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Old 05-11-2008, 09:08 AM
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Originally Posted by deej240z (View Post)
picspam picspam picspam!!!!!

I still owe the board a Sawyer S1 picspam, so I have a lot of caps already saved for that, but if you want somethig else, you can request a specific theme, Josh or Sawyer related.
Lorenzo?! Anything we should know about. Hmmmm?
He's the one. ^_^ (nice of you to remember ).
But, err, there is nothing to know, it would be almost... incest.

I forgot to reply to you about this in the previous:
Originally Posted by deej240z (View Post)
What am I suppose to ask about? btw, I hear it's best to email on the day she does her thing. They only seem to grab the most recent mails to answer. So I'm told.
Thanks for the heads' up! I'll send something tomorrow then.
And anything about Sawtyer is ok, maybe ask Kristin to confirm or debunk her "super secret Sawyer scene" clue? Or just simply ask if there is something good in store for Sawyer in the last 3 hours of S4.
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Old 05-11-2008, 09:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Hawthorn (View Post)
But exactly what have they fixed? People said Jack's I Love You was out of the blue last year, how do they think it felt to see Jack and Kate hook-up, live together and break up in the span of 42 minutes of screentime and ten days in the story? What they wanted to accomplish showing us that Jack had towards to Kate the same reaction displayed with Sara? I thought episode 10 would've been the first big stone for the foudation of Jate as the end-game... maybe it was, but I didn't se any real progress or change.
Fran and Deej, I may be way off on this one, but some of the things that were influenced by online posters and Jate critics (mostly Skaters):
  • in the premiere Kate goes against Jack's orders, steals his walkie-talkie but he doesn't get mad or yell at he like he's always done before, he smiles
  • the scene where they remember Charlie was supposed to show us that they can talk to each other
  • in the "Economis" the writers basically acknowledged Jack being a jerk to Kate and made it a non-issue when she said "Topuche!", like it was all her fault
  • when Sayid returned back from Othersville, they had Jack looking into the jungle just like Sawyer did in season 3 (only way more lovingly and convincingly)
  • in Eggtown, they made sure to tell us Jack loves Kate (BILY was romantic people)
  • some people claimed Jack would never accept Kate if he knew what she'd done, but he ended up falsely testifying for her
  • Kate's head was hurt and Jack helped her (I think we were supposed to ignore him dropping her down to run after Juliet)
  • Kate washing herself and flirting with Jack - see, there is sexual interest between them
  • Kate almost naked throughout SNBC - the hallway scene, the shower scene - were there to try and prove to us all that those two have sexual chemistry (drop the Luke/Leia comparisons Skaters)
  • Kate smiling to Jack in the FF because she usually cries. See she can be and is happy with him.
  • I know people on TWOP used to mention Kate's behavious when Sawyer was wounded as very nice and showing when it comes to her feelings for him. I think the writers wanted to achieve the same thing with Jack's appendicitis on the island (Kate held the mirror and cried so it must mean she loves him, right?). They even copied the Skate hatch walk.
That's all just my opinion.

As I said, what I hate the most is people who "fake" they are ok with a lot of stuff only because they think the reward is close. Skate can be proclaimed the ship who will get the happy ending in the triangle tomorrow, but that wouldn't stop me from saying how crappy a lot iof writing have been anyway.
Same if I think my ship is doomed - if I think so, why should i say otherwise, to keep the mood of the "troups" high?
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Old 05-11-2008, 10:00 AM
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I do think they "fix" some stuff based on the feedback they receive (but not just with Jate - wasn't Sawyer's line in Eggtown about Kate flip-flopping between him and Jack a way to convey what everyone thinks?), and that the interest showed by Jack towards Kate this year, even in some little scenes, might be a way to point out how his ILY wasn't random or shouldn't even been unexpected, but I don't think they care to pay attention to all the things you've mentioned, because some of them are stated only by a very little group of people, IMO. For instance, Kate has flirted with Jack many times, I would say that scene was more of a point for Sawyer because he was proved right in his accusations, lol.

Things like the Luke/Leia comparison are brought up by very few people in comparison to how big the fandom is. As I said the other day, I'm not even sure they wanted to mirror Sawyer or be "fair" and give Jate similar scenes to Skate to prove that they have the same bases, because to me it looks more like a general problem the series has to recycle plotlines and scenes.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I disagree on the extent of how much they do that. For instance, the scene where they talk about Charlie was more of a way to honor the past scenes and how the whole journey of the Losties started (with Jack/Kate/Charlie), to me, than an attempt to make Jack and Kate display their special connection.
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Old 05-11-2008, 10:39 AM
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The points I've listed particularly stand out to me because I believe almost all of them were mentioned on one particular forum, where the Star Wars comparison was brought up too frequently and too loudly and where Skaters mostly discuss Jate and ignore their own ship.

I also believe the way they ended Jacket was a direct result of the fans' reaction. That is not to say I thought this couple was believable or had a chance, but in no way was it supposed to end so abruptly in in such manner. BTW Jack behaved like a 4-year old boy, not a 40-year old surgeon with Juliet.

Looking back on some scenes from season 3, Skaters turned out to be pretty naive. The pin-pong game IMO was not supposed to be friendly. It was supposed to prove that Sawyer might win a game, but Jack will still win the girl.

