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Old 05-12-2008, 04:13 PM
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Originally Posted by misteriosa (View Post)
Those are the theories I've seen out there.
-Michael - both of them are on the freighter right now, they might get off in some different way and not be a part of The Oceanic Six, fits with the obituary, Kate's reaction, Jack's might have to do with Michael possibly knowing how to get on the island
Michael is the most probable candidate, but I have two problems with this: 1) they pimped Harold's return a lot, he showed up when we are almost half way through the season, and then they simply kill him not even 10 episodes later? And second, from Kate's reaction and from what we've seen so far, it seems hard to believe they've had the time to complete in a satisfying way his redemption process.
On the other end, almost all the clues fit with him, even his mother and Walt in the press release for 4x13 & 4x14.
-Sayid - the whole Widmore vs. Ben thing, he and Desmond are on the opposing sides now, Kate's reaction doesn't really fit, Jack's could work I guess
My doubts about Sayid are: they can't frakking dare kill Sayiddino tenero or blood will wet the writing room; Jack and Kate's reactions don't fit, even if they found out he was working for Ben.
-Widmore - I don't know, maybe he finally got the island back, he hid Penny (possibly on the island), he knows how to get there - Jack cries, Kate doens't give a **** (although the script said she was supposed to be angry after seeing the article)
My problem with Widmore is only one: all this trouble to finally reveal he's behind all we've seen this season, all the drama of Ben's revenge threatening Penny - and then Sayonara, the obstacle gets removed?

I don't know.
Michael seems like the most probable solution, but just because I think they might try to pull another WTF moment, I'm going with Sayid.
You're doing it because you don't care about my heart health.
This show can't go on without our precious pocket-sized tender-hearted mad-skilled romantic TorchaMan and his Panten FF hair!!
I really, really hope Desomnd is not the only non Oceanic 6 whose destiny will to some extent be explained in the finale. I don't want to keep wondering where the **** Sawyer might be.
I would be pissed, too. But i know Sawyer is alive and going safe into S5, so I may deal with a cliffhanger if his character is given awesoem stuff in the last 3 hours of S4.
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Old 05-12-2008, 04:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Hawthorn (View Post)
Michael is the most probable candidate, but I have two problems with this: 1) they pimped Harold's return a lot, he showed up when we are almost half way through the season, and then they simply kill him not even 10 episodes later? And second, from Kate's reaction and from what we've seen so far, it seems hard to believe they've had the time to complete in a satisfying way his redemption process.
On the other end, almost all the clues fit with him, even his mother and Walt in the press release for 4x13 & 4x14.
Harold's return has certainly been pimped a lot and he's only shown up in a couple of episodes so far. Maybe her just has an excellent agent. If Darlton had planned to have him back for season 3 finale and wrote the script as if it was really Michael in the coffin, then I can see why Harold got such a good deal - he was listed as a regular this whole seasson, probably got paid a lot and has had attention of the press for a while. Maybe he just refused to settle to guest star in one or two episodes. I think I read somewhere that he hasn't moved back to Hawaii, which would make sense if he knew he'd be on Lost only for one more season.

You're doing it because you don't care about my heart health.
This show can't go on without our precious pocket-sized tender-hearted mad-skilled romantic TorchaMan and his Panten FF hair!!
You just want him and Sawyer to film a shampoo commercial together one day.
I can already see them smiling at the camera and shouting "We're worth it too".
Damn straight after all the time on the island.

I would be pissed, too. But i know Sawyer is alive and going safe into S5, so I may deal with a cliffhanger if his character is given awesoem stuff in the last 3 hours of S4.
All we can do is hope, like always.
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Old 05-12-2008, 04:53 PM
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Originally Posted by misteriosa (View Post)
Harold's return has certainly been pimped a lot and he's only shown up in a couple of episodes so far. Maybe her just has an excellent agent. If Darlton had planned to have him back for season 3 finale and wrote the script as if it was really Michael in the coffin, then I can see why Harold got such a good deal - he was listed as a regular this whole seasson, probably got paid a lot and has had attention of the press for a while. Maybe he just refused to settle to guest star in one or two episodes. I think I read somewhere that he hasn't moved back to Hawaii, which would make sense if he knew he'd be on Lost only for one more season.
We're talking about Darlton though , I can see them dropping the storyline pretty easily if they couldn't get Harold to sign up if all he had to do was prove that you can't cheat fate, that your mom can kick your ass even if you're 40, and lay in the coffin. I don't know, Michael was the first person I thought about watching the finale last year, my problem with him in the coffin was more how predictable I thought it would be (and that should've made it unlikely).
You just want him and Sawyer to film a shampoo commercial together one day.
I can already see them smiling at the camera and shouting "We're worth it too".
Damn straight after all the time on the island.
The image you gave me with that has just made me happy in my p... heart.
Sawyer could even refuse the Oceanic settlement considering how much he would be paid for a The Precious' performance.
All we can do is hope, like always.
Nooooooooo. You say that, I feel the Angel of Death's sickle tapping me on the shoulder and hand me a note saying "If I still had mortal flesh on my hands, I would be showing you my middle finger".

