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Old 04-08-2007, 12:54 PM
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[BL] S&S #100:Prettiest thread.Hottest couple.Greatest fans.Oh, & crappiest spoilers!

Previous Titles
This is a reminder to let you know that this is the Brooke & Lucas spoiler thread for OTH, meant for fans of this particular couple. If you're not a fan of them, this place is not for you. Keep the posts on topic with them, and keep posts from other threads out of the B/L one. Shipper wars are not tolerated and will not be tolerated. If this thread gets abused again we can/will close it again. Please keep things civilized. Thank you for your cooperation.

- sick jag (Jess) NikNak (Nikki) -

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Brooke & Lucas Spoiler shippers

"The Lucas-Peyton-Brooke triangle will become "more complex,"we'll find out who's pregnant, Rachel will become a series regular and Mouth will finally get some lovin'.We’ve never seen Lucas with a broken heart, and I think it would be interesting to see that. You know, it’s funny that the love triangle with Lucas and Brooke, and Lucas and Peyton is still alive and well after 67 episodes, and I think it will continue to be. But I also think that our audience is getting older. They’re growing up with the show and their lives are a little more complicated than that simple sort of A to B to Z, and I want that for the show as well, and I kind of want that for Lucas and Brooke and Peyton. So, that’s a little cryptic, but I guess the idea is that people sort of assume that if he’s not with Brooke, he’ll be with Peyton, and if he’s not with Peyton, he’ll be with Brooke, and I think that it’s a little more complex than that."

"I think Brooke has grown into an independence over the three years of the show that she didn’t have in the beginning. And she’s never been alone. She’s always needed someone. And I think that that independence speaks to bigger issues for her. But I will say, in direct response to the question, they will spend time together this year, but I think that there are so many different shades of their relationship that we haven’t explored, and I’m sort of interested to explore that. They may break up and get back together. They may choose to just try to be friends and not be able to do it… which would either make them enemies or make them romantic again, you know?
But I think that they have had a huge influence on each other’s lives and I think that will continue"

"Brooke's story line right now is that she's failing calculus and she's going to decide not to cheat but to study. She's going to learn, in her words, that she's "Brooke smart" and not book smart, at which point she and Rachel are going to set their sights on stealing the calculus exams. That story line intersects with Shelly (Elisabeth Harnois), the leader of Clean Teens, who we met earlier in the year. There's a new member of Clean Teens, Chase, played by Stephen Coletti from Laguna Beach, and Brooke's going to take an interest in him. At that point, we'll find out how dedicated he is to a life of abstinence. [Laughs] There is a huge fan base dedicated to Brooke and Lucas, and sometimes [those people] feel a bit betrayed, just as the fan base dedicated to Peyton and Lucas felt betrayed. That tells me that we've done things correctly — that's the strength of a love triangle. Peyton spent a really authentic time with Jake, and I think that Brooke could spend a really authentic time with another character, which doesn't necessarily mean she won't find her way back to Lucas or he won't find his way to her."

"I want to skip college. And what I would do is graduate them at the end of season four and then we'll pick them up five years later to start season five. The reason that this compels me is, first of all, I can drop into a world that feels new and, yet, familiar. What I mean by that is this: you know the characters and you've been with them for four years, but you don't know what happened for the last four, and you can drop the audience into new situations. The kids can play closer to their age, and we've done a lot of what we would do in college in high school, in terms of that accelerated behavior. The other cool thing it does, and this was not by design, I'm not smart enough to design it this way, but the fact that Lucas and his mom and his dad, Dan, the fact that there was history, that we can always reach back and grab a piece of something over the last four years, like what happened with Dan and Karen, what happened before Lucas joined the team, etc. Like we dropped the audience into this world, but there was so much life before that, that you could always go back and grab a piece when you needed it. If Lucas is with a girl that we've never met, or with Peyton, or with Brooke, or living with Haley and Nathan or whatever, how did that happen and what choices framed that? So, while you're advancing and learning about his new career and what he's doing after college, you're also allowed to go back and pick out that night in college when it could have gone either way and the decision he made that night and how it frames where he's at now. And I haven't ever seen anyone do it, but I think it's a great idea and, as a storyteller, the adrenaline I had in season one is increasingly difficult to find, but as a storyteller, to drop into a new world with all these characters that I love and tell new stories and yet be able to bounce back once in a while, it's incredibly invigorating for me and I would think it would be for an audience too, as opposed to skipping ahead to college and doing the same old stuff."

"We are stirring the pot! It is heavy. It is drama packed. It's going to be really exciting. And I can't reveal anything because if I reveal one detail, the whole web will unfold!" You know, I think my character might just end up with somebody new by the end of the season. I'm hearing rumblings!"

"Brooke is sort of exploring her options; meeting new people…we'll see who she'll end up picking in the long run I guess."

"You know, I think what I want, I want a chance for him to just not rise above it. You know, I want that opportunity, I think, where he doesn’t always take the right path. You know, he’s always, through everything, his uncle passes away, his father issues, he’s always risen above his issues and become a stronger man for it. I want to see him get roughed up. I want to see him go down a nomad path and just figure things out for himself, on his own."


Archie & Veronica
Brooke & Lucas Dylan & Brenda

Last edited by BrownEyes1980; 04-09-2007 at 09:12 AM
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Old 04-08-2007, 12:56 PM
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100 totally EPIC titles!

