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Old 03-22-2014, 10:19 AM
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And people missed the point, obviously. I wasn't even comparing Laurel and Felicity. My point was, you all spent a week over analyzing EBR's chapped lips because it had to mean ~something, but anything regarding Laurel is taken at face-value. It's absurd.

Like, yeah, maybe Katie Cassidy was just working out, but maybe her working with a personal trainer meant something more? Like, Laurel is becoming Black Canary, which last time I checked, would change the show and her relationships significantly. But nope, you all shot it down as the former in two seconds.

Or, yeah, maybe it was just Laurel's POV, but maybe it wasn't? Maybe that's was the writer's POV? But, nope, that's not even up for discussion. It was just Laurel's POV and she was wrong because Sara went through her own struggles years ago and, on the show, they've never really shown that she's still in pain from it, but we just know she is because reasons.

I'm more sure then ever that we're watching different shows, though, because we're clearly not watching the same show. On the show I've been watching, Laurel's story-line went into overdrive right after Sebastian introduced the concept of a crucible and how it can end in three ways. It kills you, you get lost in it, or you come out better. And Laurel went through her crucible this season. So the next few episodes will be crucial to show us where Laurel is going and how she came out of her's, if she actually did at all. If I had to bet, it'll be a major theme in the next episode with her interacting with Helena, who got lost in her's. And then there's the fact that she's clutching a liquor bottle so we're going to see if she can resist that, or if she'll give in.

But no, none of that's happening on the show, apparently. But, hey, I'm sure EBR posted a selfie of her before she brushed her hair this morning so that must mean Felicity is now homeless or something. Speculate away.
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Old 03-22-2014, 10:26 AM
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Originally Posted by TJ72389 (View Post)
And people missed the point, obviously. I wasn't even comparing Laurel and Felicity. My point was, you all spent a week over analyzing EBR's chapped lips because it had to mean ~something, but anything regarding Laurel is taken at face-value. It's absurd.

Like, yeah, maybe Katie Cassidy was just working out, but maybe her working with a personal trainer meant something more? Like, Laurel is becoming Black Canary, which last time I checked, would change the show and her relationships significantly. But nope, you all shot it down as the former in two seconds.

Or, yeah, maybe it was just Laurel's POV, but maybe it wasn't? Maybe that's was the writer's POV? But, nope, that's not even up for discussion. It was just Laurel's POV and she was wrong because Sara went through her own struggles years ago and, on the show, they've never really shown that she's still in pain from it, but we just know she is because reasons.

I'm more sure then ever that we're watching different shows, though, because we're clearly not watching the same show. On the show I've been watching, Laurel's story-line went into overdrive right after Sebastian introduced the concept of a crucible and how it can end in three ways. It kills you, you get lost in it, or you come out better. And Laurel went through her crucible this season. So the next few episodes will be crucial to show us where Laurel is going and how she came out of her's, if she actually did at all. If I had to bet, it'll be a major theme in the next episode with her interacting with Helena, who got lost in her's. And then there's the fact that she's clutching a liquor bottle so we're going to see if she can resist that, or if she'll give in.

But no, none of that's happening on the show, apparently. But, hey, I'm sure EBR posted a selfie of her before she brushed her hair this morning so that must mean Felicity is now homeless or something. Speculate away.
I meant to post something earlier but I was tied up, because I knew exactly what you were getting at with the Felicity comment, and had to giggle to myself. For me personally I am so Felicity starved, that when a camera pans a certain way and time I will eat it up and say "WHHHYYY?". Same for the chapped lips I am looking for blades of grass in a desert I mean look what happened everywhere when it was learned we would see the outside of Feliciity's apartment AND GET PJs I had a FULL BELLY that day. I found a whole patch of grass!
Kreisberg responded, “One of the most important lessons that I’ve learned from working with Greg Berlanti, whose obviously had such amazing success in television, is to always have a really great plan, and then always know when to let the plan go.”In response to the unexpected addition of Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards)
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Old 03-22-2014, 11:50 AM
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KC appears to be working out with Tommy Europe. He's a personal fitness trainer who has some tv shows and a membership site and such.

