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Old 12-20-2014, 07:35 PM
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TIMELESS {Anchor ღ Captain} #59: "I hope they last forever." ~ Shay

thread no. 59

{ t e a m m a t e s . r i v a l s . f r i e n d s . l o v e r s . d e s t i n e d }
A N D . I F . I . L O S E . M Y S E L F . T O N I G H T , . I T ' L L . B E . B Y . Y O U R . S I D E

Once upon a time, there were two girls from two not so very different worlds. The first, Emily Fields, was the star and anchor of Rosewood's swim team. Openly gay and beautiful, everything seemed like it was so easy for her. The other girl, Paige McCullers, was the swim team's captain. Insecure, uncertain, and deeply closeted, Paige wanted nothing more than to just be normal. Despite being teammates, their worlds never converged ... until fate intervened and brought them together. Paige envied Emily's seemingly perfect life, while Emily was certain that Paige had things much easier than her. Their competitive natures drew them together and pushed them apart, but everything changed when one day, Paige kissed Emily ...

• • •

This is a story of girl meets girl. This is a story about how two girls found each other, time and time again, even when it seemed as if the whole world was against them. This is a story about how a girl, Paige McCullers, thought that she never even stood a chance with the girl of her dreams. This is a story about how a broken-hearted girl, Emily Fields, found love and happiness with the person she least expected. When at last they are able to finally open up to each other, they realize just how alike they really are -- and how much they need each other. Paige is the kind of person that Emily knew she would always fall in love with. Emily is the one person on earth who could give Paige the strength to be brave. Through the constant struggles, they have always found each other in the end. And their story is still being told ...

• • •

#5 | 1.19 -- A Person of Interest

Emily: I guess I like --
Paige: Ballsy women.

#4 | 1.16 -- Je Suis une Amie

Paige: You have every reason to hate me. I don't even know why I'm
here ... I'm sorry, Emily. I just wanted you to know that.

#3 | 1.17 -- The New Normal

Emily: I spend most of life trying not to feel the way I feel. I come out, and they
ship my first girlfriend off to God knows where. And now maybe she's done with
me. So yeah, it's all about Emily. All Em, all the time.
Paige: [grabs her and kisses her] Don't tell.

#2 | 1.19 -- A Person of Interest

Have you ever wished for an endless night?
Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight?
Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself,
Will it ever get better than tonight?

#1 | 1.20 -- A Person of Interest

Emily: When I was trying to talk myself into being interested in guys, I would look
for guys like you.
Paige: Like me how?
Emily: The kind that would pull me up on stage and get me to sing. Because I would
never do that on my own.

#5 | 2.21 -- Breaking the Code

Paige: I'm gonna walk around town later, try to get some store owners to buy ads for
the program. Wanna come?
Emily: I'm not really good at asking people for money.
Paige: Please, you're the star of the team. Who could possibly turn you down?

#4 | 2.21 -- Breaking the Code

Paige: Are you okay?
Emily: Yeah, I'm fine.
Paige: No, you're not. What's wrong? Em, talk to me.

#3 | 2.25 -- unmAsked

No, I don't want to say goodnight
I know it's time to leave,
But you'll be in my dreams tonight

#2 | 2.21 -- Breaking the Code

Paige: You handled coming out so well, it just seemed possible for me to do it too.
Emily: I don't know about that.
Paige: I do. I've watched you ...
Emily: Thanks. I'm really glad you were able to talk to your parents.
Paige: Me too. I just wish I'd done it sooner.

#1 | 2.25 - unmAsked

Emily: Just forget about last night.
Paige: That's the thing: I don't want to forget. We have a connection. You can't deny that.
Emily: We did, but --
Paige: I know. I screwed it up.
Emily: You weren't ready, and that's okay.
Paige: I wish I had fought harder for you.
Emily: I'm sorry, Paige.
Paige: I didn't tell you so you'd be sorry. I just want to be honest. And I care about you, so
I'll be here for you. For whatever you need.

#5 | 3.15 -- Mona-Mania!

