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Old 11-03-2017, 02:33 PM
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Question: Any scoop about Hailey Upton on Chicago P.D.? —Darice
Ausiello: Next Wednesday’s episode introduces Wil Traval (Arrow, Jessica Jones) as a sergeant from Narcotics who has “a bad past” with Detective Upton, star Tracy Spiridakos tells TVLine. “They do not get along. When that sergeant ends up dead during the investigation, there’s a big twist that comes up. People aren’t seeing what Upton is seeing, and so she has to do some of her own investigating and bring forward what she’s learned.”
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Old 11-03-2017, 04:29 PM
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Chicago PD - Episode 5.08 - Politics - Promotional Photos

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Old 11-04-2017, 11:09 AM
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Old 11-06-2017, 05:49 AM
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EXCLUSIVE: Tracy Spiridakos And Marina Squerciati Talk ‘Chicago P.D.’

Ever wonder what it’s like to be a part of the Chicago P.D family? Come find out!

There’s nothing quite like being part of an ensemble cast on a successful T.V. show on a big network like NBC. It’s something Tracy Spiridakos, however, had no trouble getting used to because of how amazing the cast is. We got a chance to speak with her about her experience on the show and what it’s like playing a cop in Chicago and through all of the adjustments, she was happy through it all because of her amazing co-stars. After talking with her co-star Marina Squerciati, I got to see exactly what she’s talking about. Marina was a glowing ball of sunshine who was either in the middle of a hilarious joke or getting introspective about her character and how great the cast is. All in all, they were amazingly fun to chat with. Check out our interview with them below.

Tracy Spiridakos

What has been most rewarding for you about exploring this season, in terms of where your character is?

Tracy: Being the new kid, I’m learning a lot about my character, a lot about Upton, as the series goes on.

How is it working with a mostly male dominated cast?

Tracy: They’re lovely! They’re just a lovely group of people. I’ve grown with two older brothers, I’ve grown up with guys, but, I’ve never walked into a set being the new kid and had such a warm welcome all around, from the girls, I came last year and worked with Sophia and Amy made me feel so welcome and continue to make it a really lovely, safe, and playful environment. I feel like I fell backwards into this beautiful thing.

With so many great police characters, how do you stay inspired to bring something new to set everyday and how does the real Chicago P.D. influence your character?

Tracy: The way that they write Upton is everything. She is somebody who would look at a situation and assess it rather than reacting to something, she’ll think their way through it, especially for me, I usually play more reactive characters, so I found this to be an interesting character to play. Brian Luce is an advisor on the show. He’s a Chicago police officer and he’s so helpful in helping us when something’s happening, when you’re interviewing someone, how you’re looking for [signs] to see if they’re telling the truth and he helps you think about when you’re going into a situation.

Any memorable scenes you’ve done so far that stick out for you?

Tracy: Well the scene with Ruzek when I throw him on top of the car. That was fun! It wasn’t scripted, so we did that just in the moment and I think Patrick was surprised how weirdly strong I am. I don’t have any muscle, but I kind of grabbed him and threw him on the hood of the car to kind of like back him up, That was one that stood out for many reasons. I love that Upton saw something that she didn’t like and kind of just stood up for it.

Marina Squerciati

What’s one of your favorite things about working on this set?

Marina: Oh, probably the cast. Dick Wolf once said it’s like lightning in a bottle to have a cast that all get along so well, it’s like fun. Sometimes you’re like, doing a scene and there’s a dead body, everyone be serious. I feel like as you get older, hanging out with friend everyday, you leave that kind of stuff behind, so to have work be like, early 20s, that’s kind of amazing and fun.

How do you prepare for your character?

Marina: Well, we have a technical adviser on set, his name is Brian Luce, he’s a cop. Some people like less guidance from him, I find that the more structure and the more techniques someone gives me, the freer I can be cause then I’ll feel like I’m doing it correctly, then I can loosen up, but if I have too much freedom, I feel a little scared. First to me is the technical stuff.

So you go them to make sure you’re holding the gun right?