Art made by: Caliina

1: Because a new beginning calls for a new thread!
2: Our Thread And Couple Is About Quality Not Quantity.
3: the Spoilers come and go, what will ACTUALLY happen?
4: Because Season 3 will be our year. Yeah.
5: B/C old chicks, new chicks - just a brick in the wall.
6: An unexclusive couple brings all new exclusive spoilers
7: Because yeah,!
8: Because, wow. These new spoilers? You can have them back
9: Keller sex, cheer-offs...welcome to Tree Hill
10: We've got maddd action going on and we're not talking Rocky6
11: Mark, 'boy,' don't make us throw your 'draft' out the window
12: If Rachel stops lowering her clothes, we'll lower our weapons
13: Did we just hallucinate or were there spoilers? Oh, wait...
14: Because it's just so, *so* random
16: These original storylines? I know. Too good to be true.
17: Because we're shaking our presents but feel no spoilers
18: Concerts & globetrots & angst, oh my!
19: Because the preview department knows how to pimp...Tristan&Isolde.
20: Because we can make up spoilers, tew!!11
21: Because no spoiler drought can dehydrate us, now!
22: If that's cheating, than I've totally gone to 2nd base with my dog.
23: Because foilers '06 strike back!!!1! This time...with vengeance.
24: We WILL sleep with tired eyes, tired minds, if the show does a 360!!
26: (Lucas/Brooke) Spoilers & Speculations Thread
27: Because Brace Yourself We're in For One Hell of a Ride.
28: Seriously, BL as in Brooke and Lucas. Read before you post.
29: Because this week Lucas shows the kind of man he truly is. Good or Bad
30: Because we'll take build-up and realism any day
31: We're waiting to find out the fate of the thread-Er, the show.
32: You can't keep your BF all to yourself. Share with your best friend!
33: Because Brucas Baby..Dream come True..or worst nightmare!?
34: Pregnancy scare once shame on BL, pregnancy scare twice shame on Mark
35: Because Lucas can't resist a certain brunette girl in pigtails!
36: Because Brooke and Lucas are OTH's Cabbage Patch Dolls.
37: Because Lucas will try hard to get his "destiny" girl back!
38: The season won't start until after the first hiatus, great! *rolleyes*
39: We mock because we care. Except we kinda also don't.
40: Another lesson learned with writing like this you'll get burned!
41: A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts.
42: Because Mark, you don't know us, you don't even care!
43: Because One Tree Hill's salvation lies in BL's love
44: Because it takes two to play the game, the game of love.
45: The moments magic swept us away and it's so close but we're so far
46: Believe in the possibilities even when MS gives u every reason not to believe!
47: Mark, it's your call and we hope you do the right thing!
48: Because it is Brooke's 18th birthday and she wants good spoilers!
49: Mark, you hurt yourself by hurting us!
50: Because we will not settle for sloppy seconds!
51: Lucas is getting Brooke back...& he'll hold your hand while doin' it.
52: Because their love won't back down, no matter what comes crashing down.
53: If you can't beat 'em...get bigger weapons.
54: Because spoilers make our motor run.
55: Because this is Tree Hill - not Beverly Hills
56: No matter what it will always come back to Brooke and Lucas in the end
57: "Next threat title." Typo...or just the blunt truth? /evil innuendo
58: Because you think you know, but you have no idea
59: Their hearts will always be with each other, even when life tears them apart
60: Because Mark, it's okay to borrow 'good' storylines from 90210.
61: Mark, this love is our oxygen. Don't kill our fanbase!
62: If you turned away they will all fall.
63: In the end their love was undeniable and true.
64: We know it's coming, but if you think it's the end of BL u're brutally wrong.
65: Because 17 is the new 9, baby!
66: You have everything you need, if you just believe.
67: Dance!
68: The writers shouldn't focus on converting us, we know what's good & what’s not.
69: B/c we go together like ramma lamma lamma ka dinga da dinga dong!
70: We ask the writers to end the BL hiatus NOW.
71: An eraser room? Yeah, that’s fantastic. Add to the confusion.
72: Fool me once - shame on you; fool me twice - oh no you didn't!
73: You call it love, but we call it crap!
74: Somebody please sharpen this storyline. It's missing a point.
75: Stop trying to get creative and just bring back the Fall Out Tool.
76: Remember chastity belts? Yeah, lets go ahead and bring those back.
77: We refuse to move on cause we're feeling the same.
78: He gave her 2 embarrassing speeches & that’s gotta mean smtg, right Mark?
79: Masochists + torture scene? We need more than that to be pleased!
80: Who cares about titles? We want BL scenes!
81: Boyfriend and Pretty Girl in the same team. It's time to play!!!
82: ‘Nathan Scores.’ Really? And you’re shocked that it’s porn?
83: Some of the hardest things are easy to achieve with patience.
84: Lucas needs a haircut and we know exactly who should give him one!
85: Because even a look is a perfect Valentine’s
86: Because we have a murderer on our side!
87: "Don't count this threesome out-we havent seen the last of this one"
88: Spoilers that make you go hmm…
89: BL eye-sex candy is coming our way!
90: Because tonight BL begins again...preferably with sunglasses!
91: Because it's in their eyes, it's how they operate.
92: Your bf saying his x-girlfriend's dress is nicer than yours: Priceless!
93: B/c 'cheesefest' won't change the destiny of these two lovers.
94: Stop this Chasefest. Let's chase Chase off... NOW!
95: We'll choose whipped cream over this old cheese anyday!
96: After All the stops & starts,we keep coming back to these two hearts
97: "Sometimes they come back..."
98: Because we see it in their eyes...they'll be alright.
99: If BL wasnt on hiatus the eppie would go "It def gets better @ night"
100: Prettiest Thread. Hottest Couple. Greatest Fans. "Oh", And Crappiest Spoilers!

Art made by: tooaddicted2tv


Archie & Veronica
Brooke & Lucas Dylan & Brenda

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Old 04-08-2007, 12:58 PM
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100th Thread Icons
Feel free to snag and use the icons below that were made to celebrate the 100th BL S&S thread. Credit is of course always appreciated to those who took time and made the icons.

Credit: B.Davis

Credit: tooaddicted2tv (manip pic made by: Onarek)

Credit: meloh

Credit: Caliina

Credit: BrownEyes1980

[More 100 icons]

Art made by: tooaddicted2tv


Archie & Veronica
Brooke & Lucas Dylan & Brenda

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Old 04-08-2007, 01:00 PM
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May 2nd, 2007
4.16 ""You Call It Madness, But I Call It Love" written by Terrence Coli
It will be an unforgettable Prom at Tree Hill High when Lucas discovers who was in the hallway when Keith was killed. Meanwhile, Peyton’s decision to skip Prom leads to dire consequences. Nathan and Haley vow to be romantic teenagers at Prom, while Dan tries to win Karen’s affections, as the witness to his murder closes in.

Brooke approaches Lucas and he tells her that Peyton didn't answer the door when he went to her house. He tells her that he is sorry about her dress, and she says that she almost got it all out. Brooke is surprised that Lucas defended her in his argument with Peyton.

Lucas is upset to see Dan/Karen getting so close. He shares his concerns with Glenda

BL don't go home together. Brooke goes to Peytons. BP end the night together (unless Lucas shows up later and I haven't heard about it)

May 9th, 2007
4.17 ""It Gets The Worst At Night" written by Mark Schwahn and Jim Lee
The teens of Tree Hill mount a rescue mission to retrieve Mouth from his ill-advised road trip with Rachel. While on the trip, Haley and Nathan get a second chance to enjoy the prom, and Lucas and Peyton decide to take their relationship to the next level. Brooke tells Haley that she lied about stealing the calculus exam, and Nathan struggles with the residue of a past mistake.

The episode opens with Brooke/Lucas/Peyton in bed together.

Chris/Brooke flirt with each other. At the HG prom, a lovestruck girl is mooning over Chris, and Brooke tells her that she slept with Chris.

Brooke/Haley clash about the stolen test and Haley getting fired from the tutoring center. Haley says that she can forgive Brooke for sleeping with Nathan since that happened before she really knew her. It's harder for her to forgive her regarding the stolen test, since that happened when Haley knew Brooke as her friend. B/H do make up at the end, and Haley feels sorry for yelling at Brooke.

Brooke and Peyton share a scene where Brooke says something like, "You remember when I said that we can't ever be like we were? I was wrong. We'll be better!"

Brooke walks in on LP's first time but it is after the two have finished the actual act.

May 16th, 2007
4.18 ""The Runaway Found" written by Terrence Coli
No official episode description available yet.

Peyton moves into N/H's old apartment after the PsychoDerek incident. Apparently, she is bothered enough by the latest battle with him that she wants out of the house. Brooke helps her out by painting the walls in the bedroom red.

At school, Chase skateboards over to Brooke and kind of cuts her off in order to talk with her. They do end up having a conversation, but it's unclear if they are actually back together at this point. (My guess is no).

Also, at school, Peyton hallucinates that she sees bloody PsychoDerek. He's like standing there shirtless in his tux pants. Peyton tells Brooke that she wants to go to the jail to verify that PD is actually there.
May/June?, 2007
4.19 ""tba" written by ?
No official episode description available yet.

Lucas/Peyton are apparently discussing college plans. I'm not positive of this, but that's what it sounds like. At school, they are being all cute and couply. Lucas tells her that she needs to follow her dreams and that he will wait for her.

Brooke is upset because apparently she told Gigi some confidential stuff and now everything she said is in the yearbook. Gigi is in the episode also.

Brooke and Chase are back together and very much in love.

There was a classroom scene with Peyton/Brooke/Chase filmed.
May/June?, 2007
4.20 ""tba" written by ?
No official episode description available yet.

The Tree Hill High class of 2007 graduates. None of the parents are there. Haley is the valedictorian. The students sit alphabetically. Bevin trips on stage. N/L sit next to each other, and L/P are separated by one random person. Brooke sits behind Chase. Lucas and Peyton wear honors sashes. Rachel doesn't walk, because she's not there, but her name is called.

