchelt
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Clique: Geeks
Relationship: TBA
Personality: Milo is down to earth, kind of guy. He's the type who wouldn't hit the person if they got into a fight with him. Milo is very smart even though sometimes, he doesn't realise it. Being in the group he is in, has made him realised that these people truly understand him. Even though, Milo gets pick on sometimes, he wishes that he could be other people besides his clique. He's friendly to everyone and helps anyone who in need of help.
History: Milo grew up in a small apartment with his parents and two older brothers. It was always hard for him since one of his older brothers were both jocks. Milo's parents expected him to be as good as sport like his brothers but this was something, Milo just could not stand. He knows his parents are disappointed at him but Milo doesn't really care. He likes school and thinks it's the best thing to achieve what you can.
Taken By: PJ_Believer
Played By: Ryan Phillippe

Name: Lila Johnson
Age: 17
Grade: Sophmore
Clique: Geek
Personality: Lila is the type of girl that prefers to be alone. She has alot of mystery to her. She is sensitive. She is very smart and loves to read and write. She likes to be left alone but she does stand up for herself when she has to. Lila is a really sweet and loyal girl. She is down to earth but she wants to get out of this town and make something out of her life
History: Lila wasn't born to a wealthy family. It was hard to even get food on the table. There was plenty of love at home. Lila was never able to buy the fancy clothes like the others. She was poor and people had a tendency to look down on her. It hurt her but she got over it. Lila doesn't care, she is a real strong girl. She remains close to her parents, she is a only child. She often felt alone due to that fact. She has a heart and hates people picking on others
Tb: cliffy
Pb: Hilarie Burton

Name: Henry Barrot
Grade: Junior
Clique: geeks
Relationships: TBA
Personality: Henry is really a shy guy. He has always been like that. He has hardly ever said more then two words to anyone. He is a real sweet guy but he likes different things that makes him stand out. He is very smart and nice. He only has a few people that he likes and those people are the ones that he loyal to the most. Everyone else he stays away from
History: His mom left the family but his dad raised him ever since he was a little boy. His dad constantly always told him how he was good for nothing. Henry doesn't let it bother him much. He is use to verble abuse, he doesn't let anyone talk bad about his friends. He stands up for them. He hardly ever gets angry but when he does, no one really cares
Tb: cliffy
Pb:Tobey Mcguire


Leader Of Outsiders TB: The Survivor PB: Benjamin McKenzie

Name: Corbin Stone
Age: 19
Grade: Senior
Clique: Put the name of the clique they are in.
Relationship: For friends and relationships leave TBA.
Personality: 3-4 lines.
History: 5-8 setences.
Taken By:
Played By:

Name: Natalia Bell
Age: 16
Grade: Sophomore
Clique: Outsider
Relationship: TBA.
Personality: Natalia is very closed off from other people, she has always had an issue with trusting people, mainly because she is never friends with anyone long enough to be able to trust them. After the first few moves, she stopped making friends altogether, because she knew she would be moved as soon as she had some friends.
History: Natalia’s father is in the defence force, so he has always moved around a lot, making it hard for Natalia to make friends. She has been to many schools throughout her life. Her parents divorced when she was very young, and her mother didn’t want custody. Her father remarried when Natalia was 8, and Natalia began calling her ‘mum’ right from the word go.
Taken By: Jacoba
Played By: Nicole De Boer