Paige: Em, I don't blame you. I just wonder how you can do it. You chased somebody
through the woods tonight. You refuse to be scared even after everything that's happened.
Emily: No, I still get scared. Mostly I get angry. I don't deserve to live like this.
Neither do you.

#4 | 3.10 -- What Lies Beneath

Emily: How about now?
Paige: Little bit.
Emily: And now?
Paige: Getting there.

#3 | 3.12 -- The Lady Killer

Emily: If I tell you something, promise me it doesn't leave this room.
Paige: Emily, you can trust me with your life.
Emily: If you tell anybody, it isn't safe.
Paige: There's nothing I wouldn't do to protect you.

#2 | 3.20 -- Hot Water

Emily: Now it's your turn: Shana?
Paige: Em ...
Emily: No, we can't be half-honest.
Paige: We dated. For three weeks, while you were in Haiti.
Emily: If it was over, why lie about it?
Paige: Because I didn't want to hurt you. Emily, believe me. It's over. She was a
substitute at a time with I never thought I'd get the real thing.

#1 | 3.08 - Stolen Kisses

Emily: I want you to listen. I haven't been with anyone since Maya. I haven't even
thought about it. Or at least, I didn't think I was thinking about it. I was drunk
that night, and I got lost. Only, I didn't really get lost. I was looking for something.
I was looking for somebody. And I came here.

#5 | 4.04 -- "Face Time"

Emily: He said that I need surgery --
Paige: He said you might need surgery.
Emily: And that the outcome is unpredictable.
Paige: So? Unpredictable can be good. Look at us.
Emily: All these terrible things in my life right now. Why do I feel so lucky?

#4 | 4.12 -- "Now You See Me, Now You Don't"

Nick McCullers: Door!
Paige: Sorry.
Emily: Don't be. Your parents would have the same rule if I were a guy.
Paige: If you were a guy, you wouldn't be here.

#3 | 4.11 -- "Bring the Hoe Down"

I finally asked you to dance on the last slow song
And beneath the moon that was really a disco ball
I can still feel my head on your shoulder
Hoping that song would never be over

#2 | 4.02 -- "Turn of the Shoe"

Paige: A? Emily, why would you keep this from me?
Emily: Because I don't want to live in that space anymore. And I don't want you
to live their either. I wanna live in that room on your computer. And I wanna
be with you -- only you.

#1 | 4.01 -- "'A' is for 'A-l-i-v-e'"

Paige: Don't you want to live somewhere where you don't have to be afraid of the
dark? And I don't have to be afraid for you?
Emily: Yes.
Paige: Yes?
Emily: I wanna go. I want to be with you.
Lóù imé wèlá.
life and death, forever.
#MARRIED | Raelle & Scylla
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Old 12-20-2014, 07:35 PM
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“I think sometimes you have, you know, a natural reaction with somebody, and you just have like that chemistry that's already there, even without acting; I love Lindsey so much as a person, she's so wonderful and such a great friend -- and I think that's kinda what just shows onscreen as well.”
~ Shay Mitchell

“I am so in awe of how gorgeous Shay is on the outside, and how truthful and good and pure she is on the inside. It was something I wasn't expecting, and it was the most wonderful surprise in the world.”
~ Lindsey Shaw

“I love Lindsey Shaw more than anything ... When she came in and tapped me on the shoulder, I loved that scene. Lindsey was super hot that day.”
~ Shay Mitchell

“They called me back for a chemistry read with Shay Mitchell and it was amazing. Sometimes chemistry reads can be -- I don't know, just not as good as you want them to be. But it was so much fun with Shay.”
~ Lindsey Shaw

“I love scenes with Lindsey.”
~ Shay Mitchell

“Shay and I are the biggest Paily shippers of all time. It’s so easy, the dynamic between us now. I feel like we see each other as human beings, and I feel like we’re sort of on the same vibrational path. I couldn’t have more respect for her if I tried. She reminds me all the time of what it’s like to be a good person, and that always translates to what we do on screen.”
~ Lindsey Shaw

and if it all goes c r a s h i n g into the sea
if it's just you and me trying to find the light

volume 1volume 2
the EPic soundtracks

On an almost daily basis, Emily and Paige were driven to distraction by the proximity of another girl. And without understanding why, each knew they could never say anything about it to anybody ... In the Rosewood of 1964, Paige McCullers tries to understand her crush on her beautiful teammate, Emily Fields, and her fantasy about a forbidden romance.