Lucas/Haley scene in front of the hospital. Karen is in the hospital due to complications with her pregnancy. Unfortunately she has to miss the graduation ceremony, and Lucas is pretty upset about that. Haley gives Lucas a bound copy of his novel, a graduation gift from Karen.
June 13th, 2007
4.21 ""All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone" written by Mark Schwahn
No official episode description available yet.

The finale literally picks up right where 4.20 left off. Nathan is helping Haley into the ambulance. While she is on the stretcher, Haley drops a piece of paper (her speech) and Brooke picks it up. The speech comes up later in the episode. Brooke, Peyton, Mouth, and Skills are standing around N/H. In the ambulance, N/H discuss baby names.

We will get to hear the rest of Haley's valedictorian speech. Brooke picks it up after Haley drops it and she reads it in another scene.

Lucas gets a text message about his mom's condition, and he is upset. Peyton puts her arm around him to comfort him.

Lucas is in scrubs at the hospital so it appears that he goes into the operating room with his mom. I'm not positive of this. I know that there is a scene where N/L hug after Haley and Karen are wheeled into separate rooms.

Practically everyone is at the hospital at some point for the impending births. Even Chase, Fergie, Mouth, and Junk make an appearance. Of course, Skills and Bevin are there too.

There is a time jump of about 3 months at some point in the finale. After that, there is an end of the summer party. Everyone goes to the party, including Rachel, Skills, Chase, Mouth, Shelly, Fergie, and Junk.

Luke and Peyton inside the house party in the kitchen. She's asking him what he's going to do now and he says either go to community college or finish his novel and she says that his novel was great and she loved what he wrote about her and she's so proud of him and hands him a hardback cover of his book, which is all black but says Scott on the binding.

Brooke, Rachel, and Mouth outside the party. Rachel approaches Mouth and he hugs her and asks where she's been and he has missed her and while they're talking, Brooke steals him away calling him "boyfriend" and says to stay away from her bc she reminds him of Honey Grove and the girls stick their tongues out at each other. She pulls him away from Rachel and asks him to go play spin the bottle and he says, "Spin the bottle? What are we, 13?" and she says, "Shut UP!" and they go in the house.

Mouth jumps off the house and chugs a beer and kisses Brooke

The RC scenes in the finale are 100% positively after the party scenes. The gang leaves the party and goes straight to the RC.

There is no kind of P/L/B triangle in the finale. C/B are very much in love and there are a ton of scenes with them.

It was scripted for Haley to ask Brooke to be the godmother at the party, but the scene, that was supposed to be filmed on Monday, was not filmed, and it was rescheduled. Right now, as we know it, there is a big possibility that the whole godparent issue will be cut in order to make room for other relevant plot points in the finale.

I know of a lot of scenes that have been filmed and some that will be filmed later this week, and there are no B/L only scenes. As you know, there are always those scenes that seem to pop up here and there without anyone posting about them, like the one in 4.15 which I didn't know was actually going to be onscreen. If I had B/L spoilers I would share them, but so far, none for the finale, except for group scenes.

[Credit for above info and spoilers: The CW network, Curlyhead, SusanXG, Hoydenish, Angie, Sam, DuckGirl & ~DropsofJupiter~]

I heard through the grapevine (and assuming nothing changes) that James Lucas Scott's godparents are Lucas and Brooke.

BL actually do make it a point to be friends from what I was told. Not specifically in 4.16 but everyone starts to feel the approach of graduation and realize that this is the last time that their lives are ever going to be like this. The BL friendship comes back along with the BP friendship.

For all intents and purposes there is no B/L this season so there is nothing to spoil. It's all L/P and B/C (which is sort of odd since as I hear it he won't return if there is an S5 so what's the point???

Stephen Colletti is returning to the show beginning in episode 18, and he will continue through for the remainder of the season. Expect Chase and Brooke to be a couple again

The thing I heard ( I am not saying it will be like that ) and I dont know if it is for s5 LP are broken up Lucas goes to UNC Peyton to texas ... Peyton ends up working for a radio company.

Brooke/Peyton do end up living together in the apartment. We think that they actually discuss the situation in 4.17.

"The first thing I said to Mark was that I wanted a fifth season. I said, "It's been a rough year for my couples, I like Brooke and Luke" and he smiled really big and said "Then there are good things coming for you". I PRACTICALLY DIED.That said I was at filming last night and it was the finale and SPOILER: Peyton and Lucas are together as were Chase and Brooke. So I don't know when this good thing is coming, but I trust Mark."

[Credit for above spoilers: Duckgirl, SusanXG, Hoydenish, OneGoodFan, Curlyhead & tink~lostboy]

No new spoilers available as of now.


Archie & Veronica
Brooke & Lucas Dylan & Brenda

Last edited by BrownEyes1980; 04-09-2007 at 07:14 AM
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Old 04-08-2007, 01:01 PM
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Filming/On set/Fans

Filming episode 4.17 on location in Honey Grove, Texas.

Filming episode 4.20.

Filming episode 4.21.

[Credit for above pictures: MaggieMay, HGgirl09 @ the CW, Keith Gregory, JLloverS23 & Kc07 @, haleywill @ OTHforums, Mandy @ the CW Board, brucasalways on FF, KelseeLovesOTH @ OTHforum]

Archie & Veronica
Brooke & Lucas Dylan & Brenda

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Old 04-08-2007, 01:03 PM
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S4 Production Stills

From episode 4.08 and episode 4.09.

Promos and Promotional Pics

Episode 4.16 "You Call It Madness, But I Call It Love".

Download the 4.16 promo

[Credit for the above promo video: dreamygirl @ oth 911]

Archie & Veronica
Brooke & Lucas Dylan & Brenda

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Old 04-08-2007, 01:05 PM
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Through readers recommendations we have gathered a selection of written stories that has taken Brooke and Lucas down different paths than the original writers of One Tree Hill has chosen for them. Some run parallel to season 4, and follows some of the season 4 storylines, and some are AU. But what they all have in common is that they are examples of excellent fanfiction.

For those of you who have never gotten acquainted with fanfiction, it is the perfect way to recreate or rewrite the things we love and hate surrounding OTH and our favorite couple. Fan fiction is a term for fiction about characters or settings written by fans of the original work, rather than by the original creators. And more or less, it is a way for fans like our selves to be the writers and to make One Tree Hill into what we want it to be.

And just reading fanfiction can be a way to escape a season that so far has been torture for all of us that ship Brooke/Lucas. Diving into a parallel storyline can be almost as rewarding as watching the actual show, maybe even more so at this point. Because in the world of fanfiction, the wrong roads that Mark chooses for our couple can be untraveled, and the problems he puts up can be solved.

Mark and his crew should take a page out of these writers book when they write the rest of the season. Enjoy…

BL S4/Future One-shot Recommendations
One shots are short fics, sometimes even only consisting one scene. But so much emotion can be expressed in short fics like these ones listed below.

Summary: This is a oneshot songfic based on Solstice by Malbec. This song was played during a OTH promo but never actually on an episode. The lyrics are amazing and I just fell in love with the song and had to use for some fic. And it's a BL one, actually it's like an unaired scene from episode 4.12, before Brooke went on her date with Chase and Lucas went to the nightclub watch Nathan and the other guys.

Author: H. James on

Lost Souls
Summary:“We’re both to blame right?” She asks, lip trembling. “I mean, it wasn’t just me that wanted to go.” Her brown eyes start to cloud with tears and all Lucas can do is watch her. “Right?”

Author: Brookebynature on

Summary: How could a simple shoebox have him so confused? Because it contained his past mistakes and made him question his relationship with her. And now he was torn...he had a decision to make. So who will he choose?

