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Old 05-03-2010, 08:07 PM
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Gossip Girl 3x20

Serena/Nate! Always adorable. I love Serena’s outfit color. And sharing a cup and being cute and playful!

DV at the loft but Vanessa is preoccupied. It’s a total opposite morning. Dan just watches her. It’s sad.

Nate tells Serena maybe she should move back into the van der Woodsen apartment to be closer to her mom. But Serena’s not in the mood to see Jenny all the time.

And then they see a girl coming out of Chuck’s room. They’re all..that’s not the same girl from last night! And in comes Chuckles. (Not a fan of the hair..I don’t like it when Eddy gets a haircut. *sighs*)


S goes and CN have a scene and Chuck pulls out a baggie of coke. Nate’s face when he sees it? ECK! (Because, you know, Captain was on it and it turned out so well!)

DV..they’re two artists in a relationship. Dan wants rules. No reading submissions. No talking about school/internships…um..Humphrey, YOU ARE A MORON. And he effectively SCARES THE **** OUT OF VANESSA! He is SOOOO stupid!

Jenny/Eric..waffles…I love seeing my baby, but I don’t remember what happened. J/S are awkward and Eric’s not amused at this.


Serena invited William. And Eric’s snippy at S. He’s sooo unhappy with Daddy. OMG, FINALLY! And William left when he was 2! Eric says Will doesn’t deserve a chance.

OMG! THE MUSIC! THE SCENARIO. I don’t know where Blair landed, but OMG, this is HILARIOUS. THE CHANGE! LOOK HOW MUCH BETTER COLUMBIA IS! ROTFLMAO! OMG, show, you amuse me. *shakes head* *giggles*

BN! Talk on the phone about LACROSSE! NATE HAS A GAME! And then you see Nate on campus and talking with guys! High fives! HE DOES GO TO CLASS!!! Or at least campus.

The Columbia bitches are on scene and it’s awkward. They ask if B transferred and she lies and says yes. Eck.

OMG, I SEE PHOTO! I swear to god, someone EXPLAIN THIS TO ME! WHO IS SHE?! She looks like the person from Chuck’s room. But why is it there?!?! That’s it. Misty exists. *SCREAMS*

S/W/J on a couch. Why is Jenny there? And now she’s trying to sabotage Serena’s relationship with William? How can you even justify that?!?!

Serena says she’s moving back in. Into her old room. PAWNED! <3

And then William says he’s moving downstairs. Serena’s the only one excited. Awkward!

Eric’s face..OMG, I love this kid. He does NOT like it.

Dan/Rufus on the phone. Vanessa used Rufus as a reference?! VR fans start rejoicing! LOL Rufus tells Dan about CNN internship and that Dan should talk to Vanessa. It’s for three months in Haiti. Wow.

Will/Eric at the elevator. Oh look, they didn’t forget.

I think this was the BEST part of the episode. (Maybe I’m bias. Screw you.)

“Actually, I’m gay.” In response to Eric coming to the gala and should bring a lady friend.

It gets better!

“Between my 12th birthday and my suicide attempt.” OH SNAP! (They remembered he tried to kill himself. I am impressed.)

The look Will gives…OMG, this is the best scene. The acting, the facial expressions. WIN!

Eric doesn’t want a relationship with the guy. And William is CLEARLY hurt by this. Whatever his endgame with Lily is, they’re still his kids! And it hurts.

J/S in the room and Rufus comes and immediately bitches at Serena. Go for it, S! Take ‘em down! It’s a battle for who gets Chuck’s old room. (I thought Eric did?)

DV have a fight. Dan asks why she didn’t tell him. It’s not competing, it’s an already internship. Vanessa says his talk scared her. And should they go back to being just friends? She can’t answer and he storms off.

CHARLES. She loves him. I love how she only says that.

Lily’s got a lot of pink and a pink ribbon in her hair. Ermm..this is something to do with breast cancer? In some way. The show’s pimp?

Rufus calls Holland for a favor.

Blair and the girls. WTF is wrong with them? It’s annoying me and they’re instigating things. Why SHOULD Blair get involved with the room situation? Why are they pushing? I hope Blair beats them up.

J/S about the blast and Serena says she didn’t and she can’t help what Blair does. They talk about daddies.

DV. “I’d rather lose the job than lose you.” Dan asks if she’s doing this for her and not him or them. She’s sure.

