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Old 01-08-2014, 05:12 PM
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Originally Posted by bonnie51 (View Post)
it could be stopped... but Narducci's interview seemed to indicate that it wasn't going to be, at least for now.
TPTB is really in love with Haylijah, so yeah, I think they will keep it as the ship of the show for a long time

Originally Posted by Lempicka (View Post)
As for Sophie being less connected to the Originals, of course she is, she has been missing most of the episodes

That look She trusted him
That's why the argument/speculation that if anyone is going to die it's her, since the writers didn't even bother to work on her character so far.

She trusted him and he was a jerk.
Originally Posted by **Anna** (View Post)
well he didn't lie to her

she got the same lesson as rose, listen to words carefully.
speaking of rose, elijah spared her and that werewolf girl that attacked damon. he is not the one to kill women unless they are nasty like agnes.
To me, that only proves that Elijah is an hypocrite. Writing for Elijah in TO is ruining the character for me

Originally Posted by Lempicka (View Post)
So I just watched the 4x20 episode, "The Originals" one from TVD, and omg, so many scenes with them Now I get why people shipped them and why some articles mentioned them as a couple.

"I'm an original and I could kill you before you made a move" Aw, Elijah is such a sweetheart

I love that their relationship is starting as (almost) enemies.
Yeah, to me the backdoor pilot (including the Director's cut) and the pilot made me ship them. I really thought that Elijah was the one that would understand her reasons, and turns out that when he found out all about the Harvest he was the one that tagged her as the enemy

Originally Posted by **Anna** (View Post)
i didn't quite understand what sophie meant by saying jane-anne won't get peace until her body is properly attended to. Getting stuck on the Other side is not exactly finding peace, does it mean she moved on somehow and not on the other side? Or was she in even worse state without proper burial than on the other side?
That's more a ritual that the witches have than actually passing over to the other side. It's like the rituals people have in different religions. The NOLA witches use ancestral magic so it's probably only something related to that like Lempicka said.

Speaking of which, I LOVE the gifset
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Old 01-08-2014, 05:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Si_Crazy (View Post)
TPTB is really in love with Haylijah, so yeah, I think they will keep it as the ship of the show for a long time
That's what I'm afraid of. And there is no way I'm gonna wait 3 or 4 years for them to happen.

I hope that they'll focus on a "Cami/Klaus/Hayley" triangle rather than " Elijah/Hayley/Klaus" triangle.
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Old 01-08-2014, 06:21 PM
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I hope they stay away from any kind of triangle... it's pathetic. If that becomes the focus of the show, I'll be leaving without thinking twice
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Old 01-08-2014, 08:18 PM
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I can handle well done triangles... but with JP I don't know if I have the faith that it would be well done.

That being said, it would be a "tiny" change if it were two girls fighting over a brother instead of two brothers fighting over a girl.
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Old 01-08-2014, 08:21 PM
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I can't stand triangles.... overused and just annoying for me.
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Old 01-08-2014, 08:34 PM
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they are overused... impossible to argue that.

and most are annoying because IMO they are so poorly done and or just used again and again.
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Old 01-08-2014, 08:39 PM
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^ Exactly!!! Also, it creates an imagine for the person that can't decide what she/he wants... like always giving hope to both parts and that just makes me start hating the character

I want Elijah to start getting sort of intrigued/fascinated by Sophie, and then maybe something will happen, but only after he is over his teenager crush on Hayley
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Old 01-08-2014, 08:47 PM
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I hate flitting back and forth... and if they have both parties trying to out do the other one to gain the most effection, etc. bleh.

they can be alright but it takes a decently high form of writing, IMO.

I'd like to see that happen with Sophie as well...

not sure between this one and my other ship if either have more than a snowball's chance in hell but at least on this one my hope is growing... or, at least not shrinking. having a hard time finding the words
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Old 01-08-2014, 09:17 PM
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^ exactly.... when it comes to triangle
I can't think of one triangle that was good written... maybe in the beginning but pretty sure that all of them got stretched out and ended up being pathetic

I'm a point with Sophie that any development will be accepted by me.... but, I do think that it would be awesome for the show to have her have a connection (personal) with one of the Originals (and when I say that I do mean one of the Mikaelsons, I really don't want her to be yet another person on the show in charge of protecting Hayley)

I got what you mean.... I actually think that when it comes to Klayley you shouldn't loose hope yet.... it's still in the beginning and as times passes by and the fandom don't react as bad as initially happened, there is a chance. ATM the writers are stepping on thin ice because the backlash towards the couple was HUGE and it wasn't just the Klaroline shippers as most people say. But now I think there's still hope for you guys.
As for Elijah/Sophie, at first I thought there would be something between them, even if it was just subtle... but then I was hit out of nowhere by haylijah and I just don't understand it. Now I'm not having much hopes for them... I think this will be like Bamon the couple that could've been AMAZING, but just got screwed over by the writers
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Old 01-08-2014, 09:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Si_Crazy (View Post)
^ exactly.... when it comes to triangle
I can't think of one triangle that was good written... maybe in the beginning but pretty sure that all of them got stretched out and ended up being pathetic
Its been a while since there has been a good one. But I think it can be done... you just have to have more of set guide / vision than I think these guys have. I think a better done love triangle might show maybe more of why someone is drawn to someone else rather than just having them make batty eyes at everyone who is nice to them or is a jerk to them and they want that person to like them, etc. And then don't have em flit back and forth... you can have someone trying to decide between two people without having to be in a relationship with one of them while contemplating a relationship with the other, etc.