Author: Mosie1213 on

Cardboard Boxes
Summary: It's graduation day for the senior class of Tree Hill and Brooke Davis is leaving her friends and her home behind her. But before she can go, she has one more goodbye. BL. With mentions of LP and BC

Author: Dayzsollers on

Passenger Seat
Summary: They’re on their way to college together (but they’re not together). Peyton is purposely not mentioned, so if you’re wondering what happened to her…well, imagine that Brooke is finally Lucas’ #1 priority for once. His only priority outside of his family—their relationship is at a point where it doesn’t matter anymore.

Author: Ellipses on

Open Your Eyes
Summary: A Brooke and Lucas oneshot nearly month after Brooke breaks up with Lucas. Can Lucas get Brooke back and get her to open her eyes, once and for all? Lyrics featured and title are from Open Your Eyes by Snow Patrol.

Author: marap on

How To Save A Life
Summary: Takes place after the season three finale. While Brooke is in a downward spiral, falling fast and hard, Lucas must try his hardest to save what he can of Brooke and their relationship.

Author: xblondecutieo23 on

Finally Chosen
Summary: Continuation scene of eppy 4.08. Lucas reacts to Peyton's confession of love. Where does that lead him?

Author: l-a-c-18 on

Growing Up and Getting Lost
Summary: Oneshot. We sat in your car on that chilly fall night, talking about how much I've grown up, and how much you've lost yourself.

Author: Atg543 on

And The World Fell Away
Summary: It's here. He needs to decide. To end it all. He needs to choose will it be LP or BL?

Author: brucasnaleyjeyton on

Long Time Coming
Summary: So Brooke, was it everything you dreamed of? Brooke thought a moment, trying to carefully put into words exactly how she was feeling. She was 22, right out of college with great friends and a nice apartment. But still something was missing.

Author: Dayzsollers on

BL S4/Future Long Fic Recommendations
In this category we’ve gathered longer stories. Some are completed and some are still somewhere in the process of being written.
In this section, just as in the one above, most of the stories are rewriting the entire season 4.

Girl Behind The Red Door
Summary: The story centers around Brooke and Lucas and is set just after ep. 4x04 (Can't Stop This Thing We Started). The rumors of Brooke being pregnant run rampant. Are they true and if they are, why is she lying to Lucas? Rachel flips between being a real bitch and a real friend to Brooke, but already in the beginning stuff happens that force Rachel to show her true colors...

Author: justlikebrooke on

If tomorrow Never comes
Summary: Brooke Davis had it all. She was beautiful, with great friends and a loving boyfriend. But what happens when the very person she's running from is the only one that can help her through what she's going through?

Author: Dayzsollers on

Summary: The story takes place after the season 3 finale. Brooke never wanted to feel this empty and alone again, yet here she is, reliving a past mistake that she thought was ancient history. This time around, the wounds are much deeper, and like it or not, lives will change forever.

Author: findy0urself on

Where I Belong
Summary: How long does it take a person to realize who they're supposed to spend their life with?

Author: heartsmash on

A Lonely September
Summary: Can we say Senior Trip? All the kids take their senior trip skiing, and I'm guessing you can imagine the trouble they can find to get into!

Author: Br00keSc0tt on

The One You Love Will Make You Weep
Summary: This story starts while at the Basketball banquet. Lucas wants Brooke back and she wants him back as well, but so much has passed between them, will they get back to how they were?

Author: jeytonbrucasnaley on

Gamble Everything For Love
Summary: This story starts after episode 4x07 (All these things I've done) and is centered around Brooke Davis. Love is about taking chances. About not being scared and just putting your heart out there. But if your heart is broken, with the pieces scattered at your feet, then is love really enough.

Author: justlikebrooke on

Sometimes People Suprize You
Summary: Brucas Set after Leyton get together, Brooke copes with it and she still loves lucas, Lucas still loves her, but he is dating Peyton. Jake loves Peyton, but she loves Lucas.

Author: Brucas2006 on

When The Sky Comes Crashing Down
Summary: Graduation is in three months, and already people are deciding whether to lock up their hearts and throw away the key, or open their hearts up and let themselves fall hard and fast. This fic will be BL JP and NH by the end most likely. Takes place after eppy 4x07.

Author: brucasnaleyjeyton on

ThreeHundred AND SixtyFive
Summary: What if Brooke had a glimpse into the future and realized every choice she made really did make a difference? What if she had 365 days to get her life back: what choices will she make? Will they be the right ones?

Author: findy0urself on

It Starts With Goodbye
Summary: You never forget your first love. Six years ago, Brooke left her perfect life behind and followed her dreams. Now, her past has caught up with her, and she learns that her heart never truly let go of the first boy who stole it all those years before.

Author: Mags0607 on

What Hurts the Most
Summary: Set after Brooke breaks up with Luke in The Same Deep Water as You. Brooke broke up with Lucas, claiming that she couldn’t do it anymore. And it was true; she was sick of feeling like she was the only one putting anything into the relationship. She had to let him go, for her own sanity. Two weeks later, however, she finds herself empty inside. Knowing – or hoping – that it’s just post-breakup-blues; she finds herself fighting to stay strong while Lucas continues to fight for her, just like he promised.

Author: Cherie Dennis on

Shattered Illusions
Summary: Future. Everything that has happened on the show has happened in this story, I haven’t changed anything. Brooke has the life she always wanted, or at least thought she'd always wanted. What happens when she realizes just how out of control her life is and hits rock bottom? Who will be there to catch her fall?

Author: brookefan329 on

Original Sin
Summary: What unsettled Lucas the most was how much he missed her. And with the way things were now there was no chance that feeling would ever go away. BL future fic.

Author: jojogirl on

Wait for You
Summary: But most of all I've watched you. I've loved you from the moment I found you naked in the backseat of my car and I'm sure I'll continue to love you as you move to New York. I'm proud of you Brooke, of the woman you've become. Goodbye PrettyGirl

Author: Dayzsollers on

BL AU Long Fic Recommendations
These stories are all AU (alternate universe), which basically means that only the basics of the characters are kept in the story, or that the fic takes place in a future that doesn’t stem from the original storyline. But like all the other stories, they center around BL.

Broody and the Bitch
Summary: BROOD: to dwell gloomily on a subject, to be in a state of depression—to think anxiously or gloomily about.
BITCH: a lewd or immoral woman b: a malicious, spiteful, or overbearing woman— something that is extremely difficult, objectionable, or unpleasant

Author: TypoKween on

Trust Me, Trust Nobody
Summary: Set at Uni.Lucas Scott is the arrogant,cocky,popular kid that know one dares to cross but that all changes when Brooke Davis comes to town to ruin his reputation.

Author: BrucasFan1 on

Red Light Until Sunset
Summary: Brooke and Lucas work on a strict Friends With Benefits policy, without the friends. In fact, the rest of the world think that they hate each other…what happens when they start to want something more than just physical?

Author: wishinonastar on

Oranges and Blues
Summary: Set during early season 1. AU. Brooke and Lucas never began dating, although Brooke liked Lucas; he chose to pursue Peyton. Not that Brooke minds, she got over it, preferring to support her best friend’s relationship. Haley and Nathan are still dating. Minor LP. Mostly BL.

Author: Mrs O-Town on

She Paints Me Blue
Summary: Brooke and Lucas have been the best of friends for years, but what happen's when Brooke has to move in with him, and Lucas falls in love with her?