Name:Walker Young
Personality:Take one look at Walker's spikey brown hair,cold look,and usual outfit of cuffed jeans,a black t-shirt,and a leather jacket and you're bound to think he's part of the criminal clique.And maybe if it's at all possible that you're wrong,he's at least a druggie,right? Wrong.Walker has never felt like he fit in.He's really a loner and he knows it too.He could be a criminal,but he doesn't have the mentality for it.He doesn't want to cause trouble just to get a high.And he could be a druggie,but he's never gone past ciggarettes.He's really intellectual.If he ever opened his mouth and spoke in class,you'd think he was a brain or a geek.He's been writing all his life and even could be a musician since he's good with a guitar and doesn't have a half bad singing voice.If he dyed his hair so weird color and got a piercing you wouldn't have trouble believing he was a freak.But he's none of those.So then if he could fit in so easily,was is he on the outside? Because he's always been one to not conform.He hates the idea of cliques.It doesn't say who you really are.Walker is a quiet guy...kind of mysterious to most people.He doesn't trust many people,but those who he does trust and care about,he never lets go.
History:Walker neveer knew his parents.He was a child of a high school fling.Boy and girl met at party,got drunk and had sex,girl got pregnant and when she had the baby she left him on the doorstep of her godparent's house without a note.They couldn't raise the baby so they gave him up for adoption.Walker was lucky though.He was adopted almost right away by a couple who couldn't have a baby.His foster mother loved him like he was her own son.If she wasn't there,Walker would probably have left home by now.His foster dad is an alcoholic.He's never home and when he is,he treats Walker like cr!p.Walker hates his foster father,but takes all the bad things he says to him.He's never stood up for himself and doesn't really intend on doing that ever.
Taken By: DreamOn777
Played By:Brendan Fehr

Name: Michael Parker
Age: 18
Grade: Junior
Clique: Outsiders
Relationships: TBA
Personality: Michael has always kept to himself. He never really said much of anything to anyone. He keeps to himself more. He is really shy and he is nice once you get to know him. He is hard to get to know and for him to open up
History: Michael's parents always moved from place to place so he never stayed in a place long enough to have any real friends. He is also real shy so he didn't make them easy. He feels alone but he gets along ok with his parents. He is friendly, he's not mean. You just never know what he is thinking
Tb: cliffy
Pb: Josh Harnett

The Drama Club Teens

Leader Of Drama ClubTB: **SuperGirl** PB: Shane West

Name: Selina Macentosh
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Clique: Drama club
Relationship: TBA
Personality: Selina is a sweet girl. She is shy, romantic and see's the best in everyone. You wouldn't think such a shy, quite girl would have such a talent in acting. But when she gets on stage, all her shyness falls away. Mostly because its not her, She can get into charecter brilliantly because she would love to not be her. She wants so bad to not be her that she can be someone else so well.
History: Selina grew up in a small, one roomed apartment with her mother, who had her when she was twenty. Selina never knew her father, or had a father figure in her life. Her Mom is a druggie. Selina has to look after her Mom and her five year old brother herself. When she gets back from school she becomes a mother, looking after a grown woman and a young boy. Thats why she loves acting so much, she can just get away from everything. Although Selina would love to go to Drama school, she knows she can't, because she has to stay and look after her family.
Taken By: A Buffy & Spike dreamer
Played By: Katie Melua

Drug Addicts

Leader Of The Drug AddictsTB: Otep PB: Devon Sawa

Name: Bernard Robertson
Age: 15
Grade: Freshman
Clique: Drug Addicts
Relationship: For friends and relationships leave TBA.
Personality: 3-4 lines.
History: 5-8 setences.
Taken By: The Survivor
Played By: Lil' Bow Wow

Scrubs(The Average)

Leader Of ScrubsTB:

Name: Jason Parker
Age: 18
Grade: Junior
Clique: Scrubs
Relationships: TBA
Personality:Jason is a very sweet guy. He is a comedian and loves to make people laugh. He only really talks to the people in his group because he feels comfortable around them. He trys to be friendy to everyone.That doesn't mean he allows people to walk all over him because he does stand up for himself. He is a total goof ball and he doesn't have a serious bone in him
History: Jason was born to a middle class family. He had a normal childhood, nothing way to exciting. He loves every moment of living and you can see that. He is living for the moment, he doesn't have plans ahead
Tb: cliffy
Pb: Ashton Kutcher

They are known as the group of teenagers who do anything for the shock factor. Wheter it is dressing up in black and wearing black make up, or wearing chains. They are known to do stuff that normal people wouldn't do. Being considered weirdos by some of the students, doesn't bother them they consider it a compliment.

