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sunnykerr 09-26-2019 04:07 PM

I'm now wondering if I was clear enough... :lol:

Some things don't seem like they can be broken down into smaller parts. The work day, for instance. I break it down to hour-long blocks. Then, if I'm having trouble getting through my hour block, I break it down to 15 minute blocks or to portions of tasks. Review three pages of that document. Answer this one e-mail, etc.

Meliana 09-27-2019 01:43 AM

It sounds to me like you're breaking it down in a good way. Probably best to to not clock-watch, as the time will drag, but concentrate on the task in hand, or what the next task should be. :nod:

reason to believe 09-27-2019 11:37 PM

I’m feeling pretty off this week. :shrug: disconnected from everyone

sunnykerr 09-28-2019 09:45 AM

^ That's good, Leanne.

Claire - It's not meant to be clock-watching. I give myself the goal of getting through the next 15 minutes and, before I know it, I've gotten through the next however longer. If it turns to clock-watching, then I focus on the task.

Meliana 09-28-2019 11:04 AM

That's good then, Sunny. I'm glad. :)

sunnykerr 09-29-2019 08:24 AM

How's everyone doing?

There You'll Be 10-01-2019 10:04 AM

I'm doing pretty good, here. My weekly counselor was here today. I learn so many things about...well, pretty much everything.

How are you? Any ups and downs that are tough?

Anyone else? Are the rest of you okay?

Meliana 10-01-2019 11:42 AM

I hate this time of year, and current politics doesn't make it much easier. Still I know whatever happens it will be interesting! I feel more anxious than anything.

I'm glad you're doing ok, Kim. :hug:

sunnykerr 10-01-2019 04:09 PM

I woke up too early this morning from a really work-related stress dream. That was just... not good.

reason to believe 10-02-2019 03:10 PM

Right at this moment, I seem to be feeling pretty good. Could be I'm looking forward to my art class this weekend, plus Canadian Thanksgiving long weekend next weekend.

:group_hug: for everyone!!!

sunnykerr 10-03-2019 03:53 PM

The stress dream things happened again today.

BlondieLeigh 10-22-2019 08:36 PM

Stress dreams are horrible. How often do you get them? Do you find yourself still exhausted when you wake up because of them?

sunnykerr 10-23-2019 10:48 AM

Put it to you this way: I've been on vacation for two weeks now and I've had two. When I work, the lack of sleep is an ongoing accumulation. On vacation... I'm now waking up later and later in the afternoon, but no lack of sleep.

So we'll see what happens come Monday.

BlondieLeigh 10-23-2019 10:57 AM

Is there something about your job that triggers something for you?

sunnykerr 10-23-2019 10:59 AM

I don't think so.

BlondieLeigh 10-23-2019 11:01 AM

Strange. I wonder why it happens more when you're working, then.

sunnykerr 10-23-2019 11:20 AM

There is a lot of pressure associated with my job. So I don't think it's one thing per se, so much as the part where we're generally understaffed and overworked.

BlondieLeigh 10-23-2019 11:32 AM

So it's a high stress situation? Too much to do, not enough people to do it?

sunnykerr 10-23-2019 06:07 PM

Add to that "not much direction on how to accomplish what we're supposed to do" and you've got it right.

To be fair, I work in a law firm that deals specifically with intellectual property (patents, trademarks, copyrights, etc.) and it's not our bosses's fault but pretty much each law that we deal with changed in the last 12 months. So no one really knows for sure where we stand at the moment.

There You'll Be 10-26-2019 10:07 AM

It sounds like they really should have someone with the expertise in those laws (or those changing and enacting them) come hold a training session, where you could take notes that make it make sense to you. I don't know how it works up there, that's just the way it works in my head.

Is there any kind of reward system that makes it worthwhile, or is it your work ethic? Either way, :hug:

My SSI came through, so that is the biggest relief (aside from keeping my place to live) I've had in a long time.

The one thing that finally got through my head the past couple of weeks, is that there really is a reason for everything. I mean, it adds pieces to the puzzle of life that make sense. Needless to say, a lot has been going on here, and that finally got through my thick head. :facepalm:

My mom and I talked the other night, when I made my call to her. She said her and my brother would talk about what he was going to do when he got better (before the final diagnosis), and the first thing on his list was to come see me. We also talked about the day, and moments, before he died. It was peaceful. She was crying when she talked about it, and it was all about him, not what she had been going through-which is a big change. She said it was heartbreaking, but beautiful, at the same time.

It brought me so much peace. SO much. Now I know she didn't turn him against me, and he died knowing I loved him. The big thing, too, was him not suffering. In my head, I was thinking it was horribly painful, and tragic, because she didn't tell me.

Sunny, how are you sleeping now? How is everyone else doing?

sunnykerr 10-26-2019 12:09 PM

:hug: I'm glad talking to your mother brought peace of mind about your brother's death, Kim. But I never believed she could turn him against you. He knew him. And he knew her. Of course, he passed away loving you and knowing you love him.

We've had information about the changes in the laws. It's just that there's always a whole lot that the law doesn't specifically address and it's those details that are messing us up.

Anyway, I'm glad you received your SSI. :)

reason to believe 11-02-2019 08:16 PM

:hug: glad to hear you feel more peaceful about your brother’s last days, Kim. :hug:

Also glad your money arrived!

Right now, I’m feeling pretty good overall. Must be the weather, sleeping good and going to a class weekly at least. Plus my cat is doing well so that makes me feel happier.

I think all I need now is more friend socialisation.

sunnykerr 11-03-2019 09:42 AM

:nod: Having a routine can be very useful.

Clover1983 11-04-2019 11:00 AM

Hey everybody :hug: Didn't noticed there was a new thread.

I have been to Romania last week, the birth country of my idol Sebastian Stan.
I'm home since last friday and feeling depressed since that day :(

Tomorrow I will see my therapist and start with a new therapy for my depression. It is a new project inside the mental health organisation I'm in and it's called C-BASP. It will take a little over a half a year to follow and it will have weekly visits.

Meliana 11-04-2019 01:27 PM

Really hope that helps, Clover.

I'm glad you're reassured about how your brother felt, Kim. I'm sure it doesn't make up for not being there at the end but it is something. :hug: Keep holding on to hope. It's the only thing that keeps me going.

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