More happy music at Columbia. Amalia texts Blair about moving in.

BN! They talk about her not at his game and the lying and conniving like Chuck’s backstep. He mentions that Chuck is pulling away from Lily. Blair says it’s too late to transfer.

The blonde bitch overhears and tips GG. Umm…why is this GG news?

Blair goes to the Empire. I love them right now. Blair doesn’t care about the girls or the bras. She’s ready to move on and I APPROVE! She tells him that he’s worried because Bart’s gone and Lizzy betrayed him and Lily’s all that’s left and she knows he’s scared. YES!!!!

“Don’t close your heart to Lily.” I’m about to cry.

After the blast, Blair tells Amalia she’ll sign the lease. I’m impressed with how she handled it.

Serena goes to Rufus and confronts him about getting William not approved to move in. Lily says that Rufus is paranoid.

The girls go without him.

Bitches have a run in with Blair. I hate them.

L/S/W..and Lily spots Charles. She is so HAPPY! LOOK AT THE LIGHT IN HER EYES! I’m about to cry!


OMG! And I DID cry at this. There’s a hug. She’s in bliss! They both are.

“I’m not going to lose you,” Chuck states.

“Lifetime of family brunches because I’m not going anywhere.” I AM CRYING!

Brunches are a vdB thing. I am really happy Chuck wasn’t at the earlier brunches. At this point, I’m happy that all vdB brunches are off screen because I can assume it’s a no-Humphrey event.

And they hug again. It’s the LONGEST HUG EVER! <3

And the looks between CB are beautiful. She’s happy he came for Lily.

Jenny’s at the loft. DJ are SIBLINGS! OMG! Is the blast true? Jenny says yes. Dan says she should confess to Rufus.

Serena comes clean to Will about her wild past. She was scared he would leave after Lily and not stay if he knew the real her.

Blair and the bar and some dude there. She blabs a bit and introduces herself. He knows that name. Why? He’s a Columbia admissions guy.

CONGRATULATIONS! Blair Waldorf is a Columbia student!

BN and she tells him she got it. And Nate cannot believe Chuck actually did it! Some time ago, Chuck applied for her. (While they were still together, obviously. Before the deadline.)

Eric/Rufus talk. At least this wasn’t as forced. I blame Connor. Eric’s seething over Will.

Elliot comes over because Will invited him and Rufus says it’s okay to let him in. Oops.

Holland is shown. Bad sign!

Chuck/Jenny. Jenny mentions she’s the picture of health and Chuck’s mind is going into overdrive. He watches her and she doesn’t look sick!

William makes a speech about his biggest mistake was walking out on his family.

I’m in SHOCK. That was ballsy. NO WONDER CECE APPROVED OF HIM! I’m not sure what I think though. I’m confused. I mean, I’ll always hate LR, but doesn’t mean I’m for this. I’m not sure what this is. What’s Will’s game?

LR…she’s sick of his paranoia. He’s making things worse. He doesn’t get how to handle this. Lily tells Rufus he should sleep at the loft tonight.

Jenny is out in the hallway when come chick comes along, bitching about how the pills gave her a yeast infection. Not OxyContin, but an antibiotic.

Rufus hears. Oops! See, shoulda told him. Granted, she was looking for him.

Dan goes to the dorm and tells Vanessa to take the internship. They can handwrite letters. And maybe when they’re famous and dead, they’ll be published. Sure, but Dan still wants dirty letters. Because that’s hot. (Okay, I’m a journalism girl, so I supposed that makes me a dork like them. But come on. Phone sex and e-mails? Sure, but dirty in your own hands… Think about it.)

Holland and Serena…she’s telling S about an affair? WHA? I thought we all agreed that Rufus is a wuss and only cried in her arms. WTF is this?!

Jenny Bings about cancer.

Blair finds the bitches and tells them she IS attending. And they want to see a take down? Next time they cross her, she’ll show them first-hand. Please do it! I want her to kill those bitches!

Chuck gets a Thank You text.

And then Jenny calls him and they talk. So, I guess CJ will figure this out?

Screw this. CE will never be seen again. We just hit 31 episodes.

Eric and Lily are talking about Elliot. Serena and William come home and Eric says it’s okay for him to stay. Lily’s still not like, into him though.

Serena answers the phone … blah blah. Whatever. I’m not interested in a triangle. Just the family.