P.S. My love for Guy grows every day more. Look!!!

Bondage. *_*
Black leather. Evilness. Swords. Next thing you know the guy can even cook!

BTW, Robin Hood reminds me of Charlie Pace.
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Old 05-12-2008, 05:18 PM
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Predictability is my biggest issue with Michael being in the coffin, but at the end of season 3 it would've been a surprise. If they started negotiating that early, then everything would make sense IMO.
I forgot to say that we might see him redeeming himself in the next episodes. Maybe that rumour was right and he'll have something to do with saving the O6.

Originally Posted by Hawthorn (View Post)
Nooooooooo. You say that, I feel the Angel of Death's sickle tapping me on the shoulder and hand me a note saying "If I still had mortal flesh on my hands, I would be showing you my middle finger".

P.S. My love for Guy grows every day more. Look!!!

Bondage. *_*
Black leather. Evilness. Swords. Next thing you know the guy can even cook!

BTW, Robin Hood reminds me of Charlie Pace.
It only now occurred to me that he's not playing Robin Hood. Who says I'm slow?!
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Old 05-12-2008, 05:36 PM
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Originally Posted by misteriosa (View Post)
Predictability is my biggest issue with Michael being in the coffin, but at the end of season 3 it would've been a surprise. If they started negotiating that early, then everything would make sense IMO.
I forgot to say that we might see him redeeming himself in the next episodes. Maybe that rumour was right and he'll have something to do with saving the O6.
I don't know... it seems like a big waste to go to such lenghts to wrap up his storyline in so little time. Still, Michael seems the most logical choice right now.
It only now occurred to me that he's not playing Robin Hood. Who says I'm slow?!

Robin Hood is pretty boring. He, the plot, and the historical mistakes are the only little problems the show has. But Guy... oh, my Guy of Gisborne.
"Stop it! Stop it!"
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Old 05-12-2008, 05:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Hawthorn (View Post)
I don't know... it seems like a big waste to go to such lenghts to wrap up his storyline in so little time. Still, Michael seems the most logical choice right now.
Well, they wanted shorter seasons and the strike had some effect on their plans so that explains why he's had so little screentime. Maybe.

Robin Hood is pretty boring. He, the plot, and the historical mistakes are the only little problems the show has. But Guy... oh, my Guy of Gisborne.
I would offer an explanation for my stupidity but it would make things even worse. If that's possible.

I can already hear the birds singing outside so it might be a good time to go to bed.
Good Night!

We're harassing Ausiello tomorrow.
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Old 05-12-2008, 06:02 PM
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You missed the epic moment when I uploaded my first mini sneak peek on YouTube for you.

YouTube - 4x12 (Ben/Hurley/Locke)

(ignore the quality )

See you tomorrow!

ETA - There is also a short clip of Sayid on the zodiac, but it has no... plot, other than him landing on the island: here.

P.S. You're not allowed to laugh at me because I play LOSTscape.
"Stop it! Stop it!"
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Last edited by Hawthorn; 05-12-2008 at 06:24 PM
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Old 05-12-2008, 10:46 PM
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Oh boy, ladies: We have out very first romantic Skate scene sneek peek from the finale and guess what? It's the Sawyer handing Aaron to Kate scene!!!!! SQUEE!!!!

Here it is:

How magical was that?

-Kate didn't give a DAMN that Sawyer almost died in Otherville!!!
-Jack -with major snark BTW- basically told Sawyer that what happened in Otherville is partly his FAULT because he chose to hide there instead of staying at the beach!!!
-Sawyer looks absolutely DEFEATED as he is being reprimanded by Jack!!!
-Kate takes the baby from Sawyer, he doesn't give it to her!!!
-Kate FREAKS OUT when Jack wants to go off to find Sayid/Desmond!!!

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Old 05-13-2008, 01:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Hawthorn (View Post)
You missed the epic moment when I uploaded my first mini sneak peek on YouTube for you.

YouTube - 4x12 (Ben/Hurley/Locke)

(ignore the quality )

See you tomorrow!

ETA - There is also a short clip of Sayid on the zodiac, but it has no... plot, other than him landing on the island: here.

