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~Kitty 10-14-2004 05:54 PM

Gilmore Girls Spoilers ~ 'Cause oy with the divorces already!
Please note that asking and/or begging for more spoilers isn't necessary. Our sources give what they can, whenever it is possible, and when the time is right. Asking over and over again won't make them come any quicker, or any more detailed. New spoilers are posted with a :star:

Episode Spoilers

5.05 We Got Us a Pippi Virgin
airdate: 10/19/04

:star:From TV Guide, Hits & Misses for next Tuesday (review by Matt Roush

This charmingly eccentric comedy-drama is back in top form, with an episode built around an awkward double date for Lorelai and Luke, and Rory and Dean (whose wife kicked him out after he strayed with Rory in last season's finale). There are jokes about panic rooms and bathtub gin, a sing-along to the "Pippi Longstocking" theme, the discovery of a Petunia Pig plate, and a line of dialogue some of us have been waiting years to hear: "You want to de-Mensa that reference?" You won't find a more blissfully entertaining hour.

:star: From the WB

When Lorelai tries to smooth over bad feelings for Dean by organizing a double date for she and Luke and Rory and Dean, Luke loses his cool and the night ends in disaster.

GILMORE GIRLS - "We Got Us a Pippi Virgin"

THE GILMORE GIRLS' DOUBLE-DATE -- Feeling bad that her relationship with Dean (Jared Padalecki) has become awkward, Lorelai (Lauren Graham) suggests that she and Luke (Scott Patterson) double-date with Rory (Alexis Bledel) and Dean, but the evening turns ugly when Luke is unable to disguise the fact that he thinks Dean isn't good enough for Rory. Meanwhile, Emily (Kelly Bishop) and Richard (Edward Herrmann) are lonely and a little lost without one another, but neither can take the first step toward reconciliation. Melissa McCarthy, Keiko Agena and Sean Gunn also star.

Daniel Palladino wrote the episode directed by Stephen Clancy.

There is a funny scene regarding Lorelai getting free food at Luke's now and the notion of tipping.

5.06 Norman Mailer, I'm Pregnant
airdate: 10/26/04

:star: GILMORE GIRLS - “Norman Mailer, I’m Pregnant!”

PULITZER PRIZE-WINNING NOVELIST NORMAN MAILER GUEST-STARS –— Lorelai (Lauren Graham) and Sookie (Melissa McCarthy) are thrilled when author Norman Mailer (guest starring as himself) and a young reporter (guest star Stephen Mailer, real-life son of Norman) show up repeatedly in the dining room of the Dragonfly Inn, but Sookie’s awe turns to annoyance when Mailer refuses to order any food. Working on a story for the Yale newspaper, Rory (Alexis Bledel) uncovers evidence of an intriguing secret society to which Logan (Matt Czuchry) belongs. Meanwhile, when Rory’s father, Christopher (David Sutcliffe), appeals to Lorelai for help after his girlfriend leaves him to raise their baby daughter by himself, Rory orders him to leave Lorelai alone. Finally, Sookie realizes that she is pregnant again.

Scott Patterson, Yanic Truesdale, Liza Weil and Sean Gunn also star. James Berg & Stan Zimmerman wrote the episode directed by Matthew Diamond.

Info taken from Sides in the Pre-shooting Script 9/14/04

Ann - Accountant for Lorelai and Sookie for the Dragonfly
Len - Guy - #1 Music Downloading geek at Yale
"Girl" - Unnamed female character
Maid - Yet another new Maid at the Gilmore Mansion

Dragonfly Inn/Dining Room - Day (Day 4) - Scene 12 -
Stage Direction - It's after breakfast and the dining room is empty of customers. A waiter is finishing clearing the remnants from breakfast. Lorelai, Sookie, Michel, and ANN, their accountant, are sitting around a table. Lorelai is drinking coffee and Ann is going over the books.

After reviewing the books, Ann says let's talk. And remarks to Lorelai and everyone that she sees a lot of growth this month. That after the initial drop off which they all expected after the Opening, everything has settled and that they are doing a 70-75% occupancy which is pretty good.

Lorelai remarks that Leafing season is coming up and that they are booked solid for the last three weeks in October.

Ann remarks that that is good positive news but there are a couple of things that can help. Lorelai has a witty comeback that "So, we need help?"

Ann trying to remain somewhat serious mentioned that during the first year of building a business there is not a lot of profit at the moment and there are some things to lighten the financial load. Lorelai says "That sound bad." Ann continues with look, you need to get some of these burdens off of you. For example, lunch.

Ana and Sookie have a give take exchange about why Lunch needs to be dropped. The primary reason is that they have a full staff and virtually no customers for lunch. The decision is made to drop lunch until the occupancy rate at the Inn is a little higher

Sookie believes that Ann hates her and the is a bit of banter back an forth.

Michel goes into one of his monologues about how he is the first one the customers see. How he represents the face of the Inn.

Ann Tell him that his suits are not deductible.

Stage Direction They exit into the kitchen. Lorelai turns to Sookie.

There is a brief dialog between Lorelai and Sookie that is blacked out and the Side and scene ends.

Yale Dorm/Music Geek's Dorm Room - Night (Night 4) - Scene 13 -
Stage Direction - Rory is taking notes as she interviews the #1 music downloading geek at Yale, Len. He's at his computer, showing Rory how easy it is to download. His walls are covered with music posters, old album covers, concert ticket stubs, etc. Rory looks a little bored.

Len is in the process of explaining to Rory that they are booted up and searching the network for other clients. Len picked as an example album to search for - the new Interpol. Len asks Rory if she has heard it and Rory says she thinks so.

Len explains the files and bit rates and size of files and quality.

Rory zones out not understanding it at all.

Len then get all excited about seeing that the entire catalogue for Chicago, all 22 albums is available for download.

Rory asks Len about buying CD’s and Len avoids the issue.

Rory looses her concentration and says she need to get some coffee and that she'll be back in a minute.

Rory leaves and the Side and the scene ends.

Casting Note: This season there will be a new female character introduced that will hopefully recur as a wealthy Yale student who runs with a daring, privledged (sic) crowd.