But, Eric so gets his hair from Daddy. LOOK AT THE HAIR COLORS OF THIS FAMILY!

This was shorter. The Eric/Will and LC scenes make me happy. And LACROSSE!
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Old 05-10-2010, 09:55 AM
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3x21: Ex-Husbands And Wives

airs: May 10, 2010 @ 9 p.m. Eastern


EPISODE DESCRIPTION: TEAM RUFUS VS. TEAM WILL (GUEST STAR BILLY BALDWIN, "DIRTY SEXY MONEY") - When things get tense between Rufus (Matthew Settle) and Will (Baldwin), Serena (Blake Lively) chooses to stand behind her father, while Rufus is made to feel like an outsider in his own family. Meanwhile, Jenny (Taylor Momsen) deliberately shares information with Will that may ultimately destroy Lily (Kelly Rutherford) and Rufus' marriage. After many failed attempts, Chuck (Ed Westwick) makes one last grand gesture to reconcile with Blair (Leighton Meester), hoping she will finally accept the fact that they are destined to be together. Penn Badgley and Chace Crawford also star.
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Old 05-10-2010, 07:49 PM
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Gossip Girl 3x21

Okay…fine until the ending.

BS finally having a moment together. It’s been lacking.

Blair says she’s never been on a real date..where she doesn’t know the other person. So cute.

And Dorota’s family has Polish mod connections. Well, duh. We all called it early S1.

CJ…I still don’t feel that comfortable with their scenes, but nothing big there. That’s a hook up that will NEVER happen.

And Jenny, for once, didn’t piss me off. (Are we all alive? I know, I said something crazy.)

I was wondering why she was whispering and Chuck called her out on it. (Eck..seduction technique. Creeps me out. That set the pace and luckily that was it. Gross. And she didn’t seem all that disgusted… *sighs*)

Rufus sees her hanging up and takes the phone.

CN! Boys! Nate is amazed that Chuck is hearing about Blair’s date from him. I love them, so. Chuck’s so cute playing coy.

Dan enters. *drool* I don’t usually say this, but, WOAH! He looks good in black/very dark clothes. (And at least he mentioned that Vanessa just left.)

Humphreys have a scene! *gasp* They are family! And talking in third person. Man, I hate this family, but good god, at least when they have a scene all to themselves and hating each other… I LOVE IT SO MUCH! *giggles*

Will brings more drugs. Lily’s drinking apple juice and they reminisce. About Lily’s pregnant-with-Serena days. She drank so much apple juice! (An apple a day keeps the doctor away..wait, see, that doesn’t work!)

Loft phone rings. Jenny didn’t answer her cell so Chuck knows this number? Ewww

So, did we FINALLY get the “c word”? They mentioned Lymphoma. I googled and it’s a type of cancer. So, FINALLY.

Chuck says they need Blair. She’s the master. Even Chuck bows to her brilliance. Meet at the Waldorf place. BUT SHE’S GROUNDED! Oh, please, Jenny. Since when has that stopped you before?

(Also, hair? BAD. Especially that long-ass braid. Gag me.)

Serena…see, I do hate you 95% of the time on this show. *head bang* I hate LR and Rufus, but *sighs* ugh! She’s a total bitch, and not in anywhere near Blair’s league.

RDSWSE are all on scene as RS talk about Holland and Rufus is all..go ahead and call her. I got nothing to hide! (No ****. We all called it as soon as it happened. Rufus CRIED ON HER SHOULDER THE ENTIRE TIME. Bitch, please.)

So, she comes in and says they slept together. And I believe the hell out of Waffle Man. He doesn’t have the balls for it anyways.

DN have a mini scene. Nate’s so cute. I love him so!

Lily/Rufus. “What did she have to gain?” and she reminds him that he didn’t talk to her for weeks after the letter incident.

Nate seriously is amazing! You know what, leave S. Just stay and plot with CB forever. OT3 (BCN) ♥

“I don’t even know who she is.” ROTFLMAO! OMG, so funny!

Nate is defending Rufus because of that time when he was a total dick to Chuck. WHY YOU BRING UP BAD!NATIE?!? Can’t we just forget about him in S2? (But Nate, the resident manwhore, knows that Rufus got no game.)

“Extortion is what I do all day.” *ZZZZZZZ* Oh, Jenny. Shut up and let the bitch take charge. Chuck needs Blair’s “mind-game mastery.” ♥

Blair on the steps sees them. And Chuck practically begs. He wants to find out who/why someone doesn’t want his MOTHER to get better. ♥

LE! OMG! Look, two eps in a row, Lily and her sons! YES!

