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Old 05-26-2009, 04:56 PM
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Rhinestones (OT) #299: b/c life would be so much easier if I were an only child.

Rhinestones refer to the gleaming jewels on Vanessa's giant "V" from the HSM tour. We are the Rhinestones which litter that "V".

*original photo of giant rhinestone V thanks to Fearlessღ, banner thanks to fashionfanatic08

Credit goes to Lo (l0velie)

Previous Threads:

#1: We Don't know what we are yet
b#2: We Sparkle all over the V Board
#3: We make Threads Sparkle and Shine
#4: We Illuminate the V Board
#5: Vanessa is G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S
#6: There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach
#7: We are so STELLAR
#8: We go through threads faster than we can think of titles
#9: We decorate the thread like stones on the big V
#10: We can talk about bling-bling anything
#11: We're Obviously too cool for a title
#12: We're girls, we like to Talk, You do the Math
#13: Because we'd like to abolish time zones
#14: Because we're getting no sleep tonight!
#15: Because we're so off-topic, that we don't even have a title.
#16: Because being off topic makes us so fantasticalicious
#17: Because we're too sexy for a title
#18: Because Not Even Timezones can Stop Us Talking to Each Other
#19: Get Your Holden-Time Here!
#20: Because none of us have cooties!
#21: Warning: Fangirls closer than they appear
#22: b/c we're like Roadrunner, we zip through threads!
#23: b/c This is the procrastination thread
#24: We're open 24/7
#25: b/c Mama, we're big girls now, so stop calling us
#26: b/c we're making t-shirts
#27: 27 threads? We can't believe it either.
#28: We want to see Holden write!
#29: Can Rachael call you Larry, too?
#30: Wait, HSM university? Where do I sign up?
#31: We all have our Stalkers
#32: b/c we want Tay back full time
#33: 'Cause School is Overrated
#34: Pick a Name, Any Name...
#35: Our Mission: Getting Holden to the Boyfriend Board
#36: B/c Lucas and V want to see Holden at the B/F Board
#37: Zac is calling you Holden!
#38:"I miss you *pout*" - Zac to Holden
#39: First Stop: Peggy's fic Next? BB!
#40: We're brain-dead... but Holden still needs to go to the BF board
#41: Holden, will you just go over there already?
#42: b/c hopefully Holds hasn't gotten an ego with this BB stuff
#43: Jill & Matt FTW....BB Holdy Doll
#44: Waking early or later the 'Stones are still Great
#45: Because Andy is awesome and tired
#46: Because V brought us, the Rhinestones to the TCAs
#48: Because in our perfect world...the weekend would never end!
#49: Because Math classes are good for naps
#50: Because we need a week off!
#51: Because stuff happens, we just don't pay attention.
#52: Because FF needs a gangsta smilie, yo!
#53: So long, farewell, auf Weidersehen, goodnight
#54: Because life would be so much better as a musical
#55: Because mint chocolate chip icecream is from heaven
#56: Because dark rooms make us happy
#57: Because we signed up for Ice Cream Addicts Anonymous!
#58: Because we're all Supergirl when it comes to posting
#59: Funny llama, fuzzy llama, llama, llama duck
#60: Because we're making clones!
#61: Because we can't live without internet!
#62: b/c Tay's mission: total RENT domination
#63: b/c Plaid Pants. Leather Jacket. Jeans. Sweatshirt. *drool*
#64: b/c Vanessa as Mimi? SAPRDF!
#65: b/c we wish we had legs as great as Wilson's and Vanessa's
#66: b/c we say "Hallelujah!" for holidays
#67: b/c no one can think of a title
#68: b/c BBV thinks that Pookie should get his own board too
#69: b/c Cap'N Crunch and The Jam...interesting
#69: b/c V Board = No Sleep
#70: Because it's time to get our freak on
*71: b/c we're gonna take over the world
#72: b/c Jimmy's son wants some action *whip*
#73: b/c BARNEY! OMG! I love that creepy guy in the suit! He's my hero!
#75: b/c Tay's getting everyone leather catsuits and tiaras for Christmas
#76: Because it's Lucas's birthday...Let's party!
#77: Because we can't live without our pasta!
#78: Because this is a bird-FREE zone!
#79: Because Holden demands a new Thread
#80: Because we got Bus!Boy Stories
#81: Because we're a romance novel waiting to happen
#82: b/c we love our smoothies
#83: b/c bow-chicka-wow-wow chicka-wow-wow
#84: b/c we can't wait our presents er turkey
#85: B/C even the Naughty girls got presents!
#86: b/c come new years, we'll be crazier as ever