Tom Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Old 03-22-2014, 11:54 AM
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So Roy Harper is Arsenal (bad guy) AND Red Arrow(good guy)?! So does he just go back and forth when it suits him? You mean he's a POLITICIAN!!! Really though, not familiar with this guy, what's up?
No, Arsenal was still good, he was with the Justice League.
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Old 03-22-2014, 11:59 AM
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lmao Iluv2fly

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Old 03-22-2014, 12:20 PM
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Malcolm as Oliver's daddy though #WhatCouldHaveBeen ,
Looks like they're going out with a bang.
Familiar faces in the finale (so far): Walter & Malcolm.
Still holding out hope for Knyazev & McKenna .
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Old 03-22-2014, 12:26 PM
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Originally Posted by TJ72389 (View Post)
And people missed the point, obviously. I wasn't even comparing Laurel and Felicity. My point was, you all spent a week over analyzing EBR's chapped lips because it had to mean ~something, but anything regarding Laurel is taken at face-value. It's absurd.

Like, yeah, maybe Katie Cassidy was just working out, but maybe her working with a personal trainer meant something more? Like, Laurel is becoming Black Canary, which last time I checked, would change the show and her relationships significantly. But nope, you all shot it down as the former in two seconds.

Or, yeah, maybe it was just Laurel's POV, but maybe it wasn't? Maybe that's was the writer's POV? But, nope, that's not even up for discussion. It was just Laurel's POV and she was wrong because Sara went through her own struggles years ago and, on the show, they've never really shown that she's still in pain from it, but we just know she is because reasons.

I'm more sure then ever that we're watching different shows, though, because we're clearly not watching the same show. On the show I've been watching, Laurel's story-line went into overdrive right after Sebastian introduced the concept of a crucible and how it can end in three ways. It kills you, you get lost in it, or you come out better. And Laurel went through her crucible this season. So the next few episodes will be crucial to show us where Laurel is going and how she came out of her's, if she actually did at all. If I had to bet, it'll be a major theme in the next episode with her interacting with Helena, who got lost in her's. And then there's the fact that she's clutching a liquor bottle so we're going to see if she can resist that, or if she'll give in.

But no, none of that's happening on the show, apparently. But, hey, I'm sure EBR posted a selfie of her before she brushed her hair this morning so that must mean Felicity is now homeless or something. Speculate away.
Aww! Come on, TJ! Are you mad at us because we don't discuss or analyze every move Laurel makes as much as we discuss Felicity?
That is probably because most people here are sick of Laurel and know the show would probably tell us in detail how much in pain she is or what is happening to her. Where as with Felicity we are left to make our own story up because she has been side-lined soo much.
The reason why don't discuss things that KC posts is because up until few days ago most of her posts were about other stuff where as EBR/CH/SA posts are Arrow related stuff.

I feel like you are more mad about the fan reaction to Laurel's story-lines more than anything else really. And, you shouldn't. If you love Laurel and want to discuss about her story-lines. You can! Discuss away. No one here would say anything really. Hell, a few of us might even join.
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Old 03-22-2014, 12:28 PM
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I was talking about in general, whether it's posters here, critics or fans. They all can't seem to talk about Laurel/Sara without mentioning Felicity or comparing her. I think it speaks volumes.
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Old 03-22-2014, 12:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Iluv2fly (View Post)
So Roy Harper is Arsenal (bad guy) AND Red Arrow(good guy)?! So does he just go back and forth when it suits him? You mean he's a POLITICIAN!!! Really though, not familiar with this guy, what's up?
I'm assuming it will be more about just picking the name that makes most sense for the show than anything. Speedy doesn't make sense for him and it's Thea's nickname. Red Arrow... Oliver isn't even Green Arrow yet. So, that doesn't make sense either. Arsenal has a cool factor, but also makes sense for Roy.

There could be more to it, though. Maybe Roy and Oliver will have a major falling out that puts them in odd in a major way? That wouldn't be too surprising.

Originally Posted by Iluv2fly (View Post)
I meant to post something earlier but as tied up, because I knew exactly what you were getting at with the Felicity comment, and had to giggle to myself. For me personally I am so Felicity starved, that when a camera pans a certain way and time I will eat it up and say "WHHHYYY?". Same for the chapped lips I am looking for blades of grass in a desert I mean look what happened everywhere when it was learned we would see the outside of Feliciity's apartment AND GET PJs I had a FULL BELLY that day. I found a whole patch of grass!
Which is fine and I totally get. The girl isn't given much, but it's just frustrating how anything regarding Felicity is blown way out of proportion, but with everyone else, even things that happen on the show get ignored. Or BTS pictures mean nothing. A look is just a look with everyone else. While that's true sometimes, sometimes it's not.

