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Old 12-07-2012, 10:54 PM
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ohh good theory. i havent really put much thought into it.
also, considering whatshername said she didnt want tyler involved, im guessing she knows its a bad thing.
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Old 12-08-2012, 12:50 AM
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She's always cared about Damon but she's never been in love with him.And her totally disregard for Stefan is stupid to say the least.Damon and Elena together is just wrong in my opinion.

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Old 12-08-2012, 02:53 AM
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I'm scared for Bonnie man, as soon as she said she was doing Expression and Nandi said that dark magic is Expression I was like oh boy, Prof. Shane is definitely messing with her big time. And obviously those 12 counsel members that died in the beginning was the sacrifice Nandi was talking about. And then Prof. Shane saying Hayley could bring her parents back. If Prof. Shane is Silas, he's so going to try and bring that girl he loves back.
You know what this storyline is really giving me the creepy vibes. Must be because there are people out there in real life that actually do these cruel things.Sorry,for the gloomy thought, it's just that I had also to study this topic for my university and it kind impress you,and not in a good way.
I wish they'll focus on this a lot more.It would only be good to the plot,though.I mean it is a fantasy horror show why focus soooo much on love?
I just hope they'll give this human sacrifices storyline some quality screen-time.
i think it's kind ridiculous to blame ratings on a couple. i've never done that before and im not about to start that now. people have been claiming it was the "couples" on GG for years, yet no matter what the writers do and what couples get together, the ratings just keep declining.
maybe fans just grow out of this type of television show.
I agree,I don't think it's DE the problem of ratings.It is just that the triangle completely took over everything else.Season 1 and Season 2 were better because the show had focused on other things as well.
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Old 12-08-2012, 05:32 AM
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Originally Posted by naturellebella (View Post)
I can see why Damon wouldn't want to like banish Elena away because to tell her not to have feelings for him at all, doesn't that take away her will too? She had feelings for him before and now he'd telling her not to. That's manipulating her mind too. That's him using his sire bond on her still. I think there has to be a better way to break this bond then telling her to stay away and feel nothing for him when she already did before.

I don't really understand people saying Elena was never in love with Damon before. I understand if you don't like it. But she was. Not only did 4x08 tell us this but S3 showed it. If Elena only loved Stefan why would there ever have been a choice to make? Damon would not have stood a shot. So she DID love him as a human. Her attitude to Stefan since then is another debate entirely...but saying that human Elena did not love Damon is just pure denial at this point. Julie said Elena loved him herself. Just because Elena did not say the words herself, does not mean the feelings weren't there. It's called showing, not telling.

Obviously the bond complicates things. But yeah, the feelings were there before.
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Old 12-08-2012, 06:58 AM
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^ I agree. Besides the witch and Tyler (who experienced being sired) said that the sirebond doesn't change feelings and becoming a vampire only magnifies the feelings you had as a human.

I understand if people don't like the ship and it's ok but the show has made very clear that human Elena had real feelings for Damon because if she didn't there would be no sirebond.
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Old 12-08-2012, 10:18 AM
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Absolutely! Had she ONLY loved Stefan, wouldn't she not have even had a choice to make? The theory that she never loved Damon makes no sense. This wasn't a choice between who she wanted to sleep with, it was a choice over who she wanted a relationship with. If it were only Stefan she was in love with, Damon wouldn't even be in the running. The decision would have been made from the getgo. And if there was doubt before, we got confirmation in this episode that she did.
It's not that she doesn't care for Stefan anymore. She does. She said so herself and is afraid of hurting him. It's just that instead of her thinking about Stefan first, now it's Damon first.
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Old 12-08-2012, 12:30 PM
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Well, to be fair to E/S shippers....a rare choice for me I know, but the writers always make her say 'she has feelings'. It was a plot choice with the exact perpose of making S/E think feelings were less then love, and D/E shippers to think feelings ment love.

Now there just being hardheaded about it. They pointed it out that she'd have to had to be in love with Damon for the sire bond to even happen. So the arguement is moot.