I'm a point with Sophie that any development will be accepted by me.... but, I do think that it would be awesome for the show to have her have a connection (personal) with one of the Originals (and when I say that I do mean one of the Mikaelsons, I really don't want her to be yet another person on the show in charge of protecting Hayley)
Same here.

I got what you mean.... I actually think that when it comes to Klayley you shouldn't loose hope yet.... it's still in the beginning and as times passes by and the fandom don't react as bad as initially happened, there is a chance. ATM the writers are stepping on thin ice because the backlash towards the couple was HUGE and it wasn't just the Klaroline shippers as most people say. But now I think there's still hope for you guys.
As for Elijah/Sophie, at first I thought there would be something between them, even if it was just subtle... but then I was hit out of nowhere by haylijah and I just don't understand it. Now I'm not having much hopes for them... I think this will be like Bamon the couple that could've been AMAZING, but just got screwed over by the writers

I don't know bout the hope. Have to wait and see but the hope meter is at 1%. And I'm mostly okay with that. The bigger thing, or at least the thing that bugs me the most about them is that they're going to have a frigging kid sometime in the near future and by all accounts, they don't even interact. And it doesn't even seem like its a situation where the show wants you to believe that they interact off screen, like they do sometimes with characters.

Yeah, the fallback was intense... and kind of made me chuckle. I hate Cami but not that much . Intense hatred to the point that it got to of a fictional character will never make sense to me

As for E/S... I agree, I thought at first there might be something but then that changed. I have to say, in some ways, Elijah's kind of creeped me out with his intense need for this baby to bring the family together.

Well, we're going to have to part ways about Bamon... never hopped on that train, sorry.
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Old 01-08-2014, 10:21 PM
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Originally Posted by bonnie51 (View Post)
Its been a while since there has been a good one. But I think it can be done... you just have to have more of set guide / vision than I think these guys have. I think a better done love triangle might show maybe more of why someone is drawn to someone else rather than just having them make batty eyes at everyone who is nice to them or is a jerk to them and they want that person to like them, etc. And then don't have em flit back and forth... you can have someone trying to decide between two people without having to be in a relationship with one of them while contemplating a relationship with the other, etc.
Exactly!! But shows never work on the character when talking triangles... everytime is all about getting the girl/guy to fall for them....

Originally Posted by bonnie51 (View Post)
I don't know bout the hope. Have to wait and see but the hope meter is at 1%. And I'm mostly okay with that. The bigger thing, or at least the thing that bugs me the most about them is that they're going to have a frigging kid sometime in the near future and by all accounts, they don't even interact. And it doesn't even seem like its a situation where the show wants you to believe that they interact off screen, like they do sometimes with characters.

Yeah, the fallback was intense... and kind of made me chuckle. I hate Cami but not that much . Intense hatred to the point that it got to of a fictional character will never make sense to me
Hope your meter goes up even if I don't ship them.... sucks when our expectations over a couple is low.

I hate characters/ships but I just don't get how people can just cross the line and literally start talking about it like it's RL, or offending the actor/actress that plays them, it's ridiculous!!
I can say that when I personally hate the actor/actress I have a hard time liking the character they play. But the other way around, it's just something I don't get it.... like me, I LOVE Phoebe, but I just can't stand Hayley, and what people did to her before the show started was just beyond pathetic.
That's why I say, some people just have no sense of reality.

Originally Posted by bonnie51 (View Post)
As for E/S... I agree, I thought at first there might be something but then that changed. I have to say, in some ways, Elijah's kind of creeped me out with his intense need for this baby to bring the family together.
Well, I haven't hide the fact that the writers are screwing Elijah's character for me since TO started.... so yeah, the baby/Hayley interest is just weird and out of nowhere IMO

Originally Posted by bonnie51 (View Post)
Well, we're going to have to part ways about Bamon... never hopped on that train, sorry.
No need to apology.... it was just an example. There were potential over there (imo) until season 3 where everything just got so messed up that it just became impossible.
that's how I think the writers are going to go with sophie/Elijah and it makes me sad
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Old 01-08-2014, 10:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Si_Crazy (View Post)
Exactly!! But shows never work on the character when talking triangles... everytime is all about getting the girl/guy to fall for them....
No doubt about it! And its just poor and lazy writing to do that and you end up ruining the characters when you just let it be about hooking up with someone.

Hope your meter goes up even if I don't ship them.... sucks when our expectations over a couple is low.
It might. Just have to see what happens... but part of me will be ticked if it happens by the end of the season, all the same , LMAO... I am complex.

Because its not realistic, IMO, for that to happen either... too much development IMO needs to happen first.I just hate feeling like I'm so far behind the ball (H/E) that its never going to catch up.

