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Old 06-24-2013, 02:42 PM
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Zac Addiction #11 ~ Bc this thread makes the most illogical, obsessive thoughts & actions seem perfectly acceptable!

By Nika

Our Addictions

1.) ... are passionately going through some gossip magazines at the doctors just to find out if they wrote something about Zac.
2.) ...get the assignment to edit an entry on wikipedia and you choose "Zac Efron".
3.) ...spend all the time on the ac board instead of learning for some important tests.
4.) ...picture Zac doing the moonwalk every time you hear him thing. " the waves the ocean just can´t control."
5.) every guy you meet with Zac and realize they can´t hold a candle to him.
6.) ...are sitting in a business meeting and after a while you're finding your self writing Zac Efron is Love in your notebook while you should be taking notes.
7.) ...have Zac's clips saved on your work PC so you could watch him in action every time you please.
8.) ...spent half a night online betting on pink Abercrombie and Fitch polo he was wearing in SL.
9.) ...start picturing him and Vanessa as Sawyer and Kate on Lost.
10.) ...start picturing Zac starring in your favorite shows.
11.) ...while he was in London a thought of flying over there did cross your mind....
12.) ...continue daydreaming about Zac visiting your hometown and you showing him around as his personal city guide.
13.) ...have watched HSM that many times you can sing along and know all the words.
14.) ...have imagined yourself as Gabby in HSM.
15.) ...can't focus in school because everything you think about is Zac.
16.) ...think that Zac loves you that and you're his fav.
17.) ...think it's healthy, that your planning to stalk him.
18.) ...are doing gym and your snobby teacher asks you to do an impossible task... then "Get'cha head in the Game" starts playing in your mind.
19.) ...suddenly start singing "Breaking Free" in front of your entire cafeteria...only to be left singing alone with some very strange looks.
20.) ...consider asking Van to switch places with you.
21.) ...hate anyone who hasnt heard of Zac....but hate them even more if they have.
22.) all your friends on Zac´s birthday to tell them they have to drink to Zac today.
23.) ...stand around in a music store with the headphones on, watching HSM on the little demo TV's because Zac was just about to sing.
24.) ...when you´re translating the Zac Life Story to a little girl at the doctors office, because she was staring at it all the time and couldn´t understand anything, because it was English.
25.) forward through all the parts of HSM without Zac in it (even though those are good too!) just to get your Zac fill.
26.) ...see a guy wearing an outfit and you compare it to one you've seen Zac in.
27.) ...when all your friends already know you're addicted to Zac and only pick guys on the street that look a little like him.
28.) ...when you turn on your iPod and every song that plays makes you think of Zac or Troy.
29.) ...when you make it your sole purpose in life to convert one of your friends to the awesomeness of HSM, even if it's only for Zac and it works.
30.) despise Drew Seeley b/c he gets all the attention for his "wonderful" voice and took the place of Zac on the HSM Concert Tour.
31.) ...You force your friends to watch Zac when he was in Miracle Run, If You Lived Here, Summerland, Firefly, and that MTV clip for Hairspray to show that he's talented pre-and-post HSM.
32.) ...when you ask your friends to come with you to see Hairspray although it's six months away.
33.) ...when your friends mention another male celebrity you start thinking of the many ways Zac is better.
34.) ...when you kiss your TV screen everytime you see his face in it.
35.) ...when you save Zac stuff on your PC just to see him everytime you want.
36.) ...everytime you see the word "Link" you picture Zac doing the Elvis hips.
37.) overhear little kids talking about Zac and you can't stop yourself from joining in (or correcting them when needed).
38.) ...everytime you see the name written as "Zack" or "Zach" you think it's lame that anyone would want to spell it that way.
39.) see a basketball and your mind flashes to Zac in his Wildcat jersey.
40.) ...someone mentions New York City and you remember Zac slipping on the ice at that rink.
41.) buy your daughter Troy knickers 'cause they dont make adult sizes for yourself .
42.)´re in a bad mood all day when there are bad interviews about Zac.
43.) wear a tag with Zac´s name on it every day.
44.) squee when Zac is mentioned in a non-tween magazine and read the article five times over.
45.) join a Zac fan board, spend all your free time there and become friends with all the other uber-fans.
46.) buy both the men's and women's versions on DKNY Be Delicious just because Zac wears it.