Author: xblondecutieo23 on

I Will Buy You A New Life
Summary: Brooke and Lucas Scott’s seemingly perfect marriage hits a bump in the road when Brooke finds herself in over her head with a neglected girl from her preschool class while the secrets Lucas keeps from her threaten to break them apart more. AU

Author: shehasnotime on

Tennis Court Soundtrack
Summary: Brooke Davis has all but had it with guys. Luckily, she doesn’t have to think about them anymore, because she has a fabulous opportunity to distract her—the chance to leave her lifelong home in California and spend the year in infamous Cancun, Mexico. Of course, she jumps at the chance. However, she unexpectedly finds herself in the whirlwind romance that she had sworn to stay away from. But will her previous determination to be independent keep her from the one guy she can’t stop thinking about?

Author: xoxonetreehill on One Tree Hill Central Fan Fiction Board

Just The Gardener
Summary: It was the perfect set up. Large house, plenty of money and killer good looks. But in the town of Tree Hill, status is everything. She's Queen Bee. And he's just the gardener.

Author: Brookebynature on

Secrets Kept
Summary: A death causes Karen and her seventeen year old son Lucas to return to Tree Hill. What will Lucas find out about himself? Who will he meet along the way?

Author: l-a-c-18 on

Under Your Skin
Summary: Nathan and Lucas are brothers who live with Dan and Deb. Brooke, Lucas, Haley and Nathan were all friends when they were small children. Haley and Lucas were best friends first, as were Nathan and Brooke. As they got older however they all got closer and by the time they were about 10 Brooke and Lucas had become very close. Brooke’s father ran a business with Dan, and their parents were friends. When they were 12, the business began to collapse and Brooke’s father sold Dan out, though only because Dan tried to do so first, though most people don’t know this. There was a court case and it got ugly, but in the end the Scotts had to move because they lost everything.Brooke and Lucas parted on very bad terms because they blamed her family.

Author: ali213_2 on LiveJournal

Wake My Body Up
Summary: Slightly AU then completely. Lucas finally tells Brooke his feelings and she reveals her feelings to him too. They fall asleep together, finally being together, but after a dream of Lucas having to leave Brooke he wakes up in a completely different life. He remembers both lives, but is stuck in this new one. A life where Brooke wants nothing to do with him, can he ever find his way back to her?

Author: lilolerayray on

Hidden Weeds Flower
Summary: Brooke Davis is forced to live with her Godparents – Dan and Karen Scott – and their spoilt son, Lucas. With Lucas resenting Brooke’s presence in his house, will Brooke manage to get through the tough two years that follow?

Author: Mrs O-Town on


Archie & Veronica
Brooke & Lucas Dylan & Brenda

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Old 04-08-2007, 01:07 PM
Elite Fan

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In early March 2007 Meredith (Roswell Dream Girl) told us that she would put together a BL book that Mark would receive @ the Charity game that would be held later that month. The book was a way for the fans to show that the support and love for Brooke & Lucas is as strong as ever. Together people came up with more ideas to be included in the book as a supporter list, reasons why we love BL, the phrase "people that are meant to be together always find their way in the end" in different languages and of course the questions that Meredith had already thought out for fans to answer. It didn't just become a project for fans on Fan Forum but it became a joint team effort that went way beyond that and BL fans from both the CW board, OTHfans forum, Fanbolt forum, OTH writers 911 board and even boards in foreign languages helped out. The book became 70 pages long and there were actually so many responses with answers for the questions Meredith could only use one from each person so that everyone's answer could be fitted into the book.

Thanks to a bunch of lovely gals from the BL spoiler thread here not only did Mark receive the BL book but both Chad and Sophia got 'exclusive' t-shirts designed for them. The shirts were designed in the spirit of the "Justice League". Sarah (Whats_Left_Of_Me) gave the book to Mark @ the Charity Game and he pretty much got the purpose of the book "I guess these gifts are a Schwahn you better get your act together" . She also delivered the shirts and let us know Chad got his and he said something like "Oh my god I have to show this to Schwahn that's hilarious". Sophia could not attend to the game but Mark said he would give it to her later.

[Watch Mark Receive The Book]
Credit: Sarah

[Slide-Show of the Book]
Credit: Meredith

From the book: phrase pages (click for bigger version)

"I love BL because they complete eachother, because when Lucas and Brooke are together they're always smiling, if one is sad, the other makes him/her happy.I love BL because they are tender, they are sweet, their love is pure and honest, because Lucas was the first one who really touched Brooke's heart and he still is the only one. And because of that love, he made Brooke feel safe enough to show who she really was, he made her brave to prove she was not the girl everyone thought she was. Their love was so real that Brooke was afraid to try again, because she loved Lucas so much she didin't want him to break her heart, because that would be unbearable. And because it's just there, every scene is cute and special, even if it's not supposed to be but the BL power is so great that they can change a simple greeting into something really deep, cute, tender, special and meaningfull."

"What I love about them is that they aren't similar at all. Lucas is serious and broody, and Brooke is cheery and crazy. They complete each other. With her, Lucas laughs and has fun, and with him Brooke learnt what love was, she became more loyal to her friends, she'd do anything for them. And I love the fact that they're anything but perfect. They have their fights, but they always find a nice way to reconcile."

"Now that is a tough question. There are so many in depth choices I could choose, but if I must choose one it would be the fact that they both have grown so much being with each other. It's no secret that they were complete opposites in the beginning. Brooke was a party girl, while Lucas preferred to stay at home and curl up with a good book. Then something amazing happened. The writers took a chance and put two opposites together. The writers saw something that all the fans now see, that just because you aren't into the same things doesn't mean you can’t fall in love and be happy with someone. Brooke grew as a person while dating Lucas and even more so after they broke up. He taught her that she was better than all that and that she didn't have to act that way. He taught her how to love herself as well as others. He also taught her that no matter what you depend on yourself above all else, you save yourself, and that's what she does. She saves herself. With all the growing that broke has done Lucas has also grown a great deal. When we were first introduced to Lucas Scott's world we saw that he was a good guy who loved basketball and was always on the straight narrow. Then he met the brunette bombshell and we saw another side of Lucas. We saw him genuinely smile. In all my television watching I have never seen so much emotion portrayed from a character as I see Lucas show when in a scene with Brooke. He was no longer the shy lonely kid that stuck to his own small group. Brooke brought out another side of him, a more wild side if you will. He was daring and he was fun. We saw Lucas make some huge mistakes, but that's part of Life. Lucas learned from his cheating mistake which made him a better person in the long run. Brooke taught him that not all things in life are easy and when you make a mistake you have to live with the consequences. Lucas saw that when he had to fight to win back Brooke's trust. So all in all the thing I love most about my favorite couple is that yes they've grown so much from being with each other that they are just good people when together."

"What I love the most about BL is how they make each other better people. Before Brooke started dating Lucas, she was the girl equivalent of a player and she had never settled down for a long time before him. She had even told Peyton that he meant everything to her. Brooke had never been honest before but with Lucas, he brought the good in her out."

"What I love about them is that they are really different from each other but at the same time they're the same. They’re the opposite of each other but together they become complete. Brooke brings the quality of not taking everything so serious and having the world on your shoulder into the relationship while Lucas brings in the opposite aspect. The fact that they're not perfect together on paper makes them all the more compatible when seeing the two characters together on screen. Because people aren't perfect, relationships aren't perfect and neither is love. They put a smile on my face and joy in my heart when I think and see them together and that’s how I know I love them and always will."

"If I had my way, I would have season 5 open with Brooke, Lucas, and Peyton having all lost touch with each other over the 4 years they’ve been a college. That way it could be an even playing field for both Leyton and Brucas shippers. I think that Lucas' novel will probably play a big role in who he ends up with. I would also like to see Lucas rescue Brooke for a change (hence their conversation in 2.18). Leyton never got resolved in season 1, and because of that, Brooke always had an underlying fear that Lucas would one day dump her for Peyton. So she beat him to the punch and dumped him first. She knows that until they explore their feelings, she’ll never be able to fully trust either of them, despite how much she might want to. She’s waiting to see if he’ll fight for her like he promised. So basically, I want to see Leyton get resolved, and I want to see OTH end with Brucas/Jeyton/Naley!"