The Yellow Sweater by Joseph Dougherty (writer/producer)

Standing in that motel room, Emily and Paige were close to something remarkable, something beyond their expectations ... In the sequel to "The Yellow Sweater", the star swimmers of Rosewood High both feel the stirring of a forbidden attraction, but it's Alison who sets the stage for one incredibly memorable night that will change everything forever.

The Persistence of Phosphors by Joseph Dougherty (writer/producer)

The Earth might have been uninhabited, except for the two girls on the porch holding hands ... In the continuing series of 1964 Rosewood, Paige and Emily have fallen in love. But they struggle with their secret and the looming presence of Alison, who seeks to exploit it.

The Week It Rained by Joseph Dougherty (writer/producer)

And they did not stop. Ever ... In the final conclusion to the series, Emily and Paige find themselves falling even more in love and moving forward with their lives, together.

Some Other Things That Happened by Joseph Dougherty (writer/producer)

“I feel she’s having a lot more fun hanging with Paige ... She definitely brings out a different side in Emily.”
~ Shay Mitchell

“We were playing something very intimate ... You're going to feel how deep the emotion is and how much they grow to care for each other.”
~ Lindsey Shaw

“I think Paige is so important, especially with Emily and everything that she’s going through. Yes, she has her mom and yes, she has her group of friends. But she also needs that other person to be that ear she talks to, you know? Paige is there for Emily.”
~ Shay Mitchell

“They have these shared experiences, and obviously so much desire, and now that Paige is whole, Emily has something to hold onto. Emily extended real compassion and Paige chose to trust in that compassion.”
~ Lindsey Shaw

“Emily and Paige are close to my heart ... I'm always happy when I get the chance to write Emily and Paige ... If I get into heaven, it might be because of writing about these two characters.”
~ Joseph Dougherty

“Emily and Paige equals sweet. Two friends who helped each other through rough times ... For me, those two have chemistry ... I think if people give Paige a chance, they'll see there's a spark between these two ... Paige has such a deep love for Emily and Emily has a very deep love for Paige.”
~ Marlene King (creator/writer/producer)

“Sometimes I forget just how far Paige has come since season one ... I love [the kiss in 401] so much. I teared up when we were shooting it.”
~ Kyle Brown (producer assistant)

“I'm a huge Paige fan. I feel like, just based on how I've seen Shay as an actress have chemistry with someone else, with Lindsey, I feel like they mesh better together. But as characters on the show, Emily and Paige, I just feel it's a more interesting storyline.”
~ Lucy Hale (Aria)

“I love Paige and Emily together.”
~ Ashley Benson (Hanna)

“Emily has never wanted anything the way she wants Paige. And Paige has never fought for anything the way she’s fought for Emily.”
~ AfterEllen

“Impediment after impediment, but always in a way where there's hope ... knowing they will be together forever.”
~ Television Without Pity

s h i p p e r s ;

