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Old 07-03-2018, 07:50 AM
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Is it weird that I really don't have a doubt that they'll be broken up by the end of the season? There's just been so much foreshadowing already, plus the fact that it's a time jump relationship. To me it feels like we got introduced to it at the beginning of the end.

I mean, I don't like watching it but it's never really worried me that much?

Also, another possible spoiler for those of you who like them.
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Old 07-03-2018, 08:11 AM
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Originally Posted by snoopy4839 (View Post)
Bellarke fans are definitely true warriors. This is the slowest burn I have ever seen from a ship I loved. But like you said, it's going to be so worth it when it happens. And any of you who have stuck by it through more than one season is awesome, because I know that some early shippers had given up on them and the show a long time back already.

I feel the same Sarah, I imagine a few scenarios in my head, even negative ones and I just get terrified because I want them to happen so much. But like Bellamy says, if we're still breathing (the show is still running), we still have hope.
Same. For other ships, I would have probably given up already but Bellarke are just special. Definitely a ship worth all this pain, heartache and ups and downs. After shipping them for the last 3 years, I can safely still say that.

Well said (re: the bolded parts).

The least I can hope for this season is revealed romantic feelings from both Bellamy and Clarke. Not left to interpretation ones, but set in stone ones.

I hope to be wrong on this part, but I too think Bellamy and Echo will still be together by end of this season. For one, not much time has really passed this season. Two, Bellamy probably wants to give Echo a chance on the ground out of love and loyalty, no matter that he also loves Clarke as well.

But hey, there is still 5 episodes left, so I'll stop being a party pooper (preparing myself)and be quiet, anything is possible.
God, I hope so. Dammit, it needs to happen already.

I'm not ruling it out and honestly need to prepare myself for that, just in case. At this point, I really want just two things ... for them to admit feelings for each other (preferably to each other of course but I'd take an admission under any circumstances) and for the radio conversations to come up.

I never had any doubt about that either, Tara. Time jump relationships which have literally no build up are never meant to last, it's not even shade ... just the truth. I'm of the view that the only reason why TPTB went with this relationship instead of any others (Braven for example, would be a good alternative) is precisely because others would be better alternatives and fans wouldn't want those ships to break up, just for Bellarke to get together. Just my view anyway, that's how I feel about Bellarke vs. Braven happening in space. I would have been happier about that, but then conflicted because of BC. The writers wouldn't want that IMO.

All I can say is that Bellamy wouldn't ever take such extreme measures (like poisoning Octavia) to save just anyone. Just saying. He was deadset on keeping his promise up in space and also his promise to Madi (in addition to saving Octavia of course).

Originally Posted by TaraJoyful (View Post)

Also, another possible spoiler for those of you who like them.

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Old 07-03-2018, 08:32 AM
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Originally Posted by destroyer of worlds (View Post)
I'm of the view that the only reason why TPTB went with this relationship instead of any others (Braven for example, would be a good alternative) is precisely because others would be better alternatives and fans wouldn't want those ships to break up, just for Bellarke to get together.
Yeah, you said it perfectly. It was the perfect relationship to make happen because it creates a ton of conflict for the plot, but the majority of the audience isn't really going to be invested in it. I still wish they had chosen to make it a close platonic relationship just for the sake of Bellamy's character development, but other than that I can see it for what it is.

On a side note, I don't know how many of you guys are active on Twitter but one of the main Bellarke fan accounts (@BellarkeBuzz) held a contest during the last voting power hour and chose 2 people to win custom "Blake" or "Griffin" ballcaps. Those are the ones you see the cast wearing a lot at cons, particularly the purple Blake one on Bob.

One of their winners dropped out so I got the next spot! There's a purple "Blake" hat in my future and I'm so excited.
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Old 07-03-2018, 08:32 AM
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Originally Posted by destroyer of worlds (View Post)
Not in our minds but the general fandom.
I think I just so don’t care anymore. Like, haters gonna hate. Whatever.

Tara, I’m split, because I’ve been saying all season long how I feel like 5x01 set up Memori apart and Becho together to reverse those things at the end of the season. Which I certainly do hope is true. But I’m preparing myself for the alternative.