And, really, with how much people have to look for something regarding Felicity, it makes me wonder just how accurate the quote in your signature truly is. Like, maybe Felicity's role, or lack of one, is a reflection of just how BS that quote is? I mean, maybe they haven't changed their plans to accommodate Felicity as much as they'd want us to think? Even with the Ivo theory, it seems like pure luck. And the way they called her a "mystery box" or whatever. It seems like their plan is to wait and see when they can get lucky enough to have Felicity be their trump card. And by doing that, it makes me worry about how consistent Felicity will actually be if they're just making it up as they go.

Originally Posted by thecatbastet (View Post)
KC appears to be working out with Tommy Europe. He's a personal fitness trainer who has some tv shows and a membership site and such.

Tom Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It makes me wonder if Katie went a bit method with Laurel this season. Last season, she was called fat. Then this season, she was called too skinny. So, I wonder if the weight loss had a bit to do with Laurel not taking care of herself?

Either way, I hope the reason Katie's working out now is because she's preparing for Black Canary next season.
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Old 03-22-2014, 12:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Vikram Phalange (View Post)
I was talking about in general, whether it's posters here, critics or fans. They all can't seem to talk about Laurel/Sara without mentioning Felicity or comparing her. I think it speaks volumes.
And who's fault is that, exactly? Certainly not the writers or media for making it that way, right? Or did they really think doing things like putting Felicity at the very front of the cast promo while Laurel is literally put in the back wouldn't annoy people? Or when Ausiello mostly answers Felicity/Olicity related questions. Or where you can't go through an interview without Felicity and Olicity being brought up, but Thea, Laurel, and Moira are rarely ever mentioned. Like this isn't a system already set-up the moment more than one woman appears on screen.

I mean, just two days ago people here were complaining about Sara because, apparently, she takes too much of Felicity's screen-time. And that's not the same thing? Why is it valid when you guys bring up another female character in regards to Felicity, but for everyone else, it isn't? Like, Laurel fans can't even complain about Sara literally taking thing that should go to Laurel.

Originally Posted by thecatbastet (View Post)
KC appears to be working out with Tommy Europe. He's a personal fitness trainer who has some tv shows and a membership site and such.

Tom Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It makes me wonder if Katie went a bit method with Laurel this season. Last season, she was called fat. Then this season, she was called too skinny. So, I wonder if the weight loss had a bit to do with Laurel not taking care of herself?

Either way, I hope the reason Katie's working out now is because she's preparing for Black Canary next season.

Last edited by TJ72389; 03-22-2014 at 12:51 PM
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Old 03-22-2014, 12:50 PM
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Originally Posted by TJ72389 (View Post)
And who's fault is that, exactly? Certainly not the writers or media for making it that way, right? Or did they really think doing things like putting Felicity at the very front of the cast promo while Laurel is literally put in the back? Or when Ausiello mostly answers Felicity/Olicity related questions. Or where you can go through an interview without Felicity and Olicity being brought up, but Thea, Laurel, and Moira are rarely ever mentioned.

I mean, just two days ago people here were complaining about Sara because, apparently, she takes too much of Felicity's screen-time. And that's not the same thing? Why is it valid when you guys bring up another female character in regards to Felicity, but for everyone else, it isn't? Like, Laurel fans can't even complain about Sara literally taking thing that should go to Laurel.
It's no one's fault. People are clearly just more interested in Felicity than they are Laurel & Sara, which certainly isn't the media and writers fault. You can't promote the shiit out of a character who isn't already popular or likeable (and being in a poster in front of laurel and attending cons is hardly promoting felicity as some huge character). She's just more popular. Laurel was never well received even in season one when Felicity was barely in it, but i guess that would still be blamed on felicity. Then you have certain fans who constantly moan about felicity and her fans, yet they can't seem to discuss their own favorites without bringing her characer into it. We always have discussions here about Laurel/Sara that don't involve Felicity. And since Sara has had her screen time, it's taken away from multiple characters, not just felicity. Felcity is certainly not the reason Laurels screen time was reduced considering she barely gets that much apart form one liners.
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Old 03-22-2014, 12:50 PM
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Originally Posted by TJ72389 (View Post)
Which is fine and I totally get. The girl isn't given much, but it's just frustrating how anything regarding Felicity is blown way out of proportion, but with everyone else, even things that happen on the show get ignored. Or BTS pictures mean nothing. A look is just a look with everyone else. While that's true sometimes, sometimes it's not.

