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Old 05-01-2007, 06:09 PM
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6-34: "Top 6: Performances" 2007.05.01

Oh, wow. So sorry this is late!
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Old 05-01-2007, 06:16 PM
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Wow. So, I loved Blake, and his rendition of the song, which I totally forget the name of at the minute. And of course, I'm a biased Chris fan, so I thought he did awesome. He almost sounded just like them, but not quite. Loved Phil, as well. Good song choice for him. Eh, Jordin's performance was off, but she's 17, and the song is not in her range, so I can't blame her for not giving her best performance. And, to me, Lakisha sounds the same every week, so . . meh. Melinda was fantastic. That girl can rock!

Hah. Did anyone notice how Chris got so pissed off at the Justin Timberlake reference? Hilarious.

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Old 05-01-2007, 06:18 PM
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It's ok.

Phil - Wow...I don't have anything bad to say about Phil. He's stepping up and really trying to keep himself in the competition.

Jordin - It was definetly the worst performance of the night. Then again, she was completely out of her element and that was a hard song to bring back. Although, I think if she sang it her own way, it would've been fantastic.

Lakisha - She did wonderful. I was really impressed and Randy was right "Lakisha's back!" ...

Blake - He owned the whole show. And the reason why is he took a classic rock song, and he gave it his own spin...he Blake-ized, like he did when he first started the competition. He owned! And he needs to stop with the slow songs...

Chris - While he is a "good" singer, he butchered one of my favorite Bon Jovi songs...because he sang it. I don't like him. I don't think he needs to be in this competition...and I hope to see him in the bottom two. And OMG, it was so annoying watching him walk around with the mic stand.

Melinda - Great song. And Melinda just blew it out. She had attitude, it was was perfect.

Sidenote: You knew it was the beginning of sweeps month when Simon wanted to kiss Lakisha. And the whole GW clip - But, otherwise good show. Loved seeing Bon Jovi be an actual mentor. You could tell that he was actually "helping" them...

My prediction for tomorrow...

Chris & Phil in the bottom two. Well, more like I hope they will be the bottom two.
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Old 05-01-2007, 06:27 PM
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This was like, Totally.

Phil- I really liked him! He sounded so genuine when he was talking about singing the song in the mirror. I was very happy for him.

Jordin- Wow, I love her but it was all kinds of bad. But everybody has those performances and I'm very happy the judges actually called her on it. They got my respect back tonight because they were actually honest.

Kiki- I actually liked it? But why wouldn't she sit? LMAO!? That Simon kiss was very cute and I was laughing histerically through out it. Agreed with the judges.

Blake- Oh Blake, oh Blake. I can.not.even. Can not even. I love you. Thanks for coming back, buddy. You really are so original and that was effin' BRAVE of you. Love you so hardcore and just...AHHHH.

Chris- He did the song justice, I thought. I kinda hate that song though, and I kinda hate DAUGHTRY!!!1
I totally noticed him not being too happy with the "justin" reference. Eh..

Melinda- She's alllllll kinds of adorable. And she was so freaking cute with Bon Jovi. And I loved that she got into it. I love M.Doo.

Um, how is it possible that Bon Jovi is still that hot? Like how is that possible?

Who should go home? Bush.
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Old 05-01-2007, 06:37 PM
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Phil: I thought it was a great performance. I refuse to acknowledge that Simon might've had a point because he actually sang it very very well. I don't know the song, but I was so into it.

Jordin: I like that instead of taking the soul route like Lakisha, she chose to do the actual rock song. It was weird and definitely not her. To be fair tho, I thought that she was pretty good by the middle of the song.

Lakisha: I LOVE IT!!! I thought I was so over her diva attitude, but now I'm actually loving her more and more. She's awesome and she knows it. And her performance, wow, that totally warranted the kiss from Simon, lol.

Blake: I WENT NUTS!!!!!! First of, I loved the black/brunette look. He looked cool and mature. Second, man, what a performance. I was worried that he was gonna do bad when I saw that commentary thing from JBJ. But I was literally with my eyes and mouth wide open when he did that. The most original, risky performance I have ever seen on Idol. And not only that, he actually nailed it. The beatbox, the drums, and the singing, were all awesome. I'm so glad he's back doing his thing. I was blown, blown, blown away.

Chris: It was good. But to be honest, I was a bit bored. I mean, he rocked it, he was great, but it just wasn't a really appealing performance for me.

Melinda: Can't believe she could also do rock. It's not enough that she could sing pretty much anything, but she could sing rock as well? The world is just not fair. Why oh why does she have to be so lovable and so incredible and so good??