01. mccullers
02. Kiss of Death
03. Emily_Jawbreaker
04. beth bluth
05. Andra
06. zazie87
07. Strawberries-
08. ShineSoBright23
09. DUHsoTK
10. Kvaker
11. BlackHalo
12. BearDogg-X
13. Zefiro
14. Linder
15. Anneris
16. simplicity08
17. Assey
18. LiVenLoVe902
19. iLoveChair
20. PurplexMoon
21. AmericanDirrty
22. Chrissalaugha
23. buffysmgfan26
24. Appleish
25. *Lethe's Bramble*
26. Youmademeseeit
27. Catatonic
28. prettylittlesoul
29. Unsure
30. marins
31. coric88
32. mytubablows
33. xlennie
34. paramuse
35. Stay to the Lights
36. theaugustrain
37. SeriesFan
38. hot_vanilla
39. arakha
40. murphyboy11
41. MisterSir
42. Srta_Parker
43. b.g.
44. aguadosor
45. carol14
46. Paige Shaw
47. Halogoodbi
48. Guinevereღ
49. ShortyK125
50. MaxiLuca518
51. MaybeSomeday
52. chairdelenaradrian
53. Clarissa Fray
54. chordstruck
55. endless forms
56. SRBleyton4ever
57. littlefishie
58. sanchy
59. BlondieLeigh
60. lulu-144
61. Counting_Clowns
62. AlwaysCB
63. kiwimimi0101
64. amandamahoney123
65. aguadosor
66. free to fly
67. kayleer90
68. JessieLiar
69. bebrave
70. stilestilinski
71. LucyGu
72. *Stephie*
73. kobe/hil/LP fan
74. rummagingforanswers
75. backstreetboysfan
76. Daisykd
77. {Melody}
78. BassIsAlpha
79. Creativity
80. baelfire24
81. bwm30
82. helpmenow
83. Mich1111
84. BurnedOutStarsShine
85. MarvelDCFanatic
86. qweenkatie
87. GRITS83
88. Thunderstorm
89. Samanthamckenny
90. *Paily*
91. Sixonxnavade
92. Ma5rina
93. Clarice83
94. Sunnyolaf
95. bwm30
96. -Blackburn-
97. *Lethe's Bramble*
98. bandcandy
99. Broony
100. Dark5ky
101. JustAFriend
102. egbert13
103. ♕Misha's Minion♕
104. MrღMrsStinsbatskys
105. LxieGrey

v i d e o s ;

feel so heavy, feel so low
how to tame a lion
fix you
i wish you were here
you're fearless
i don't know where i go
the whole world is going to change
and i don't want the world to see me
please don't leave me
missing your love
never let me go
be your everything
what's a soulmate?
kiss me
more . . .

f u t u r e ;

"I really care about you. So I'll be here for you. For whatever you need."
"What you really need is someone you can count on."
"I love working with Lindsey. We're like best friends." ~ Shay Mitchell
"I like how Emily and Paige have the relationship of mistiming." ~ Lindsey Shaw
"I just so enjoy PLL in large part because of Shay." ~ Lindsey Shaw
"The connection was kind of instantaneous between the two of us." ~ Lindsey Shaw
"Shay and I probably see life in a lot of the same ways." ~ Lindsey Shaw
"I'm so grateful this thing happened with Shay." ~ LS
"I'm looking at Shay when we're shooting and realizing how wonderful this story is." ~ LS
"Emily extended real compassion and Paige chose to trust in that compassion." ~ LS
"I love Emily and Paige's relationship." ~ Shay Mitchell
"I really do like their relationship." ~ SM
"I feel like Paige has genuinely always been there for Emily." ~ SM
"I do love their relationship and I think it's very special." ~ Shay Mitchell
"I love working with Lindsey Shaw" ~ Shay Mitchell
"I have so much love for Shay Mitchell." ~ Lindsey Shaw
"If I get into heaven, it might be for writing about these two." ~ JD
"The Paily thing has been very unexpected on all levels, but very satisfying." ~ JD
"Ever since I wrote the first kiss, it’s always been exciting and unexpected between those two." ~JD
"The actors are so exciting. It’s such a pleasure to write those characters for them." ~ JD
"Shay and Lindsey; they can play those scenes so well. They bring so much depth to them." ~ JD
"I think a lot of the Paily fans are going to be very satisfied." ~ JD
"I want to continue what I started in The Yellow Sweater." ~ Joseph Dougherty

p a s t ;

01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50
51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60
61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70

Lóù imé wèlá.
life and death, forever.
#MARRIED | Raelle & Scylla

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Old 12-20-2014, 11:10 PM
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This OP is so beautiful. It will always be one of my favorites.