This character first appears in Episode six - Drunk and wearing an evening gown ansd a gorilla mask. Since she has very little to say we're asking you to read the role of "LIBBY" from Season 2 - Presenting Lorelai Gilmore.

Yale Dorm/Bathroom - Night (Night 4) - Scene 14 -
Stage description - Rory come into an empty bathroom. She walks over to the sink and looks in the mirror. She sighs. This story sucks and she knows it. She runs water and splashed a little on her face. She walks over to the opposite wall and gets a paper towel. As she's standing there, debating whether or not it's better to try and drown herself in the sink rather than go back in that room with Len, the door swings open. A tipsy GIRL in an elegant ball gown and a black plastic gorilla mask enters, not noticing Rory. The GIRL goes over to the mirror. She steadies herself, lifts off her mask, takes a lipstick out of a small purse and reapplies it. She turns around finally sees Rory staring at her.

The GIRL tells Rory that she didn’t see her there

Stage Direction - Gorilla Girl giggles and balances herself. She puts the lipstick back in her purse and turns to Rory. She smiles and puts her finger to her lips.

In typical drunk fashion the GIRL tells Rory to be quiet.

Stage Direction - The Girl giggles and stumbles out the door. Rory stares after her a beat, extremely curious. She follows her out.

Yale campus - Continuous - Night (Night 4) - Scene 15 -
Stage Direction - Rory leaves the bathroom and sees Gorilla Girls exiting the building. She follows her, passing Len's door.

Len tells her that they are doing fine continuing to download stuff.

Rory tells him that she'll be right back

Stage Direction - She continues on.

Yale campus - Continuous - Night (Night 4) - Scene 16 -
Stage Direction - Rory exits the building and sees the GIRL approaching an expensive, brand new-looking black SUV with tinted windows. She stumbles to the door and taps loudly on the window, the side door opens. The GIRL swings arms dramatically.

The GIRL loudly speaks a Latin phrase that sounds like In Omnia Paratus

Stage Direction - A guy inside the SUV "Shhh's" her and pulls her inside. The door closes and the car takes off. A very intrigued Rory watches.

Ed. Note - In Omnia Paratus roughly translates into "For the present all is prepared." Could this be a password?

The next continues with a scene snippet on the bottom part of the scene 16 page.

Exterior - Doose's Market - Night (Night 4) - Scene 17 -
Stage Direction - Lorelai exits Doose's market holding a container of nachos in one hand, a giant Slurpee in the other and she's sporting a brand new cowboy hat. She happily eats, slurps, and walks down the street. Her cell phone rings.

Lorelai does her bumbling bit as she tries to fine a way to balance things

Stage Direction - Lorelai takes one last bite as she looks around for something to balance her food on. The phone keeps ringing.

Lorelai speaking to inanimate objects tells the phone that she knows its ringing.

The script page ends at that point. We have no more for Scene 17

The next Side has a significant part of the dialog blacked out. Given how the scene sequence is constructed, the dialog is between Lorelai and Rory only. The Side starts with Scene 21 already in progress.

Assumption - because of the following Stage Direction - the scene is assumed to be the Exterior of the Gilmore mansion at the Door. Based on the succeeding scene description - This is Night (Night 5)

Exterior - Gilmore Mansion at the Door - Night (Night 5) - Scene 21 in progress -
Stage Direction - She hides behind Rory as the MAID answers the door

Ed. Note - Because of what follows - the "she" in the Stage Direction is Lorelai

MAID (Slightly confused at the sight of them) greets them at the door

Stage Direction - The Maid stands there looking at them.

Lorelai goes into one her pop-culture modes and tells the maid that they are here to see Halston and Liza

Stage Direction - No reaction from the Maid

Lorelai now tries being straight and tell the Maid the she is the daughter and Rory is the granddaughter.

The Maid apologizes and lets them in.

Interior - Gilmore House - Continuous - Night (Night 5) - Scene 22 -
Stage Direction - The Maid takes their coats as Lorelai and Rory cross into the living room

Rory and Lorelai have a fluffy bantering dialog about the maid acting weird and how Lorelai thinks it is because the maid knows that she is wearing the same outfit as last week.

The maid renters the room and ask them of they would like something to drink.

Both Lorelai and Rory ask for something – Martini and a coke.

At this point Lorelai says that maybe they ought to wait until her Mother comes down. Lorelai asks the Maid if her Mother is coming down soon and the Maid responds No.

Lorelai goes back into babbling mode talking about wearing the same outfit as she did last week and that is why her Mother is coming down.

The Maid tells them Mrs. Gilmore isn't here.

Rory ask where is she.

The Maid tells them that She's at a dinner for the Children's Hospital.

Lorelai asks if she is going to be here at all tonight and the maid tells her No.

Lorelai then says that maybe they should have dinner with her Dad in the Pool House.

The Maid looks a bit puzzled and tells them that Mr. Gilmore is out of town until Tuesday.

Lorelai tells Rory that that they have become afterthoughts.

The Maid offers to make them something for diner.

Rory remarks that with everyone gone, maybe she'll just head back to school. She says that she has a lot to do for the paper.

There is a bunch of blacked out dialog here that is obvious conversation between Lorelai and Rory.

It picks back up with Lorelai asking the Maid for a phone book.

Lorelai kicks off her shoes and says let’s get crazy

Rory kicks off her shoes and curls up on the couch.