#87: Who says we need a title?
#88: b/c hey hae yo loked at a kybord? ist cornfusin
#89 b/c titles... title... nope can't think of any
#90: B/c there is nothing hotter than a guy who can sing
#91: Because if only they knew what they were doing to us *sigh*
#92: b/c who needs sleep when you have happy!crack
#93: We're each other's support group
#94: Red & Yellow make Orange
#95: we ♥ The Girl who plays Gabriella, Corrie, TinTin & Sa5m
#96: Cause happy happy joy joy
#97: b/c know a fun game? Loathing Holden!
#98: b/c we like shiny things...and music! Music is fun! And so is....
#99: Because I, Holden, opened this thread
#100: 100 threads of chatterboxness!
#101: b/c you can get sick through the internet! It's true!
#102: Who wants to come to my nudist wedding? Any takers?
#103: Because Holden's brain isn't functioning yet
#104: b/c a sexy picspam cheers up everyone! *nod*
#105: Because my fish is swimming here staring at me
#106: b/c no one is allowed to call Schnookems ugly! THAT MEANS YOU MOMMY
#107: Because indecisiveness rules HERE
#108: Because yay, bacon for breakfast!
#110: because seeing V and Rosa together makes Tay's heart 'splode!
#111: because its almost sushi night for us
#112: b/c Riia made Nikka open the thread without a title
#113: b/c Ed Green and Olivia Benson are having a love child. The end.
#114: b/c I'm intoxicated by my very presence.
#115: Because Holden sucks at coming up with titles
#116: Because the only thing worse than homework is gardening.
#117: Because Andy's mind just went *blank**implode*
#118: Give me a title and I'll put it on here
#119: Nothing makes us hide faster than having to open a thread!
#120: Because bad fanfic is enough to make anyone sleepy!
#121: Witty titles are so overrated.
#122: Adam and Rosa FTW! Tay has spoken!
#123: WARNING! FF addiction can lead to sleeplessness
#124: b/c talking is easier than thinking up titles.
#125: b/c we're the biggest group of fangirls you'll ever meet!
#126: because everybody loves ME, and no, I am not conceited.
#127: Because titles are so not my forte.
#128: Make up your own title. We don't have time.
#129: b/c we're sorry that you can't be us.....we really are
#130: Because every hip fangirl loves a good nail job
#131: Cause people would be offended if I used the other title.
#132: Because yes! I want fries with that!
#133: Because Holden is very commanding
#134: Because blaming holden: VAH board's fave hobby
#135: Funeral planners wanted. Apply within.
#136: If you come here looking for a serious convo, don't bother.
#137: I like watching the bubblies in my Sprite bottle float to the top!
#138: Cause pickles and movies were made for each other!
#139: Because Holden sucks for not giving us a title
#140: WANTED: pumpkin carver for Holden's replacement head
#141: Because one of us groped Kindergarten! Guess who?
#142: Because Becca and her kids like fire
#143: Because you need a surgical mask to be in here.
#144: Because Rachael was no help. *pout*
#145: Because it's never too early to begin the drunkness!
#146: Because Texting & Drawing in class saves our sanity
#147: Exams and Hiatuses suck. The End
#148 - Lizard pee stinks!
#149: b/c Izzy hates slow internet!
#150: Just keep swimming, what do we do? We swim, swim...
#151: Because only cool teachers show Finding Nemo in class
#152: Because Jill needs therapy! Please help! *flowers*
#153 Because we're halfway thru Holden's hiatus! Hooray!
#154: Because seriously, is Holden back yet?
#155: Because here's your title - deal with it
#156: Because it's my dream to live in a van down by the river
#157: because Tay's changing Holden's name to Sexy McSparkypants
#158: Because chocolate covered peanuts make the world go 'round
#159: Because boys are so confusing and LAME and clueless!!!!!!!!!!!
#159: Rhinestones (OT) #160: Because LB is an ass.
Rhinestones (OT) #161: b/c everyone needs a giant clown whistle
#162: Because good taste runs in the family
#163: Because having sticky jelly pants is NOT cool
#164: STOP! Rhinestone time!
#165: Mamma Mia, here we go again!
#166: Just use your imagination
#167: Moo with me! Moooooooo
#168: SPPPEEAAAAKKKK!!!!'s RENT people, deal.
#169: Coz we cant think of titles so we'll just use Holden's name
#170: Because Kat's too lazy to open and blames it on Holden
#171: Because Kat's making a lot of excuses and Holden disappeared!
#172: Cause Kat shouldn't have made me open.
#173: Cause I'm wondering why Nikka didn't open