TFTNT, Twisty.
mama bear, papa bear, panda bear, and bowie (bear)

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Old 12-20-2014, 11:58 PM
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The OP is perfect. the best one i've ever seen on FF
I hope you update it with the new paily scenes/stuff (as painful as that will be)

The thread title<3 me too shay
btw, around which episode was she shooting when she said that in the interview?
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Old 12-21-2014, 09:32 AM
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Thanks so much for the new thread Twisty. Glad to see you're still around

Going down memory lane....they've been through so much.

btw, around which episode was she shooting when she said that in the interview?
I'm not sure when the interview was given, but I think it came out around the time they were filming 521.
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Old 12-22-2014, 12:01 PM
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The OP really is amazing and it looks like it probably took a serious amount of time to do, but it's oh so beautiful. Look how far they've come...

I think you're right about the interview too. Cause didn't she talk about the dancing thing they did too? And I think that is suppose to happen in 5x20 so the interview probably wasn't done too far ahead of when it was released.
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Old 12-22-2014, 01:32 PM
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I hate to do this, but seen the synopsis for 516?


Sorry, eta: thanks for the thread.

Last edited by Peppermint_P4tti; 12-22-2014 at 01:43 PM
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Old 12-22-2014, 02:39 PM
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Ok so ... Paused to catch breath


Sorry I just got upset & irrational again.
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Old 12-22-2014, 03:27 PM
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Okay, well we kind of knew this was coming though didn't we? Of course we all wanted to believe that they were hiding some kind of long distance opportunity but honestly the chances of that were slim anyway. We knew the odds of them breaking up were higher than anything else. But we still have to remember that the breakup isn't what they wanted, but what they've been forced into due to the distance and Emily's future being unknown. At least they will be ending on a loving note and a not a bad one. We have to try and find small positives in this ****storm we've been thrown into

Plus you know, that synopsis sounds bad but at least it seems they will be acknowledging the fact that Emily's relationship with Paige meant ALOT to her. That Paige herself meant a lot to Emily. If she's struggling with her being gone that isn't really a bad thing for Paily, it's a good thing because it means that she's clearly missing her and still thinking about her. Which will possibly (though I doubt it, honestly) will shut some people up that say Emily will be happy that Paige is finally gone.

I'm not putting much faith or hope into anything, but I still feel like Emily will be looking into colleges that are far away from Rosewood and close to Paige. I'm not saying it's going happen that way but it still doesn't seem impossible for Paily to end up together to me. Either way Emison is never going to happen. At this point in the show I can only imagine Emily ending up with Paige or by herself. I don't see Emily jumping into something so soon after Paige in 5B and there isn't enough time to introduce another relationship between s6-s7 with the time jump. Plus the writers clearly don't care enough about Emily's love life to develop a new relationship anyways. That's just my opinion tough. Only time will tell.

Eta: As for Mk...she's just full of it. All she's doing is playing up both fandoms. I don't believe anything she says, even the recent hope comments. You say that and two days later you're telling emison fans to stay with you because there's still two seasons left. It's nothing but a game, it's a joke. She's going to tell everyone what they want to hear until this show finally dies. Plain and simple, end of story. And that's why I just can't be bothered to care at this point because this show is nothing but a jerk-a-round and I don't feel the need to waste my time anymore. Paily made it worth it for me, but without them...nah.

Last edited by jjay10627; 12-22-2014 at 03:35 PM
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Old 12-22-2014, 03:47 PM
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Yeah. I wish I agreed with you about Emily's love life. I wouldn't be at all surprised if someone new is introduced this season as a Samara-type & then someone new as her endgame in season 6. I wish I was as confident as you that Emison won't happen - I genuinely think it would be **** storytelling but MK doesn't seem to want to let it go & whether she's stringing Emisonians along or not, I have my worries.

I can't see them bringing Lindsey back now. That whole "sounds like a sweet idea" on the Prom just sounds so ****ing patronising to me.