5.07 You Jump, I Jump, Jack
airdate: 11/02/04

:star: Tuesday, Nov 2 - (8:00 - 9:00 pm ET)
"“You Jump, I Jump, Jack”" (TV-PG) (HDTV)
RORY UNCOVERS THE DANGEROUS WORLD OF A SECRET YALE SOCIETY –— Rory (Alexis Bledel) is impressed when Logan (Matt Czuchry) brings her to an elaborate event staged by his secret society, and she suddenly finds herself participating in a thrilling but dangerous stunt. Meanwhile, when Emily (Kely Bishop) discovers that Lorelai (Lauren Graham) is dating Luke (Scott Patterson), she insists he come to dinner. Not to be outdone, Richard (Edward Herrmann) invites Luke to a game of golf, and Luke finds himself overwhelmed by the strength of the elder Gilmores’ personalities. Keiko Agena also stars. Daniel Palladino wrote the episode directed by Kenny Ortega

From Jet1945

Info taken from Sides in the Pre-shooting Script 9/26/04
  • Characters:
    Maid - 50-something Maid at The Gilmore Mansion
    Man - Luke's Caddy
    Herb - Man - Solid Looking Club Member
    Girl#1 - Girl at Gathering
    Girl#2 - Girl at Gathering
    Robert- Yale Student
    Justin - Yale Student
    Lowell - Yale Student
    Seth - Yale Student - described as a Geek

Assumed Exterior of Gilmore Mansion - Night (Night 3) - Scene 6 -
The assumptions as to location and time is based on following scene.

Luke and Lorelai are at the door to the Gilmore Mansion. After pushing the button - they are greeted by a 50-something maid.

Interor of Gilmore Mansion - Continuous Night (Night 3) - Scene 7 -
The Maid asks to take their coats and when Luke hands his to the Maid - He introduces himself and the Maid becomes a bit spooked.

End of Side - Maid

Editor Note: In the Side Scenes that follow for Robert and Seth it is apparent from the context that Rory is covering and event for the Yale Newspaper. How or why she may have gotten there or been invited is not known from the information in the Sides.

Wooded Safari Area - Later - Night (Night 4) - Scene 24 -
Hand Written Casting Note: Robert, Lowell, and Justin are playing a game in the scene where they speak words that do no use the letter "E".

Stage Direction: Completely Blacked Out

Rory Introduces herself to the Group and asks if all the Life and Death Brigade gatherings are this elaborate.

Stage Direction: They smile enigmatically and walk a little faster. She comes upon another small group, which includes Colin. (Note: we first met Colin in 5.03). He's speaking to fellow members Robert, Lowell, and Justin.

The dialog amongst the guys is a bit weird because none of the words contain the letter "E."

Rory remarks with a "Hello, Everybody."

Stage Direction: Colin and the guys look like she just said something very wrong.

The guys go back and forth amongst themselves remarking on the Silly Girl not adjusting to their proud point.

Robert remarks on the sadness of this diminishing vision.

Stage Direction: Rory watches them a beat, confused.

Rory says " Excuse Me"

Colin tells the guys that that is Faux pas number 6 for her. Robert concurs and Colin remarks to Rory that she is a Daft Lady and to catch on would prompt their congratulations.

Rory catches on that it is a game - but she doesn't know what kind.

Robert tells her that she is totally failing.

Colin asks her if she wants instructions and Rory agrees.

Colin describes said gap twixt "D" and "F" shall not slip from lips in any word the group allows.

Rory talks to herself a bit and exclaims you're not using the letter "E."

For which she catches more grief from saying the letter "E."

Rory asks for confirmation that no one is supposed to say the letter "E."

Colin, Robert, and the rest remarking about the woman hounding them with the thing they banish - Daft Woman - Dumbfounding.

Stage Direction: As Rory moves on, the guys continue talking amongst themselves

Robert says she is a Bloody Horror - Lowell thinks she should be ostracized.

End of Robert first scene Side.

Robert second scene Side

The Sides for Girl #1 and Girl #2 do not have a specific scene start description. It is Scene 25 and assumed to be in the same general area as before.

Assumed Wooded Safari Area - Later - Night (Night 4) - Scene 25 -

There is blacked dialog that occurs between Rory and Logan. We pick up with:

Stage Direction: At this point the drunken group starts singing along with the Victrola. Ropy and Logan listen for a couple of seconds.

The group is singing the lyrics of some song. Rory remarks to Logan that the song is pretty. Logan tells her that they are drunk. Logan and ROry go back and forth with Rory saying she likes the song and Logan telling her that he didn't say he didn't like.

A Girl calls Logan from off screen. Logan answers - A second Girl asks, off screen, "You coming?" Logan tells her that he will be right there.

Logan says something to ROry but it is blacked out. We pick u with:

Stage Direction: Logan gets up. The Group continues singing in the distance as Rory watches Logan hook up with the two Girls, all three of them recede into the distance."

End of Scene 25

End of Sides for Girl #1 and Girl #2

At this point Scene 26 description, Stage Direction, and Dialog is blacked out. But - on inspection it is apparent that the scene is between Zack and Lane for the remainder of the page.

Fade In:

Meadow - Minutes Later - Day (Day 5) - Scene 32 -
Stage Direction: Half of information is blacked out. We follow Rory, who is back with notebook in hand, scribbling. She leads us to a previously unseen area - the Skeet Shooting range. But instead of skeet, members are shooting guys in Tuxes who are propelled into the air. The guns are shooting paint. Robert has a gun and is in the middle of shooting, Justin and Lowell stand nearby.

Robert calls "Pull"

Stage Direction: A guy flies out in an arc in the near distance. Robert shoots his paint gun at him, hitting him.

Justin and Lowell tell Robert he is a good shot with pure skill.

Rory asks if this is safe and is told No.

Robert calls "Pull" again.

Stage Direction: Another guy is propelled through the air, from the other direction, Robert shoots and misses.

Justin tell him to blame the gun.

Lowell says "I would"

Stage Direction: Next to Robert is another skeet shooting area. Finn has the gun. Logan is awaiting his turn.

At some point in this scene Rory joins Logan. The dialog is blacked out, but you can tell Rory is interacting with Logan.

End of Robert second scene Side.

Exterior - Golf Course - Same Time Day (Day 5) - Scene 33 -
Stage Direction: Richard and Luke are at a tee. Two Caddies are on hand. They are walking the course, not riding. Luke looks uncomfortable as hell. Richard hits a ball, and hits it well.

Richard's caddy compliments him as being on his game.

Richard counters with "Lucky Shot."

Luke caddy chime in "Indeed"

Luke trying to fit in goes along with "Indeed."

Richard walks back to the group and remarks that he must talk to the board about the condition of the grounds.

Stage Direction: There's a pause in the proceedings. Luke's caddy approached him. He indicates for Luke to choose a club.