I hate characters/ships but I just don't get how people can just cross the line and literally start talking about it like it's RL, or offending the actor/actress that plays them, it's ridiculous!!
I can say that when I personally hate the actor/actress I have a hard time liking the character they play. But the other way around, it's just something I don't get it.... like me, I LOVE Phoebe, but I just can't stand Hayley, and what people did to her before the show started was just beyond pathetic.
That's why I say, some people just have no sense of reality.
Exactly. There have been some characters i have seriously hated and not in a love-to-hate way but never sent mail, ranted to their twitter, etc. I can't imagine being an actor and seeing / hearing / receiving that kind of stuff. I have too thin of skin to be able to do that. I'd either go crazy or snap and hunt the suckers down.

Well, I haven't hide the fact that the writers are screwing Elijah's character for me since TO started.... so yeah, the baby/Hayley interest is just weird and out of nowhere IMO
Yeah, the H/E was kind of out of no where, IMO, too... and the baby thing. Ok, Elijah wants his family back so I get that he wants Klaus to accept the kid. But he's almost become obsessed / possessive of it.

No need to apology.... it was just an example. There were potential over there (imo) until season 3 where everything just got so messed up that it just became impossible.
that's how I think the writers are going to go with sophie/Elijah and it makes me sad
Yeah. I actually like Bonnie/Jeremy but the writing on that show is so bad I can't even really enjoy it.
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Old 01-08-2014, 10:43 PM
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Originally Posted by bonnie51 (View Post)
No doubt about it! And its just poor and lazy writing to do that and you end up ruining the characters when you just let it be about hooking up with someone.
Nothing to add here

Originally Posted by bonnie51 (View Post)
It might. Just have to see what happens... but part of me will be ticked if it happens by the end of the season, all the same , LMAO... I am complex.

Because its not realistic, IMO, for that to happen either... too much development IMO needs to happen first.I just hate feeling like I'm so far behind the ball (H/E) that its never going to catch up.
I know what you mean.... well let's wait and see what the writers will come up with and how they will handle everything (there are a LOT of loose ends for them to work on)

Originally Posted by bonnie51 (View Post)
Exactly. There have been some characters i have seriously hated and not in a love-to-hate way but never sent mail, ranted to their twitter, etc. I can't imagine being an actor and seeing / hearing / receiving that kind of stuff. I have too thin of skin to be able to do that. I'd either go crazy or snap and hunt the suckers down.
Me neither... I will rant about my opinions for loving or hating a character in my own blog, but I will never send the actor/actress those... it's opinions, everybody is entitled to one, but it's all about respect.
I do have to say that from the moment a person decides to become a public person and be an actor/actress as a profession they need to know how to handle bad critic (they should either take the high road and just don't dignify the haters with an answer of just not interact with fans at all). I can say that I lost all respect for one actress that I used to LOVE because she couldn't handle the negative opinions of fans and just became a real online bully instigating fans that liked her to bully the ones that didn't. No respect there!

Originally Posted by bonnie51 (View Post)
Yeah, the H/E was kind of out of no where, IMO, too... and the baby thing. Ok, Elijah wants his family back so I get that he wants Klaus to accept the kid. But he's almost become obsessed / possessive of it.
To me the problem is, Elijah wants the family together, he is always saying that, but at the same time he treats Rebekah as nothing.... She said she was leaving and all he said was "then go", how is that keeping the family together?!! And I won't even bring Kol and Finn into the discussion.... so like I said, the writers are making him sound like an hypocrite.

Originally Posted by bonnie51 (View Post)
Yeah. I actually like Bonnie/Jeremy but the writing on that show is so bad I can't even really enjoy it.
The fault is all because of the lack of good writing

Now back to the point.... Elijah/Sophie apparently are going to suffer from the usual lack of good writing curse
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Old 01-08-2014, 10:45 PM
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sadly it seems so... I do hope they interact again soon though. They have their own issues that they have to work through ie Agnes, etc.
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Old 01-08-2014, 10:46 PM
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Originally Posted by bonnie51 (View Post)
As for E/S... I agree, I thought at first there might be something but then that changed. I have to say, in some ways, Elijah's kind of creeped me out with his intense need for this baby to bring the family together.
I remember last spring after the 4x20 episode everyone was making fun of how originals (especially Elijah) will be changing diapers instead of scheming and I defended them. It's so sad that while Elijah's is not changing diapers (yet) his storyline was utterly lame focusing solemnly on one girl. I guess we should be happy at least Klaus keeps his heart more or less closed off, and doesn't become all mushy and soft.

Si the fans back lash was like 99 % from klaroliners. Both leah and phoebe got so much hate because they were positioned as klaus' potential LI. I know it's hard to admit that your fandom is super nasty and rude but unfortunately it's true. You are like literally the only klaroline fan i can think of that isn't a hater.
If it makes it better, right now Klayley fans are sort of winning the second place for being haters.
Anyways let's not go off topic.

All the recent spoilers make me really hopeful for the possible Elijah/Sophie, my hope will die if
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