Divorces… “they do get easier.” The kid is 16! That’s so horrible that he’s so numb at this point. “Don’t stay for me.” He just wants her happy.

WHERE THE **** IS MY CE SCENE?! That’s all they want for their mommy and NO SCENE? BULL****! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DN want to find out the truth. And they are so Blair’s bitches! *muahahahah!* They go to Blair. EVERYONE GOES TO BLAIR! Queen B is BACK. (I want those Columbia chicks destroyed.)

Cameron at least knows of Nate…they mention lacrosse. LOOK! TWO EPS IN A ROOM! IT IS TRUE! *SQUEAL*

Blair knows it’s not true the moment she understands that Holland is an UES wife. Because, ew, gross.

And Cameron is okay with Blair scheming. He finds it attractive. (WHO DOESN’T? )

So, CJ are going to the shrink. BNDCam come too. Looking for Holland. Wha? Oh, snap! SHE IS THE DOCTOR! LOVE IT!

Jenny’s at the van der Woodsen apartment looking for more pills. The rest are at CN’s bachelor pad (even know they’re both not really bachelors…leave me be..I could go something really slashy, so this is safer).

Cameron’s all, do you guys do this often?

Nate’s nodded. ALL THE TIME! The threesomes are so fun when we role pla- oh, wait, you mean scheme? Yes, that too. Just not Dan. CBN only. ♥ OT3!!!! (THANK GOD FOR THIS! I MISSED THEM. It’s kinda them…)

I feel like I can’t comment on Serena. I mean, I GET her. I do. But it’s so annoying.

Serena comes as Jenny finds something. They snark. But I’ll give Serena this. She has no reason not to be a bitch to Jenny. Because the girl TRIED TO STEAL HER BOYFRIEND! And then attempted to cause problems her S/W. I don’t know S being a bitch to her. Go for it. Continue!

“All angst all the time.” Truer words not been spoken about Jenny. (OH, wait, the end! *SQUEAL* I’ll get to that soon.)

There’s a JUICER! Lily fangirled. So cute.

Juicer > Waffle Iron

So, Cameron’s a rugby boy.

CBND will go to the event. Jenny too. AFTER SHE LIES. No complaints from me on this part of Jenny’s plan. Anything to keep LR apart. GO FOR IT! I APPROVE!

NATE! Nate is so drool-worthy. The boys look so great this episode. Natie wins!

vdW are together. No Eric. I was about ready to scream and curse (more than I already am), but luckily there’s more of him tonight.

Chuck loves her so. Trying to touch her as much as possible. Hehe..they gots to play the part, B!

Jenny calls the ortho to cancel and S sees her.

LW are dancing. Cute! “It’s nice to be with someone who doesn’t hate these events.” YES! Because Lily was born for this society!

CB are, once-again, on the same wavelength. They don’t need to verbalize the plan (a la 3x07).

Apparently S called Rufus. When it comes to Jenny, they can agree on something! LOL

SN… “I know a scheme when I see one.” This is ironic, right?

DJ are Humphreys… CB love playing games. But Nate is supposed to be on her side. Why?

BEST SCENE OF THE NIGHT?! CB … going to Holland and couples therapy. AND THEY USE REAL ISSUES! HELL YES! (And Chuck mentions 3x06..but Blair is all…eh, you kissed a guy…you did that with Nate last night..I saw..what’s your point? *cough* what? I can dream, can’t I?)

Jenny goes to William and tells him they know and to get out of there. Why you helping, Jenny? “So you can get your family back, and I can get mine.” So we are DONE with Jenny’s craziness on the UES, right? Please? Go back to normal, Little J.

Dan sees the vdWs leaving.

Eric is home. He’s alive! Will says he needs to get back to WPB because patient. LS are going. Eric’s game.

Serena ignores Nate’s call. Picks up for Dan. Listens and then hangs up. She goes to confront her father and Rufus comes.

LIMO PARTY! Woot! Blair lists plans. There’s a Plan C. Dan’s all, FOR REALZ?! Why? Blair is not amused.

And then Chuck explains what Plan C is. (See, CB are made for each other!)

So, we get what the antibiotics are for. They mimic the cancer effects. Okay, makes more sense.