Luke says he is up and goes to grab a club and as he does so:

Stage Direction: he stops when his caddy barely perceptively shakes his head "no."

Luke continues with that is not at all what I want and pick another club.

Luke's caddy tells him "Good Choice, Let's take the tag of it there."

Stage Direction: Luke's caddy takes a promotional tag off of the brand new club.

Luke remarks that that is a good idea.

The dialog is blacked out for the next two-half pages. It picks up with:

Stage Direction: Luke's caddy gets another ball and starts to bring it over.

Luke remarks that golf isn't really his thing.

Richard asks what Luke's main hobby is.

Luke draws a blank and says to his caddy "What's a hobby, quick."

Luke's caddy says - "Reading"

Luke tells Richard that he reads like crazy.

The balance of the Luke - Richard dialog is blacked out and we pick up with:

Stage Direction: A couple of other players come by, led by a solid-looking club member named Herb.

Richard Gilmore tells Herb he is glad to see him and introduces his guest, Luke Danes, "He's a rising entrepreneur in the food industry."

Herb tells Luke that he has heard that name - "You have an office in Chicago?"

Luke tell him No.

Stage Direction: Herb hand him (Luke) a card.

Herb tells Luke to take his card and Richard chimes in with the fact that Herb is a fine lawyer.

Herb tells Luke that he has lots of clients in the food and beverage industry and that Luke probably know some of them.

Luke says that he is sure that he does.

Herb leaves telling Luke it was nice to meet.

End of Herb Side scene.

Editor Note: Based on subsequent scene context we are back at the Life and Death Brigade gathering in the meadow.

Assumed Exterior Meadow - Day (Day 5) - Scene 34 -

Rory - Logan - and new character Seth are together.

Seth is the Geek amongst them.

Logan is telling Rory that Seth is the genius behind all of this.

Seth tells Rory that it is very safe and that they have done a dozen test drops. Every potato came through without a scratch.

Rory questions about a potato.

Seth tells her that they couldn't test with people - that it would be dangerous.

The remainder of the scene is blacked out.

Exterior - Meadow/Top of A Platform - Moments Later - Day (Day 5) - Scene 35 -
Stage Direction: Rory is a little shaky and nervous as she reaches the top. The others on the platform never look at her or Logan - They are simply standing in place. Logan reaches the top.

Rory remarks that they are high, very high.

The is some blacked dialog for Logan next - by context he is reassuring her.

Stage Direction: Seth attaches some kind of belt or something to Rory and Logan. (Gaffing Note: This should be a simple thing - not the real device attached to the stunt jumpers. And it should go quick.)

Seth tells Rory that it is totally safe and the belt goes with her outfit,

Stage Direction: Logan opens and umbrella and hands it to her. Rory looks down for the first time. From her P.O.V.: The rest of the Stage Direction is blacked out.

There is two-half pages in the scene next that the dialog is blacked out. It picks up with:

Stage Direction: Logan grabs her hand and they jump. We watch all six plummet toward the ground, umbrellas extended. About halfway down they begin to slow, then come to a smooth stop about three feet off the ground.

Seth remarks - Oh, Thank God!

Stage Direction: The group clinks and drinks again, then applauds, We Angle On: The balance of the information is blacked out.

End of Seth scene Side.

End of all Sides for Episode 5.07 "You Jump, I Jump, Jack"

:star: 5.08 The Party's Over

From Jet

Episode 5.08 - "The Party's Over"

Info taken from Sides in the Shooting Script 10/7/04
  • Characters:
    Amir - NewsStand Vendor - Stars Hollow
    Andrew Head - Young Man - in his twenties
    Caterer - Man or Woman - Working party at Gilmore Mansion
    Donnen Sanderson - Young man - twenty-something
    Kip Barnes - Young man - Twenty-something - Captain of the Polo team
    Yale Guy #1 - Yale Student
    Yale Guy #2 - Yale Student
    Adam Chase - JFK Jr. type of guy
    Maid #1 - Spanish Speaking Maid at Gilmore Mansion
    Maid #2 - English speaking Maid at Gilmore Mansion

Exterior Stars Hollow News Stand - Day (Day 3) - Scene 12 -

Stage Direction: Zack is standing at the newsstand, looking for something.

Zack asks Amir where this month's Guitar magazine is - he wasn't done reading it. Amir tells him to buy it, then read it. Zack remarks about that being a bogus system.

Stage Direction: In back of Zack, across the street, Mrs. Kim appears. She is marching straight toward Zack. He doesn't notice.

Amir is following up telling Zack that the bogus system is where people come to buy magazines and not hang out and read. Zack's come back is that that is an awful long name for a bogus system.

At this time - Mrs. Kim gets to Zack with a loud 'You!!!" Obviously Mrs. Kim is having at Zack. The balance of the scene is blacked out

End of Side for the Amir character.

Interor of Gilmore Mansion/Entryway - Same Time - Night (Night 4) - Scene 15 -

Stage Direction: The preparations for the party are in progress. The caterers are briskly setting up the house for the party. Flowers are being put around the house. A Caterer is putting piles of plates on the dining room table in preparation for the upcoming buffet. emily is standing in the middle of the living room watching four men rearrange the room.

Emily is giving detailed direction to 4 men about the chair arrangements. She is somewhat imperious in her manner.

Stage Direction: Rory appears behind her. She's been let in by a maid. She's wearing a very fancy cocktail dress and her hair is down.

Rory greets her grandmother who responds with how good she looks.

Stage Direction: The caterer doesn't look up.

Emily continues with a sharp command to the caterer to look at Rory.

Stage Direction: The Caterer looks at Rory, terrified.

Emily asks the caterer "Isn't she beautiful" The Caterer remarks that she is indeed beautiful.

Emily comments that she loves Rory's dress - it is very elegant.

End of Side for the Caterer Character

The following scene setup description and Stage Direction is blacked out. From the Stage Direction provided it is an Interior to the Gilmore Mansion.

Assumed - Interior of Gilmore Mansion - Later - Night (Night 4) - Scene 19 -

Stage Direction: Emily and Rory head down the stairs. Richard meets them at the bottom of the stairs. he has a couple in their late forties or early fifties and a Younger Man about in his twenties with him.