47.) TiVo every event or award show when there is even the slightest possibilty Zac might be there.
48.) wear a "Team Efron" button to support Zac.
49.)´re smiling like a crazy person when somebody asks you if he´s your boyfriend.
50.) begin to use words that relate to him as actual parts of speech in your everyday language.
51.) watch every video with him in super slow mo just so that you don´t miss a tiny second of what he´s doing
52.) raid your sisters room for every tween magazine known to man kind just to see the parts about Zac
53.) ...Salt Lake City, Utah all of a sudden seems so much more appealing just because Zac was there
54.) ...surfing seems appealing just b/c Zac does it even though you can't swim
55.) get ready really quick every morning so you time to check for Zac news before you have to leave the house
56.) a novel and always picture Zac and Vanessa as the main characters
57.) buy a magazine, only because there´s a tiny little article about Zac in it
58.) zone out during morning announcements at school but immediately snap back the second you hear the name Zac over the loudspeaker
59.) watch his episode of Road over and over and over and over
60.) ...relate everything back to him
61.) wait for hours in line, to meet him for like 5 seconds
62.) ...will go see Hairspray 132520054582695 times
63.) spend your entire day decorating your room with posters of him
64.) have him as your ringtone, desktop and screensaver on your phone
65.) ...your parents say you miss your Zaccy-poo when you're upset b/c the internet isn't working
66.) have an "I zac" slip
67.) sit for 10 minutes waiting for you computer to idle because you have a Zac screensaver
68.) stay on Zac's Fan Forum board all day just to see what's new
69.) look for any Zac efron videos on YT
70.) watch an entire talk show just to watch Zac's segments
71.) ...have all Zac posters on your walls
72.) ...when you have Zac Efron magazines
73.) ...want to research Zac all day
74.) ...listen to his songs on your IPOD
75.) have a Zac aim icon
76.) about him on LiveJournal
77.) ...wear the same shoes as him (VANS)
78.) ...go to the same website he does (ebaum's world)
79.) ... bought DKNY`s Be Delicious just so you can smell like Zac
80.) use his pic for all your IMs services...Skype, MSN etc.
81.) ...when you go on vacation and hang a Zac poster up in your hotel room
82.) ...when you would like to kill everyone who's responsible that Hairspray will only premiere September 6th (!!!!) in Germany
83.) ...go see Hairspray twice in one day.
84.) ...when your wallpaper, screensaver, pretty much your entire computer is covered in Zac pics!
85.) ...When you start changing lyrics to the Hairspray songs just to complain about how you haven't seen the movie yet and are miserable!
86.) ...when you sign up for the HS ringtones only to realize they can't be played on a Verizon phone
87.) ...sing What Time Is It? in front of everyone at work, when the commercial comes on.
88.) ... singing Hairspray all over again.
89.) ...when you stare like a maniac at your computer screen 24/7, almost throwing the whole thing out of the window, because your Hairspray d/l won't finish.
90.) ... when you find a piece of red string, and wonder if you can tie it around your wrist.
91.) ... when you try and scratch the word Kuuipo into a plain ring and pretend to be V for a day.
92.) ...get all giddy when you hear a stranger talking about him
93.) ...when you know more trivia about Zac then the 15-year old girls you coach
94.) ...when you rewind the end of Come So Far just to hear Zac sing Baby Baby.
95.) ...when you stop in front of your office, because you can't take out your earphones yet, because Zac hadn't sung "Baby, Baby" yet.
96.) ...when you see someone wink and the only thing you think is: "That is such a fake Link-Wink"
97.) ...can`t stop watching Zac on Room Raiders from back in the day.
98.) ... when I go elbows up, side to side lean like chollo(can't spell it) and Yell ZAC!!
99.) ...when you draw his name on every inch of yourself in permanent marker and refuse to bathe until one of the them smudges
100.) want to name your child after him
101.) ...sing every HSM and HS to your posters of him
102.) ...your motto is What Would Zac Do
103.) buy a necklace that says I :heart: Zachary and wear it every day
104.) ...want to change your last name to Efron and tell everyone that you're married to him
105.) ...when your favorite movie quote of all time is suddenly a little line saying "kiss my ass"
106.) ...when you unbotton the sweater on your Link doll just to check if the chest really looks like Zac's
107.) ...when you suddenly like your big brother even more, because his name is David and that's one of Zac's names.
108.) ...when you want to buy a cell phone and name it after him
109.) ...when you want your child's first words to be "Zac and Vanessa"