Leader Of Goths/Freaks/PunksTB:

Name: Selina Fulton
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Clique: Goths/Freaks/Punks
Relationship: For friends and relationships leave TBA.
Personality: 3-4 lines.
History: 5-8 setences.
Taken By: The Survivor
Played By: Thora Birch

Name:Morgan Noth
Personality:Meet Morgan Noth.She's artsy,outspoken,sarcastic,sometimes moody,and most importantly,she doesn't take ***** from anyone.She's not really a fan of the cliques at her school,but she's fallen into one and there's really no way out.Morgan has always lived by the philosophy that you have to do what makes you happy and not try to be someone you're not to make others happy.She does what makes her happy.She has a tough exterior.Not just how she looks;yes,the dyed red hair,piercings,and grungey style could scare away a few people;but also how she acts around people she doesn't know.She's highly sarcastic around people she doesn't trust and some could see it as that she has a real attitude.She's just guarded,that's all.And who could really blame her.Life is too short to waste it on getting hurt by others.
History:Chris and Jenny Noth met the day Jenny turned 29 at her birthday party.Her friends from work threw her a great party and Chris,whose friend was Jenny's friend's boyfriend,tagged along.It was love at first fight.They argued forever and what do you know? 1 year later they were married.Jenny Morgan grew up with a normal family.A mother who's a lawyer and a workaholic who hates that she dyed her hair,but doesn't have the time to reprimand her.A father who works an okay pay job and comes home at night and just zones out(and ends up falling asleep)by the tv.An older sister in college who's everything she's not.Beautiful,a straight A student,perky,popular,and friendly.And a younger sister who just won't leave Morgan alone.Morgan doesn't hate her family.They're simply put...alright.Her parents aren't lovey-dovey,but they love each other and their children.Her parents hate that she chooses to dye her hair and dress like she does,but they accept it.They are pretty open parents.And as much as Morgan won't admit it,she really does love them.
Taken By: DreamOn777
Played By:Katie Holmes

Name: Braydon Summers *Bray*
Age: 18
Grade: Junior
Clique: Freaks/Goths/Punks
Relationship: TBA
Personality:Braydon is the type of girl that your scared to death to get to know because of the way she looks but she is really nice if you get to know her. If you treat her with respect then she'll treat you with respect but as soon as you piss her off, you'll she her bad side. She likes to be different, she doesn't like to follow anyone else. She strives to be different. She likes to have a good time, she isn't much for school. She is sarcastic and keeps to herself. She is guarded but she is loyal
History: Bray's dad walked out of the family when she was 7 years old. She didn't know her father very well and she really didn't want to either. She lives in a trailor park with her alcoholic mother but she is hardly ever home. She likes to stay away from her mother's constant nagging at her and occasionly abuse. Bray mostly hangs out with her crowd but she likes to be aloof. You never really know what she is thinking, no one really knows what goes through her head. She is just a angry person. She is very sensitive but she acts tough and what she has been through as made her tougher
Tb: cliffy
Pb: Amy Lee

Name:Luke Jenkins
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Clique: Punks/Freaks/Goths
Relationship: TBA
Personality: Luke is a nice guy or at least he seems to be one. He isn't one for letting people get to know him. Those who do know him, know that he is a nice guy with a good heart. He's bright and has one of those sense of humors that sneaks up on you.He's a bit of a brooder but does like to party and have fun.
History: Luke lives with his older sister. Their parents died when he was very young and his sister who is quite a bit older than him took him in and raised him. She doesn't always approve of his friends, his clothes, his music but she loves him very much. They fight sometimes but get along.
Taken By:TheScientist
Played By:Jesse Lacey


