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Old 10-14-2004, 08:57 PM
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First: Dean doesn't know anything about Luke marriage. So I doubt he woud dare to call Luke on this.
Beside that, may I remind u that Luke AND Nicole got married and Luke AND Nicole came back to sense and AGREED on gettin' divorced as soon as their holiday was over. Both agreed.
Then the "let's put things on hold and start dating. Let's see what happend" was really weird, but then again they were BOTH on the same wavelength. Then they started going in different directions. But even if his heart wasn't in it, even if they were arguing badly he did NEVER used his unhappy marriage to jump into Lorelai's bed. Also, he found out that his feelings for Lorelai were deeper than he knew, after he had gotten divorced.

Sorry, to me it lookes totally different from what Dean did. IMO.
I don't hate Dean, I am just bored of him being around. He was much better as a friend when he and Rory broke up than he's know as a boyfriend. Boring boring boring...yawn!

That's what I was trying to explain, but my english isn't good I'm totally agree with you.
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Old 10-14-2004, 09:08 PM
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You know what I am missing, is not so much LL together, but Lorelai explaining to someone how she feels, I know we had the Oh my God it's Luke moment, but never the explanation. We know why Luke is all in, we know how he got there, we can see it in his eyes in every scene (how can you manage to "act" shiny eyes as Scott does is beyond me).

I love this couple but Lorelai shipped to her relationship mode very easily and quickly. I want to hear her say it, explain it.
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Old 10-14-2004, 09:26 PM
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Well, my goodness...

Thanks,Jet1945 and others as well of course, for your incredibly kind words (your checks are in the mail.)

I am fascinated by character development (am a dramatist IRL) and Luke and Lorelai have struck a particularly personal chord with me, but I won't go all Freudian on you.

Question for any of you well-informed folk: The Luke 'He's a punk' line---is this a spoiler or a speculation? Because I have all these crazy theories about what's going on with Luke here and I'm wondering how close I am.

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Old 10-14-2004, 09:32 PM
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Originally posted by netherfield

Question for any of you well-informed folk: The Luke 'He's a punk' line---is this a spoiler or a speculation? Because I have all these crazy theories about what's going on with Luke here and I'm wondering how close I am.
I think it's from the radio promo. So, I guess it's a spoiler (?)
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Old 10-14-2004, 09:34 PM
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Originally posted by netherfield
Question for any of you well-informed folk: The Luke 'He's a punk' line---is this a spoiler or a speculation? Because I have all these crazy theories about what's going on with Luke here and I'm wondering how close I am.

That's a spoiler from the radio ad that was posted in the conglomeration.

What theory is that, n?
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Old 10-14-2004, 09:57 PM
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Originally posted by Mia Mae
You know what I am missing, is not so much LL together, but Lorelai explaining to someone how she feels, I know we had the Oh my God it's Luke moment, but never the explanation. We know why Luke is all in, we know how he got there, we can see it in his eyes in every scene (how can you manage to "act" shiny eyes as Scott does is beyond me).

I love this couple but Lorelai shipped to her relationship mode very easily and quickly. I want to hear her say it, explain it.
I think that Lorelai will expose herself , and her feelings after the Chris coming, maybe if she will be frightened to lose Luke.
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Old 10-14-2004, 09:57 PM
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Do we know if Luke knows about the adultery by episode five? Because, Lorelai's, "you don't know the whole story" kind of gives me the impression that he doesn't, in fact, know the whole story.

I'm thinking that all that Luke knows by the time the double date rolls around, is that Dean left his marriage with Lindsey, and that Rory's just the girl who still likes him, and that she's done no wrong. So, Luke's all, "what the hell is he going after Rory for, he had a wife, that's not right", blah blah blah.

Then, when he's yelling at Lorelai, and saying, "he's a punk", Lorelai says, "you don't know the whole story" and Luke maybe responds with, "I don't know the whole story? What is there to know" and he might start yelling some more, and then Lorelai just sort of jumps in with, "he slept with Rory the night of the test run" And then Luke would get it.