So now we get to watch E/D, while the E/S shippers root for Stefen to somehow cure her.

.....and people are actually surprized the ratings are tanking?

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Old 12-08-2012, 05:05 PM
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Elena wasn't about to admit to being in love with Damon when she was with Stefan and was afraid of losing him. And it's irrelevant how the shippers took any of it. The writers were careful with their words so that they can use it at a later date. Which they have decided to now. But it's been obvious that feelings existed there since the very beginning. Those feelings have only grown stronger since and by last season, they were definitely there. I don't see how this is fair or unfair to any shippers. She loved both men, but Stefan was the one she was more in love with. I don't think it demeans them.

I was just thinking that Damon/Stefan haven't had a real connection in a really long time. We get those odd moments between the two of them and some more meaningful than others, but I'd just like to see that build up again. At the end of the day, even though Damon has been in love with Elena and even though he even fought to have her, Stefan was always an important factor to him. I hope Stefan will do the same.
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Old 12-08-2012, 05:38 PM
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Heres a non shipping question, what was with Lexie? When she showed up in season one as Stefen's BFF, she seemed to hate blame him for all the pain in her friends life.

...I was kinda expecting some kind of reason behind her actions in the episode. But she was just a B*tch. Again blaming Damon for all the pain Stefen went through, and the fact that he was a ripper.

But we've been watching for the last few years as Stefen losses his mind then finds it again, kills innocents and rips them apart, only to whine and apologise afterwards.

Hell, even from the first moment Stefen was turned he went on a killing spree. So I gotta wonder, at what point exactly was it any of Damon's fault? And if not, then why has Lexie just been a stright b*tch to him?

I honestly don't understand the point of her character. Could someone help me out here?

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Old 12-08-2012, 11:14 PM
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lol, i have no idea. i hate her though. can u imagine what place stefan and damon would have been if he had gone to war with him. maybe lexie should have taken a bit of time to help damon instead of brushing him off. idgi.
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Old 12-09-2012, 04:08 PM
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Well yeah. Damon seemed ready to bury that hatchet right there. And Stefen wasn't randomly killing innocent people at the moment either. It even seemed like Damon's switch was on. If they'd gone off the war together....I believe they might have been brothers again.

Nice to see someone else clueless about the point that was Lexie. I mean, the three times we've seen her, not counting ghost her, she'd been team Stefen....which is understandable since their friends...but hardcore antiDamon.

There first meeting when Stefen was killing everyone and she stepped in to help, Damon wished her honest luck in helping him. Flash fowards in the timeline and Lexie's being a b*tch to him, making pointed comments about not blaming Damon for Stefen going ripper and stright blocking Damon's atempt to go off with his little brother to war.

Then we've got the season one scene, where I can see her having a problem with him having his switch turned off. But she stright threatend his life, called him not a nice person. All of which was kinda...without any actuall proof or bases for her actions. So him killing her? Good for him.

She had it coming.

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Old 12-09-2012, 05:36 PM
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I think this episode explained why Damon never liked her.

And I agree that I wish they would have showed us why she disliked him so much. I understand why she sided with Stefan and Stefan probably told her what happened with Damon & Katherine. However, I think Lexie should have given Damon a chance to prove himself.
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Old 12-09-2012, 06:06 PM
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If Stefan can be helped and forgiven for killing all those innocent people when he was the ripper, Damon should be forgiven and helped as well. Neither is worse than the other since they've both done horrible things when they've switched their humanity off.
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Old 12-09-2012, 06:09 PM
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Lexi was simply in this show to prove how utterly awesome Damon really is, obviously Never mind all the sht he did to Stefan throughout the seasons.. these writers are clueless.. they retcon anyone's character when they need to
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Old 12-09-2012, 07:19 PM
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I dont think its clear whether Elena loved Damon before. How could we know for sure if Elena wasnt even sure? I think that there were feelings and now she loves him, but its not fair to just state that as if it were a fact.

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