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Old 04-28-2016, 04:02 PM
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12.21: "You're Gonna Need Someone on Your Side"

12.21: "You're Gonna Need Someone on Your Side"
Original Air Date: April 28th, 2016

Episode Description:
Amelia and Owen get support from Meredith, who wants them to take a chance on a real romance. Meanwhile, things grow complex between Stephanie and Kyle; and Arizona and Callie's quarrel creates an awkward situation for their friends.


Sneak peeks:


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Old 04-28-2016, 08:23 PM
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Tonights episode was actually good, I found myself liking the show as a whole.

- I loved that April showed her mama bear side and started to lash out and second guess Arizona as a doctor because to me after Samuel this would have been a realistic thing to do even more so since they are friends. I did love at the end April got reassurance that her baby is fine but Jackson looked so pissed off about the whole Arizona thing.

- The opening scene between Amelia and Owen and Meredith/Maggie was so hilarious. I get that it was probably late when they got to her place but geez it's called a bedroom which she has and she should have used. Amelia was pretty much a badass boss while being in the hospital and I love that both Amelia and Owen are both on the same page. What I don't like, and this is more about the writers is the fact that April thought something was wrong with her baby's brain and yet Amelia and April haven't had a conversation through out the whole episode. I thought a friendship could be started with them and there are so many ways to connect them and yet they don't. I have a feeling the writers are trying to keep Amelia from PP gone and have just Amelia from Grey's history.

- Callie is just showing me more and more why I have disliked her and actually falling in love with Arizona as a stand alone character. As a Mark and Lexie fan I feel for their shippers because even though I thought Mark was ****ty towards Lexie a lot I don't think he was ever indifferent to her and I see that with how Callie acts with Penny regarding Arizona. I get Callie is going with Penny but you don't have to dismantle one relationship for another. I always thought once they were ending the show Callie and Arizona would leave in love and wow I cannot believe how much that has changed. I do have a feeling whoever gets custody, my guess is Callie, is going to end up dying.

- Meredith with the two men in love but the patient was dying. I actually found that so heartbreaking and I think that's what got Meredith to give that speech about her sisters getting their crap together. I actually found myself liking Meredith this episode so most likely if the writers are continuing the theme next episode I won't ...

- Bailey and Ben have to be the most unrealistic, unprofessional couple to ever grace the series. I don't buy their love story, their relationship nor the fact that they would air their dirty laundry in-front of everyone.

- So the episode ended on a good note for almost everyone, and that tells me one thing, the last two episodes are going to be major. No one is this happy on grey's without the other shoe dropping.
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Old 04-29-2016, 04:13 AM
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I never bought Ben and Baiely as well especially the fact they are over the top
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Old 04-29-2016, 06:39 AM
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The episode was really funny. Especially the beginning. At first I thought it was cute as Meredith and Maggie with the children the stairs came down and then I thought it was funny and weird that they have Amelia and Owen caught having sex and before the eyes of children. What Owen actually made in Meredith? If that is not the caravan where he and Amelia were able to crawl out? Well Meredith Owen has indeed so then reared the children had seen his best piece. That will not happen again Owen and Amelia.

The mood between Bailey and Ben was a bit annoying. Both should be times not do so and even then their problems in front of the other unsubscribe never forget. Good thing because Nathan talked to Bailey and Maggie with Ben, where Nathan had more success. And who I felt sorry for what Stephanie. She mitgezittert and suffered for Kyle. I hope Kyle does not die. She did not deserve. Nice that Jo then was there for them. But it is also clear that Stephanie now plunges into work that distracts them first. Whether this is good? And Arizona can understand when it comes to Sofia I, they do not want to lose Sofia and why she is fighting for them. Callie is thinking a little only to himself and to Penny. But she thinks sometimes to Sofia? Perhaps not to New York with want? I think that you sometimes should ask Sofia what she wants. This at least in 12x22 "Mama tried" to be very emotional.

And I can not think in any case on the Meredith casual and looks happy. When they had cleared up some things. Can it be that will have again soon on a date? With Nathan perhaps?
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Old 04-29-2016, 07:16 AM
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I was surprised because I was so sure Alex would side with Arizona and Jo with Callie and that it would create tensions between them but no as usual they could have been elsewhere entirely would not have make a difference. Alex has been there from the very start i'm pissed he does not get more material.

I'm very surprised at anyone supporting Callie on this one. There are two relationships, 2 women in love (for what a few months) on one side , a mother and her daughter on the other. One relationship has to become a distant one surely it should not be the one between mother and child ?

When Callie goes on about how she does not want to be awayfrom PEnny blablabla does she ask herself if Sofia wants to be away from Arizona ?

The whole storyline is so absurd to me, that noone told Callie how selfish she is, she can commute between Ney York and Seattle... Why should a five year old do it ?

