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Old 08-29-2012, 09:17 PM
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Originally Posted by cee_cee_ (View Post)
I don't agree - Amy is constantly changing her mind about wanting to get married and sorry but her reasons about wanting to get married to show she isn't gay, doesn't want her parents to being their respective dates are sorry plain silly imo.

I don't think Ricky has ever shown, imo that he is not focused on wanting to be married. Part of his problem is that he wants to be married so much, that he sees Amy's changing opinion on the matter proof she doesn't really want him.

I guess we can agree to not agree on this one.
Okay but Amy has never indicated that she doesnt want to be WITH ricky, but I think Ricky indicated many times in 5x11 that he may not want to be with amy but he is trying to get her to break up with him or go off to new york so he can play the victim and say "oh amy broke up with me shes a horrible person" when in reality he is the one having doubts about their relationship.
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Old 08-29-2012, 09:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Bones30rockfan (View Post)
Okay but Amy has never indicated that she doesnt want to be WITH ricky, but I think Ricky indicated many times in 5x11 that he may not want to be with amy but he is trying to get her to break up with him or go off to new york so he can play the victim and say "oh amy broke up with me shes a horrible person" when in reality he is the one having doubts about their relationship.
I don't think he is playing victim - rather he is insecure that Amy is going to leave him.

I don't agree that he has indicated he doesn't want to be with Amy.
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Old 08-30-2012, 12:25 AM
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Originally Posted by cee_cee_ (View Post)
I don't agree - Amy is constantly changing her mind about wanting to get married and sorry but her reasons about wanting to get married to show she isn't gay, doesn't want her parents to being their respective dates are sorry plain silly imo. Also she told Lauren she wished she had gone on more dates, etc. If I am being honest both she and Ricky are shown their own doubts now.

I don't think Ricky has ever shown, imo that he is not focused on wanting to be married. Part of his problem is that he wants to be married so much, that he sees Amy's changing opinion on the matter proof she doesn't really want him. Hence he is now doubting their relationship.

I guess we can agree to not agree on this one.
You have shown reasons why Amy has not been full gung ho on getting married but you have stated ZERO proof of her not wanting to be with Ricky.

Let's make one thing clear to all of you Ricky stans, Ricky is ALWAYS the one that is putting their relationship in utter turmoil (nearly breaking up). Let's look at the facts the two times their relationship has been in major jeopardy, when it came down to Adrian leaving messages and Ricky lying, instead of being a man and realizing his mistakes he ran like a pathetic coward and blamed his girlfriend for not trusting him and he kicked her out and she wound up being the one to have to fight for their relationship, Ricky was being a little bitch throwing a tantrum. Now when it's all about marriage he's seeking a way out? What because Amy doesn't want to jump right into getting married he thinks she doesn't want to be with him, so what? He's trying to find a way out of this so that he doesn't come out hurt if she indeed does not want to be with him? Pathetic and cowardly behavior.

Yeah he may really want to get married but he has taken no time to understand how Amy feels about getting married so quickly. He may talk it out with her one episode and then the next its still "when are we getting married" "lets talk marriage". WTF is that? One episode Amy is saying how scared she is of being married so soon the next he's pressuring for marriage?

I just realized something, he's never compromised for her, yeah okay he might've kept his shlong in his pants for a few months and not cheated on her but big freakin whoop. When it comes down to the relationship what has he done for her?

I know i'm going to get these questions/complaints/excuses so time for me to squash them:

He pays the apartment bills? Um excuse me, wasn't he the one that wanted her to move in with him? She didn't have to move in with him she could still be at home with George working at the nursery making her own money ... and let's not forget she has insurance.

He stopped lying especially when it comes to women he's close too?
Jokes on you, what just happened with Clemydia?

He apologized for his past mistakes? Okay yeah he apologized but let's see um didn't he lie again ... this time the lie seems worst considering he lied about where he was and who he was with.

He's trying to make it work with Amy? How? By finding a way out when ish looks like it will hit the fan?

He's tolerated Amy ... and Amy's tolerated him; what's your point?

But Amy is so immature ... so is he ... again what's your point?

But he provides money for John ... so does Amy aaaagain what's your point?

But Amy complains so much ... yeah she complains about life but not about their relationship ....

But Amy picks fights with Ricky! Her der!!! what do the fights she has with Ricky always consist of? OH THATS RIGHT LIFE not their relationship ... unless you consider the ones where she's accusing him of doing something behind her back but ... those are with reason.

But Amy lied about being married! Um ... yeah ... so why didn't Ricky squash that lie from the get go? Why couldn't he have done it when Amy announced they were married?