Editor's Note: The is some blacked out dialog between Rory and Richard, but from what can be made out and the context, Richard is greeting Rory and complimenting her on how good she looks.

Richard introduces Rory to Mina and Argus Head and the twenty-something Son - Andrew.

Rory and Andrew greet each other with Richard adding that Andrew will be starting Yale Law School next year.

Emily chimes in with how wonderful that is. Rory comes back with "It is. Especially if you want to be a lawyer."

Stage Direction: The group laughs politely.

Richard tries to help with commenting on what a "Pistol" Rory is.

Emily bails everyone out by saying they they need to make the rounds and that the two of them (Rory and Andrew) can talk later.

Rory tell Andrew that it was nice meeting him.

Stage Direction: Richard and Emily walk ROry over to another couple standing nearby. Also a fifty-ish and also standing with a twenty-something man.

Emily conducts the introductions to Deana and Shy Sanderson and their son - Donnen. The go through the same introduction dance as before.

Richard comments that Done is going to run his father's shipping business one day. Emily blithely says "Our own Aristotle Onassis with infinitely better table manners."
Donnen tells them that nothing is written in stone. He have to see what some of pension plan the company has.

Stage Direction: The group laughs politely.

Emily tell them that Rory is going to be a Journalist and take the world by storm. She also says to Rory and Donnen that they should get together later.

Rory and Donnen do their conversational exit dance about getting together later.

Richard calls Rory over.

Stage Direction: Richard and Emily pull Rory over to yet another similar-looking couple and their similar aged son.

Richard introduces Rory to Bunny and Napoleon Barnes and their son, Kip.

Rory is starting to get suspicious and hesitantly answers with "Uh...Nice to meet you, Kip."

Stage Direction: Rory looks around the room. She's starting to notice a pattern.

Rory's POV" The entire room is filled with couples in the later forties and early fifties and their twenty-something-year-old sons. The only woman under forty in the room is Rory.

Emily is telling Rory that Kip is the captain of the Polo team with Richard chiming in that he is one hell of a player. That he could give those Windsor boys a run for their money.

Kip responds that William and Harry are good guys. Decent horsemen, but terrible bridge players.

Stage Direction: The group laughs politely

Rory asks Kip if he would excuse them for a minute. She needs to talk to her grandparents. Rory says goodbye to Mr and Mrs. Barnes.

Stage Direction: Rory starts away from the Barneses.

End of Sides for Andrew, Donnen, and Kip.

Editor Note: The last page in these series of Sides is page 52. On page 56 - there is blacked out dialog for scene 20. The implication is that scene 19 may continue with Rory talking to her Grandparents for a bit. Scene 20, even with part blacked out, is between Lorelai and Luke.

Interior of Gilmore Mansion/Living Room - Same Time - Night (Night 4) - Scene 21 -

Stage Direction: Rory is now the official belle of the ball. She Stands in the middle of the room, surrounded by twenty-something young Yale men.

Yale Guy #1 is talking to Yale Guy #2 about cars. They are going back and forth about engine sizes, horsepower and different Mercedes car models. Rory, who is there, asks to be excused from them.

Yale Guy #1 tell her sure.

Stage Direction: He turns back to the group.

The Yale guys continue on babbling about cars.

Stage Direction: Rory turns and heads off toward the study.

End of Sides for Yale Guys #1 and #2

End of Scene 21.

Editor Note: Scene 22 is a very short scene showing Rory coming into the Study and going to the desk, sitting down and picking up the phone and making a call. This scene in entirely marked out, but the details mentioned in this note can be made out with some interpretation. There is nothing marked or unmarked to tell who Rory is calling. However, see: Next Scene.

Interior - Luke's Apartment - Continuous - Night (Night 4) - Scene 23 -

Editor Note: This entire scene fragment has been marked out, but with careful interpretation - it can be discern that Rory has called Lorelai cell phone. The scene fragment on the remaining part of page 57 contains a short dialog between Rory and Lorelai. what they say cannot be determined with any reliability. Scene 23 ends on page 60.

Interior - Gilmore Mansion/Butler's Pantry - Night (Night 4) - Scene 24 -

Stage Direction: The room is crowded with caterers rushing in and out. Platters of food are everywhere and more are heading out from the kitchen on the to way to the dining room. A Maid has answered the phone. We will Intercut for the remainder of the phone call.

The Maid answers in spanish, "Residencia de Gilmmore." Lorelai asks to speak to Richard or Emily Gilmore,=.

The Maid responds, "Que." Lorelai asks again to speak to Richard or Emily Gilmore.

The Maid continues, "No se. Este es mi primer dia que trabaja aqui." (I don't know [what you're saying]. This my first day working here.)

Lorelai tries one more time asking if there is anyone there that speaks English - she says that she can hear English in the background.

End of Side for Spanish Speaking Maid.

Editor Note: Scene 24 continues with Lorelai appearing to talk to Luke. The balance of this page is blacked out and the dialog fragment on page 60 is short. Scene 24 ends on the top of page 63

Exterior - Gilmore Mansion/ Patio - Same Time - Night - (Night 4) - Scene 25 -

Stage Direction: Rory is standing outside eating some finger food of a plate. A good looking JFK Jr. type of guy approaches her.

Editor Note: There are no introductions. His name in the script is Adam.

Adam calls to Rory.

Stage Direction: Rory turns around, her mouth little full.

Rory mumbles a greeting.

Adam says that her Grandmother sent him out to her. "Apparently, we're made for each other."

Rory says, "Oh, Well. glad to meet you."

Stage Direction: Adam moves a little closer.

Adam comments that there is nothing like your family playing matchmaker. He asks Rory how old she is.

Rory sort of stumbles over this and responds that she is almost twenty.

Adam jumps in with, "All right. Good. Just making sure everything's legal." He asks her how she likes Yale.

Rory starts to responds with that she likes it, but Adam interrupts her with an offer to get her a drink. Rory declines the offer.

Adam asks her if she gets a little crazy when she drinks. Rory says, "Yes. That's it."

Stage Direction: Adam take another little step towards her.