Name: Parker Hayes
Age: Seventeen
Grade: Junior
Clique: Leader of the Flirts
Personality: Although it can be rather difficult to pin a couple of adjectives on Parker’s personality, there is something about him that makes people either love him or hate him. There is pratically no in-between. Parker is one of the most narcissistic and conceited person you will ever come into contact with, and he is not one to deny it. He will always jump to be the center of attention, regardless of what consequences may intervene afterwards. No matter his arrogance, Parker has a way with people. There is some perplexing element to his personality that draws people to him. Outgoing and carefree, Parker is one to live on the edge of his seat, taking new adventures and opportunities with a grin. He rarely takes anything seriously, which alludes to the fact that he is that guy that people can confide in. Parker has enough on his own plate, why should he worry about other people?
History: Born into a wealthy family, Parker was an only child, and therefore recieved plenty of attention from both of his parents. He was one of those kids who you loved to hate. Parker had everything he wanted, regardless of the price. In fact, he probably could have had a pony if he wanted it. No dramatic events have really changed his life, unless you bother to include the time when the family dog ran away. Parker prefers it this way; a simple family life, somewhere to go when he has no where else to seek shelter. He and his parents get along pretty well, and not being a cliche teenager, Parker actually enjoys spending time with them.
Taken By: Driven
Played By: Milo Ventimiglia

Name: James "Jimmy" Hartman
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Clique: Put the name of the clique they are in.
Relationship: Flirts
Personality: 3-4 lines.
History: 5-8 setences.
Taken By: The Survivor
Played By: Hayden Christensen

Name: Lana Cross
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Clique: Flirt
Relationship: TBA.
Personality: She's the type of girl that you would find in the back of the school making-out with a guy. She's the hugest flirt you would find, and loves every moment of it. She isn't that bright either, since she's too busy trying to find a guy to hook up with. She's a tough girl, but can make friends easily, especially if it was a guy.
History: Her parents had her while they were still in high school, and struggled all their life to raise her good. They don't mostly care about what she does, so she runs off on her own sometimes with guys. When she reached into high school, her parents got evicted from their home, and moved into a small trailer. She doesn't like telling anyone about her life, and wishes that her life was better everyday when she steps into her trailer.
Taken By: xPaper Reject xx
Played By: Jordana Brewster

Name: Amanda *Mandy* Sanford
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Clique: The Flirts
Personality: With Mandy, what you see is what you get with her. She’s not fake, and she tells things like they are. Sometimes she has probably trusting people. So if you screw her over once, she’ll never live it down or let you forget it. She really is a great girl, she just has her issues. She's also a huge flirt. She has her way with guys and talking her way into and out of whatever she can. Her only problem is, is that she can never settle down and just find one guy. She also acts differently around her closer friends because she knows they aren’t out to stab her in the back. She hopes.
History: Mandy didn’t have a hard time growing up at all. She had three older brothers and she was the only girl. So her parents spoiled her rotten. She’s used to getting what she wants, and when she wants it. In the past she has secretly hooked up with her older brother’s friends. She liked them a lot but they were always the one who dumped her. So her whole relationship past has been pretty shaky. Once things start to get serious between her and another guy, she usually ends it. She’ll end it before the guy can break up with her because she’s tired of being let down all the time.
Taken By: **SuperGirl**
Played By: Kelly Clarkson

Name: Kaitlyn Mathis
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Clique: Flirt
Relationship: For friends and relationships leave TBA.
Personality: Kaitlyn can often be caught making out in the janitor's closet with a random guy she barely knows. She likes bouncing around with no commitments, saying that she likes to be free. One of her worst nightmares is being tied down.
History: Kaitlyn wasn't always like this, but after a former boyfriend whom she'd come to like a lot, possibly love, cheated on her, she decided that she was done with relationships. She is used to getting what she wants, and is very spoiled. Coming from a wealthy family, this usually isn't a problem. She rarely attends class, but somehow gets a 4.0 GPA, though it could have something to do with her powerful attorney of a father bribing the school with many generous contributions.
Taken By: missalana
Played By: Olivia Wilde