#174: bc Kat and Riia are the best at coming up with titles
#175: Coz Holden & Izzy's names are enough to count as title.
#176: b/c Tay demands that Stina & Cookie's names are in the title!
#177: Because Kat, Riia? Thread title war is so on!
#178: B/c Holden wants to know why can't we all be born potty trained
#179: B/c We all need our daily dose of Phelps' butt. Even Holds.
#180: B/C Steph and Riia shouldn't have ganged up on me.
#181: B/C Get down with yo' bad self - thus spake Super Guru
#182: b/c Michelle doesn't know what she's gotten herself into *smirk*
#183: because Cookie stoled my name, so I ate her. *evil!smirk*
#184: B/C Riia's gone to bed, Steph's not here, and I can't think
#185: because i flove the cool ones named sarah and catch. *hug*
#186: b/c we're Sweet Child&Rocket Queen, and we want a Slaxl reunion!
#187: because we have needs!
#188: B/c you betta checkity check yoself before you wreckity wreck yoself, michelle!
#189: Just opening to avoid having my name in the title.
#190: Now that McGosling's back, we want Adam&Rachel next!
#191: Cookie's flying to China to steal gold medals
#192: Because I want a title without anyone's name in it.
#193: because everyone wants a kiss from Joe Anderson *nods* even michelle
because Steph, Stepanie, Stephy is ultimately dead to me
#195: Enter if you're sexy.
#196: I'm gonna punch Michelle in the ovary :evilsmirk:
#197: Why don't you put on your Raspberry Beret and hop in your Little Red Corvette?
#198: You shut your mouth when you're talking to me!
#199: b/c we hate mean coaches, sprained fingers, and girls who steal our men
#200 b/c 200 threads of annoying the snot out of Holden!
#201: B/c boys are stupid, throw rocks at them!
#202: Because I f'love Steph, Tay, Stina, and Sarah for not opening.
#203: Because everyone but Sarah passes out at the sight of blood Wusses!
#204: You are a smelly pirate hooker!
#205: Because we're all hiding something. A secret brownie recipe, perhaps?
Rhinestones (OT) #206: Take me to Pleasure town!
#207 - Harley will not change the title dammit! *pout*
#208 - Dancing to "Out Tonight" in heels? Nope, not the best idea...
#209 - Catch knows something you dont
#210 - Holden's no help at all, but I'm glad to be posting!
#211: Because Tay left me here with a title that's too long
#212: Because ranting helps our anger mangement
#213: Because Sarah wants everyone to know her name is pasta
#214: because Mel is like a jack-in-the-box, always popping in and out
#215: So we're too lazy to think of a title. Sue us.
#216: because stay away from da bad side, Axl's crazy hair will mess you up!
#217: Because we're drawing a big, fat blank.
#218: Because Harley's a freaky stalker who doesn't want to buy shirts
#219: Don't make me use your middle name!
#221: Cause SDF is too lazy to figure out how to open a thread
#222: b/c sarah nor riia can't force me into a triple shotgun wedding!
#224: Cause Sarah asked for a title *smirk*/
#225: because you're not allowed to post here unless you help by contributing titles
#226 : B/c strippers, drugs, and pedophiles make for an interesting Tuesday afternoon
#227: being away is getting punished by opening a thread *rolleyes*
#228: Because we should just chain Holden to her computer
#229: Cleaning? Nope, never heard of it.
#230: Effective Immediately: it is illegal to leave us for long periods of time
#231: because we win at life! YAYAYAYAYA!!
#232: because Holden shouldn't wear shorts outside =P
#233: because no Tay isn't take that back before Tay stabs you! *glare*
#234: Apparently everyone is too lazy to open new threads
#235: b/c a title aint a title without Holden's name in it
#236: Because x-(x*(x-(x-1))) = NYC!
#237: because doing nothing always doing something
#238: cause we rarely have anything else do
#239: Because nobody's here to think of a title, so it'll be this crappy one
#240: "Freddy what do you like to do?" "I dunno, burn stuff?"
#241: "because Tross is the new Zanessa"
#242: because having shinggles is painful
#243: Hey Wildcat! *gigglesmirk* *runs off*
#244: Anyone notice these titles get weirder and weirder?
#245: because NO! We won't make out with you! Ewww!!!
#246: the femur bone's connected to the tibio-fibula bone...frogs and their bones I tell yah.
#247: Fire fire fire fiery fiery fire. Ooh pretty hot fire. It's the bestest toy ever!
#248: because Tay can't tell anyone about Ross until Izzikins gets on MSN! *glare*