I'm just so ****ing angry that they strung us along for the whole of 5a & now this. It seems so pointless. Unless they're going to rehash Hanna's breakdown storyline of 5a, what on earth was the point of getting them back together? What a waste of ****ing time.
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Old 12-22-2014, 06:12 PM
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TFTNT! This OP is soooooo beautiful!
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Old 12-22-2014, 07:09 PM
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Hey, no I get it. Believe me, the worst part of all of this is how much they did build them up in 5a to be together, and then DID in fact put them together. Like literally it NEVER even crossed my mind that this is what was in store for us after 5x12 aired. Never did it cross my mind once that they would pull the rug out from under us this way. Maybe that was their plan all along though. Why? Who knows. That question seems to be a common one in terms of this entire show. It makes no sense, which makes it all that much more hard to stomach.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if someone new is introduced this season as a Samara-type & then someone new as her endgame in season 6. I wish I was as confident as you that Emison won't happen - I genuinely think it would be **** storytelling but MK doesn't seem to want to let it go & whether she's stringing Emisonians along or not, I have my worries.
Well the problem with that is that there are no guest stars to fill that role besides the chef chick and she's only in like one or two episodes so I just don't see Emily going on any rebound. Doesn't mean it won't happen but I'm hesitant to believe it. As for Emison, if anything does happen I can't see it going any further than what happened in 5x05. It just doesn't seem plausible to me no matter how bad those people want it. And if the writers really want to regress Emily yet AGAIN to that state, then what was the point in having her turn her back in the first place? You can only repeat the same goddamn stories so many times. But MK wil drag them along until the very end.

I can't see them bringing Lindsey back now.
I don't know. I still think it would be easy to bring her back next season but I don't know. It's hard to say at this point if Paige will be back. I DO want to believe she will be in the future, when or how and all that, who knows but I do think it's very possible we will see Paige again, or at least that's what the writers are planning. The problem with that is, will Lindsey be available? Unless they've told her to plan on being back next season at some point she could very well book something and be unable to return and then what? So I'm hoping this was something that they did think out quite a bit, but I just find it hard to believe in the writers that much at this point.

It's been suggested that Lindsey asked for this but I don't buy that because it doesn't seem like she's had much work recently outside of the show. I'm not at all trying to be rude or anything, I LOVE Lindsey Shaw. I think she is a very sweet, funny and beyond decent human being and I think she's great when given the right material and she's been amazing on this show and her and Shay have top notch chemistry when it comes to Paige and Emily, but I don't buy that she asked to be written out of the show for other projects. This show seems to have been her main/steady job since s3 now and she's never made any impression of wanting that to change or be written off. I think this was solely a writers choice and it was just so beyond sloppy. And if I were Lindsey, I'd be kind of pissed. I mean, to write her character out like that just really is a slap to the face. Unless they did tell her she would be brought back but there's just no way to tell because of how quiet everything was surrounding all of this. It's just going to be a wait and see game for Paily right now.
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Old 12-23-2014, 12:13 AM
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Nope. Nope, nope, nope. I'm not willing to let them go yet and there is this really strong feeling I have about all of this that says it's not over. Call it false hope or whatever, but something doesn't feel right about this actually being Lindsey's last episode. I think we might be surprised. Anyway, while I'm in this hopeful frame of mind, I've had some thoughts.

Forgive me the following rambling thoughts:

We knew Lindsey wouldn’t be in many episodes this half season, so part of me wonders what is worse…because if we weren’t going to see her anyway, what does that really add to their story? Does it add more to their story to have them be torn apart against their will so that Emily is shown having to deal with that loss, or do we prefer having them together, but unseen and people left wondering if Emily is even IN a relationship? Would we rather they be ignored and pushed aside with lame excuses (or worse, no excuses), or would we like to see a story that shows how deeply Emily loves Paige?

Now, I realize the writers could write Lindsey into as many episodes as they want and it’s all in their hands…but I also wonder if this was maybe the best option for the rest of this season IF and ONLY IF, a) they needed a reason for her absence and b) they find a way to reunite in season 6.

Of course, this is only really possible if season 6 starts just as the school year ends with graduation and...ahem...prom. Should Season 6 be the summer before college, Paige could come back in a most epic and romantic way….but then Emily would HAVE to get into a school in California, because they can’t do this split-up for school story again.

So they go to California together, and then there is a time jump over 4 years and we can bring them into season 7.