" Obviously, being a huge BL fan I want to see them back together as a couple. But, right now I think that them building a friendship up is more important. That way WHEN BL do get back together, because they WILL it wont be rushed, or a spare of the moment thing, it will have built up over time."

"Well right now things are pretty screwed up, and one thing that I have always enjoyed about Brucas is that they aren’t rushed. So I would like a realistic and well built up reunion. I think the thing about Leyton is that they are not right at all for one another and they need to realize this. They need closure in order for Lucas to move on with Brooke and Peyton to move on with Jake. So I would like them to get this closure free from other people, by deciding it between the two of them, coming to realize that all they have is a loving friendship. I would like Brooke to leave at the end of season four and go on to become a successful fashion designer. I would like Lucas to be having doubts about letting her go and for him to kiss her when she says goodbye to him. I would like him to beg her to stay and say that he is confused about what he wants, but he knows he needs her here with him. Then I would like her to say, against what her heart is saying, “Go back to Peyton.” Then she could leave and it would be very emotional. If before season five skips a few years I would like many of the cast to have left Tree Hill and returned different people from before. I would like Leyton to have gotten their closure and for Brooke to feel a lot more secure in herself. Lucas realizes what a mistake he has made and when Brooke comes back to Tree Hill all of his old feelings resurface. He chases her, similar to season two and season three, but she is even more wary of him this time. He eventually wins her over by making the biggest gesture to show his commitment that he could – he proposes. In the last ever episode of OTH I would love a Brucas wedding, and for Peyton to be pregnant with Jakes child, from a one night stand a few months back. Then Jeyton get back together, things are perfect, lol. I can dream can’t I?"

These last ten episodes have been by far the hardest to watch for me as a BLer, mostly because we hardly haven’t had a single BL-scene. But in a strange way, the lack of closeness between them lately has made their love even stronger in my eyes. When the love between two people is strong, break-ups are hard to suffer through and they needed their time apart. My wishes now, for the rest of this season and for the possible 5th season is a slow build up. From hardly talking at all, to being friends, starting to confide in each other again, and then returning to the love that never fully disappeared. Because I know we will have BL back together again. Preferably after collage when they have pined for each other for ages. I just really wish that Mark would stop destroying the memory we have of the previous seasons and that he’ll make there reunion as real and believable as in s2.

"I'm not a love at first sight type of person but with Brooke/Lucas I have to admit it was love at first sight. The first One Tree Hill episode I ever watched was episode 1.03 - Are You True? And when Brooke appeared in Lucas back-seat with that dimple smile and the naughty look on her face and he looked really embarrassed and shy my heart literally stopped but in a good way and I thought "these two are just so opposite that they would be perfect together!" and with that they’ve kept it interesting together ever since. It's the surprises, crazy and unpredictable things with them that never makes it boring to watch. I’ve cried, laughed, prayed, smiled and everything in between from that episode and forward just because of these two characters. Here I am 4 years later and every time they have a scene together it feels like the first time, it’s refreshing and I feel good."

"I started watching OTH about half way through season two. The first episode I ever watched was the one after Lucas had seen Brooke and Felix kissing when he was going to tell her how he felt. I instantly fell in love with the show and with Brucas. From that first episode I have always loved this couple, the chemistry was clear for me to see from the first time I ever watched. But after watching season one, I think I would have loved them from the beginning, because their first date in the bar – can you say hott! Brucas are my main reason for watching OTH, without them the show loses so much of its spark."

"If I am completely honest I will have to say in episode 1.09 With Arms Outstretched is when I fell in love with BL. That's when it all really began for them. We saw Lucas actually have fun in that episode and we saw that it was Brooke Davis that brought that out in him. We saw that even though they weren't into the same things they got along. To keep this honesty thing going I will also say that another thing I loved about that episode was the steamy first kiss we all saw. I can say without any doubt that that was the best make out scene I have ever seen on television. You could just see the on screen chemistry between the two of them. It was oozing out. I fell in love with that couple that episode and have been ever since. You gotta love Gretchen and Henry. I will keep this question going and say that after the whole cheating fiasco I thought Lucas didn't deserve Brooke, but he proved me wrong. I once again fell in love with the couple when Lucas got Brooke's parents to let her stay in Tree Hill to finish out the school year. We all could see that Lucas was completely in love with the girl behind the red door and would do anything for her. If there ever was a meant to be in love couple it is Brooke and Lucas."

"I have to say the moment I started shipping them was in S1, after Brucas joined forces to save Peyton at the college party. The chemistry they had together while caring for Peyton showed so much as they got to know each other better. I think it was then Brooke and Lucas fell in love with each other without knowing it."

"The moment they started actually talking to each other, when we started to have a little glare at Brooke's real side, how she was sweet and a good person and the reason of her showing this was Lucas. That was the start. And it just improved from there. The way they were so happy seeing eachother, how Brooke for the first time wanted to have a serious relationship with someone and it evolved. The peek for me was the last BL scene in episode 2x23; with the song Wires by Athlete{a REAL BL song} and Lucas' need to tell Brooke the truth before she left, how it was important to him and how that affected Brooke, how she wanted to say she felt the same way but how she was scared to have her heart broken by someone who meant so much to her. After that BL was it for me; they're my no.1 ship, no doubt, nothing could make me like them more and see how they were meant to be, how it was real and how nothing could beat it."

"Hope. Hope that there is something out there worth fighting for. Most people never find that kind of love and knowing that it is out there if you’re willing to cling onto it is inspiring. And for me it kind of feels like the happy ending that Chad and Sophia never got. I just find the relationship very relatable and for me it’s just a realistic look at real love."
"It means One Tree Hill for me because of course I love the concept of the show and everything that it is but the main reason I was so drawn to One Tree Hill was because I immediately fell in love with the character of Brooke and Brucas. I tune in every week with the hope of Brucas even though it’s not happening right now. When they're not together it seriously is like a huge blow to me because the show just isn’t the same for me without them together."

"Well one particular phrase springs to mind “People who are meant to be together always find their way in the end”. That line has become a motto for all Brucasers, and it’s so ironic that at that time Brooke didn’t know how right she would be about her and Lucas’s relationship. This is going to sound unbelievably cheesy, but I guess they give me faith. They make me believe in true love – not the kind of Hollywood love that people talk about in fairytales. True love is hard, it doesn’t solve any problems, in fact it often makes things harder. But true love awakens something in someone that they didn’t even know was there – they fight for it, because somehow it means more than anything else. When Lucas chased Brooke the way that he did, I loved him so much, and you could tell she meant so much to him because he couldn’t walk away, even though it would have been easier for him to do. Something about them is so believable and I guess that’s due to Chad and Sophia and what they bring to the parts. I think it’s really sad that their marriage broke down, and that would make acting together really difficult, but I don’t see it affecting their performance in a bad way. Both have been really professional about it and the acting in season three was incredibly realistic and moving. I think bringing personal feelings to their parts is something they have both been amazing at, and props to both of them. I often feel really encouraged by other Brucas fans – the fanbase is huge, and we refuse to give up. Looking at my fan fiction profile I have 80 plus other Brucas writers on my favourites list. We encourage each other, and so many people taking the time to fight for one cause has got to mean something, right?"

"I love the fact that they're so different and that makes them complete each other. The qualities that they don’t possess the other are able to fill and it makes them unified together. There’s just this huge spark between them and its electrifying!"