Eric’s main worry is IS MOM REALLY SICK?! That’s all he cares about. I LOVE HIM!

The rest come in and ask where Will is. S says downstairs. They’re like, nope.

“He wouldn’t leave me.” At least his love for his family…or Serena is legit. Thank god for that.

Nate calls the police. He’s got connections! Hehe!!

Blair’s all..someone tipped him off. C: It has to be one of us. Jenny confesses. Willingly. Hehe.

Dan goes after S.

She goes to Will and needs the truth. It’s EXACTLY how Chuck said it.

Will thought his only chance with the family is if Lily needed him.

Serena says the cops are coming. Go. OMG, awesome ILYs!

Jenny/Rufus. YOU TELL HIM! “You and Lily fight all the time.” They all get dragged into it.

He leaves. And for the best thing besides CB….

“If you don’t wanna be a part of this family, no one’s forcing you to stay.” I LOVE YOU! Please, make JE never talk again!

CB…B says he doesn’t have to wait. Chuck’s not letting her go. Are you brave enough, B? He’ll be at the top/roof of the Empire State Building tomorrow. Come, or else he’s closing his heart.

BCam… “Much rather hear about rugby.” And she’s zoning out as he talks and she stares at the ESB.

SN..Serena’s a not!good!kind!of!bitch to Nate.

Dan’s in the limo. I don’t really have issues with their scene.

Nate’s drinking while he wants for Chuck to return home so they can… “hang out.” And Jenny comes with her bags. Nate takes a second and let’s her in. (She can have his bed. He’s stay with Chuck, no worries!)

CBN helped me get through the review. I feel a bit better. Now if someone could write me all this CBN goodness….

Also, I’d like to point out: CHUCK BASS IS JAMES BOND. That tux? Bow tie? Good god, someone cast Ed Westwick as a Young 007 RIGHT NOW!
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Old 05-15-2010, 09:43 PM
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Sorry that I haven't posted in this thread in a while, but I love how you give every detail, it is almost like watching the episode again and again. Thank you, Jackie.

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Old 05-16-2010, 11:49 AM
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hehe..I'm taking notes as I watch. And then just filling it in with my many emotions and craziness. *giggles* Glad you enjoy.
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Old 05-16-2010, 03:47 PM
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I can't wait to see the discussion from tomorrow night's season finale.

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Old 05-16-2010, 03:49 PM
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3x22: Last Tango, Then Paris

airs: May 17, 2010 @ 9 p.m. Eastern


YOU KNOW YOU LOVE A GREAT SEASON FINALE...XOXO GOSSIP GIRL - Blair (Leighton Meester) must decide whether to meet Chuck (Ed Westwick) at the top of the Empire State Building or risk losing their future together. A Gossip Girl gossip bomb involving Dan (Penn Badgley) explodes Serena (Blake Lively) and Nate's (Chace Crawford) relationship. Dorota (Zuzanna Szadkowski) and Vanya (guest star Aaron Schwartz) welcome their baby. Jenny (Taylor Momsen) hits rock bottom. Georgina (guest star Michelle Trachtenberg) returns to the Upper East Side...and she has an agenda. Kelly Rutherford and Matthew Settle also star.
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Old 05-17-2010, 11:45 AM
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I hope we get good Nate in the finale tonight!
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Old 05-17-2010, 05:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Love Kitty Cat (View Post)
I can't wait to see the discussion from tomorrow night's season finale.

I am more excited for Jackies review than I am for the episode Gah, it must be awful to go into all this not spoiled.
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Old 05-17-2010, 07:15 PM
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OMG!! I can't wait to see what Jackie's review now!!

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Old 05-17-2010, 07:53 PM
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Gossip Girl 3x22

I promise I will be killing Dan this summer. Look out for the fic.

Lots of 1x01 parallels. Glad Georgie went back to brunette at the end of the ep because that long-ass blonde? Not her color.

Rufus says he sent Jenny to the loft and I’m like…sure, yeah, since when does she listen. He wants to send her away. And you know how much it pains me to agree with anything Waffle-Man says. In comes Eric, who agrees.

NJ and Nate wakes up. “You’re still here.”

He flat out tells her he doesn’t want to give her the wrong impression. She gets it this time.

Enter Chuck Bass. He sits on the bed. He knew nothing happened because he heard Nate snoring (he’s so in tune with his boy!) and New Moon was on pay per view. Oh, Jenny and her Twilight obsession.