Thank you for reading another installment of "Desperate JAF clutches at Straws".
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Old 12-23-2014, 02:56 AM
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I don't know I really don't. I'm just sitting over here trying not to cry. I want to believe you both I really do but I can't. If I think rationally & consider the storytelling arc then I can believe that Paige will come back. But then I think about the show & what we've seen: they don't seem to be able to leave the girls single & we witnessed Aria's one night stand; Hanna got with Travis pretty quickly after Caleb left, so I think there's plenty of time for something to happen with whoever. I wish I believed that they'll show Em grieving for this relationship but I don't trust them at all.

Plus, Emily's love life is written differently to the other girls. I'm starting to wonder whether Ali is Em's end point in the series I can't really understand why they'd throw out her character growth & put her back with a teenage crush when all the other girls have their grown up relationships but all sense seems to go out the window where Em's concerned. & why bother showing her turning her back on Ali in 5a? I don't know - apart from stringing it all out again which we know they can do in this show. & MK's tweets sure aren't discouraging E/A shippers - unlike her silence on Paily.

I keep seeing posts about it not being Lindsey's last ep & surely we'd know, but then I think about Maya & Bianca & I get the impression she wasn't told about her character's death? Seems pretty par for the course to me if Lindsey didn't know herself.

I love reading your clutching at straws posts JAF. Sorry all I can offer is a negative response.
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Old 12-23-2014, 12:16 PM
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I understand it's hard to be optimistic at this point because of how it's all happened BUT I agree with JAF. There's more to this and I don't think 514 will be the end of Paige, in 5B yeah probably, but not for the whole show. No, I just can't agree with that yet. And we DID know that Paige wasn't going to be around much before all of this came out because she hadn't been seen or anything. Of course we didn't expect it to be this way but still, we knew something was up. I am somewhat happy that we at least know where Paige will be and we know she's safe. So there's that. And it will be nice to see Emily actually having a reaction to her being gone. I hate that she's going to be hurting but I'm happy to see the acknowledgement of Paige in her life.

And I think even as weird as it sounds...this may have been the best way to set up the future for Paily together. I'm not saying I agree with it because I sure as hell don't and I do believe it was rushed but maybe this was how the writers saw it working out best. With Paige already gone it's going to give Emily a serious feel of what it's like to not have her around and as we saw in 511 Emily wasn't happy with just seein Paige at practice....well now she won't at all. So I think it's going to give her more incentive to get to Paige. Like it will regnite her desire to have that dream they both wanted back in season 4 that she had given up on. It's not impossible for her to be in Cali with Paige. I think Paily still has the best chances of being together at the end.

As for Maya and all that, you have to remember that Paige and Maya are very different. Maya and Emilys relationship went bad when Maya went to rehab and it never recaught its footing when she returned. Paige came back in s3 and her and Emily right away fell back into an easy groove, so there's a difference there. Plus Lindsey and Bianca are not the same either. Lindsey has been on the show for every season and no one has ever said anything but good things about her. The writers and actresses, especially Shay, constantly gush about her. It was said that Bianca didn't get on well with tptb, I don't know how or why but I think I remember reading that here once so if that's true that could have had to do with Maya being killed. But whether or not Lindsey knew about this, well there's no way for us to know but I do hope so.

And the Aria rebound was kind of expected since what she had found out about Ezra and with Hanna and Caleb...well that was Ravenswoods fault. Caleb was put on another show and was probably not expected to be back so soon. That's where Travis came in. Had they not attempted Ravenswood it never would have happened. So when it failed they didn't have much choice but to bring Caleb back. So it's all different for everyone. You can't apply it all to Paily cause it doesn't all fit. I agree that Emily's love life gets the short end of the stick but that's just how it is I guess.

And really with Ali....honestly I think the chances of that happening are seriously low. Maya will come back from the dead first. Like I don't see emison as a real couple living happily down the road. It doesn't fit because Alison is not that type of person. In my mind it can only realistically be Paige for Emily's endgame. Or she will be alone. Not with Alison though, I just don't buy it.
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