But Amy only wanted to get married because she didn't want her parents to bring their respective dates? Let me see I'm pretty sure Ricky said he'll take it with a huge grin on his face, so what's the problem?

Amy only wanted to get married to prove she wasn't gay! Yeah and? Aren't they still together, wasn't the whole gay thing some stupid filler fluke?

But Amy is always doubting Ricky! WITH REASON every time she's doubted him she's had a reason too, like recently when Ricky decided to stay out all night he might've texted her but he didn't fill her in on everything he was doing. He definitely forgot to mention he was with Clemydia walking her back to her dorm.

But Amy doesn't listen to Ricky all of the time! Does she have to? I'm sorry but I thought she was her own person, her own woman? I mean I wasn't aware that we were living back in the stone ages where men controlled all of what women did? So you're saying Ricky is her master and she should bow out and do whatever he feels she should do for him? Then that explains why she feels she has to have sex with him all the time just to keep him satisfied.

He kept the couch! After throwing a bitch fit, give me a break!

So what has he done for her?

Yes obviously after all of that Amy has her flaws, so what? Even after everything she has never shown she has not wanted to be in a relationship with Ricky. Getting back to my point it's always been Ricky looking for the way out when Ish hits the fan. So you tell me who seems more serious about the relationship now the one that isn't ready to hop into marriage WITH LEGITIMATE REASONS or the one who's shown maturity but jumps ship with ish hits the fan?

excuse the spelling error i'm too lazy to fix em
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Old 08-30-2012, 04:40 AM
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I don't see Clementine as the problem. Ricky keeps seeking her out. She hasn't tried to contact him. She hasn't been trying to make problems with him and Amy. She hasn't tried coming over the house except when invited that one time
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Old 08-30-2012, 05:41 AM
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Ricky shouldn't be going to the coffee shop on every chance he gets and giving Clementine that much more free reign on him. He's playing with fire every single time he goes there and what is he trying to accomplish. He can't be that naive and think Clementine is 'just a friend'. He's making things worse for him and Amy and I think he needs to go back to Dr. Fields.

Amy shouldn't be giving every excuse in the book to wanting to marry Ricky. She always has an excuse to want to marry him. Excuses like to prove she's not gay or because she doesn't want her parents there. She even told her mother that she wanted to tear up the acceptance letter because she didn't want Ricky thinking that's an excuse for her not wanting to get married. When you have to make up an excuse after excuse as a reason to marry someone, it does hurt the person you are with because it makes them think you really don't want to get married. None of those excuses where just because she wants to marry him for him it's always an agenda of why she wants to marry him.

Both of them are very insecure in their relationship. I don't think they want out of it but that they are insecure. Actually I think both of them need to go to Dr. Fields together and work this out. Ricky has this case of transference going on -- He's hurt/insecure about Amy and feeling like she doesn't want him anymore and taking those feelings and transfering them into feelings of flattery that is given off by Clementine. Clem knows about it cuz he talks to her and she's subtle playing on that. That's why I said Ricky is playing with fire cuz he's allowing problems with Amy escalate more when he goes to the coffee shop and lies about it.

I blame both for their problems.. Ricky shouldn't be doing what he's doing and Amy shouldn't be doing what she's doing and with all the doubts that they both have they need to BOTH go to Dr. Fields.. If not, then break up and go about your separate ways.. Either end it or fix it.
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Old 08-30-2012, 05:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Sweet Pea (View Post)
Ricky shouldn't be going to the coffee shop on every chance he gets and giving Clementine that much more free reign on him. He's playing with fire every single time he goes there and what is he trying to accomplish. He can't be that naive and think Clementine is 'just a friend'. He's making things worse for him and Amy and I think he needs to go back to Dr. Fields.

Amy shouldn't be giving every excuse in the book to wanting to marry Ricky. She always has an excuse to want to marry him. Excuses like to prove she's not gay or because she doesn't want her parents there. She even told her mother that she wanted to tear up the acceptance letter because she didn't want Ricky thinking that's an excuse for her not wanting to get married. When you have to make up an excuse after excuse as a reason to marry someone, it does hurt the person you are with because it makes them think you really don't want to get married. None of those excuses where just because she wants to marry him for him it's always an agenda of why she wants to marry him.

Both of them are very insecure in their relationship. I don't think they want out of it but that they are insecure. Actually I think both of them need to go to Dr. Fields together and work this out. Ricky has this case of transference going on -- He's hurt/insecure about Amy and feeling like she doesn't want him anymore and taking those feelings and transfering them into feelings of flattery that is given off by Clementine. Clem knows about it cuz he talks to her and she's subtle playing on that. That's why I said Ricky is playing with fire cuz he's allowing problems with Amy escalate more when he goes to the coffee shop and lies about it.