#249: ... New thread *tada*:-P ... ohh btw WE ARE SUPER HEROES
#250: Thinking of titles gives me a headache...
#251: b/c everyone loves fried zucchini *wink wink*
#252: Cause diets be damned, we want cookies!
#253: Resisting Cookies & Cheesecake Takes Willpower
#254: There's nothing like a Muppet movie during Christmas
#255: because life sucks and then you die
#256: because apparently biting your siblings is bad, who knew?
#257: because we declare this thread open! {no "real" title needed}
#258: Cause Holden says 09 is sucky already. *pout*
#259: Cause happy name day rii! (only 1.5 months late)
#260: because apparently everyone forget we needed a new thread!
#261: because Rachael made Tay open, haha Pickles haha!
#262: Because the Rhinestones ain't the same without Holden.
#264: Sorry all cats out there, but you should really stop giving people allergic reactions.
#265: Cause finals suck. End of story.
#266: because life suck. the end.
#267: because some obsessions are like creeper stalkers. Goodbye, Horses.
#268: because I haven't opened a thread in a long time
#269: Because someone has to root for the bad guys
#270: Because time flies when we are having fun
#271: because Hannibal Lecter is my newest BFF, don't mess with me or I'll sic him on you!
#272: Because Pickles is from Texas and loves to eat pickles
#273: Cause Taylor is on a mission to get me into country music
#274: Cause Sarah and Riia are evil. The end.
#275: Coz Holds, I'll be nice and won't put your name here. Whoops.
#276: B/c Holden's in the title for the bajillionth time!
#277: Because Becca wants a new job. Who's hiring?
#278: Because apparently neither Riia or Sarah realized we needed a new thread :-P
#279: Holden + Premiere + Zac Efron + Scissors = Haircut
#280: Because maybe we're really really paranoid
#281: Because even though we both speak English things still get lost in translation! *goof*
#282: Cause I will gladly spend time with my "physical therapist". Just tell me a time and place.
283: Cause Tay was to busy slapping people for others to realize a new thread was needed!
284: Why does doing nothing all day still make you tired?
285: Because that woman on SNL is definitely not my mother LOL
286: Because having vertigo is the worst thing you can ever have!
287: Because 'brownouts' have nothing to do with pants. *goof*
288: Because being a bum is really a full time job!
289: Because... we really needed a title. LOL
290: Because getting her iPhone back was the start of Tamy opening threads! Woo!