Name: Hilarie Jenson
Age: 17
Grade: Sophmore
Clique: flirt
Relationships: TBA
Personality: Hilarie is the type of girl you have to get to know first. On the outside, she looks like one big ball of easy fun but she is not. She has a attitude but she has a heart of a angel. She is sarcastic and fiesty. She loves to flirt and party and have a great time. She doesn't have one serious bone in her body. She can be labed as '****ty', 'bitchy' or 'ditzy'. She's real smart but she doesn't ever come to class and she's bitchy to people that she doesn't like, which is practiclly everyone
History: HiLarie came from a wealthy family for the most part but she has nothing to do with them. That has taken it's toll on her. Her dad is always off on business trips, hardly ever home. He doesn't even bother to call home or anything while her mom on the other hand, is to busy to have anything to do with her daughter. Hilarie wanted attention from her parents or anyone for that matter. She uses her looks to her advantage, it lowers her but Hilarie really doesn't care. She is only doing this for attention because she loves attention and craves it. She always gets what she wants
Tb: cliffy
Pb: Jessica Alba

- - - - - -
Age: 15-18, they can be 19 if they stayed back.
Grade: Freshman- Senior (The leaders can be juniors or seniors)
Clique: Put the name of the clique they are in.
Relationship: For friends and relationships leave TBA.
Personality: 3-4 lines.
History: 5-8 setences.
Taken By:
Played By:
(A pic - No Johnny Depp, picture and pb must fit the age.)

[ 03-06-2004: Message edited The Survivor ]

[ 03-06-2004: Message edited The Survivor ]
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney
Fan of : Game of Thrones, DC Comics, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel Comics, The Walking Dead, Stranger Things, Black Sails & Vikings.
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Old 03-02-2004, 10:06 PM
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leader of musicians and an outsider please
Maybe, you have to let go
of who you were to become
who you will be.
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Old 03-02-2004, 10:11 PM
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Save me a musician pb eminem
A Jock pb paul walker

A Scrub pb Alexis Bledel
A Drama person pb Ashley Olsen
"Not all treasure is silver and gold mate"- Pirates of the Carribean

"The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game"-Bringing Down the House
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Old 03-02-2004, 10:12 PM
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thanks for joining.
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney
Fan of : Game of Thrones, DC Comics, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel Comics, The Walking Dead, Stranger Things, Black Sails & Vikings.
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Old 03-02-2004, 10:26 PM
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10 for me!


Chris Carmack


Chad Michael Murray


Sophia Bush


Scott Cliffton


Adam Brody


Monique Powell

Drug Addict:Leader:

Devon Sawa


Evan Rachel Wood




Rachel Bilson

[ 03-02-2004: Message edited Otep ]
I'm Shellie's new boyfriend, and I'm out of my mind. You ever so much as talk to Shellie again, you even think her name, and I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman.-My Superman, Dwight
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Old 03-02-2004, 11:01 PM
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Name:Brady Hart
Personality:Brady is a guy who when speaking to, you can always tend he only has one thing on his mind. And that one thing always seems to be music. Sure, you can try to have a conversation with him about something other then music, but it gets to be difficult considering the fact that it is the only thing he ever cares about. He is not like most teenage boys which the only thing on their mind is girls girls and girls. Nope. Not Brady. The only thing on this guys mind has always been and will always be music. Nothing can ever change that.
History:Brady was born into a family of musicians. His mother was a singer and his father, a blues guitarist. Neither of them had what it takes to make it big. They gave up on their dreams too soon. Brady is not like them though. He refuses to give up on his dream until he achieves it. He picked up his first guitar when he was ten, it was his dads old one and he fell in love with the feel of the strings on his fingers. The beautiful sound that comes from each string as it is plucked, its the only thing in his life that he can always count on.
Taken By:Otep
Played By:Chad Michael Murray

[ 03-03-2004: Message edited Otep ]
I'm Shellie's new boyfriend, and I'm out of my mind. You ever so much as talk to Shellie again, you even think her name, and I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman.-My Superman, Dwight
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Old 03-02-2004, 11:28 PM
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I'll take:
Drama Club KidB: Amber Tamblyn
Leader Of The Geeks: Clay Aiken
MusicianB: Lindze Letherman
Criminal: PB: Aaron Stanford
Prep:Anna Paquin
Punk: Jesse Lacey