Adam remarks that he would like to see that.

Logan calls from Off-Scene - "There you are."

Stage Direction: Rory and Adam look over as Logan approaches.

Logan says something to them but the dialog is blacked out.

Stage Direction: Logan comes over and puts his arm around Rory.

Logan says something presumably to Rory, but it is blacked out. Part is not as Logan turns to Adam and introduces himself: "Logan Huntzberger."

Adam responds with "Adam Chase."

Logan tells Adam that is is good to meet him and thanking him for keeping my girl busy. The balance of Logan's dialog in this speech is blacked out.

Adam excuses himself and asks Logan if he is with her.

Logan tells him - "Going on a year and a half."

Stage Direction: Adam turns away.

Adams mumbles more to himself about what the hell is he doing here?

Stage Direction: Adam walks off. Rory smiles at Logan.

Editor Note: The balance of the page , which is almost all of it, has blacked out dialog between Rory and Logan. However, Rory's first response to Logan can be made out and Rory is telling Logan - Thank You.

End of Side for Adam.

Editor Note: Two significant items from this partial scene 25: Episode 5.08 - "The Party's Over" occurs before Rory's Birthday. The other is that Logan's full name is: Logan Huntzberger.

Interior - Lorelai's House/Living Room - later That Night - Night (Night 4) - Scene 31 -

Stage Direction: "The Daily show" is on in the background. Lorelai is once again on the phone. Luke's half-eaten cheesecake is sitting on the coffee table in front of her.

A Maid answers the phone and say Hello.

Stage Direction: Lorelai perks up.

Lorelai comments that Thank God she, the Maid, speaks English. Lorelai asks to speak to Emily Gilmore.

Interior - Gilmore Mansion/Butler's Pantry - Continuos - Night (Night 4) - Scene 32 -

Stage direction: Emily is in the room, supervising the help packing up the leftovers. The Maid turns to Emily. We will Intercut for the remainder of the phone call.

The Maid tell Emily the phone call is for her.

The balance of the dialog fragment is blacked out.

End of Side for English Speaking Maid

End of all Sides for Episode 5.08 "The Party's Over"

Character Spoilers

Logan (one of the Yalies in ep. 3) is Rory's new love interest.

Christopher will be in 7 episodes this season. Chris will appear in episode 6.

Dean will be in at least 10 episodes this season.

Alex Borstein is returning for season 5. We don't know if she's playing Drella again.

:star: DrunkGorillaMask Yalie that Rory follows in ep 5.06? She'll be played by Katherine Bailess for at least 5 episodes. The character's name is Stephanie.

:star: Sookie is pregnant again.

General Spoilers/Articles

More information on Norman Mailer's guest appearance click here.

From usatoday
Coming attractions
This week, see why Gilmore Girls is getting even smarter, get insight into the casting of Lemony Snicket and find out why Bow Wow is strapping on roller skates.
On the Gilmore set: Lauren Graham and guest star Norman Mailer, who will appear with his son Stephen in an episode this fall. WB

Mailer's 'Gilmore Girls' guest shot is a family affair

Gilmore Girls, long considered a smart TV show, will add some literary cachet with one of this fall's guest stars: Norman Mailer.

Though it gave Mailer, who plays himself, the chance to work with his son, actor Stephen Mailer, he was reluctant to take his first TV series role. "I felt better when I saw a couple of runs of the show," he says. "It had taste. It was witty and well put together. It had a certain élan that I liked."

In the episode, likely to be broadcast in a month or so, Stephen Mailer plays a reporter interviewing the acclaimed writer at the inn run by Lorelai (Lauren Graham) and Sookie (Melissa McCarthy).

"To my amazement, I had a fine time," says the author. He improvised dialogue — much to the delight of executive producer Amy Sherman-Palladino. "It was completely intimidating," she says. "But it was one of those moments where you say, 'This is why you do this.' "

Mailer noted a coincidence between the show and one of his books. The Executioner's Song focuses on condemned killer Gary Gilmore: "The Gilmore Girls obviously are not related to Gary Gilmore."

— Bill Keveney

Spoilers may change at any time without any notice. Spoilers are posted here as they are given, we will not alter, change or reword any of my spoiler sources. So, if there is a spelling error, so be it! Any 'spoiler' not verified by one of my sources will be considered a rumor until there is verification that it is true. Do not post whole or excerpts of scripts.. summarize them. Please do not ask where we get the spoilers or how our sources know these spoilers.
Credits: spiced, Kitty and ABNormal of Fan Forum, Fraz and Jenna of Fanbolt and, Heidi of,,,,,, and
Have a spoiler, rumor, questions or comments.. post it! Please tell us where the said spoiler/rumor has come from (e.t. from the WB tour, online, another board). If you wish to be named, or feel like you haven't been properly credited, PM me as soon as possible.

~Kitty 10-14-2004 05:54 PM

[B]Thanks to n e r b l e @

5.05 We Got Us a Pippi Virgin

Credit: Fraz and The WB


5.06 Norman Mailer, I'm Pregnant

~Kitty 10-14-2004 05:58 PM

:star: All of Jim's clips are offline at the moment. He'll have clips of 5.05 up this week. If anyone needs a specific clip from 5.03 or 5.04 PM Jet1945 :)


5.04 - Tippecanoe and Taylor Too Video Clipsl

From fan1bsb97

Here's the LL clips.

Right click the target and save target as, or it won't work.

Clip1 - Breakfast

Clip2 - Sleeping with you is getting me nothing

Clip3 - Lock Up!

Clip4 - Kissing


ESipher 10-14-2004 06:22 PM

Gotta love ya, Kitty.

Jet1945 10-14-2004 06:23 PM

Thoughts on 5.04 - Tippecanoe and Taylor Too
Thoughs on 5.04 - Tippecanoe and Taylor Too

I have done this for every episode this season. I don't know that I have added to anyone's understanding, but I have found that it has helped me crystalized my thoughts about the story.

This week I have only a few things to mention because we have been blessed by two Friends who have done a far better job that I could in analyzing the characters and the contribution to the storyline.