IF it's a way to get Callie out it's ridiculous and ruining the character for me and I loved her so much. One of her parent could have been sick and she would have moved with Sofia to spend time with them at least it's better than moving for a girls you have known seconds....

Is Sara really not coming back ? Maybe she is just bluffing to increase her salary ?
Anyway I guess Callie will get Sofia.

Alex was wise not to take side. Wonder how Arizona will feel about MER and Owen siding against her. I remember a time when MEr refused to leave with Derek because Seattle was home...
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Old 04-29-2016, 07:31 AM
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Meredith's siding Callie was super stupid. I mean she is still in Seattle considering everything happened to her, it's just... well, stupid. She is litteraly the most useless character on the show, she is even more annoying than April, kill her off please. Viewers won't leave either way.
Ben was always too good for Bailey.
Meredith, Bailey, Maggie, Richard, Ben and April should leave. Focus should be moved on Stephanie, Jo and hot new intern.
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Old 04-29-2016, 07:56 AM
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Originally Posted by ERussia (View Post)
Meredith's siding Callie was super stupid. I mean she is still in Seattle considering everything happened to her, it's just... well, stupid. She is litteraly the most useless character on the show, she is even more annoying than April, kill her off please. Viewers won't leave either way.
Ben was always too good for Bailey.
Meredith, Bailey, Maggie, Richard, Ben and April should leave. Focus should be moved on Stephanie, Jo and hot new intern.
I do not understand you. What do you mean by that ? Should Callie die? And why siding?
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Old 04-29-2016, 12:16 PM
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I didn't even mention her.
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Old 04-29-2016, 01:55 PM
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next promo look very interesting and yes I think Callie will get it.
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Old 04-29-2016, 02:29 PM
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Originally Posted by WalaBridget (View Post)
next promo look very interesting and yes I think Callie will get it.
Do you think the Arizona custody of Sofia awarded gets? Or Callie noted that that it is not a good idea to New York? I mean what she wants in New York? Is their Seattle no longer good enough?
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Old 04-29-2016, 02:54 PM
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She wants PEnny but career wise it's a stupid move even Bailey told her so.
Could you imagine Sofia growing up and asking why she did not get to have a closer relationship with Arizona and Callie going "Well you see I met this girl and after 5 minutes I knew it was the love of my life. Mommy can't be a doorman sweetheart. You do understand that my love life is more important than your relationship with your mom right"

The real twist would be for Arizona to get Sofia but then what. If Sara leaves the show without her daughter she looks like a masseve b****...

I'm so pissed about that stupid storyline Penny's thing is supposed to last a year they could have commute back and forth and test their relationship.

I agree they're should be more focus on the new blood even if Steph gets on my nerve. I feel that with Deluca and Jo you get that boss subordinate relation but Steph, PEnny and Ben seem to think themselves equal to their boss...

I don't like the way Steph speaks to Amelia even in previous episodes know your place. Back in the days even when they slept with their bosses they knew their place, they always fought for every surgery.

I also don't like how she spoke to Delucca. IT worked with christina she was still likeable even when she put Alex or George down Steph not so much she annoys me...

Give Alex and Jo something to do
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Old 04-29-2016, 03:31 PM
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Ramirez probably crossed Shonda/said something and Shonda wrote her off. Just like she did with Dempsey she is making her character "bad" and "evil" before being killed/send off to lessen impact of her departure.
We've seen it all.
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Old 04-29-2016, 03:39 PM
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If this is what is happening I find it sad. She is punishing the fans by turning Callie into an airhead . Like many people who often sided with Callie in the past when Arizona was involved I'm now starting to dislike her very very much.

How could anyone think that this storyline made sense ? OR that PEnny and Callie had any chemestry ?
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Old 04-29-2016, 03:50 PM
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Have you seen Derek's death episode? It was awful, cheap looking (green screens) and badly written. She also made Meredith killing Derek (said him to leave and called him), ;let's not even mention that it happened on their anniversary date. She doesn't care about fans.
Shonda is doing what she wants, like her or not, she is unapologetic queen of ABC.
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Old 04-29-2016, 07:49 PM
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Originally Posted by gossip23 (View Post)
If this is what is happening I find it sad. She is punishing the fans by turning Callie into an airhead . Like many people who often sided with Callie in the past when Arizona was involved I'm now starting to dislike her very very much.

How could anyone think that this storyline made sense ? OR that PEnny and Callie had any chemestry ?
No offense but this show was becoming the Callie show so I'm not all that sad it's happening. I mean she gave Calzona a big huge wedding focused on them instead of MerDer who were the leads and the way she killed off Lexie is a lot worse than anything she has ever done to any character but maybe George. Also the whole musical was basically all about Callie and Arizona. Sara and Shonda were like BFF's or something. I just hope Arizona stays and becomes her own person instead of just Callie's GF/Wife.
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