I blame both for their problems.. Ricky shouldn't be doing what he's doing and Amy shouldn't be doing what she's doing and with all the doubts that they both have they need to BOTH go to Dr. Fields.. If not, then break up and go about your separate ways.. Either end it or fix it.
Good points here Tanya.

Honestly guys I think this is just BH pulling her crap again.
Chester See

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Old 08-30-2012, 09:15 AM
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I will not blame one or defend the other

what has made the difference for me (just me, I will not speak for anyone else) is that from 3x25 to 5x08 I believe him when Ricky says I love you ... I dont believe amy (and I will not go into details, that tired, we've discussed this before, this is just my personal opinion).

the 5x09 to... there is too much confusion, I will not speak for even a or by another ... the two have problems to solve, both together and separately.
"being in love does not necessarily mean you love. Being in love and passion may shrink or end, true love grows stronger over time."
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Old 08-30-2012, 11:54 AM
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Originally Posted by secretlife esminovela (View Post)
I will not blame one or defend the other

what has made the difference for me (just me, I will not speak for anyone else) is that from 3x25 to 5x08 I believe him when Ricky says I love you ... I dont believe amy (and I will not go into details, that tired, we've discussed this before, this is just my personal opinion).

the 5x09 to... there is too much confusion, I will not speak for even a or by another ... the two have problems to solve, both together and separately.
Maybe Daren is just a better actor and hence more convincing when saying I love you
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Old 08-30-2012, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by secretlife esminovela (View Post)
I will not blame one or defend the other

what has made the difference for me (just me, I will not speak for anyone else) is that from 3x25 to 5x08 I believe him when Ricky says I love you ... I dont believe amy (and I will not go into details, that tired, we've discussed this before, this is just my personal opinion).

the 5x09 to... there is too much confusion, I will not speak for even a or by another ... the two have problems to solve, both together and separately.
Im sorry but youre kidding right?!?! You dont think amy loves ricky?!? You dont think she means it when she says I love you?!? I have to disagree with that 200%

Originally Posted by GoldenSun (View Post)
Maybe Daren is just a better actor and hence more convincing when saying I love you
I have to disagree there too, I think Shai excels at those kind of emotional scenes between Ricky/Amy. Whatever the reason, her chemistry with Daren or whatever feelings or lingering feelings or maybe no feelings she has for him, but I personally find them both most believable in those kind of emotional scenes. The emotional scenes on this show usually have the best acting. The kinda everyday scenes that are just normal conversations between people is where i think the acting is sometimes so-so.

Last edited by Bones30rockfan; 08-30-2012 at 12:12 PM
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Old 08-30-2012, 02:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Endurance (View Post)
You have shown reasons why Amy has not been full gung ho on getting married but you have stated ZERO proof of her not wanting to be with Ricky.

Let's make one thing clear to all of you Ricky stans, Ricky is ALWAYS the one that is putting their relationship in utter turmoil (nearly breaking up). Let's look at the facts the two times their relationship has been in major jeopardy, when it came down to Adrian leaving messages and Ricky lying, instead of being a man and realizing his mistakes he ran like a pathetic coward and blamed his girlfriend for not trusting him and he kicked her out and she wound up being the one to have to fight for their relationship, Ricky was being a little bitch throwing a tantrum. Now when it's all about marriage he's seeking a way out? What because Amy doesn't want to jump right into getting married he thinks she doesn't want to be with him, so what? He's trying to find a way out of this so that he doesn't come out hurt if she indeed does not want to be with him? Pathetic and cowardly behavior.

Yeah he may really want to get married but he has taken no time to understand how Amy feels about getting married so quickly. He may talk it out with her one episode and then the next its still "when are we getting married" "lets talk marriage". WTF is that? One episode Amy is saying how scared she is of being married so soon the next he's pressuring for marriage?

I just realized something, he's never compromised for her, yeah okay he might've kept his shlong in his pants for a few months and not cheated on her but big freakin whoop. When it comes down to the relationship what has he done for her?

I know i'm going to get these questions/complaints/excuses so time for me to squash them:

He pays the apartment bills? Um excuse me, wasn't he the one that wanted her to move in with him? She didn't have to move in with him she could still be at home with George working at the nursery making her own money ... and let's not forget she has insurance.

He stopped lying especially when it comes to women he's close too?
Jokes on you, what just happened with Clemydia?

He apologized for his past mistakes? Okay yeah he apologized but let's see um didn't he lie again ... this time the lie seems worst considering he lied about where he was and who he was with.

He's trying to make it work with Amy? How? By finding a way out when ish looks like it will hit the fan?

He's tolerated Amy ... and Amy's tolerated him; what's your point?

But Amy is so immature ... so is he ... again what's your point?