110.) ...when you place him above your fiance on the "15 guys I'd screw no questions asked" meme
111.) ... when you name all of your children Zachary. Yes, all of them.
112.) ... when you see red string on the floor and wonder if Zac has been there.
113.) want him to jump out of your birthday cake
114.) want to jump out of a birthday cake starkers
115.) picture him in a fluffy white towel and your eyes glaze over
116.) ...get a little proud thinking about how the last two letters of your name are the first two letters of his
117.) ...know that the last two letters of your name are the first two letters of his
118.) ...when you lick your hand, because it suddenly became so cool.
119.) ...when you buy a second doll, so that the Link one isn't alone anymore
120.) ...stay up until its time for you to wake up, just for Zac.
121.) ...blame The Zac for everything that happens. If its a good thing, its the Zac...if you got distracted, its The matter what-its The Zac!
122.) ...when you feel bad and all you have to think about is Zac to feel better again.
123.) keep Tash's LJ page up just to see the lick
124.) think Zac has a sexy get a kiss from Zac and you're disappointed when there's no tongue
125.) take naughty pics of him in your mind
126.) get hungry and Zac is the first thing that pops into your head
127.) drool over pictures where his boxers think that rubbing the back of your neck is by far the sexiest habit a guy can have (even though no one can do it like Zac)
128.) imagine him doing the Link!Lick and rubbing the back of his neck and you start spazzing
129.) see Zac in a tie & suit with his hair perfectly slicked to the side and all you want to do is mess it up and ravage him.
130.) ...when you can't answer to the questions of your colleague, because you're still to positively shocked about the new picture.
131.) ...would rather research Zac than do anything productive.
132.) know the only thing that will stop you from doing something is Zac running in front of you unclothed
133.) ...when you see Panama hats in a store and seriously consider buying one.
134.) ...when you look at the owner of the show who's wearing a hat and think how crappy he looked in it.
135.) see Zac in his fedora and "You Can Leave Your Hat On" instantly becomes your favorite song
136.) ...needed CPR when you saw the cover of Rolling Stone.
137.) ...are gonna buy like 15 copies of Rolling're so happy for him b/c he gets an autographed baseball signed by Barry Bonds that he has wanted since he was a little kid.
138.) go to California and squee everytime you see USC or UCLA merchandise (but especially USC)
139.) want to hurt some of the people who make mean comments on LiveJournal about Zac.
140.) ...When you go out and by any magazine that he's on the cover of
141.) more than one copy of any magazine that he is in
142.) ...stop talking midsentence when you see his face plastered somewhere
143.) ...when you buy a magazine that you haven't bought before just because Zac's in it
144.) ...when you check his fan websites every other hour to see if there's new news about him.
145.) ... when you listen to HS soundtrack just to hear Zac's singing.
146.) ...when you meet someone named Zackery and wrinkle your nose because they have no idea how to spell the name the right way
147.) ...when you spend a half hour looking through your PB and computer for the right Zac icon to use
148.) ...when you drive to eight different stores all over Los Angeles just to get Zac's TV Guide cover, Rolling Stone, USA Weekend.
149.) ...or when you plan on calling in sick so you can go to the premiere to possibly see Zac.
150) ... when you're watching a play (drama) in theatre and the actor changing shirts on stage and all you can think about: why isn't he looking like Zac?
151) ... when you organise a job interview around the Oscars...
152) ... when you feel guilty for declaring your love for another male actor and insist that Zeffy will always own the largest piece of your heart
153) ... when ur driving to work & a black audi is in front of u and ur mind goes straight to Zac
154) ... when you feel relieved when talking to your future roommate that you've never met when she says that she loves all things Disney Channel... which includes Zac.
155) ... when you've been away from work for two months because you were in the United States and three of your colleagues have asked you "so, did you see Zac Efron while you were there?"
156) ... when you use ABS formulas in excel...and you think about Zac's abs
157) ... When you're in search of a Troy Bolton Halloween costume
158) ... ed when your quoting a pic on and are changing the coding from 'img' to 'thud' instead of 'url'
159) ... when you go through 90% of your iphone battery in 3 hours posting on this board
160) ... When you're anxious for movie release dates to look at airfares
161) ... When you use your children as an excuse to buy HSM merchandise