P.S. You're not allowed to laugh at me because I play LOSTscape.
You could've told me you played. That's why don't reply as quickly as usual these days.
Thanks for uploading the clips for me.

I think that Skaters got (and still might get) disappointed this season because they set their expectations too high even when there's no reason to do so. Take "Eggtown" for example. The spoiler sources said it would be bad for us, but some people decided that it actually wouldn't suck and that it sounded great for Sawyer/Kate. The rest decided to follow.

The same thing has happened with this sneak peek. I thought it was clear already in the promo (by Kate's voice, Jack standing there...) that this wasn't going to be a romantic scene. The problem is some people even started building up theories about S/K raising Aaron based on that one shot.

Kate has been bitchy to Sawyer and not seem to care about him for a long time. She can continue to do so, but I hope it means anything romantic between them is gone and will never happen again. I've already said that I don't mind her behaviour in the FF as much as I hate it on the island.

What bugs me most about this sneak peek is how Jack and Kate view Sawyer's decision to go with Locke as betrayal or a sign or cowardice. They've been chilling on the beach for ****ing days and doing nothing. What exactly do they resent Sawyer? He decided to stay, they decided to leave.

Kate grabbing the baby seemed to come out of nowhere. A few days ago she almost ran away from him, but yeah, continuity doens't matter.

I guess Sawyer will decide to join Jack.
So, Ben is communicating with the Others.
Juliet will probably see Sayid and we'll get that scene from the promo.
Kate and Sayid will head off into the jungle after she leaves Aaron with Sun on the beach.
They will encounter Richard and his people.

Overall it seems like this won't be such a great episode, but mostly a setup for the real finale.

If they have Sawyer stay because he sees Kate loves Jack, I'll scream
How many repeated storylines in this triangle must we see?

But I can see it happening. He'll tell Kate that Jack should go and he'll stay. Kate will get teary-eyed and thank him. That's why she's keeping the promise to him in the future, she feels like she owes him. *insert rolleyes*

Evie said Kate's love life would be dealt with in a much more clear way in the last five episodes of the season.
Maybe the triangle will finally be over and Sawyer will be left out of it.

Last edited by misteriosa; 05-13-2008 at 05:14 AM
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Old 05-13-2008, 06:10 AM
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Originally Posted by jessica1984 (View Post)
Here it is:

How magical was that?

Thanks for the sneak peek, Jess!
Originally Posted by misteriosa (View Post)
You could've told me you played. That's why don't reply as quickly as usual these days.
LOL, no well, that's a combined result of my family going crazy in the last few days, so I'm always on the edge to go around to do something, and my lusting over Guy. XD
LOSTscape is the simplest thing ever, it isn't even a real game, just a sort of virtual scenario where the purpose is to find all the items, click on them until you activate the one that makes the newest items (with the new sneak peeks) appear. I check it from time to time.
I think that Skaters got (and still might get) disappointed this season because they set their expectations too high even when there's no reason to do so.
I couldn't agree more. and this includes me too because if you thnk about the boots and the kids hints, I should be mocked forever hoping in some cool Sawyer storyline just because I thought they *had* to give him something to do.
Kate has been bitchy to Sawyer and not seem to care about him for a long time. She can continue to do so, but I hope it means anything romantic between them is gone and will never happen again. I've already said that I don't mind her behaviour in the FF as much as I hate it on the island.
This sneak peek isn't supposed to be romantic, but I think you can still get the general way they write and care to portray Skate: instead of insterting a little concern from Kate towards Sawyer and what happened to him, Hurley & co. over Otherville, they have her freak out when Jack wants to go play hero and save Sayid because it's "his resposibility". What I mean is that I don't think Kate is bitchy on purpose, just that they couldn't care less to give more layers to the Skate scene and this says a lot about how this ship is valued by TPTB, imo.
What bugs me most about this sneak peek is how Jack and Kate view Sawyer's decision to go with Locke as betrayal or a sign or cowardice. They've been chilling on the beach for ****ing days and doing nothing. What exactly do they resent Sawyer? He decided to stay, they decided to leave.
Word. What exactly makes them think they were right? Only because Team Locke stumbles upon the bad freighters guys before the Beachies? I don't find a logic in that, **** would've hit both camps regardless of their different positions (leave vs. stay on the island).
I guess Sawyer will decide to join Jack.
So, Ben is communicating with the Others.
Juliet will probably see Sayid and we'll get that scene from the promo.
Kate and Sayid will head off into the jungle after she leaves Aaron with Sun on the beach.
They will encounter Richard and his people.
So Kate and Miles bring Aaron back to the beach, hand him over to Sun, and then she takes off with the just returned Sayid after Jack and Locke... it works.
If they have Sawyer stay because he sees Kate loves Jack, I'll scream
How many repeated storylines in this triangle must we see?