But he provides money for John ... so does Amy aaaagain what's your point?

But Amy complains so much ... yeah she complains about life but not about their relationship ....

But Amy picks fights with Ricky! Her der!!! what do the fights she has with Ricky always consist of? OH THATS RIGHT LIFE not their relationship ... unless you consider the ones where she's accusing him of doing something behind her back but ... those are with reason.

But Amy lied about being married! Um ... yeah ... so why didn't Ricky squash that lie from the get go? Why couldn't he have done it when Amy announced they were married?

But Amy only wanted to get married because she didn't want her parents to bring their respective dates? Let me see I'm pretty sure Ricky said he'll take it with a huge grin on his face, so what's the problem?

Amy only wanted to get married to prove she wasn't gay! Yeah and? Aren't they still together, wasn't the whole gay thing some stupid filler fluke?

But Amy is always doubting Ricky! WITH REASON every time she's doubted him she's had a reason too, like recently when Ricky decided to stay out all night he might've texted her but he didn't fill her in on everything he was doing. He definitely forgot to mention he was with Clemydia walking her back to her dorm.

But Amy doesn't listen to Ricky all of the time! Does she have to? I'm sorry but I thought she was her own person, her own woman? I mean I wasn't aware that we were living back in the stone ages where men controlled all of what women did? So you're saying Ricky is her master and she should bow out and do whatever he feels she should do for him? Then that explains why she feels she has to have sex with him all the time just to keep him satisfied.

He kept the couch! After throwing a bitch fit, give me a break!

So what has he done for her?

Yes obviously after all of that Amy has her flaws, so what? Even after everything she has never shown she has not wanted to be in a relationship with Ricky. Getting back to my point it's always been Ricky looking for the way out when Ish hits the fan. So you tell me who seems more serious about the relationship now the one that isn't ready to hop into marriage WITH LEGITIMATE REASONS or the one who's shown maturity but jumps ship with ish hits the fan?

excuse the spelling error i'm too lazy to fix em

Ricky's fans are totally blind and always have an excuse when he does something wrong...its a shame!!!
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Old 08-30-2012, 03:22 PM
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Originally Posted by secretlife esminovela (View Post)
I will not blame one or defend the other

what has made the difference for me (just me, I will not speak for anyone else) is that from 3x25 to 5x08 I believe him when Ricky says I love you ... I dont believe amy (and I will not go into details, that tired, we've discussed this before, this is just my personal opinion).

the 5x09 to... there is too much confusion, I will not speak for even a or by another ... the two have problems to solve, both together and separately.
No sorry but no ... just no. I disagree 1000%

Amy does love Ricky that's a given, if she didn't she wouldn't go through any of the things she's gone through with him and she would find a way out.

If she didn't love him she would be saying "me too" like she was to Ben.
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Old 08-30-2012, 04:53 PM
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its simple, they both love each other. Ricky is afraid she doesn't want to get married and personally i don't think they should get married…they were perfect before the engagement and they should just go back to where they were before.
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Old 08-30-2012, 05:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Endurance (View Post)
No sorry but no ... just no. I disagree 1000%

Amy does love Ricky that's a given, if she didn't she wouldn't go through any of the things she's gone through with him and she would find a way out.

If she didn't love him she would be saying "me too" like she was to Ben.
Yeah I agree with this . . . that girl loves him. Remember the crap he pulled when he kicked her out in 4A? She was crying and begging him to let her come back to the apartment . . . why would she want to leave her comfy home where she gets home cooked meals and everything to go shack up in a one bedroom with Ricky if for no other reason than love. It may come off nonchalant at times when she says it but I believe she loves him just as much as he loves her. As Tanya has said repeatedly they maybe need mediation - a session with Dr. Fields or someone else
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Old 08-30-2012, 05:22 PM
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Originally Posted by GoldenSun (View Post)
Maybe Daren is just a better actor and hence more convincing when saying I love you
sorry to disagree with you
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Old 08-30-2012, 05:39 PM
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I dont know if i could say who the best is atm. Francia, Shai, and Daren have all definitely the best at one point or another which ties into the WRITING. (I think we can agree that our girl Megan is hilarious but emotional scenes arent her strong suit...exhibit A during episode 5x11...)

I think they all the actors kinda suck right now tbh which isnt their fault. The show is become a series of one minute scenes followed by endless phone conversations. Ricky calls Amy, Amy calls Ricky, Grace calls adrian, adrian calls grace, jack calls grace and on and on and on. The scenes move so quickly that theres not really any acting they can do...its like they say one line to each other and then we immediately go to george kissing kathleen or leo and camille. And the episodes have no differentiation, its just the same thing week after week.
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