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Old 11-03-2013, 01:48 PM
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i saw the toy story special too, it was cute.

god, i attempted to ask nick what we were last night and i said something about us being casual because i thought thats what we were and he got mad and hasnt talked to me. boys are freaking more emotional then girls i swear!
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Old 11-03-2013, 03:41 PM
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ugh, guys are so complicated!!!!!!!!

i saw the guy last night too and he brought me to this bar he always goes to and knows all the regulars there. it was really cool, but still lol... im unsure.

got another date tonight
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Old 11-03-2013, 11:29 PM
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why unsure? at least you have another date! have you guys kissed and stuff yet?

yeah, nick said he got me something when he went on his hunting trip, now im curious what it is. his birthday is coming up at the end of the month and i dont know if i should get him something, or even what to get. ughhh. i only see him like every other week which is stupid but again, i tried asking what we were and he said he wasnt seeing anyone else and seemed to get upset when i said we were casual so i didnt want to bring it up again.

at the same time, i found out he went to a mutual friends birthday which was IN TOWN and he never even told me he went, which i found weird since i was invited too and it was literally like 5 minutes from my house but whatever. i guess i shouldnt get mad about stuff like that if we arent official.

its such a weird situation, i dont know what to do!

we may hang out tomorrow but we'll see.
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Old 11-04-2013, 12:03 PM
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I feel like the conversation really needs to happen between u two because it definitely sounds super confusing. I wouldn't know if I were in your situation. Like.. It definitely seems like highs and lows!

As for me.. No, still no kiss yet :-\ he's super slow and shy, I guess. Idk. And the reason I don't know is because he may just be too quiet for me. I can't quite put my finger on it. I messaged him after he dropped me off at home on sat night to thank him for a nice night and for dinner. He hasn't messaged me yesterday at all. And tbh, I don't feel the urge to message him again. I'm just so neutral about it. Idk if it's cuz I don't really care or if I'm just being careful.
The guy I saw last night, I really liked though he was super cute and smiley all night. Talkative and easy to just have an overall conversation with. The date only lasted about an hour and a half, but it was good. As he walked me to my car, he was sort of tongue tied, but basically said to let him know if I wanted to do something with him again and that he's leaving it in my hands. When I got home, I saw a text from him where he explained what he meant cuz he thought he was unclear lol. Basically that he had a nice time and would like to see my again, but it's up to me to let him know if I wanna see him again.. Which is different, but kind of cute too.
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Old 11-04-2013, 01:31 PM
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yeah hes really confusing and whenever i try to bring it up he makes me feel dumb about it, like it should be obvious what we are. i dunno. i still wanna wait to have the REAL conversation with him in january though. cuz that give it some more time and i can see if anything changes. i havent heard from him yet today so well see if we even hang out or not. I am NOT gonna text him. Ive been texting him first like everyday lately, so we'll see if he even makes an effort or not.

I think im SLOWLY starting to lose interest though. as much as i like him, hes just so complicated and i feel liek things should be easier. Something is just off. Either with him, or with the whole situation. He either just doesnt like me enough, or he does, but hes used to going really slow iwth things, where as i am not. i am ready for a boyfriend. i want to start a life with someone. i dont wanna wait around for someone if its not going anywhere and if its just "fun" for him, ya know? I will say all of this him soon, but again, i dont want to freak him out right now in case it is going somewhere. but after like 8 months (whicch is how long it will have been come january) i will need some answers.

i think its good that you dont really care, or at least, are trying to be neutral. because then you cant really get hurt about it. how many dates have you been on? it seems a little strange you havent even kissed yet. and has been the one asking YOU out and stuff?

Its odd that he never wrote back, but if he is shy, maybe he just doesnt really know what to say. Nicks a pretty good texter, but most guys just arent. So i wouldnt really stress about that.

i think maybe just see where things go with him, see if things change, but keep it how it is because yeah, he sounds confusing.

The guy I saw last night, I really liked though he was super cute and smiley all night. Talkative and easy to just have an overall conversation with. The date only lasted about an hour and a half, but it was good. As he walked me to my car, he was sort of tongue tied, but basically said to let him know if I wanted to do something with him again and that he's leaving it in my hands. When I got home, I saw a text from him where he explained what he meant cuz he thought he was unclear lol. Basically that he had a nice time and would like to see my again, but it's up to me to let him know if I wanna see him again.. Which is different, but kind of cute too.
so this is a different guy? is this the first time you went out with him?

thats awesome that you seemed to have a good time, and him texting you and saying he wanted to see you again is definitely a good sign! id definitely try to hang out with him again.
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Old 11-04-2013, 07:49 PM
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I keep meaning to message my guy...
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Old 11-04-2013, 08:38 PM
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yeah, i totally get that. when things dont move fast enough, u can definitely lose interest. its happened to me for sure. i feel like giving yourself a time limit is very smart. this way u know that at some point, u will definitely know one way or another.

as for that guy, he did respond right after i sent it and said he had fun too and sweet dreams... but then didnt message me on sunday or today lol. and normally id be superrrr upset, but i kind of just dont really care? if he likes me enough, i feel like he will contact me and if not, oh well. and it's been an overall of 4 dates in a matter of 5 weeks and talking almost every day. the thing is, i never had much to say to him so i kind of dreaded the phone calls, lol. i guess that should say a lot?!

the guy from last night didn't call or message me today, but i think thats fine. its only the day after and it was our first date. i admit i am a little disappointed, but im not going to think about it because it was only 1 date. its not like im emotionally attached to him or anything. its just i can actually picture something with this guy... we'll see.

jessica, why aren't u texting him? is it because u arent into him anymore or what?
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Old 11-04-2013, 10:59 PM
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when was the last time you talked to him and what did you guys say?