The first is, netherfield. I have never exchanged PM's or emails with this writer. But I trust her implicitly. Of all of the Fan Fiction that I have ever read, this writer knows Lorelai and Luke by far the best. She has several posts on this thread and the last. I suggest when you find a post of hers, click on search, and go back and read them. They are insightful, honest, and If I didn't know better, I believe that netherfiled knows Luke and Lorelai and how they are progressing better than AS-P. I, also, unabashedly, recommend her continuing story More. The story adds to each episode about the parts that we missed. You can find it on the FanFiction.Net listing. In her most recent posts netherfield has described how Luke and Lorelai are learning from each other and what really is important in this relationship. She characterized it, in short, as how two friends become lovers, or perhaps more than lovers. How they learn to do that.

The other new Friend is stillshimpy. I first met her over on TWoP before I annoyed the management over there. I have always found her analyses, thorough, complete and concise. She knows the writing styles of the major writers and helped interpret the storyline in that context. In the prior thread she provided and in-depth comparison of Danny and Amy. She is a recent member to FF and I urge you to welcome her and consider what she writes.

As to the story: I have now found the thing that is most annoying at the moment is all the Off-Screen things we are either supposed to infer or accept.

An example: A the end of 5.03 WITS, Rory goes to Dean's parents house. Presumably to talk with Dean to determine the answerMarty's question as to Whether She Has A boyfriend, Or Not. In all of 5.04, there is no mention made of that visit or any discussion or even if they took the opportunity to "Bump Tummies" in a bout of make-up sex. In the 5.04 scene where Rory goes to Dean's bedroom - She has not been there before. That was evident in the Stage Direction in the Sides and how it was played in the episode.

In the Bedroom, Dean makes reference to the College Student and the Divorcé. Rory makes the comment about it being a good plot for an Adult movie. I will let that line pass and allow others to comment.

But, when the Hell did Dean get divorced? And is he really? Bill Prady and AS-P did not do us any favors by leaving this unanswered and at best ambiguous. I am aware that there are Friends out there that consider being separated and not divorced, as Dean maybe is, license to carry on as if he was not married. I am NOT one of those.

Now my rant: In this I know I speak the thoughts of a fair number of Friends.

I am concerned that at or near the end of the Rory -Dean storyline - there will be no consequences evident with the Rory character. At the moment, Rory appears to be in the flush of learning about the joys of sex. It certainly was evident in this episode. She even drove to Stars Hollow to get with Dean to have sex. Not Talk, not just be with the one you love, but to have sex. Candidly, at 19 and recently being -de-virginized, it is to be expected. At 19, and a guy, I can remember not have any blood above my neck. It having taken semi-permanent residence in another part of my body. The thought process was also obviously affected.

Rory is going through this to some degree. Dean, on the other hand, has his first love and a steady Hump!Buddy.

Back on point - Rory does not appear to know or realize the hurt she has caused people. Even though it was part of a Dean yelling thing - It seems evident that he at least knows there are other sensitivities out there; Lindsay, his mother, his father - who hasn't come out of the basement. That is probably where Mr. Kim is also.

I could accept this storyline and maybe even find word of praise for it - IF, when as it reaches for conclusion - we see a real understanding on the part of the Rory character of remorse, grief, and a lingering hesitation in other relationships with men for what she contributed to in her Adultery, Affair, and subsequent relationship with Dean.

This storyline has drawn us in and made us examine it and how we view those things in our own life. In doing so, perhaps we have learned some things about ourselves and how we think about them. I was surprised at my reactions to some of those things that Rory did. Primarily because I have never been required to examine them.

So, if we do not have the kind of resolution that I described previously - then - the authors drew me into their story, made me care about the characters - and then dumped my sorry ass when I wasn't looking. It will cheapen the characters, and show a lack, I was going to say professionalism but, of caring about the story the way we do or have been asked to do.

Remember, AS-P asked us Invest in them, care for them, root for them She was primarily talking about Lorelai and Luke. But, the Story is about all of them - Lorelai, Rory, Luke - All of Them - even Kirk and Taylor.

Lastly - about the cheesecake - let me recall for all of you the rampant speculation that went on about what Emily saw outside her window that amazed her. When all the time - It was Richard heading out to some bar for late night action.

I get the chuckles thinking about how spiced was sitting back just a laughing and a scratching as we all did that dance about what Emily saw.

Now if she was merciful, she would give a clue about how the Luke - Rory - Dean - plays out. But, I show my prejudice for that storyline.

Until after 5.05

Cotton Candy 10-14-2004 06:25 PM

Thanks for the new thread Kitty! Next week's episode sounds great :)

motylik20 10-14-2004 06:28 PM

stillshimpy awesome insight you've got there *nods* really
I support everything you've said so far *grins*

btw doesn't gg have a lot of buffy writers? I just saw two episodes from the fourths season and both were either produced or written by Jane Espenson...

I agree that the Palladinos have respect of marriages. And their showing how hard it is to make one work. What all the aspects are that you have to concider before getting married.

I'm soo looking forward to next week. Can't wait. I really want to see how the date goes. This will be a crucial point for most of the main relationships.

BTW I agree with netherfield. The reality is much better than the dream. And the whole idea of showing us the ideal scenario and then the difference between ideal and real is awesome. ^^

jmsteve 10-14-2004 06:46 PM

Re: Thoughts on 5.04 - Tippecanoe and Taylor Too

Originally posted by Jet1945
I could accept this storyline and maybe even find word of praise for it - IF, when at it reaches for conclusion - we see a real understanding on the part of the Rory character of remorse, grief, and a lingering hesitation in other relationships with men for what she contributed to in her Adultery, Affair, and subsequent relationship with Dean.
I know people keep saying that they want to see Rory grow/emerge from this situation with some kind of lesson learned, but I don't even know what that would look like to satisfy the general condemnation and distaste for her that seems to be going around. How do you show that she's learned her lesson on television?

Rory tortured Dean (and Jess and herself) for a year and change with sidelong glances at Jess. After all that, she had a moment, maybe two, in which she expresses remorse for what she'd done. An awkward, quiet apology was all she offered for that particular train wreck.