Chris totally looked annoyed when Ryan sniped JT. But I think it was weird too. It wasn't funny and it was just weird.
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Old 05-01-2007, 07:18 PM
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My Picks

1. Lakisha
2. Chris
3. Jordin
4. Blake
5. Phil
6. Melinda.

Thats my faves. lol...

I think KiKi and Phil did the best tonight. Chris is a close 2nd. Blake was good -but that performance was, different. Jordin didn't do all that great..and Melinda was just not good.
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Old 05-01-2007, 07:28 PM
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Alright, have to give my input in since it was an amazing night...

Phil- I'm not a Phil fan usually, but I actually sort of liked him tonight. Odd for me, since I'm usually biased against him no matter what. I'm still kind of hoping that he'll go home tomorrow, but I guess that would be ending on a good note for him?

Jordin- Poor Jordin.. she had her first REALLY, not-so-good night. But it was out of her element, so it's understandable. She'll be safe tomorrow, no doubt about it. She's proven herself enough in the competition that one bad week won't kill her.

Lakisha- Maybe she figured out this week that trying to tackle old AI winners songs isn't a good idea... or maybe she was just forced to sing Bon Jovi. Either way, it worked for her. I'm still not a huge Lakisha fan, but she did well tonight. And the kiss with Simon... what the heck?

Blake- Can I just insert a dozen jaw drops and thuds here? Cause he was INCREDIBLE, AMAZING, asdkfjalekrj [cause nothing else can describe it]. Blake really is my favorite in this competition by far, and this just solidified all my reasons. He took a HUGE risk, but it worked for him, and he OWNed the night. And this boy can perform like none other. I'd buy a ticket for his concert now if I could.

Chris- I think Chris is either a you really like him or you don't. I really like him, so I enjoyed him tonight, but I do think there is a chance he'll be going home tomorrow. But his performance did kind of get overshadowed by Blake's right before him.

Melinda- She did great. I've grown to like Melinda more and more over the season. I always thought she had a good voice, but I never thought she'd become a favorite of mine, but she has. I thougth she did great with the Bon Jovi song. Also, she didn't do the shocked face tonight, so maybe that's why I'm liking her more.

Anyway, I want the final four to be Blake, Melinda, Jordin, and Chris.
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Old 05-01-2007, 08:36 PM
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Okay heres what i have to say:

I'm kind of dead, i'll have to call my school tomorrow and break the news to my friends but it's Blakes fult, he was just to but at least i died happy and doing something i loved. Plus none of you can say that your heart didn't stop for a secound when you saw that hair because that would be a lie!

Chris: I agree with him the song had to be done to be real i really liked it, i think he's one hell of a performer and it was kinda sexxy to see this side of him.

Phil: I wasn't really that interested to tell the truth, i know he did good but at this point i just want him gone.

Jordan: (That means eek as in i was kinda scared)

Kiki: She's back but i still kinda want her gone.

Malinda: Didn't watch it, i rewond it to Blake.
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Old 05-01-2007, 08:43 PM
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Blake was just freaking amazing tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 05-01-2007, 08:59 PM
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I don't want Chris to go home!!

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Old 05-01-2007, 09:40 PM
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Tommarow is going to be really sad.
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Old 05-01-2007, 11:31 PM
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ok my two cents...

Phil -- Nosphileratu sorry. i thought Phil did great. i've always thought that Phil had a good voice and i thought it was super rude when Simon told him he wouldn't be back next week. he's definitely been stepping up the past few weeks and proving that he should be in the competition.

Jordin -- i think i'm in the minority, but i honestly didn't think that she was as bad as everyone is saying she is. she rocked out on the song. true it wasn't her best performance, but it was still decent.

LaKisha -- i can't stand Kiki. first off she annoyed me when she didn't want to sit down in the beginning. then her song choice, w-t-f ... that wasn't even a 'rock' song, i mean sure it's by Bon Jovi, but it's more of a ballad like song, everybody else came out their and 'rocked' but not her. gah, then that stupid little thing w/ kissing Simon. lame.

Blake -- words can not even express how i feel about this boy. he was 1 million different forms of amazing tonight. he took a risk and it worked out great. he was totally in his element and he was having SO much fun. it was great to see. the dark hair was awesome too i guess i'm just biased, but i seriously think he had the best performance of the night. perhaps one of the best of the season.

Chris -- as much as i love Blake's bff, i'm sorry but the boy just isn't that great of a singer. i thought his performance was relatively boring. the only thing i could think of while he was singing the song was how great Chris Daughtry did it last year, and i wasn't even that big of a Chris Daughtry fan. i dunno, definitely not one of his best.