But I can see it happening. He'll tell Kate that Jack should go and he'll stay. Kate will get teary-eyed and thank him. That's why she's keeping the promise to him in the future, she feels like she owes him. *insert rolleyes*

Evie said Kate's love life would be dealt with in a much more clear way in the last five episodes of the season.
Maybe the triangle will finally be over and Sawyer will be left out of it.
I don't know how optimistic I am that they'll make the triangle clear after the finale because along the way, possibly in 4x13 or 4x14, there must be some Skate stuff and who knows how it will play out.

The other day I saw an online petition to save the Jacket ship. How many people would sign a patition asking sawyer to be freed by this crap? Because I'm willing to start one and send it off to D&C.
"Stop it! Stop it!"
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Old 05-13-2008, 06:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Hawthorn (View Post)
LOL, no well, that's a combined result of my family going crazy in the last few days, so I'm always on the edge to go around to do something, and my lusting over Guy. XD
I saw some of your favourite youtube videos.

What I mean is that I don't think Kate is bitchy on purpose, just that they couldn't care less to give more layers to the Skate scene and this says a lot about how this ship is valued by TPTB, imo.
It could be blamed on the short season and weird, rushed pace, but only to a very small extent. Last year they had enough time and treated Skate badly.

What exactly makes them think they were right? Only because Team Locke stumbles upon the bad freighters guys before the Beachies? I don't find a logic in that, **** would've hit both camps regardless of their different positions (leave vs. stay on the island).
I really don't get it. If Ben hadn't gone to Othersville, Keamy's guys might've killed everyone on the beach.
And Kate and Jack didn't even ask about people who got hurt or killed. Weird.
Jack's ego has no limits.

The other day I saw an online petition to save the Jacket ship. How many people would sign a patition asking sawyer to be freed by this crap? Because I'm willing to start one and send it off to D&C.
You should ask around. Jaters will help.
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Old 05-13-2008, 06:36 AM
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Originally Posted by misteriosa (View Post)
I saw some of your favourite youtube videos.
Isn't he sooo cute? In a scary way, of course.
Err, it's had to explain.
It could be blamed on the short season and weird, rushed pace, but only to a very small extent. Last year they had enough time and treated Skate badly.
It can't be blamed on the short season in any way, because it's not like I haven't seen "filler" scenes so far, if they wanted to give ten more seconds to that scene, for Kate to even just make Kate looks in a worried way at Sawyer, they would've done it. You can tell me they don't have time for a whole storyline, but little touch here and there, if missing, are a signals that the writers didn't want to show them, simple as that.
I really don't get it. If Ben hadn't gone to Othersville, Keamy's guys might've killed everyone on the beach.
And Kate and Jack didn't even ask about people who got hurt or killed. Weird.
Jack's ego has no limits.
Jack is Jack. Not only he said "hide" like Sawyer as just done who knows what instead of trying to save Aaron, Claire and Hurley, but he goes in search of Sayid because it's "his responsibility"?! Wasn't Sayid himself who managed to get a spot on the elicopter? Jack is acting like all the crap going on has to be blamed on people who didn't agree with him since the first moment, because he's ALWAYS right.
It's so annoying.
You should ask around. Jaters will help.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
The enemy being Sawyer struck in this mess.
"Stop it! Stop it!"
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Old 05-13-2008, 06:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Hawthorn (View Post)
Jack is Jack. Not only he said "hide" like Sawyer as just done who knows what instead of trying to save Aaron, Claire and Hurley, but he goes in search of Sayid because it's "his responsibility"?! Wasn't Sayid himself who managed to get a spot on the elicopter? Jack is acting like all the crap going on has to be blamed on people who didn't agree with him since the first moment, because he's ALWAYS right.
It's so annoying.
The sad part is that the writers will try to sell him as a flawed character when he's just an arrogant *******. Simple as that.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
The enemy being Sawyer struck in this mess.
Yeah, something like that. :spieyes:

You know what I'd like to know: how do Ben and Alpert communicate when it's raining?
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Old 05-13-2008, 06:59 AM
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Originally Posted by misteriosa (View Post)
The sad part is that the writers will try to sell him as a flawed character when he's just an arrogant *******. Simple as that.
His flaws are there only to make him look greater. He doesn't have a gigantic ego, no, his control issues come from how much he cares, how much he wants to help, how selfless he is.
You know what I'd like to know: how do Ben and Alpert communicate when it's raining?

I love you.
"Stop it! Stop it!"
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Old 05-13-2008, 07:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Hawthorn (View Post)

I love you.

Monsoon rains? Say what? That's so season one.
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