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87daysofTV 06-13-2015 11:18 PM

I agree, that's why I originally was fine with them, even in Thunderstruck I didn't think they were THAT bad, I saw potential for a good friendship. It was pretty much 14x02 that made me change my mind on them. Exactly, they could have been a sellie type of couple, that's what I thought they be like. Then Zoe just went further down hill, while Zig was actually the most positive and happy I have seen him in a while. He was such a good guy in 14a, meanwhile Zoe was horrible. I guess the writers decided Zoe wasn't ready for any change.It seems like she won't change for a while, maybe they intend on just keeping her the mean girl.

Agree, in s13 he went through some stuff and really has an attitude but he was far from a bad person. Yeah, it seems a lot of people viewed Zig as this villain and think Zoe changed that. Every one is entitled to their opinion but as a big Zig fan I have never seen him in that light, I have always empathized greatly with Zig. Mostly because Zig is a character we known for a while. I never believed he was acting out because he was just a bad person. He just has issues and because he is flawed, made mistakes. But sigh seems like ever since BSS people have viewed him as the antagonist in the story. But that's its own rant lol. Overall it seems like Zig and Zoe aren't well suited together and this ship serves Zoe's storyline more than Zig's and idk what it does for Zig besides allows him to move on from Maya, but that's not working lol.

ChinaTequilia 06-14-2015 12:00 AM

I have to admit that a part of me wonders if the writers chose to derail Zoe in order to make Zaya easier to root for. I don't think that is theoretically needed at all. Zaya already has the chemistry, the compatibility and the history to make a relationship work. The ONLY thing in their way is timing. I don't think that's really what was in mind because frankly, the writers don't care THAT much about Zaya. But I do suspect it was potentially a contributing factor when you think about how Zoe and Zig interact compared to how he interacts with Maya.

I really hate that they took away Zoe's character development. She was by far one of the better characters in the second half of season 13 and her rape story line possibly save the ENTIRE season from being seen as total garbage. All I know is that I look at this character differently now. I feel betrayed because I honestly felt like she was past this kind of behavior. The thought of this version of Zoe with Zig is horrifying because he doesn't deserve that kind of drama. He's been through a LOT in the past year and he deserves a girlfriend who will treat him right. I doubt that will be Zoe. Also, another reason why I dislike Zoemund is because Zig loses his edge. Then again, I feel like Zaya is the only relationship where Zig has any kind of edge.

I don't think it helped that for the majority of season 13, we only saw Zig through other people's eyes. I still can't decide who exactly was supposed to be the better ship out of the Zig/Maya/Miles triangle going by 13C alone. They'd have Zig behave badly, but then Zig and Maya would have angsty, slightly sexual moments that made you think "These two belong together". Meanwhile, Miles and Maya were portrayed as "in love" and Miles the good guy except they clashed every two seconds. I'm going with Matlingsworth as the temporary winner but Zaya as the ultimate winner. Sorry. I went so off topic. :p

I find it really hard NOT to root for Zig. He's such an underdog. He's a poor boy who has an amazing heart, is very considerate, sometimes perceptive and he got in over his head with the gang. I'll never understand how you can watch Zig blame himself for what happened to Cam and honestly keep using that against him years later. EVERYONE says horrible things at fifteen and Zig felt badly enough. But sadly, it seems like he's one of the characters on this show who never gets a break from the fandom.

87daysofTV 06-14-2015 12:47 AM

omg! I'm glad you brought that up because something that I find very interesting is they cut the scene where Maya gives her okay on Zoemund. Then they added the eye roll moment in s14. So They seem to have chosen not to really have Maya be 100% okay with Zoemund, but originally that seems like it was the plan from that cut scene that was published. I have considered that Zoemund might not go anywhere and that as soon as they get together that in the 4 part special they could be over. It just seems like the writers made some interesting choices with both Zoemund and Zaya in s14.

Agree, Zoe was easily becoming one of my favorites by the end of s13. I was ready for her to be friends with Zig and Maya and I really loved her. Then all her character development went down the drain and I can't stand her now. Yeah honestly with all he has going on in HIS personal life he doesn't need this kinda of petty drama that she seems to bring to the table. Zig and Maya have so much angst that's why he is edgy in zaya and kinda just blah in Zori and zoemund, those relationships aren't very angsty to me.

I mean I think Matlingsworth was more romanticized but I think Zaya's friendship was highlighted a lot, they did play around with Zaya romantically as well. I would say Zaya overall came out on top that season. I mean Matlingworth had an ugly breakup and Zig and Maya were declared best friends by the end of the season so I feel zaya proved to be the better dynamic and Zig was the one person she could count on.