Marina: Oh for sure! Sometimes he’ll be like, you look like an idiot. You’re like ok, fix me, I don’t want to look like an idiot. It’s really important.

Do you ever get responses from female viewers who are cops?

Marina: I do. Mostly I get messages from fans saying they want to be cops because of me, which is like the coolest thing ever. I feel like also, the character that Burgess is that she’s a cop with too big a heart, so she’s just too sensitive so I’m like ok, if I can inspire cops to be loving and wonderful, great! Go out and be wonderful. I’m a candy puff. I’m the candy puff cop.
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EXCLUSIVE: Jason Beghe And Jon Seda Talk ‘Chicago P.D.’

Two of the legendary stars of the hit NBC cop drama share their takes on playing cops in Chicago.

They might not be real members of the Chicago P.D., but they certainly live and breathe the roles. From their altogether rugged and tough demeanor to their rough and strong voices, they definitely fit the part. However, once they get talking, they are incredibly nice to speak with. Jon Seda even had a smile on his face for most of the interview. From the moment he sat down, he seemed to be drawing from a well of joy somewhere deep below. Jason Beghe on the other hand, while delightful, was incredibly insightful, giving the vibe of an ex cop who is now a professor.

We got a chance to discuss the show and the city of Chicago with them. We got to learn from Jason what makes playing a cop in Chicago indelibly unique to the city and what it takes to play one. Jon gave his thoughts on why he thinks cop procedurals have become a staple of television as we know it. The most interesting part was how they “recharge” or stay energized throughout the day, especially after long tiring hours stretching past 14 hours. They are both incredibly intelligent individuals who are in tuned with the city of Chicago and the show. Check out our interviews with them below.

Jason Beghe and Jon Seda

When you think about your character’s progress, what has been most rewarding, as far as his journey so far? Has there been a particular plot or arc that you enjoyed doing over the past five seasons?

Jason: I really don’t haven an answer for that! I’m sorry! Voight is so in this moment so he doesn’t really think in terms of past and future. He’s very present. That requires some kind of reflection and he doesn’t have a lot of regrets cause he’s not in the past, he doesn’t have a lot of anxiety cause he’s not in the future. I guess that’s why I shouldn’t be able to answer that. I took on his viewpoint, he’d be here right now just listening and answering. That’s how he approaches things.

How much of your own personality is embedded in Voight?

Jason: All of it. It all comes through me, but that’s what’s kind of cool about acting. You learn things about yourself and other people. They have to come from, it’s gotta come from me, I don’t know where it’d come from.

What’s one unique thing about playing a cop in Chicago versus any other city?

Jason: Uniquely a Chicago cop? One of the interesting things and we’re really kind of addressing it is that there’s a lot of stuff about police abuse, over stepping their power limits, taking advantage, all these kinds of things, and no city more than Chicago is under scrutiny. As reform is being introduced, it’s interesting because there are people out there who do bad things. One could argue Voight, does bad things, because he certainly breaks the rules. What’s interesting is that it’s not so that he can sock away some money so he can get a boat, he’s trying to do the right thing. I don’t ever want to give Jason’s opinion about that. What I want to do is to never have just a bad guy and a good guy. It’s just guys, just like life, and if we could understand why somebody does something, whether you agree with it or not, then you become a little bit closer to love and understanding and maybe some peace. That’s how I’m hoping the show could be used for. You don’t have to like somebody or agree with somebody, but if you can understand them, you will love them.

What was one of your favorite moment from filming last season?

Jason: There’s so many. It’s like we have a nice, wonderful crew, a great cast, then there’s sometimes a scene with him (Jon Seda). Like there was a scene with him (Jon Seda), and it was as much fun as I could have. I tell you what, we had a long, very hard day, and when we got to this scene, I mean I could barely walk or talk I was so tired, and it was a Friday night I think also, and we only had a certain amount of time and to do a scene with Jon, who’s my favorite actor to work with, not just on this show, but really. I remember after we talked on the phone or texted and it was like I was ready for another hundred thousand miles. So, it’s, when you can just listen and answer and just be there in the moment and not be interesting but interested and who cares, I’m tired, I’m not, I’m Voight with Antonio in this moment and to kind of discover what’s happening because every take is different because he does this and I go like this and it’s fun and we paint a picture. So when you’re in that moment, there’s no time. That’s the great thing. People like to do drugs or get drunk or whatever, but there’s no better escape than being lost in now and not knowing what’s going to happen.