And, really, with how much people have to look for something regarding Felicity, it makes me wonder just how accurate the quote in your signature truly is. Like, maybe Felicity's role, or lack of one, is a reflection of just how BS that quote is? I mean, maybe they haven't changed their plans to accommodate Felicity as much as they'd want us to think? Even with the Ivo theory, it seems like pure luck. And the way they called her a "mystery box" or whatever. It seems like their plan is to wait and see when they can get lucky enough to have Felicity be their trump card. And by doing that, it makes me worry about how consistent Felicity will actually be if they're just making it up as they go.

In regards to the quote, that was in reply to a direct question from Matt Mittovich at TV Line about Felicity, but that was also answered by Andrew Kreisberg (NOT Marc G). AK and GB have been tied up since mid November with the Flash and MG has been left running the show. It was about then that we started getting a little less Felicity Coincidence? Perhaps, but ...

It is because of that quote and David Ramsey's that I will hang and see what happens. I understand deserts, i may not like them at the moment, but it makes the speculation FUN! If EBR posted a pic of her with bed head and she was on set –*HOLD ME BACK! There's a MILLION ways that one can go


Thanks DarkStar! That info was rather difficult to track and my eyes started to glaze over! Good to know though!

And I am sooooo glad they didn't go the Malcolm/Oliver route — #starwars repeat. Thea was indeed the better route.
Kreisberg responded, “One of the most important lessons that I’ve learned from working with Greg Berlanti, whose obviously had such amazing success in television, is to always have a really great plan, and then always know when to let the plan go.”In response to the unexpected addition of Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards)

Last edited by Iluv2fly; 03-22-2014 at 12:55 PM
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Old 03-22-2014, 12:53 PM
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You can take away my house, all my tricks and toys, but one thing you can't take away – I am IRON MAN.

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Old 03-22-2014, 01:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Vikram Phalange (View Post)
It's no one's fault. People are clearly just more interested in Felicity than they are Laurel & Sara, which certainly isn't the media and writers fault. You can't promote the shiit out of a character who isn't already popular or likeable (and being in a poster in front of laurel and attending cons is hardly promoting felicity as some huge character). She's just more popular. Laurel was never well received even in season one when Felicity was barely in it, but i guess that would still be blamed on felicity. Then you have certain fans who constantly moan about felicity and her fans, yet they can't seem to discuss their own favorites without bringing her characer into it. We always have discussions here about Laurel/Sara that don't involve Felicity. And since Sara has had her screen time, it's taken away from multiple characters, not just felicity. Felcity is certainly not the reason Laurels screen time was reduced considering she barely gets that much apart form one liners.
This. I really don't understand people getting all butt hurt about it. They answer the questions that people ask the most about which happens to be Felicity/Olicity.

It's no-one's fault that's who the fans were drawn to.

Felicity was barely in the early episodes of s1 and still Laurel was hated from Day 1. They started with promoting the hell out of Oliver/Laurel and Oliver/Laurel/Tommy Day 1 but not many people cared...
Look at this promo it was a whole different plan/idea for the show with Laurel front and center but it didn't take.

They really tried in s1! But when something clicks on the show and with the fans - Team Arrow. A dynamic between Oliver/Felicity (romantic or not) you run with it. And i don't blame them.

Originally Posted by TJ72389 (View Post)
It makes me wonder if Katie went a bit method with Laurel this season. Last season, she was called fat. Then this season, she was called too skinny. So, I wonder if the weight loss had a bit to do with Laurel not taking care of herself?

Either way, I hope the reason Katie's working out now is because she's preparing for Black Canary next season.
Sadly no, it wasn't method, it was her own personal decision.

Yes KC hopefully preparing to be BC.

You can take away my house, all my tricks and toys, but one thing you can't take away – I am IRON MAN.
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Old 03-22-2014, 01:06 PM
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I feel like you can't control who people want to discuss and talk about. You can only control who you want to talk about.

SuitUp~ I have never seen a more cliche promo than that. Thank god, I didn't see it before now or I would not have watch the show.
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