She leaves and MY BOYS ARE ON A BED TOGETHER! FINALLY! After all those times that the girls got a bed, FINALLY, after how many bitching moments in my reviews about CN… FINALLY IT HAPPENED! ♥

Eleanor and Cyrus are still around. I am impressed. I thought we’d never see Blair’s parents. But they’ve kept them. (That said, where the hell is Harold? I want him more.)

Dorota is SO BIG! *SQUEAL*

E/C are wondering if B’s going to Paris with them. B says she’s going on her second date with Cameron.

Dorota mentions the Empire State Building as a metaphor for Chuck Bass. She’s so team BC! So cute!

Blair’s still ordering Dorota around and drags her out. She wants Dorota to chaperon the date to make sure Blair doesn’t go to the ESB.

Did Dorota say she deleted Chuck off Facebook? LMAO.

Georgie enters Chuck’s penthouse and says she doesn’t want revenge. She needs help. I love GC so much! He tells her either he can escort her out or security. Then he TOUCHES HER and helps her out. ♥

Jenny enters the loft. She spots SD sleeping, takes a pic, and sends it to Gossip Girl.

Nate calls Serena and Dan picks up phone and presses ignore.

S wakes up. They call it a mistake and meaningless. There was wine and talking and one kiss. And Dan..oh Dan..he blabs and wonders if it even happened. It’s almost cute. Except you hurt my girl, I promise to kill you.

Serena says she loves Nate and that Dan loves Vanessa. It was just a meaningless kiss between old friends.

And GG blasts it.

Chuck’s SO CUTE! The boys get it together and he SHAKES HIS HEAD! OMG, I love you, Chuck Bass.

Dan immediately knows that it’s Jenny.

S is in a cab when she gets it and tells the driver to go to the Empire.

BS are on the phone and B does this cute clothes metaphor and everything out of her mouth is golden and I’m in awe and not writing, just be captivated by this woman. This Goddess. I LOVE YOU BLAIR WALDORF!

Cameron’s got a paper and on the cover is the ESB. Oh, Blair.

SD phone and Dan goes, “are you friends with Vanessa?” ROTFLMAO! That was cute at the moment, too.

Even Rufus saw Gossip Girl! Dan tells him it was Jenny. She wasn’t there when he woke up, and she wasn’t there when he went to bed. She needs to be stopped.

SC have a second discussion. And, like the BS one, I just watched Chuck and couldn’t write what he said to her. But it was great advice.

Nate enters. S says ILY. Nothing happen. But, I’m not sure that’s exactly what Chuck was saying to do….

Blair walks into the loft and finds Jenny.

(Sidenote, WTF is up with that coat? I’m so confused.)

B threatens Jenny about society and NS. “You don’t mess with that and survive.”

No one loves you except your Daddy. Maybe. And Rufus comes. Blair’s satisfied.

Blair walks to the limo. Dan is with Dorota. She smacks his shoulder. Aww. Love it. And then she like threatens him, too?

Dan talks about signs and Blair sees the ESB in the distance.

Chuck’s at the top.

Blair concedes. She’s ready to go, but then Dorota’s water breaks. They all head to the hospital.

R/J Rufus spoke with Allison and they’ve decided that Jenny will stay the summer there and senior year in Hudson.

Vanya enters with Eleanor and Cyrus.

Dorota tells Blair to go. With her blessing!

S, D are at the hospital and talking about now is not the time to tell Nate.

But Nate’s behind her.

Georgie stops Blair. She’s in trouble, but Blair blows her off.

A kiss is not nothing! What about Vanessa?

Dorota is pushing. Oh, Cyrus. NOT ENOUGH! ROTFLMAO! You’re so cute.

Nate sends Vanessa the GG blast.

Blair is at the ESB and asks the guard if he’s seen a guy waiting. He’s probably wearing a bowtie. THEY ARE BACK! She spots the peonies in the trash. Too late.

Jenny comes to the Empire looking for Nate, but Chuck’s the only one there. She has nowhere to go. Chuck tells her she can stay, she has before. But Nate was always there. And apparently Chuck doesn’t play video games….. She drinks. They talk about the world. And Chuck says it only exists from the outside. He only survives the world because he knows it’s empty. They kiss and it IMMEDIATELY goes black. Like, not fade to black, but totally blacks out. Even the tv can’t stomach it.