"I think Brooke and Lucas complete each other.Lucas is Brooke's life saver, he changed her way of life regarding men and sex. Lucas showed Brooke that love exists in a pure form and that he could sweep her off her feet. Lucas kept Brooke serious if she got too crazy. On the other hand, Brooke showed Lucas how passionate and deep love was. While he kept her serious, she kept him easygoing and showed him how to have fun."

"Why I think Brooke and Lucas are meant to be?! Cause they bring the best in each other. Lucas made Brooke see that there’s much more out there than one night stands and parties. She made him see that it’s ok to have some fun sometimes. He brings her down to earth and she lifts him up. Lucas made her respect herself and not getting low to get the things she wanted. She learned to fight and to help people. He made her a better person.
Brooke made, actually, she makes him smile. And I guess that’s the best thing someone can do to another person. You can see he looks happier with her. And even if they’re opposite they still are very alike. Long story short, Brooke and Lucas bring the best out in each other, he makes her slow down and she makes him enjoy life a bit more, having the perfect combination. Oh, and last but not least. He made the shot! It's destiny, right?"

"I think Lucas and Brooke are perfect for one another because they both bring out the best in each other. Lucas was so serious before he met Brooke and then once he did, he loosened up a lot more and had fun. She brings out the corny, fun side of Lucas. And for Brooke, Lucas made her a better person even though he hurt her before. He made her see when she had to be serious and that she wasn't just some girl who slept around with guys and got drunk every night. That there was so much more to her then that. And when they are together, it's like it's where they WANT to be, and where they SHOULD be. That's what's truly important, that they bring out the best in each other and along with that, love each other very, very much."

"Wow – things that I love about Brucas. Where do I start? First of all they have such amazing chemistry. Obviously they do physically, as they just look perfect together, when they kiss its so hott, when they flirt you just smile and laugh – they are just great together. But they also have amazing emotional chemistry – when they say things you believe them. When they said “I love you” to one another, I really did believe it. I think a lot of it may be to do with Chad and Sophia’s history, because they were a couple and they naturally go together so well. But that is just another dimension of the relationship that I love. I think that the real life couples past make the acting even more full of emotion and believable and you can really feel them meaning what they say to one another. They have handled things so well, with a lot of dignity and I really feel that Brucas will be together in the end because they do not let their personal lives interfere with their work. Another thing I love Lucas for in the relationship is what we Brucasers like to call the look. He gets this amazing look in his eyes that he only ever has when he looks at Brooke, it just makes your heart melt. It’s really difficult trying to explain what you love about a couple that is just so perfect for one another. I guess I could sum it up in this quote “the heart wants what it wants”. Basically, our hearts want Brucas!!"

"I think the fact that Brooke and Lucas are polar opposites makes for interesting viewing but I think the thing that makes them so perfect for one another is that they helped make each other better people. Before Lucas came along Brooke was trying to be what everyone else wanted her to be, and Lucas helped her to become the person she wanted to be. And, I think before Brooke came along Lucas was very much to himself, he was surrounded with drama. And, Brooke helped him to see the hope in life and she got him to realize that things aren’t always as bad as they seem."

"There is the phrase, "opposites attract", and in the case of these two it couldn’t be any more obvious. The chemistry between the two characters is incredible, from the lustful stares to the pretty kisses and cuddles. Brooke is "cheery", and Lucas is her "broody". Two completely different people yet over the four seasons that have been aired, they have both changed each other for the better. they have both had their hearts broken by the other, which has made them think that they are not meant to be; but love needs to be tested before it can be undying... Brooke is a character that we have come to learn does not show her feelings to many; however Lucas is one of the special people she can trust. Brooke and Lucas have spent so long together, with so many gestures of love, that they cannot be forgotten just like that."

"It's really hard to choose because they're all so special and give you such a heartwarming feeling watching them. But I think my favorite was after they're fight at the wedding and they danced to Boston. They just both seemed so vulnerable and without telling him what was on her mind they just got each other. And they're kiss just made that moment so much better. That’s my absolute favorite moment."

"My favorite BL moment. I’d say it’s the make out session on Lucas dream the end of Second Season but it’s just them making out. In a very hot way! So, hot’s the word for BL but I need a scene that says much more, you know?! Then I guess it’s the scene on Keith’s wedding when she’s telling Lucas she’s going away for California. Why? Well, let’s see. In that same moment Lucas knew he could lose her forever and he decided to do anything and everything he could to make sure it wouldn’t happen. And when he went with “What are we gonna do?”?! Even though that wasn’t his problem and there was not a ‘we’ he decided it was his problem as well and that there was a “we”. He didn’t call Peyton, her best friend, to help him out and make sure she’d stay. He didn’t call Haley, his best friend, to help him out and figure what he could do to make her stay. He decided that he had to do something to make her stay. And he had to help her. He had to make her see he was there and that she needed to know he didn’t want her to leave. That scene was the start of BL again, in a romantic way. The things he did to make sure she’d stay? You only do that to your best friend and to the people you care way too much. We know BL weren’t best friends. We could say they were friends, not best friends. So that leaves us with “Lucas cared way too much about Brooke to let her go."

"For me, I loved where they were dancing at Naley’s wedding. That scene was acted so beautifully – seriously Chad and Sophia should be so proud of that scene. I guess it wasn’t the happiest moment for Brucas, but the body language was so well acted that you could see just what they were thinking. Brooke knew she was going to have to let him go if things were to ever work out between them, and you could see she didn’t want to. The way that she pressed herself into his chest and he cradled her, like at the back of his mind he knew what was going to happen. I guess I liked that it glorified Brucas, because it showed how tragic and yet beautiful they are all at once."

"Not a fan of season four at all. I don’t really understand what’s meant to be going on because everyone seems so out of character and many of the storylines don’t really seem to make sense. The main thing that I’m not enjoying is the lack of Brucas scenes – even as friends they’ve had like one scene. And obviously I’m not a fan of Leyton at all – not only that I find them being together ridiculous considering their behavior in past seasons. I also feel like Brooke is getting a lot of storylines which make her look bad, and many of the storylines are very farfetched. For example the sex tape thing, which came out of nowhere, and doesn’t fit in with any of the previous seasons. I’m hoping that Mark has a big plan up his sleeve where things are not all as they seem, but I guess I will have to wait and see. One thing I would like to say to Mark is – I don’t like season four and I do miss Brucas so much. But thank you for three great previous seasons (genuinely) and for making me love this show so much. And if three seasons is all I get, then those three seasons were amazing and mean more to me than any other show. I’m proud of the Brucas history and thank you for making that full of amazing moments that made me smile like a goofy idiot while I watched them!"

"I have to say, I'm not the happiest about what is going on between Lucas and Brooke this season. But, I am always going to be a supporter of them, because I truly believe that they are meant for each other. I would be happy if there were more scenes between them and if they were extremely close friends for this season. And even though they aren't together this season, there's always that quote that rolls around "People who are meant for each other always find each other in the end.""
"I honestly think it's sad. We've barely had any interaction at all. We’ve had to witness Brooke walking in on Leyton making out and having to witness them on her birthday. My heart broke for her by the way. When Brucas was together we didn’t get nearly as much screen time and now we have none at all and it's really hard to go week to week without having them even look at each other. It’s been a really tough season to get through b/c we just haven't had any of our Brucas hopes fulfilled as a couple and if we couldn't have that this season we were really hoping for a great friendship and we didn’t even get that."