I'm just so damn IMPATIENT! i want to see nick like ALL the time and when he doesnt text back i get all weird and needy. UGH. wish i didnt feel like this. I wish i could be cool about it like he is. but he probably just doesnt like me as much as i do him.

so i didnt hear from him until 7 pm today and i had to teach late so i said we couldnt really hang out, even though i knew he wasnt going to want to. and apparently hes leaving thursday because hes going to oklahoma for 4 days. but he said he wanted to see me before he left. or in his words hed be really unhappy. i think im just gonna go over there wednesday night whether we talk about it or not. LOL. i think hes the kind of guy that needs a push.

but then didnt message me on sunday or today lol. and normally id be superrrr upset, but i kind of just dont really care? if he likes me enough, i feel like he will contact me and if not, oh well.
yeah, this sounds a LOT like my situation. wed talk everyday but only see each other once a week IF that. and sometimes when i didnt text he didnt either. maybe he thinks you dont want ot talk? or hes waiting for you to initiate? idk, guys are so damn confusing. but i think you are right, wait and see if he texts because he does, he will contact you.

i didnt have the same restraint with nick unfortunately and i always end up caving and texting him. :/

the guy from last night didn't call or message me today, but i think thats fine. its only the day after and it was our first date. i admit i am a little disappointed, but im not going to think about it because it was only 1 date. its not like im emotionally attached to him or anything. its just i can actually picture something with this guy... we'll see.
yeah, i wouldnt worry yet, its only been 1 day.he could very easily be trying to play it cool.

i would give it a few more days and then maybe just text him? just ask him whats up and see how he responds, if hes talkative or not. if he likes you, hopefully hell ask you to hang out again.

you would think after he said he did want to see you after the date, and then him texting even after that, that he does like you. sometimes its hard to read.

i say just put yourself out there and ask him out in another week. I mean, if he doesnt want to he'll find a way to get out of it, or he'll avoid you.
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Old 11-05-2013, 11:51 AM
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It's good. As hard as it may be, u shouldn't be at his beck and call. Even though u weren't lying that u just couldn't do anything at that time, it worked out IMO because he will know that u do have a life outside of him and as needy as he may make u feel, u don't want him to see it

I will give it a few days. The guy I was seeing a few months ago, also called me 2-3 days after out first date so I'm not going to worry too much I guess. I don't really understand the other guy tbh. I'm more annoyed than I am sad, if that makes sense. I don't have the energy to run after him cuz I don't care much, but I do wonder about it. Like, what's in his head. I also wish I could find out from all my exes or past dates what went wrong. Not cuz I miss them, but just so I know if I've done something that I don't realize I'm doing lol. I know it sounds bad, but I just wonder.
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Old 11-05-2013, 06:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Touldengal (View Post)
jessica, why aren't u texting him? is it because u arent into him anymore or what?
Oh! I'm still into him 11 years and counting. I don't have his phone number.
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Old 11-06-2013, 02:44 PM
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Just messsge him and ask for it! Lol

I think sometimes we just gotta put ourselves out there and try and not analyze so much. So if you wanna see him , just ask to hang out and see what he says!

I ended up seeing Nick last night . It was amazing and we always have fun together. It feels so coupley and he got me this cool looking rock on his trip, it shaped like an A. It was cute! He also called me Baby for the first time which was adorable! Sighhh i like him so much more grrr.

Im just gonna trust me gut and try to be patient.
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Old 11-06-2013, 09:20 PM
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yeah, you have to just listen to what your gut tells you. honestly, its usually right! i never realized how strong it was until a year ago, tbh. lol
i think its really nice that its moving forward in some way. even if its at a slower pace than you'd like, its still moving, which is good.

i heard from both of the guys btw. the guy i've been seeing, messaged me yesterday finally. very casual, nothing interesting. then today again he messaged me. he's been not feeling great or something. tomorrow ill message him and ask if he needs anything i guess, lol. idk. meh.

the other guy i had my first date with messaged me today finally. i was so excited when i got the text lmao. im such a girl but i cant help it. i hope to see him again really soon.
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Old 11-07-2013, 07:37 PM
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Yay thats so cute! So glad you heard from them!

I think asking him if he needs anything is good. Idk what to do about that one lol.

The second guy is who in rooting for! Lol whatd you guys chat about?
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Old 11-07-2013, 08:49 PM
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hahaha it wasn't very long. i think he's trying to play it cool, which is actually kind of annoying... but considering he's a guy and he probably thinks it the way to go, im not gonna put too much importance in it. he must have met some different girls from me in the past if he thinks that what a girl like me likes but whatever, its fine.

he messaged me earlier today as well, while i was at work. i only answered him when i got off... and then he replied a few hours later too. its a little weird, but i guess its good that we arent doing too much chatting over text when it should mostly be done in person on an actual date.

Last edited by Touldengal; 11-07-2013 at 09:19 PM
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Old 11-07-2013, 11:15 PM
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Thats true. Im a texter so i love it but a lot of guys just arent good at it. And they tend to get weird if you do it too much!

I think keep playing it casual is the way to go, even if its super tough.

Decided not to text nick today but luckily he texted first! Gonna try not to text the next three days either. I wanna see how he acts lol.
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