You know, I really hope that this happens. This might make sense as to why Luke doesn't seem to have any sort of problem with Rory in episode five. Maybe after he finds out what really happened, we'll get Disappointed!Luke, which will lead to an L/L argument.

Then again, EPG sucks. Lorelai's "you don't know the whole story" might not be in the same conversation as Luke's "he's a punk", or, necessarily, right after Luke's line. After all, the "Finally" "It only took us eight years to get here" lines did not come after each other, nor did they have any relationship to each other, at all. Lorelai's "Finally" was during the diner flirting scene, and Luke's "eight years" linewas postsex.

RORY: What'd I miss?
EMILY: I was just admiring your mother's life.
RORY: Oh, I do that daily.
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Old 10-14-2004, 10:00 PM
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Originally posted by Louise 333
I think that Lorelai will expose herself , and her feelings after the Chris coming, maybe if she will be frightened to lose Luke.

I am thinking the same thing and I just hope we are right.
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Old 10-14-2004, 10:01 PM
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Remember the radio promo guy is just as evil as the WB promo guy ...
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Old 10-14-2004, 10:56 PM
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Did you guys ever think that maybe all the making out that LG was talking about between L/L might have gotten cut before the episode aired? Maybe they did have a lot of making out scenes, but, they were scrapped. If that's the case, then, wow, that sucks.

RORY: What'd I miss?
EMILY: I was just admiring your mother's life.
RORY: Oh, I do that daily.
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Old 10-14-2004, 11:07 PM
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Re: Re: Thoughts on 5.04 - Tippecanoe and Taylor Too

Originally posted by jmsteve
I know people keep saying that they want to see Rory grow/emerge from this situation with some kind of lesson learned, but I don't even know what that would look like to satisfy the general condemnation and distaste for her that seems to be going around. How do you show that she's learned her lesson on television?

Rory tortured Dean (and Jess and herself) for a year and change with sidelong glances at Jess. After all that, she had a moment, maybe two, in which she expresses remorse for what she'd done. An awkward, quiet apology was all she offered for that particular train wreck.

Alexis Bledel plays Rory's deeper emotions very close to the vest, not unlike Lauren Graham with Lorelai. If and when Rory realizes the full repercussions of her actions in this situation, I doubt we're going to get a huge emotional apology or anything like that out of it. If it follows in the same vein of the last four seasons, the remorse will be quiet and brief. The constant spew of "Rory is evil. Dean is ick!" makes me wonder what on earth AS-P could do that would be both realistic for the character and satisfy the anger of fans. Should Rory rend her clothes and gnash her teeth? Volunteer for a leper colony? Grovel at Lindsay's feet?

Maybe Rory will move into her next relationship with more hesitation. I'd like to see that myself. With Logan on the horizon, I'm not holding out much hope, though.
I waited a bit to think about how to answer your post. You do make very good points about what would be required.

So, let me try to give a measured answer because sometimes I lose sight of the fact that these are fictional characters protrayed by Actors speaking lines written for them. Most times I am guilty of giving them their own life and what I expect their responses to be and then I judge them accordingly based on what I see on the Tube.

In this specific case - AS-P has to decide that the Rory character will express remorse, grief and so forth. Then it is written and the Director will work with the respective Actor on the proper contextual portrayal.

I know you know that. But - it needs to be stated because me and our other Friends need to remind ourselves from time-to-time that there is no real Rory out there doing all the things on her own.

Alexis Bledel is a reasonably accomplished Actor for her experience. She is a professional and will do what is required of her as it is written in the script.

To date in all of the episodes there has been only one scene that might be interpreted as the Rory character considering what she may have done.

That was the Dirty Trollop sequence with Lane in AM,NM. Other than that, the Rory character has been totally oblivious to all around her as to the hurt she contributed to. As you have seen, Rory dodges tha conversation with Lorelai everytime.

Whether, the writers call for Sack Cloth and Ashes or an emotional breakdown in which she seeks forgiveness from her Mother and maybe others. It can be made in character. It could be treated as a sudden realization of Oh, My God - What have I done. Cliche - Trite - Overdone and Soapish - maybe. It is in all how it is written, directed and portrayed by the players.