"Personally, I think it feels like season 2 and 3 have been completely forgotten about. For example, in 408, Brooke and Lucas decided that as their love wasn't like Whitey and Camilla's... what happened to "you’re the girl for me Brooke Davis" "I love you" and then the rain scene, in 'the wind that blew my heart away' "I love you not Peyton" and all the reasons why he loved Brooke? And how, in 2x17, Lucas says of Brooke when he is on the verge of losing her, "now I can't even imagine life without her." and this was before they had their proper relationship. I don’t think that BL fans are especially angry about LP, because everybody knew that there were issues that needed to be resolved between the two of them. But it was the way it was done; in one episode and completely unbelievable. This added to the fact that 4x15 was the first Brucas scene there had been for a LONG time. A couple that means so much to so many people does not deserve this."


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Old 04-08-2007, 01:11 PM
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100th Videos

White Flag - Dido

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Created by: HaleyBub

Take Me Away - Lifehouse

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Summary: After Lucas didn't have feelings for Brooke in season one when they were dating and cheated on Brooke with her best friend Peyton, this time he falls for her for real. He knows now, that Brooke is "the one" for him and that this time all he wants is her. Brooke returns his feelings but they are both too afraid to admit that all they ever wanted is standing right there next to them. Waiting for the other one to make the first step. Waiting to be taken away from all their pain and longings.

Song choice: "This song means finding love, losing him, and trying to find him again. The line "there is no one else who can take your place" describes how hard you’ve tried to find someone new, but no person can come close to being "the one." I think this describes perfectly how I feel about Brucas. Especially season 2. Lucas didn’t know what he had in Brooke in season 1. But he realized that what he feels for Brooke is so much deeper than what he has ever felt for anyone else before. She is “the one” for him, and he knows this now. She takes away all his pain and worries, just with looking at him. When they are together nothing else that used to bother him seems to matter anymore. Because she takes it all away. Because she takes him away"
Created by: meloh

Unsaid - The Fray

[Watch] or [Download]

Created by: Meluffy

My Favorite Game - The Cardigans

[Watch] or [Download]
Summary: It's a video about how Brooke & Lucas keep playing games because they are both scared to go into a relationship again. Scared that they are gonna hurt each other again.

Song choice: "I was thinking which song is a BL song and then my mind came to the Cardigans. And I just thought that this song would be perfect for my BL video."
Created by: loezzzje

Supernatural - Divine Right

[Watch] or [Download]

Created by: Meluffy

Smooth - Santana

[Watch] or [Download]
Summary: Basically it's about the things Brucas is best at. Because let's face it, they rock at everything!

Song choice: "I was looking for a bit sexy song and then I thought of Santana. And then it didn't take long for me to pick that particular song, I mean the title says it all, BL is smooth."
Created by: loezzzje

Art made by: tooaddicted2tv


Archie & Veronica
Brooke & Lucas Dylan & Brenda

Last edited by BrownEyes1980; 04-08-2007 at 02:59 PM
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Old 04-08-2007, 01:16 PM
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BL 100th Soundtrack

- Heat lightning - Some love-stories never really come to an end. Even in their darkest moments, when all the love and trust should be gone, the connection is still there. Love-stories, that even after painful setbacks and months of bitterness, slowly grows stronger again until the one day when the hearts find their way back… Simply because the two hearts in question belong together.
Love-stories like these are often like journeys. Journeys where the actual road can be seen just as meaningful as the destination. And where the ups and downs, the bumpy parts and the one-way streets, are what actually create the emotional bond and makes it stronger. It might be hard to believe, but these kinds of love-stories actually exist, even though they are rare and hard to come by.
Season 4 has been a difficult road to travel for our couple, but as true BLers we need to believe that this journey will only make the love that Brooke and Lucas have for each other stronger. Opposites attract, and just as when cold air and warm air meet in the summer sky, them together create the most beautiful heat lightning.
Seeing how this season has gone so far, it is hard to imagine them ever finding their way back to each other, but they have done it before and they will do it again. Because people that are meant to be together always find their way in the end.

This soundtrack is their journey captured in music. It’s meant to be heard like a story, where every song is a special piece of the road that they have traveled since the beginning of this season, and will keep traveling until the season ends. A musical ride starting the day that Brooke tiredly whispered that she couldn’t do this anymore…

Accompanied by the eighteen songs of this soundtrack we will travel the road with them. Travel through the initial anger and bitterness that she felt while he pined for her, still confused and hurt. Follow him as he became frustrated and angry too, before they both seemingly gave up and moved on. And then remember with them, the first fragile signs of forgiveness and friendship, before we move on to the journey into the future.
And as Brooke herself said; Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds. When life gets hard, when things change, true love remains the same.
College is looming in the distance, and after that; life. No one knows what the next season will hold for our couple, but while listening to this soundtrack, keep one thing in mind; This is more than a collection of lovesongs and emotional ballads. This is a journey. And sometimes the journey is the destination…
Text written by: JLBrooke (Lynn)

Cover art made by: B.Davis (Camila)
[Download zipped Soundtrack*] (yousendit)
Download zipped Soundtrack* (sendspace)
[Listen to Soundtrack]

* The downloadable version includes a hidden track.

Songs that didnt make the soundtrack but that you should still take a listen to:
Matchbox Twenty - If You're Gone Nickelback - Someday Mae - We're So Far Away
Hayden Panettiere - I Still Believe Chris Daugtry - Home Keith Urban - Stupid Boy
Better Than Ezra - Overcome Augustana – More Than A Love Song Jimmy Eat World – Hear You Me
Avril Lavigne – Girlfriend Five for Fighting - 100 Years Seether Feat Amy Lee – Broken
Nickelback – Far Away Switchfoot - Dare You To Move Stereophonics – Rewind
Trading Yesterday – She Is The Sunlight Howie Day – Collide Savage Garden - I Knew I Loved You
Nick Lachey - I Can’t Hate You Anymore Strays Don't Sleep – For Blue Skies Vertical Horizon - The Best I've Ever Had
Vanessa Carlton - Who's To Say Matthew Ryan - Return To Me OAR – Love and Memories
Duncan Sheik - Barely Breathing José González – Heartbeats Thornhill Broom Exp. - Start It Over Again
Nelly Furtado - All Good Things (Come To An End) Gavin Degraw - Follow Through Tyler Hilton - Missing You
Butch Walker – Mixtape Backstreet Boys - Crawling Back To You R.E.M. - Everybody Hurts
John Mayer - Slow Dancing In A Burning Room Duncan Sheik - Half-Life Christina Aguilera - Hurt
Kelly Clarkson - I Hate Myself For Losing You Keane - We Might As Well Be Strangers


Archie & Veronica
Brooke & Lucas Dylan & Brenda

Last edited by BrownEyes1980; 04-09-2007 at 09:30 AM
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Old 04-08-2007, 01:17 PM
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And with that you guys can post at the 100th BL S&S thread!

Archie & Veronica
Brooke & Lucas Dylan & Brenda

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Old 04-08-2007, 01:19 PM
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WOOO soooo pretty! me love me love me love
Laura aka dubfreak2
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Old 04-08-2007, 01:21 PM
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Wow... girls... this turned out completely amazing!! I'm so PROUD of all of us!

HUGE thank you's to all of you that took part of making this. Especially to Eva and Cami... i would have gone mental without you...

To all of us BLers
now available on a near you... Comfortable Liar
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Old 04-08-2007, 01:22 PM
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Yes! Lets all give a hand of applause to Eva, Cami, and Lynn! who all worked sooo hard on this thread!

Its soooo amazing!
Laura aka dubfreak2
B L | Kyle Amanda | House Cuddie
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Old 04-08-2007, 01:24 PM
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this thread is so amazing that i have no words. To all you guys who did create the layout, you all did an amazing job

This is the prettiest thread ever!
"Love bears all things,
believes all things,
hopes all things,
endures all things.
Love never ends."
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