Are you surprised by what you see on film sometimes?

Jason: I’m surprised, yea! I always think of myself as 27 then I see and I’m like what the f- who the hell is that old man! Oh my god, get him a walker.

Why do you think cop shows make such good TV fodder? People love cop shows.

Jon: I think it kind of goes back to that whole thing when you’re kids and you’re cowboys and Indians and you think like law and sheriff. I think it’s so ingrained in our minds, and not in a bad way. It’s just part of our growing up and there’s that sense of oh, there’s law, and that’s good and there’s criminals and that’s bad, it seems like it’s so cut and dry, but that’s what I love about the show, especially this year, because we’re showing it’s not that cut and dry and what’s going in society right now, you don’t always get to see the different perspectives being in the media, in the news. In here, the police aren’t just one dimensional. Here’s a police officer and that’s who it is, that’s a bad guy, that’s who that is. How do they get to who they are? There are so many different ways so it’s not so cut and dry as good and bad.
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Old 11-06-2017, 05:56 AM
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Set Visit: Inside The Magic Of “Chicago P.D”, “Chicago Med”, And Chicago Fire”

Here’s a look at how the magic behind the screen gets made.

NBC has really hit a gold mine with Dick Wolf’s Chicago shows, Chicago Med, Chicago Fire, and Chicago P.D. They’re audience favorites all around. With a new Chicago take on T.V classics, there’s no way you can go wrong with these shows. Recently, NBC hosted a set visit giving us an inside like as to how the amazing team behind these amazing shows make the shows as realistic as possible, from using guns that are almost as real as can be to real equipment that is sponsored, to silicone organs. Here’s how they do it.

In Chicago Med, one thing you’re bound to see is someone being stretchered into the hospital with a glaring and bloodily real injury. The fact of the matter in all of these shows is that very little CGI and special effects are used. A majority of what you see are practical effects because, if nothing else, it makes the show a lot cheaper to produce. As a result, each of the stretchers have a cut out where the victim could slip their perfectly ok legs or arms or whole body into that will hide themselves while sporting an injured silicone replica. In addition to that, all of the organs on set are made of silicon. During most of the surgeries, a small silicon organ would be used with touches of fake blood. However, when that’s not enough, they’ll replicate up to half of the body of the real character with anatomically correct bodies with organs where they’re supposed to be. As a result, when you see the doctors digging through looking for the liver, for example, they’re actually looking for the liver. If you, like me, wonder how silicone could look so realistic, that’s beyond me. It may not feel like what I imagine a real organ feels like, but it sure as hell looks like one. In addition to that, most of the medical equipment on set is actually real medical equipment that is fully functioning. That’s a nice touch for realism.

In Chicago P.D, you’ve got what is essentially your typical police procedural, so we got to see behind the curtain as to how they get that show and genre as realistic as possible. For example, all of the bullet casings on the show are real. Whenever real pieces could be used, they are used. For that, the producers and the creators of the show have done a great job. The handcuffs on the show are real as well with varying gradients of how hard they are to open. The teeth of the handcuffs are filed down so that they can be altered to be somewhat loose or tight enough to require keys. Another interesting fact is that all glass shards and some blood pools that aren’t interacted with are made of silicone. In addition to that, pipes, bats, and other melee type weapons are real when they are only there for show and made of rubber when they are used in an action scene. Gun fire scenes are often as real as can be with special non-lethal rounds that burst into smoke on impact, except when the environment isn’t safe like an insecure warehouse. That’s why when actors are shot and recoil, it’s very realistic as they aren’t actually acting but reacting.