... and so continues a neverending list!

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10
'Ye are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone.
I give ye my Body, that we Two might be One.
I give ye my Spirit, 'til our Life shall be Done.'

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Old 06-24-2013, 06:01 PM
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"Don't follow your dreams, chase them"
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Old 06-24-2013, 11:15 PM
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TFTNT! -- so many new ones this morning -- well , two so far!

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Old 06-25-2013, 12:24 AM
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This OP could use an updated art/pic!! Any takers?

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Old 06-25-2013, 12:29 AM
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He does look pretty Young there! IDK, about that quote thing either -- but then again it's not my style to be "taken over". Enthralled & Charmed - perhaps so, yes!

“when your happiness is someone else's happiness, that is love” ~ LDR
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Old 06-25-2013, 02:02 AM
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I bet you don't buy into the whole "you complete me" thing either

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Old 06-25-2013, 04:02 AM
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Oh come on now, the old school art is cute
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Old 06-25-2013, 08:29 AM
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"be who you needed when you were younger"
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M i r a n d a .
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Old 06-25-2013, 08:34 AM
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Dani, it is cute! I'd love to try & do something "newish" though when I have the time.. if it's K?!

Originally Posted by ZacFanForever (View Post)
I bet you don't buy into the whole "you complete me" thing either
Aaw, I want too.. I've had that with 2 ppl, but never in romantic love. Maybe one day!

“when your happiness is someone else's happiness, that is love” ~ LDR
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Old 06-25-2013, 08:54 AM
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So many previous threads
"be who you needed when you were younger"
--The Greatest Showman now playing in theaters--

M i r a n d a .
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Old 06-25-2013, 09:55 AM
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Those aren't actual threads, just examples of addictions

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Old 06-25-2013, 01:32 PM
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can you imagine, I mean I know we are addicted but no, we are only on the 11th addiction thread. I don't even think that addiction list is up to date. I know I never went through the last thread and added to the OP yet.

Feel free to make new OP art Jenn As much as I love old school art it could do with being updated.
'Ye are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone.
I give ye my Body, that we Two might be One.
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Old 06-26-2013, 06:24 AM
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Nah I gave up updating a lot of threads ago this one and the 100+ reasons.
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Old 06-26-2013, 06:32 AM
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We could just add one if its really hilarious or you feel it's needed because yeah at this point there are plenty!!

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Old 06-26-2013, 07:04 AM
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Just read some of the addiction things in the list. Number 31... If You Lived Here, You'd Be Home Now... I don't understand why that show didn't make it past the Pilot. I would've loved to watch it, as I think it seems pretty hilarious. Not only is Zac in it, but Jayma Mays who plays Emma in Glee is in it too! I wish they'd release the episode in good quality, and maybe the next couple of episodes too (if they ever filmed it)!
"We'll always be brothers." "Promise, everyday, come rain or shine, through Hell or high water?" "I promise."
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