291: Because Liv, Dany and Marine are bullying Tamy *sob...
#292: Because craziness is waaaaay better than boredom!
293: because I guess everyone was too lazy to open a new thread && think up a title!.
294: b/c because we should just throw RL in a trashcan and log on to FF!
295: b/c who needs jobs? They are so overrated!
296: b/c clubbing is the best way to end a boring workful week
297 b/c don't be decieved by their cute innocent acts! Little kids = terrors
#298: Because Catch volunteered Holden to open a new thread but Dany had to do it!!!!

Name in titles tally:
Holden - 38
Tay - 11
Riia - 9
Sarah - 8
Awesome!Kat - 5
Michelle - 4
Steph - 4
Taylor (cookie) - 4
Rach - 4
Izzy - 3
Andy - 2
Catch - 3
Jill - 2
Nikka - 2
Stina - 2
Harley - 2
Becca - 2
Tamy - 2
Dany - 2
Peggy - 1
Mel - 1
Marine - 1
Liv - 1

The Vanessa Hudgens' Board Nickname's Guide
Tayberry, Mooty, Loverly, Tator Tot, Rocket Queen, TayTay, Twinny, Slurpee/Slushie - Tay
Cupcake,Harlicup, Carson, Loverly, Vanessa's wifey, Silly, Twinny - Harley
NikNak, Twinny, Vanessa's lover - Nikka
Barbie, Chelly, Meeshell, Elle - Michelle
Sheniqua, Sexy, Sushi, MH - Holden
Cookie, Silly 2, Liz - Taylor
Izzikins, Twinny, Rae - Izzy
Riianiie - Holden's baby
Sweet Child - Steph
Pasta, Sare - Sarah
Stina-Bug, Peaches - Stina
Pickles - Rachael
Sandwhich, Super Lively - Liv
Gumdrop, Super Butterfly - Bia
Catchy, Super Catchy, Chips - Catch
Becks, Super Bendy(-Tree) - Becky
Mrs. Tisdale, Peanut, Pookergrape, Grapey - Grace
Little C, Little Surfer - Carol

if you have a nickname you'd like to add, PM the thread starter
"I think I'm dying."
"No. No, you're not. I won't let you."
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Old 05-26-2009, 04:58 PM
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love the title
but then again life would be boring if you haven't got a sister or brother, oldie
These words are my own from my heart flown
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
There's no other way to better say
I love you, I love you...ღ
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Old 05-26-2009, 04:58 PM
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The title

Thanks Holds
I'm Carol
'That's what she said...'
Vanessa Hudgens
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Old 05-26-2009, 04:59 PM
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Thanks for opening Holds!

IA, you'd be extremely bored! No one to yell at, to hit, to abuse... etc.
i miss your soft lips i miss your white sheets i miss the scratch of your unshaved face on my cheek
and this is so hard cause I didn't see that you were the love of my life and it kills me
i still say your name when I'm talking in my sleep and in the limelight, i play it off fine
but I can't handle it when I turn off my nightlight |
'05-'10 forever a kuuipo ♥ Liss.
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Old 05-26-2009, 04:59 PM
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As annoying as my brother was growing up, I wouldn't have wanted to be an only child
Baby dont worry, you are my only, you won't be lonely
So baby are you down down down down down
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Old 05-26-2009, 05:00 PM
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Thanks Holden
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Old 05-26-2009, 05:00 PM
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K, I don't agree with this title
'i know what you are, and I love you.
nothing can change that.'

beautiful creatures
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Old 05-26-2009, 05:01 PM
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Lies Liv!

I have a bunch of cousins who are around my age. I still hang out with them more than I hang out with my sister!
"I think I'm dying."
"No. No, you're not. I won't let you."
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Old 05-26-2009, 05:04 PM
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all against holden!

okay maybe i'm not sure

okay i gotta go before i end up sleeping at the desk...

night oldies!
see ya in 3 days
These words are my own from my heart flown
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
There's no other way to better say
I love you, I love you...ღ
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Old 05-26-2009, 05:04 PM
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thanks for the new thread holds

altough i dont agree with the title

im going to bed soon, so see ya

Bye Liv

and good luck
when i said 'i love you' i meant forever... | |
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Old 05-26-2009, 05:05 PM
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Pssh. Clearly you all don't have to live with my sister. If you did, you'd all agree with me!

I gotta head off for a bit too. Bye guys!
"I think I'm dying."
"No. No, you're not. I won't let you."
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Old 05-26-2009, 05:08 PM
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Your sister doesnt cause you bodily harm and torture you, so I'd say my brother was worse But I still wouldn't want to be sibling-less.
Baby dont worry, you are my only, you won't be lonely
So baby are you down down down down down
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Old 05-26-2009, 05:08 PM
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It might get better when one of you moves out Holden It did with me and my sis
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Old 05-26-2009, 05:08 PM
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Bye guys!

I'm off too, see ya'll later!
i miss your soft lips i miss your white sheets i miss the scratch of your unshaved face on my cheek
and this is so hard cause I didn't see that you were the love of my life and it kills me
i still say your name when I'm talking in my sleep and in the limelight, i play it off fine
but I can't handle it when I turn off my nightlight |
'05-'10 forever a kuuipo ♥ Liss.
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Old 05-26-2009, 05:11 PM
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Bye Holds and Liss
I'm Carol
'That's what she said...'
Vanessa Hudgens
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