Chicago Fire was surprising in a number of ways. Much of the special effects in this show was similar to that of those used in Chicago P.D. For example, the same concept of when to use rubber tools and weapons versus real ones is applied here. In addition to that, the fires are real fires done on a stage with a controlled burn. The one interesting thing to learn was that much of the gear was very pricey. The air tank and face mask is worth about 20 thousand dollars alone, and that’s an essential part of any firefighter’s gear. The way they combat these prices is through product placements, where the brands provide the equipment for free for marketing purposes. This is often the case with consumer products but it was interesting to see that this was the case with some as niche as firefighting gear and the jaws of life. Another interesting fact is that dummies are often used in fire rescue scenes and the dummies aren’t exactly light, so the actors really have to work to get it all done.
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Old 11-06-2017, 10:50 AM
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Thanks for the latest episode update.
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Old 11-08-2017, 09:18 PM
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Episode 5x07 Promo

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Old 11-08-2017, 10:32 PM
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Chicago P.D.’ Scoop: Jesse Lee Soffer Teases ‘Dark’ Halstead & ‘Sparks’ With New Character

The future does not look good for Halstead. talked EXCLUSIVELY with ‘Chicago P.D.’ star Jesse Lee Soffer about the ‘deep, dark hole’ Halstead is about to go down and so much more.

Detective Jay Halstead (Jesse Lee Soffer) has been through a lot these past few months. Not only did his partner and lover Erin Lindsay (Sophia Bush) leave Chicago for New York, he also accidentally killed a little girl during a shootout gone wrong. Halstead has yet to truly deal with those two major life events, and the weight of everything may push him over the edge. Chicago P.D. fans, you’re going to see a whole new side of Halstead, so start preparing yourselves now. got the chance to talk to Jesse EXCLUSIVELY at One Chicago Day about what’s ahead for his character.

In the midst of this darker path for Halstead, Jesse teases that his new partner Upton (Tracy Spiridakos) will be there for him. There’s also a new character coming, played by Quantico’s Anabella Acosta, who may or may not be the greatest influence on Halstead during his difficult time. All the Halstead scoop you’ve been waiting for is below. Check out our Q&A now!

What’s coming up for Halstead? Is he going to get to a good place again?
Jesse Lee Soffer: No, I think it’s going to be a long road before Halstead gets to a good spot. He’s going to go down a deep, dark hole for a minute. I think after Lindsay left and then killing that little girl, even though he was vindicated in the whole thing, it’s sending him down a rabbit hole that I don’t think there’s any light at the end of the tunnel right now. He’s going to be depressed, dark, and not acting like himself for a while. So that will be interesting for fans to see a different side and to see him kind of come unraveled.

Will Upton be there for him?
Jesse Lee Soffer: As a partner, she’s definitely going to be there for him. I think she cares a lot and really wants him to come out the other side of this thing. And who knows beyond that. We’ll see if there’s… we’ll leave it at that

Why do you think Upton is a good partner for Halstead after Lindsay?
Jesse Lee Soffer: Well, he’s used to working with a female partner, first and foremost. Obvious comparison [laughs]. Upton’s character is really cool because she’s kind of badass. She’s an ass kicker. She came from gangs before this and is used to doing what she has to do to get the job done. She’s a tough cop, so I think they go hand in hand.

Anabelle Acosta is coming to the show, what can you tease about Halstead’s dynamic with her?
Jesse Lee Soffer: There’s definitely some sparks there, and Halstead and her character have a lot of chemistry. I think that she kinds of plays into him going down that rabbit hole a little bit and going to the darker side of life.

The show’s 100th episode is coming up. Is there anything you want to see happen for Halstead?
Jesse Lee Soffer: I like that we’re kind of unraveling him right now and watching him break down, but it’d be nice to see him come back stronger afterwards, having learned some lessons and being better off for it and finding his way back to the hero we know him to be.
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Old 11-09-2017, 02:09 PM
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Old 11-09-2017, 09:29 PM
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Chicago PD Season 5 on set: Rick Eid on Ruzek's choice, Halstead arc, and Upwater

Rick Eid is the man who makes much of the magic happen on Chicago PD season 5, and in the aftermath of Wednesday night’s episode there is much to discuss!