If you want to leave, now is the time. She doesn’t want to be alone. Neither does he. IMMEDIATE FADE.

Another parallel. But, this time, CJ actually do have sex.

Dan’s looking at babies. G is watching him. But S comes in and SD talks about babies and wanna walk and Georgie doesn’t want them to see her.

DV/EC. Anastasia. Beautiful name. Eleanor wants to hold. She’s in love. And they ask EC to be godparents. Well, at least I was in the right family.

SD. Dan needs to tell Vanessa. SD talk about BFF vs. stranger relationships. But with new people, everything is a discovery. They lean in and Dan’s phone goes off. It’s Vanessa. She knows. At least Dan understands why Nate did it.

Chuck tells Jenny she can stay.

Blair comes and Chuck’s surprised and kinda scared for a moment. He comes out. Tells her ‘nobody’ is here. (Jenny hears and feels bad.)

Blair shows flowers. “You went.” And explains that Dorota went into labor and Chuck’s so happy and I’m like..aww..but..OH ****, Bass. And this is bad.

Um..Did Jenny take the sheets? I’m confused on what happened when Chuck entered his room.

Hospital chapel. HOLY HELL, look at her face. That running make up. Jeez, that scared me. But with how much crap she has on, it works.

Eric comes in. They make up. They always do. And Eric’s scenes are ALWAYS about her. We’ll never see him next season.

They talk about Chuck. And they’ll never acknowledge that Chuck and Eric are brothers. **** YOU. She pretty much tells him without saying the words. And then tells him she never slept with Damien. Don’t tell.

And Eric finds Dan. Tells him that he should go talk to Jenny.

NS talk. She needs to be alone. I forgive you and you’re breaking up with me? No, just taking a break. Nate’s all, nah uh. If you’re out, you’re out. She’s out.

If we ever want to have a real chance, this is the only way.

I agree. It’s the name of the game. What Chuck alluded to in 2x08. “Maybe…in the future.”

CB come to the hospital. Perfect night. I’m cringing.

And Chuck’s about to propose when Dan comes in and punches him. 1x01 again.

WTF, Humphrey? And Jenny’s there. And it’s silent and Blair gets it and she’s pissed.

She really goes at Jenny. “Go. And never come back.”

And she tells Chuck this night never happened.


LRJD. This time, it’s Jenny’s idea to go to Hudson. (I skipped the LR part before. You know I don’t give a ****.)

Eric comes, tells her not to go. *eye roll* I can’t even. He’s my third favorite. But I hate it so much.

BS! EVER YEAR! But this time!??!?! B tells S they’re going to Paris. TOGETHER.

“We’ve never been single together.” And I don’t femslash, but right there, BS are OTP. This is the show. It’s THEIR show. Follow them in Paris. No one else allowed. ♥ “As long as we have each other, we’ll be okay.”

DN on the phone. DV broke up. She hasn’t returned his calls. He’s about to write a massive e-mail.

Since Chuck is in Prague, Nate found his little black book. And he’s totally pulling a Chuck Bass. Love it.

He tells Dan that SN broke up.

And, instead of e-mail, Dan calls S. She tells him that BS are going to Paris. She’ll be back in September.

Dan x’s out of the e-mail and looks up plane tickets.

Pause. So, I know SD fans are happy. But, I’m at least happy with Serena. Because she’s not interested. She didn’t break up with Nate for Dan. She did it for herself. She’s a mess and needs time alone. Dan, on the other hand, is a DOUCH with all caps.


Love this girl. I love Mercy. I do. But we all knew it was canceled from the start. NEVER LEAVE ME, GEORGIE!

Jenny’s on the train, ala 1x01 Serena.

Nate’s having a threesome. HOT!

And Chuck. He’s so drunk. And some guys come up to him. Take it. He’s got money. BUT NOT THE RING. NO! THE BOX! And I’m almost in tears because, dammit, the ring is all he has of Blair. And then there’s a gunshot and he falls and the ******* opens the box. Ring. Guys leave. Chuck’s dying on the ground and we have to wait for September.

**** YOU ALL!

I know you all might have been looking for more, but despite saying I’m “happy,” I’m also numb right now. Mostly about Chuck. So I can’t really process anything.
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Old 05-19-2010, 03:32 PM
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I don't even have words for this finale
"Yeah, we are lovers. Together. In bed."
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Old 05-27-2010, 05:39 PM
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