Definitely no shade, Sarah. I agree. And what you said about Braven is spot on, too. Even though I don’t ship Braven, I would have felt horrible rooting against it for Raven’s sake. So setting up a less popular ship works in that regard.

Sometimes I think about how much development Bellamy and Clarke’s relationship has had, and it makes me so damn proud. Like, in 5 seasons, there is just no other relationship on the show that has evolved and been given so much: We have so many big moments between them, but so many small and subtle moments, too, but they’re all poignant moments; they all matter. And they all combine to create this bond that is so unique, so special, and so unbreakable, even after all these years.

ETA: Awesome, Tara! Those are the Conageddon hats! I have the Blake one! We can be twins now! It’s a great hat. (Also, it cost $40, so that’s awesome that you get it for free!)
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Old 07-03-2018, 08:34 AM
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I'm not ruling it out and honestly need to prepare myself for that, just in case. At this point, I really want just two things ... for them to admit feelings for each other (preferably to each other of course but I'd take an admission under any circumstances) and for the radio conversations to come up.
I'll sign that

I never had any doubt about that either, Tara. Time jump relationships which have literally no build up are never meant to last, it's not even shade ... just the truth. I'm of the view that the only reason why TPTB went with this relationship instead of any others (Braven for example, would be a good alternative) is precisely because others would be better alternatives and fans wouldn't want those ships to break up, just for Bellarke to get together. Just my view anyway, that's how I feel about Bellarke vs. Braven happening in space. I would have been happier about that, but then conflicted because of BC. The writers wouldn't want that IMO.

I think it's also because Clarke and Raven are good friends. This would taint that friendship.



It's interesting that Clarke and Echo haven't talked yet, especially when there is the big elephant in the room concerning Clarke's and Bellamy's feelings for each other. And Echo must be a bit worried right? She must have some idea about Bellamy's feelings for Clarke, considering their time in space, where Bellamy was basically blaming himself for leaving Clarke on the groud and being oversensitive when someone brought her up.

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Old 07-03-2018, 08:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Foxie (View Post)
It's interesting that Clarke and Echo haven't talked yet, especially when there is the big elephant in the room concerning Clarke's and Bellamy's feelings for each other. And Echo must be a bit worried right? She must have some idea about Bellamy's feelings for Clarke, considering their time in space, where Bellamy was basically blaming himself for leaving Clarke on the groud and being oversensitive when someone brought her up.
Yeah, it's honestly kind of funny how they went out of their way to have Clarke and Echo not interact at all so far. It's part of the reason why I shake my head at people who still insist that Clarke and Bellamy are only ever going to be platonic.

If that's what the writers wanted, all they had to do was show Clarke being happy that her "friend" found love while he was away. Show her smiling and talking with would have been so easy. But instead they just had Clarke stare at them with sad kitten eyes the whole time.


April, yay for being twins! I'm honestly afraid it's not going to fit me, because I kind of have a big head... But if it doesn't I'll just make a cute little display with my Bellamy and Clarke funko pops!

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Old 07-03-2018, 09:11 AM
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Originally Posted by TaraJoyful (View Post)
Yeah, you said it perfectly. It was the perfect relationship to make happen because it creates a ton of conflict for the plot, but the majority of the audience isn't really going to be invested in it. I still wish they had chosen to make it a close platonic relationship just for the sake of Bellamy's character development, but other than that I can see it for what it is.

One of their winners dropped out so I got the next spot! There's a purple "Blake" hat in my future and I'm so excited.
Thanks. Yup, it's set up precisely for those two reasons ... Braven wouldn't have upset Octavia so that defeats the purpose right there, so it's pretty obvious IMO why it went in that direction. Which was why I was NOT happy at the end of season 4 but was mainly mentally prepared. A close platonic relationship would have been my preference too, but it just wouldn't have the same impact IMO.

No matter how it turns out this season though, I doubt that I will ever jump ship or stop loving Bellarke TBH. They are it for me, regardless of whether it ever becomes romantic. No other pairing can replace them for me.