Melinda -- i thought she was adorable w/ Bon Jovi and in her little pre-interview doing the 'rock' hand gesture. she gave a solid performance once again, but she always kinda sounds the same.

Who I Want To Go Home: Lakisha and Chris
Who I Fear Will Be Going Home: Phil and Chris

oh. and i swear if George Bush ever pops his pea-brain head up on my AI show again i might scream. that was just stupid.

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Old 05-02-2007, 12:31 AM
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So too many talks about Chris going home... should I not be surprised if that happens? I really hope he's safe this week.. it's weird reading all of your comments since the show starts here in 2 and a half hours... so I'm worried for Chris now. But I think - maybe not according to last night - that Lakisha and Phil should go before him. If he stays 4th and leaves it wouldn't be so bad for me, though I would've loved to see him at the final 3.
Chris- I think Chris is either a you really like him or you don't.
Yeah. And I don't think I ever heard people say they don't like him except from in this thread! He's so loveable and it seems like he's the only one no one has something really bad to say about him. Lately he's been getting dissed way too much and I just don't get that! Chris? Really? And the fact the Sanjaya was here for what - was it 6-7 weeks?! And the fact the Phil did horrible for the better part of the season? And the fact that Lakisha totally murdered Carrie and Fantasia's songs!? For 2 weeks in a row?
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Old 05-02-2007, 01:01 AM
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Originally Posted by xstarsgoblue25x (View Post)
ok my two cents...

Phil -- Nosphileratu sorry. i thought Phil did great. i've always thought that Phil had a good voice and i thought it was super rude when Simon told him he wouldn't be back next week. he's definitely been stepping up the past few weeks and proving that he should be in the competition.

Jordin -- i think i'm in the minority, but i honestly didn't think that she was as bad as everyone is saying she is. she rocked out on the song. true it wasn't her best performance, but it was still decent.

LaKisha -- i can't stand Kiki. first off she annoyed me when she didn't want to sit down in the beginning. then her song choice, w-t-f ... that wasn't even a 'rock' song, i mean sure it's by Bon Jovi, but it's more of a ballad like song, everybody else came out their and 'rocked' but not her. gah, then that stupid little thing w/ kissing Simon. lame.

Blake -- words can not even express how i feel about this boy. he was 1 million different forms of amazing tonight. he took a risk and it worked out great. he was totally in his element and he was having SO much fun. it was great to see. the dark hair was awesome too i guess i'm just biased, but i seriously think he had the best performance of the night. perhaps one of the best of the season.

Chris -- as much as i love Blake's bff, i'm sorry but the boy just isn't that great of a singer. i thought his performance was relatively boring. the only thing i could think of while he was singing the song was how great Chris Daughtry did it last year, and i wasn't even that big of a Chris Daughtry fan. i dunno, definitely not one of his best.

Melinda -- i thought she was adorable w/ Bon Jovi and in her little pre-interview doing the 'rock' hand gesture. she gave a solid performance once again, but she always kinda sounds the same.

Who I Want To Go Home: Lakisha and Chris
Who I Fear Will Be Going Home: Phil and Chris

oh. and i swear if George Bush ever pops his pea-brain head up on my AI show again i might scream. that was just stupid.
Agree with everything you said, though on one plus side to LaKisha, she made me go look up the song on Youtube and Now I LOVE it. Dont know how I never heard it because Bon Jovi is one of my favorite groups. Im so glad they were on AI. Cant wait to hear him sing tomorrow. I am in love with his new song (You Want To) Make A Memory
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Old 05-02-2007, 04:32 AM
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OK, so I saw it.
Phil did a good job, he really did. But since I'm rooting for Chris and he's in a sensitive place now, I want Phil gone.
Jordin... uh, wasn't as bad as I read it was! Just really not related to her style.
Lakisha did good. Her voice is back. Still want her gone though for the previous 2 weeks.
Blake did really well! And I love his new hairstyle. I'm not a Blake "fan" I don't think he's the one that should win, but he puts on a hell of a show, and it's a joy watching him.
Chris. I agree with Simon. Partly. I mean, I do believe it's not his style and that he did the best he could do with this song. I hope he'll be safe though it's looking bleak at the moment. I was plesantly surprised by his singing tone. Not fake ****ty or nasally at all!
Melinda is in a good place at the middle for me. The beginning of the song was amazing with those notes but then something that usually happens to me with Melinda happened - got bored.
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