CarterMatt had a chance to see this episode in advancing going into One Chicago Day late last month, and with that, we were able to get a comment from the showrunner on the state of Adam Ruzek. Is he going to be able to free himself from serving as a mole for Denny Woods? It doesn’t sound like it, at least in the near future:

“The difficult situation isn’t going away. He finds himself in a really hard predicament. You’ll have to stay tuned to see what happens, but there’s clearly a personal situation between Woods and Voight. Woods is going to do whatever he can to try to bring down Voight … but Voight’s a worthy adversary. The idea of a mole in the unit continues throughout the first half of the season.”

The preview for next week’s episode suggests that a big story for Jay Halstead is coming, and beyond saying that “a lot happens with Jay,” Eid noted that this is something that will last several episodes and is not just going to be isolated into a single episode. If you love Jay, that’s some good news to look forward t..

Your Upwater update

We promised in our recent postmortem piece with Tracy Spiridakos last night (which you can check out at the link here) that we had another quote coming on the subject of the Upton / Atwater pairing. She said that she was open to the idea — based on Eid’s comments on the subject, let’s file this under “he’ll think about it” for now:

“Anything’s possible. We will take your suggestion and see if it fits into what we’re planning. They’re both great characters.”

Does this make us hopeful for anything in the near future? Not really, and LaRoyce Hawkins told us a few weeks back that he hadn’t heard about anything romantic coming up for Atwater at around that time. We just like the idea of Upwater since Atwater hasn’t had a romantic partner before and it would be something different and unexpected.

New episodes of Chicago PD are going to continue Wednesday nights on NBC — it’s a great season so far and there’s a lot of good stuff ahead. Stay tuned for more updates!
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Old 11-09-2017, 10:09 PM
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Thanks for the sneak peek and link.
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Old 11-10-2017, 01:04 PM
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Thanks for all the spoilage.
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Old 11-13-2017, 12:32 PM
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Old 11-13-2017, 07:36 PM
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Chicago PD - Episode 5.09 - Monster - Press Release


12/06/2017 (10:00PM - 11:00PM) (Wednesday) : INTELLIGENCE WORKS TO TAKE DOWN AN OPIOID RING AFTER THE DAUGHTER OF A PROMINENT JUDGE DIES OF AN OVERDOSE. The death of Judge Tommy Wells' (guest star John Pankow) daughter puts Intelligence on the track of a pill mill spreading into the suburbs of Chicago and the doctor enabling it. Meanwhile, Voight (Jason Beghe) discovers who's been leaking information from the 21st. Also starring Jon Seda, Jesse Lee Soffer, Patrick John Flueger, Elias Koteas, Marina Squerciati, LaRoyce Hawkins, Amy Morton and Tracy Spiridakos. Guest starring Monica Barbaro, Anabelle Acosta and Mykelti Williamson.
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Old 11-14-2017, 01:44 PM
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What’s on the horizon for Chicago P.D.‘s Halstead? —Monica
This Wednesday’s episode finds Halstead going undercover for a case, during which viewers will see “the effects of his military experience coming back to haunt him a bit,” showrunner Rick Eid tells TVLine. “Some PTSD is triggered along the way in the case that he’s involved in. We’ll see that play out over a few episodes.” That “interesting little arc” also introduces a new relationship. “Further on down the road, there’s a little romance for Halstead,” star Jesse Lee Soffer previews. “It’s not the healthiest relationship, but it’ll be fun for the fans.”
What’s coming up for Chicago P.D.‘s Burgess-Ruzek relationship? Should fans still hold out hope? —Lyndsay
“Don’t give up on them,” showrunner Rick Eid says. “I think it’ll always be complicated between them, but I don’t think the final chapter has been written.” In the meantime, Burgess is getting cozy with this guy.
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