That's awesome, Tara! Happy that you got the hat. I did see the contest but didn't take part.

Originally Posted by Foxie (View Post)
I think it's also because Clarke and Raven are good friends. This would taint that friendship.


It's interesting that Clarke and Echo haven't talked yet, especially when there is the big elephant in the room concerning Clarke's and Bellamy's feelings for each other. And Echo must be a bit worried right? She must have some idea about Bellamy's feelings for Clarke, considering their time in space, where Bellamy was basically blaming himself for leaving Clarke on the groud and being oversensitive when someone brought her up.
Maybe just me but I don't really see Clarke/Raven as being that close? Or as close as I'd like anyway. But it would be too close to the whole Clarke/Raven/Finn thing in season 1 which is what I'm guessing that TPTB is trying to avoid.


Yep, and I just need that elephant to be brought up in the room already. I definitely think that Echo is going to be worried about Bellamy and Clarke once she's back in the same vicinity because of the reasons that you pointed out. Boy basically was going to break down everytime someone mentioned Clarke's name up in space so they all must have known how he felt about Clarke.

Yeah, it's honestly kind of funny how they went out of their way to have Clarke and Echo not interact at all so far. It's part of the reason why I shake my head at people who still insist that Clarke and Bellamy are only ever going to be platonic.
Yup, I mean if Bellarke are only meant to be close friends and only that, I feel like it is more likely that we'd get a scene where Clarke says that she's happy for Bellamy and/or a normal/non weird conversation between Clarke/Echo so far and that just hasn't happened. That in itself is not an indicator of them turning canon of course, but it's persuasive nonetheless.

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Old 07-03-2018, 09:31 AM
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Maybe just me but I don't really see Clarke/Raven as being that close? Or as close as I'd like anyway. But it would be too close to the whole Clarke/Raven/Finn thing in season 1 which is what I'm guessing that TPTB is trying to avoid.

Yeah, they aren't that close, but they are still friends and have some sort of a relationship. Clarke barely knows Echo.



Yep, and I just need that elephant to be brought up in the room already. I definitely think that Echo is going to be worried about Bellamy and Clarke once she's back in the same vicinity because of the reasons that you pointed out. Boy basically was going to break down everytime someone mentioned Clarke's name up in space so they all must have known how he felt about Clarke.

Almost everybody knows how Bellamy and Clarke feel about each other, don't think Echo is an exception

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Old 07-03-2018, 09:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Foxie (View Post)
Almost everybody knows how Bellamy and Clarke feel about each other, don't think Echo is an exception
It's too obvious.

Always protecting each other :


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Old 07-03-2018, 09:58 AM
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Who do you want Echo to talk to about Bellarke more, Bellamy or Clarke?
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Old 07-03-2018, 10:44 AM
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Bob and Eliza are going to Comic Con
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Old 07-03-2018, 10:50 AM
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Who do you want Echo to talk to about Bellarke more, Bellamy or Clarke?

Both But if it has to be only one, then it's Bellamy. He's her boyfriend. I think they need to talk everything out that happened since they landed back on the ground. Obviously things have changed and eventhough Echo probably has some idea about Bellamy's feelings for Clarke, she deserves an explanation, assuming Bellamy is the one letting her go. And if Echo is the one doing it, which I hope not, then they need to talk it out too. They've spent quite amount of time together, I feel like they can't just break up and don't talk about it at all.

And yay for Bob and Eliza going to Comic Con

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Old 07-03-2018, 11:42 AM
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And they're part of a fan favorite panel

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Old 07-03-2018, 11:46 AM
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A SW quote, love it

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Old 07-03-2018, 12:01 PM
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That gifset is great! Kind of fits in with the whole “Love is strength” idea that I think we’re seeing play out this season.

Originally Posted by AlwaysCB (View Post)
Bob and Eliza are going to Comic Con
Awesome! Although I do still worry about Bob a bit since he had such high anxiety last time. But maybe they can do less press by attending this way? And maybe William and Arryn will go with them.

It’s the perfect panel for them to be a part of. They’re the leads, they’re the stars.

ETA: Chapter 63

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