Same! I just see the good in Zig and how much he cares for the people he loves and how truly feels bad when he messes up. Zig has a great heart. I can't even get into how the fandom craps on Zig and Maya, seems like ironically both their actions often get twisted in this fandom. But idec I love them both so much and I know they are both good people, they are my favs for a reason<3

ChinaTequilia 06-14-2015 03:16 AM

I did notice that! I'm relieved that the scene was cut because really, I'm sick of having to watch Maya reaffirm that she doesn't feel anything for Zig ten million times. It makes me feel like I'm reading too much into things. Oh, not just that. They completely cut away from Zig and Zoe grossly flirting in order to show Maya looking annoyed, disgusted and rolling her eyes. It's very similar to her reaction to Triles at the end of the very next episode. All in all, I'm not 100% sure what the plan is but I have a feeling that Zig will be with Zoe when the season ends and Maya will be single. I will punch myself in the face if I'm wrong and she ends up back with Miles. I feel pretty confident that the Maya/Zig/Zoe triangle is reserved for season 15. It would have happened earlier but they decided to do the Degrassi nudes nonsense instead. It's like they don't have enough material to make Zig/Zoe interesting so they keep them apart for no reason.

Exactly. I've been doing a decent amount of rewatching lately and.. it's really something seeing Zoe in those last two blocks in season 13. She came SO far. She was a good friend. She cared about people. You could easily see that she had a heart. I don't know exactly who season 14 Zoe is but I find her to be worse than the mean girl from the beginning of season 13. I really do feel badly for Ana Golja. God knows she handle whatever these writers throw at her, but.. she deserved better and I wish they'd taken her character in a different direction. RIGHT. As much as people like to complain about how Zig can never have his own story line because Maya is a more major character, I don't see this changing one bit with Zoe as his love interest. Because if there's a second female lead out of that class, it's obviously Zoe. I have no idea what it is exactly. I feel like Ricardo has ALWAYS come to life while interacting with Olivia. It's certainly not that he's a bad actor because I've seen him do really excellent work with others. She's just the only actress he works with, romantically. I think the writers kind of want to shove Zig into this whipped boyfriend role. I mean, the Tori/Zoe comparisons are so obvious and they're essentially repeating history here.

Yeah, I agree with that. I do think Zaya ultimately "won" without technically "winning", but it truly is confusing. You always have to wonder if the writers believe what they're having the characters say or not. Sometimes I think they're showing us stories about teenagers who think they know it all but really don't and the writers are in on that. Other times I truly believe they believe whatever BS that's coming out of the characters' mouths. Just to elaborate more, I'm thinking in terms of Sav/Anya vs Eli/Clare. I really am trying to relate this to Matlingsworth. :p My point is that I cannot decide what the writers wanted us to believe about this ship. We got a lot of mixed messages.

YES. That's exactly how I see it. I'm honestly relieved that I fell in love with a ship involving two semi unpopular characters. With other ships, you can really see that one of them is popular with the fandom while the other is not. No matter what happens, fans will argue that the unpopular one is always to blame at all times and doesn't deserve their love interest. But I luckily don't see that among Zaya fans.

87daysofTV 06-14-2015 11:08 AM

yeah I would say the triangle is coming, I honestly be shocked if it didn't happen and some how Maya and Miles got back together. I think them not giving them that much material weakened Zoemund a lot. Its so funny because I went into s14 expecting a lot of zoemund and barely any Zaya and I got the opposite. We got some of the best Zaya scenes to date and their was barely any Zoemund.

I think Lyle mention something about Zoe not being all there. So I suspect they choice to really look into how mentally messed up she is. But if that's not the case and she just that mean then I'm disappointed with what they choice to do with her. After what she did to Frankie I honestly can't see myself liking Zoe no matter what. That just felt like a all time low.There is messing up and then there is being vindictive on purpose and honestly if it wasn't the first time with Zoe I might not be so hard on her but she did this to Maya in 13b, so was it really the rape that made her act like this or is this just Zoe? That's why it sucks they continued that is Zoe really did start to show she had a heart and s14 was like NOPE she is colder than ever.

ChinaTequilia 06-14-2015 01:26 PM

I think if Maya/Miles happened instead, it would be too easy despite their numerous problems. They've already DONE this story line. At least three different times. There's nothing to gain from watching Maya take Miles back only to realize that he's not really who she thinks he is and for Miles to be paranoid over Zig. Again. Oh, absolutely. I almost feel sorry for some of the Zoemund fans. Almost. But I haven't had a very good experience when dealing with most of them and I had to suffer from Zaya withdrawals in 13A & 13B, so I think it's almost making it up to Zaya fans. :p However, from a story line perspective, how the writers handled them was just awful.