I was convinced back than, and even more so now, that the writers expected the audience to side with Jack and justify his crappy behaviour. They wanted us to view Kate and Sawyer as her betraying the hero.

We need spoilers. Right now!
Where are the clips? Where are promo pics with Sawyer in them?
We have nothing.
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Old 05-11-2008, 11:12 AM
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Originally Posted by misteriosa (View Post)

Looking back on some scenes from season 3, Skaters turned out to be pretty naive. The ping pong game IMO was not supposed to be friendly. It was supposed to prove that Sawyer might win a game, but Jack will still win the girl.
I thought the point of that scene was for Sawyer to do some "fishing for information" to find out what was going on with Kate.

I'll have more to comment on later, but I must go out for a while. It's Mother's Day over here and I must do my daughterly duty and bring Mom chocolates.
Maybe I'll find some spoilers on the way home.
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Old 05-11-2008, 03:36 PM
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I honestly don't know if we can find symbolisms in everything, like the Jack/Sawyer ping-pong scene. We may risk to use the same bias, just from the opposite perspective, of those who thought the fact that Sawyer won was a positive signal instead. The scene could've been there only to offer Sawyer the chance to find out about Kate's motivations, Jack was the only one who could've enlightened him.

That said, I agree that some fans have often been naive. There were people trying to twist the jealousy sex in Catch-22 like it wasn't about romantic feelings but Kate's fear to lose the role of second in command to Jack, which is stepping into denial territory if you ask me. Those are the situations where posting around such excuses made up by the fans can really harm us - if TPTB get the idea we are ok with things like that, basically they can throw anything at us.

Concerning Jack/Juliet... I think they were doomed since TTLG, that episode was like a stone put on that storyline in my eyes, so it was only a matter of time. I don't think they could've closed that chapter later than when they did, with the rescue in S4, the FF Jate scenes and everything. The writers' fault was mainly in the scene they *didn't* put in TOW. If we had seen 1 single scene where Sawyer was brought up by Kate, or the Jack/Kate comvo was more about that aspect of her staying in Otherville than her fugitive status, the Jacket kiss at the end of the episode would've looked differently, more in tune with the explanation of it given 4 eps later.

D, have a nice evening with your mom.

I want more promo pics, desperately.
There is a slighly different promo uploaded at Dark but nothing new that may interest us (aka Sawyer, lol):
Spoilers: Episode 4.12 - There's No Place Like Home - Promo 2
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Old 05-11-2008, 04:22 PM
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Originally Posted by deej240z (View Post)
Maybe I'll find some spoilers on the way home.
Make that a Sawyer storyline.

I guess we've covered all shipping related topics, which always happens when we have no spoilers.

I saw the promo and the only new shot seems to be the one with Kate and Sayid/Jack (one of them) running through the jungle. Everything else is old and not really interesting.
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Old 05-11-2008, 04:51 PM
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It seems Sayid with Kate to me, but it's so quick I can't be sure.

I just realized that in the next episode Sawyer and Sayid may reunite. *____*
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Old 05-11-2008, 05:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Hawthorn (View Post)
I just realized that in the next episode Sawyer and Sayid may reunite. *____*
OMG! That totally didn't occur to me until you mentioned it! Aw, Sawyid.
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Old 05-12-2008, 01:56 AM
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Sorry I left suddenly yesterday.

I bet they won't even let Sawyer and Sayid greet each other properly.

I still haven't sent anything to Kristin. My question will probably be something very general about Sawyer in the finale.
I even thought about asking her to shed more light on "the outcast" in case she has nothing new to say about Lost.
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Old 05-12-2008, 02:06 AM
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I hope Sawyer and Sayid will exchange a few words, at least. But I'm not counting on it, the spotlight will be on Kate getting Aaron, and Jack seeing the whole thing (maybe the discover of his connection with Claire will be the flash right after or before that scene).

The outcast FTW!
I'm trying to think about the best question(s) to ask to Kristin, too. Maybe I'll go with something general, like if in the finale, besides the O6 rescue, there will be the chance to get an idea of what's in store for the people left behind next season. The other questions would be about the possible deaths, and Sawyer's "super secret scene" (I need to find a polite way to ask something along the lines of... "does it exist or did you copy-and-past the rumor from DarkUFO?" lol)
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Old 05-12-2008, 03:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Hawthorn (View Post)
I'm trying to think about the best question(s) to ask to Kristin, too. Maybe I'll go with something general, like if in the finale, besides the O6 rescue, there will be the chance to get an idea of what's in store for the people left behind next season. The other questions would be about the possible deaths, and Sawyer's "super secret scene" (I need to find a polite way to ask something along the lines of... "does it exist or did you copy-and-past the rumor from DarkUFO?" lol)
Please, please send the bolded question exactly as you worded it above.
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Old 05-12-2008, 03:08 AM
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LMAO! She's going to get offended. Or not?
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Old 05-12-2008, 03:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Hawthorn (View Post)
LMAO! She's going to get offended. Or not?
I'm sure she's gotten worse questions.
You could explain how important it is for you (us) to know because this hasn't exactly been Sawyer's season.
But if you feel too embarrassed, ask her in a less direct way.
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Old 05-12-2008, 03:38 AM
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I see how bold/frustrated I feel when I open E! online to fill the question form.

Random thought of the moment: when should we expect the first sneak peeks for the finale, part 1?
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