[ 03-02-2004: Message edited TheScientist ]
"His madness... His madness keeps him sane."
"And do you think he is the only one, my sister?"~Dream And Delirium
Claybee #69
Keeper of Goth/Punk God
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Old 03-03-2004, 01:14 AM
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Leader of the preps PB: Mandy Moore
Musician PB: Robert Schwartzman
Cheerleader PB: Scarlett Johansson
Geek PB: Ryan Phillippe

[ 03-03-2004: Message edited PJ_Believer ]
i'll be the king,
only you got the crown
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Old 03-03-2004, 05:17 AM
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hey there!! spot please!! 4:
Musician PB: Daniel Johns
Outsider PB: Tom Welling
Prep PB: Amy Acker
Geek PB: Nicole De Boer

Also, can someone please tell me the what the year levels are called and what year they are (like, 9 or 10 etc)? I'm Australian, so I don't know what they all are.

[ 03-03-2004: Message edited Jacoba ]
"Now, I can hold a note for a long time, actually I can hold a note forever. But eventually that's just noise. It's the change we're listening for. The note coming after, and the one after that. That's what makes it music."
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Old 03-03-2004, 05:34 AM
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Name: Mikayla *Kayla* Hamilton
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Clique: Leader of the Preps
Relationship: TBA
Personality: Mikayla is described as a cold hearted, b*tch, due to how she treats everyone especially people that is not from her clique, since she doesn't like them. Kayla, as her true friends called her, can be nice if you catch her in the right moment, if you dare, that is, since most of the time, Mikayla is her own b*tchy self. Being born with a silver spoon in her mouth, Kayla has always looked down on people who don't have as much money as she has. Mikayla thinks money can buy just about everything and that she can get away with murder with it.
History: Growing up in a huge house, Mikayla was always a spoiled, little brat. Her parents, Arthur and Emily would give the world to their precious little daughter. They let her do anything and never punished her for anything, she did wrong so this made Kayla think it was right to look down on people that aren't as popular and rich as her. Being an only child also made her parents spoiled her rotten since Kayla didn't have any brothers or sisters to fight with. By her parents spoilting her like this, they made Mikayla, the b*tch that she is today.
Taken By: PJ_Believer
Played By: Mandy Moore

[ 03-05-2004: Message edited PJ_Believer ]
i'll be the king,
only you got the crown
ann · icon | exo
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Old 03-03-2004, 05:43 AM
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OOC- I had to change the profile requirements. So can you all look at the new way the profile should look like and edit in the the new part of the profile I forgot to put.

Jacoba - For here in the US the high school goes like this.

9th Grade - Freshman
10th Grade - Sophmore
11th Grade - Junior
12th Grade - Senior

PS I dont want to nag but can we get some people in the religious group.

[ 03-03-2004: Message edited The Survivor ]
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney
Fan of : Game of Thrones, DC Comics, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel Comics, The Walking Dead, Stranger Things, Black Sails & Vikings.
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Old 03-03-2004, 05:44 AM
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[ 03-03-2004: Message edited PJ_Believer ]
i'll be the king,
only you got the crown
ann · icon | exo
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Old 03-03-2004, 05:48 AM
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2 Spots please! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Cheerleader: Mischa Barton
Drama Group: Christina Richi(spelt wrong I think, lol)
"He a storm."
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Old 03-03-2004, 06:26 AM
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Hi there California_here_I_come Its BG rule. You can keep your girls but I am going to need you to play two guys as well.

I will add everyone when I get back from school.
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney
Fan of : Game of Thrones, DC Comics, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel Comics, The Walking Dead, Stranger Things, Black Sails & Vikings.
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Old 03-03-2004, 07:06 AM
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Originally posted by The Survivor:
<STRONG>Jacoba - For here in the US the high school goes like this.

9th Grade - Freshman
10th Grade - Sophmore
11th Grade - Junior
12th Grade - Senior

[ 03-03-2004: Message edited The Survivor ]</STRONG>
Thanks for that! working on profiles now!
"Now, I can hold a note for a long time, actually I can hold a note forever. But eventually that's just noise. It's the change we're listening for. The note coming after, and the one after that. That's what makes it music."
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