So...wrapping it up.... The writers can write something that would be believable and within character. But ignoring it - well I have already covered that it the original post.

As an aside - the things about a 16 -17 year old Rory - Dean - Jess. Those were children and you expect childish things from them.

Now, Rory is an Adult, by her own expression, and her character should be held to those consequences that affect adults. Losing your Virginlty, Adultery - initially an Affair with a Married Man - These are all life altering adult experiences with resulting consequences and should be treated as such by the Writers, Directors, and Actors.

Last edited by Jet1945; 10-14-2004 at 11:29 PM
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Old 10-14-2004, 11:33 PM
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Re: Thoughts on 5.04 - Tippecanoe and Taylor Too

Originally posted by Jet1945
I get the chuckles thinking about how spiced was sitting back just a laughing and a scratching as we all did that dance about what Emily saw.

Now if she was merciful, she would give a clue about how the Luke - Rory - Dean - plays out. But, I show my prejudice for that storyline.

Until after 5.05
i wasn't laughing and i certainly don't scratch - i just didn't think it was important enough to comment on. but there will be more explanation about where he went in a future episode.

how does the luke/rory/dean story play out? is it okay for me to say that it doesn't, really? i mean, it's in ep. 5 but there aren't real repercussions from it.
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Old 10-14-2004, 11:46 PM
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Re: Re: Thoughts on 5.04 - Tippecanoe and Taylor Too

Originally posted by spiced
ihow does the luke/rory/dean story play out? is it okay for me to say that it doesn't, really? i mean, it's in ep. 5 but there aren't real repercussions from it.
Thanks spiced.

I wonder if there would have been any repercussions should Nicole and her Sockman and Linsday by her lonesome shown up at that movie. Now that would have been some good conflict, IMO. Instead, get ready for much more important things, like the Bop It War!

It kind of upsets me they're playing the Rory/Dean thing for laughs. I also think the story is suffering because they can't use Arielle Kebbel now that she's on Grounded for Life. I don't know, it always seems like once the plot requires a certain character to be present, that actor gets another job. Never seems to be the case with recurring characters who don't add much to the overall story, Brian for example. Just something that irritates me, but something that can't be helped I guess.
RORY: Originally named Sophie Friedricke Augustine von Anhalt-Zerbst.
LORELAI: But everybody called her "Kitten."

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Old 10-14-2004, 11:56 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Thoughts on 5.04 - Tippecanoe and Taylor Too

Originally posted by A. B. Normal
It kind of upsets me they're playing the Rory/Dean thing for laughs.
Rory and Dean can't find a place to have sex! Oh, the hilarity!

spiced, thanks for that.

So, I guess that's not a surprise. I guess that means there's no L/L fight about R/D, then. Well, at least not a major one, if there's no real repercussions. While I love Protective!Luke, I do not like WeirdlyCrazyandYelling!Luke. What is with the "I hammered you" line? Lorelai's reaction to that was exactly what mine was, upon the first viewing of the promo. I'm wondering why Matt Roush gave this episode a nine.

You know what? All this lack of drama is really making me anxious for Chris to come back. Fighting over a Bop It does not equal drama.

I know many important things have happened offscreen this season, but, I will be majorly pissed off if Lorelai telling Luke about the R/D adultery does, too. Yes, I'm assuming that Luke doesn't know about the adultery until Lorelai tells him.

RORY: What'd I miss?
EMILY: I was just admiring your mother's life.
RORY: Oh, I do that daily.
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Old 10-15-2004, 12:06 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Thoughts on 5.04 - Tippecanoe and Taylor Too

Originally posted by A. B. Normal
It kind of upsets me they're playing the Rory/Dean thing for laughs.
Thanks spiced.

With this whole story line being trivialized - I guess.

spiced does this mean that the are no evident consequences for the Rory character and the hurt she has contributed to in all of this?

Last edited by Jet1945; 10-15-2004 at 12:35 AM
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