Exactly. I do have to wonder if they'll give Zoe a mental illness. Don't get me wrong. It could very well be an intriguing story line. But I have watched Eli get excused for everything under the sun because of HIS mental illness and it's not fun. So if this is just going to be a case where they have Zoe sometimes go nuts and never pay for the consequences, I'll hate her even more. I really miss the days when it seemed like the writers wanted to handle story lines like this with some sensitivity. Just think of Craig in comparison to Eli and it's like night and day. It's really a combination of all of it for me. What she did to Frankie, how she treats Zig, how she treats people in general these days, what she did to Becky, etc. Zoe is going to have to go through a lot of redemption for me to even consider liking her again. That was my fault, too. Maybe the rape is actually the reason why Zoe temporarily changed. But I thought the writers had at least tried to soften her up before that.

87daysofTV 06-24-2015 12:33 AM

I am Pretty sure they get together in Buy her candy, the lyrics to that song cannot be a coincidence.
"she's famous
she's the best
cannot lay
my heart to rest
she is selfish
she is kind
no one can say
she is mine"
ugh I'm dreading this. But the sooner it happens the sooner it will be over.

ChinaTequilia 06-24-2015 12:40 AM

Oh god. :( You might be right about that. Only Zig would have something semi nice to say about her now. Like you, I'm dreading this relationship. It's going to be a loooonng hiatus. I won't look forward to seeing all the untagged Zoemund on Tumblr.

87daysofTV 07-04-2015 12:23 AM

Well apparently I was very wrong and zaya has a plot that ep:confused: I have just come to the conclusion they pick random songs for the eps lol cause those lyrics dont go with any of the plots.
But idk Im slightly annoyed because although I am SO excited for some zaya in 14b, jfc I really want to get zoemund over with and by not having them together this season it means further delaying this. Maybe they will be like spanny and be over before they even happen, I mean spanny had build up too and then was over really fast.

ChinaTequilia 07-04-2015 12:44 AM

I would laugh so hard if they were the new Spanny. I actually GOT that vibe. Spinner was the decent guy who while problematic at times generally meant well while Manny was still severely wounded from her past with Craig. Zoe is the same way right now and I see Zig easily being the Spinner. I've seen Spaige comparisons, but this seems more accurate.

I have a feeling that they happen in the summer movie.

87daysofTV 07-04-2015 07:22 PM

I honestly could see them being more like spanny, it really depends on zaya tbh and when they wanna go down that road for real.
Yeah that makes sense, it really does seem like zoe will be gone for most of 14b most likely because Ana was shooting her movie so they wrote Zoe off for a while.

ChinaTequilia 07-04-2015 09:30 PM

Oh. Yeah, I forgot about that. But wouldn't Sarah also need to be written off? She's also in that movie. I realize she isn't playing the main character, but still.

But anyways, I think Zoemund will be over next season for sure.

87daysofTV 07-11-2015 08:02 PM

The impression I am getting from the 14b episodes is Zoe gets scared away after she see Zig fighting because of the gang stuff. Now not for nothing, and not that ANYONE should be put in harms way for Zig but I think it speaks volumes how at first sight of danger Zoe is gonna push away from Zig. She already knows the situation he is in. She knows he is still stuck in this gang dealing drugs. I'm not saying she is wrong for pushing away but it says something about zaya that Maya will be by his side this season as opposed to Zoe who will ditch Zig after the first ep this block.
Zoe can do whats right for her, but I think the fact that Zig always is there for Maya and Maya is always there for Zig, is important. They don't run away when the other is going through something, they are ride or die, which is maybe gonna cause its fare share of trouble but is why I ship them over zoemund and Matlingworth, Miles and Zoe are not the ones there for Zig and Maya. Its always zaya supporting each other and "saving" each other. Maybe Im jumping the gun because I haven't watch it yet but yeah I pretty sure Maya will be helping him as much she can again, while Zoe will push away from him again and have her own story lines for the most part.

ChinaTequilia 07-11-2015 08:51 PM

EXACTLY. Don't forget the fact that Zig actively tries to be there for Zoe. It seems very one sided and I'm pretty sick of it. Zig needs someone who is going to support him and so far, only Maya seems to be that person. Why do you think Zoe gets scared of Zig in the first episode? Nothing in the spoilers indicated that.

87daysofTV 07-11-2015 09:18 PM

I was going off the ones in the link on the zaya page.
Good point, he really has been there for Zoe a lot this season and she doesn't seem to ever give the same support back. The only time I think she did was when she offered him money to get out of the gang,but Maya gave him( tiny) money too, so its nothing that Maya hasn't already done for Zig. I just don't think anything stands out about them besides him helping her and saving her. Your right it just comes off one sided all the time. I can name only things Zig has done for her not the other way around.

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