Alexis Bledel plays Rory's deeper emotions very close to the vest, not unlike Lauren Graham with Lorelai. If and when Rory realizes the full repercussions of her actions in this situation, I doubt we're going to get a huge emotional apology or anything like that out of it. If it follows in the same vein of the last four seasons, the remorse will be quiet and brief. The constant spew of "Rory is evil. Dean is ick!" makes me wonder what on earth AS-P could do that would be both realistic for the character and satisfy the anger of fans. Should Rory rend her clothes and gnash her teeth? Volunteer for a leper colony? Grovel at Lindsay's feet?

Maybe Rory will move into her next relationship with more hesitation. I'd like to see that myself. With Logan on the horizon, I'm not holding out much hope, though.

~Kitty 10-14-2004 07:09 PM

Thanks guys.

And before I go off to school.. just wanted to tell everyone to vote for Scott so he can have his own board. :D

Javaobsessed2005 10-14-2004 07:20 PM

Is it just me or does Scott look maaaaaad sexy in his sweats and t-shirt in that clip after the victory party for Jackson? Dying over here.... oh man Lorelai, when the man invites you in, you go in!!!

gluglug 10-14-2004 07:50 PM


Luke: He’s a punk! He got married and bailed out before the honeymoon was even over!
Um, identifying much? Maybe Luke is so uncomfortable with Dean around is b/c he's reminded of his own mess of a marriage. Who was ready to divorce Nasty the day after they tied the knot?

I hope someone calls Luke on this - either Dean or Lorelai.

elduccia 10-14-2004 07:59 PM



I don't recall who ask, but they were talking about being disspointed about not seeing the family reactions and all, but I do remember that (I think it was spiceboy) who said that even though we were not going to see the first reaction, we were going to see what Emily thinks about Luke&Lorelai.
I think it was spiced, but I am not sure.

oh and stillshimpy do come here more often. Reading your post is delightful.

netherfield: your last post comparing dream to reality totally got me there with u. again I liked the L/L scenes, but I remeber some of the Max/Lorelai scenes being a bit more hot and romantic. That's the only thing I could complain about when talking about L/L.

I do hope that Luke saying Dean is not good enough for Rory and and Rory tellin' her dad to keep off are related. Like she will appreciate what Luke says, even if it's not pleasant, as it comes from his heart and the true devouted affection he has always had for her.

oh, and would u believe I can't stop thinkin' about t-shirt Luke? :D


Um, identifying much? Maybe Luke is so uncomfortable with Dean around is b/c he's reminded of his own mess of a marriage. Who was ready to divorce Nasty the day after they tied the knot?

I hope someone calls Luke on this - either Dean or Lorelai.

gluglug I beg to differ.
First: Dean doesn't know anything about Luke marriage. So I doubt he woud dare to call Luke on this.
Beside that, may I remind u that Luke AND Nicole got married and Luke AND Nicole came back to sense and AGREED on gettin' divorced as soon as their holiday was over. Both agreed.
Then the "let's put things on hold and start dating. Let's see what happend" was really weird, but then again they were BOTH on the same wavelength. Then they started going in different directions. But even if his heart wasn't in it, even if they were arguing badly he did NEVER used his unhappy marriage to jump into Lorelai's bed. Also, he found out that his feelings for Lorelai were deeper than he knew, after he had gotten divorced.

Sorry, to me it lookes totally different from what Dean did. IMO.
I don't hate Dean, I am just bored of him being around. He was much better as a friend when he and Rory broke up than he's know as a boyfriend. Boring boring boring...yawn!

*off to watch David Letterman*

Louise 333 10-14-2004 08:07 PM

Stillshimpy Hi,firslty I'm agree with all of your points, then when I asked if you were joking , I was trying to figure how could we say that Luke's reaction(he's surely overprotective with's true)isn't normal,.
I think that he's acting like someone ..the only one here that really see things like they are.
Lorelai 's Rory mother and I only think that she's trying to show her daughter that she could count on her, no matter what .
Obviously she hates fighting and arguing with her that's why I guess she's organizing this double date..'cause she also feels so uncomfrtable with this situation.

Masbe like someone said , Luke could also tell Rory that there's another person that had been suffering for the whole situation:Linsday.
He didn't love Dean didn't love Linsday, but he respected his marriage, and everyone can remember his reaction when he discovered that Nicole had cheated on him.Those are my points..that's all.

Louise 333 10-14-2004 08:09 PM

Stillshimpy Hi,firslty I'm agree with all of your points, then when I asked if you were joking , I was trying to figure how could we say that Luke's reaction(he's surely overprotective with's true)isn't normal,.
I think that he's acting like someone ..the only one here that really sees things like they are.
Lorelai 's Rory mother and I only think that she's trying to show her daughter that she could count on her, no matter what .
Obviously she hates fighting and arguing with her that's why I guess she's organizing this double date..'cause she also feels so uncomfortable with this situation.

Maybe like someone said , Luke could also tell Rory that there's another person that had been suffering for the whole situation:Linsday.
He didn't love Dean didn't love Linsday, but he respected his marriage, and everyone can remember his reaction when he discovered that Nicole had cheated on him.Those are my points..that's all.

gluglug 10-14-2004 08:29 PM

elda, I see your points. The situations weren't exactly the same as you pointed out and Dean behaved worse than Luke did.

However, Luke and Dean were both rebounding from their then unrequited love for the Gilmore Girls by marrying the wrong girl.
I still think on an unconscious level, Luke identifies with Dean's mistake and it makes him uncomfortable.

I'm thinking of last season's drunkDean "Why didn't she love me?" confession and then the scene where Luke and Dean are in the arcade when Dean is talking about his marriage and pretending to be happy.
Luke knew where Dean was coming from, even though nothing was said.

Last season there was a lot of Luke/Dean parallel and it would be good character growth for Luke to admit that he understands where Dean was coming from instead of acting like he's beyond reproach. As much as I love Luke, he does tend to act like that.

I'm not defending Dean, either. The guy is obviously screwed up and treated Lindsay horribly by cheating on her. And keep in mind that Luke didn't cheat physically but he couldn't commit to Nicole b/c his heart was with Lorelai.

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