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Old 08-20-2004, 02:35 AM
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Originally posted by alli balli
Well, I'm sad that Will is gone. Although I'm loving that Nikomis won HOH! Hah! Watch your backs, Nadria!

Adria needs to stop making speeches, like, immediately. She just rambles unintelligibly. And oh, she "flipped a coin." Right. Also love her telling them all afterwards that she's "glad" they didn't all have to be in the same position as her. What. Ever. You ASKED for a tie, bitch.

Nakomis winning HOH almost made up for Will leaving the house.

One of the twins needs to go.
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Old 08-20-2004, 04:11 AM
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Originally posted by alli balli
Well, I'm sad that Will is gone. Although I'm loving that Nikomis won HOH! Hah! Watch your backs, Nadria!

Adria needs to stop making speeches, like, immediately. She just rambles unintelligibly. And oh, she "flipped a coin." Right. Also love her telling them all afterwards that she's "glad" they didn't all have to be in the same position as her. What. Ever. You ASKED for a tie, bitch.
Exactly. In the beginning I liked Adria but she has clearly turned into a power mad, self righteous bitch. I thought nothing could be worse than her nomination speeches, but her tie breaking one

I loved Will. Since he's gone (damn Adria), Jen/Nik is the HG I'm going for. She's a smart, strategic thinker.

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Old 08-20-2004, 04:51 AM
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Originally posted by JudyC
Jen/Nik is the HG I'm going for. She's a smart, strategic thinker.

She's one of my favorites too. She is smart and her plan to get Jase out was awesome, and I just like her for some reason.

I'm wondering who she'll put up. Definitely Adria in my opinion, but I don't know who else. Maybe Natalie to make sure that one of the twins is gone.

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Old 08-20-2004, 05:03 AM
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Even though I loved Will and was sad to see him go, I was rolling my eyes all throughout his tirade against Adria when he was talking to Julie. How hypocritical of him to berate Adria for going against their "alliance" when we've seen him talk about splitting up the twins on more than one occasion on tv (and I'm sure even more on the feed). He and Karen have been gunning for the twins for weeks now, and he sat there talking about pinkie-swears and solid support systems. WTF ever, dude!

That being said, I hope one of the twins is booted next week, they're getting on my last nerve. I'm rooting for Nakomis and/or Drew right now.
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Old 08-20-2004, 01:46 PM
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I miss Will, already, though I agree that his tirade was a little meldramatic and hypocritical. Nonetheless, he was one of the most entertaining and smart houseguests and I was sad to see him go.

Now that Nik has won HOH, it's obvious that Diane has officially turned. I'm positive that she'll be pushing for the twins to leave now, which is smart for her because they've caught on to her game of trying to play both sides.

I'm rooting for Nik as well. My only concern is that her giving up smoking has started to hamper her ability to interpret the game. I know she's been feeling poorly and it seemed like last week, she wasn't thinking as clearly and intelligently as she had been in the previous weeks.
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Old 08-20-2004, 01:53 PM
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Will may have talked about outsing Nadria, but we have no idea if he actually would have nominated them had he got HOH.

I'll miss Will. I was so happy when he wouldn't hug Adria and when he said that to her. People are always so fake when they get eliminated and hug everyone. I hate that.

As much as I'll miss Will, I'm glad that Marvin is still there. He cracks me up. To me, him and Nik are the most deserving of the BB winner title.

Adria is such a hardcore bitch. I'm just amazed at what she has become.
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Old 08-20-2004, 02:32 PM
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Awwww, my Will is gone! I hope someone rids of the twins fast. Will has been nothing but honest in this game and well the twins have turned on everyone. I know it's just a game, but a pink-swear is a pinky swear. Ya'll should seriously get the feeds, there is more to what meets the eye than what you see on TV.
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Old 08-20-2004, 03:07 PM
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I don't think Will's nose is quite that clean. He initially encouraged Lori to take the $10K in an effort to turn everyone against her for having to eat PB&J. Then he buddied up to her. When Diane overplayed the girls's alliance, Will immediately spread the word in an effort to start a war between the 4H and the women. And when Scott was outed, Will and Jase made a backroom deal with eachother in case either one of them got HOH and turned on the other. They both admitted they were lying in an effort to stay afloat.

Will hasn't trusted Adria since before he knew she was twins. He should have done more to shore up his alliance. The interesting point is Cowboy. He bizarrely expects to manage revenge for his dead alliance which makes all his moves highly unpredictable. Cowboy tried to get in with the twins which seems to fly in the face of his revenge motif, yet he certainly needed to keep from being the next horseman down. He may be a weirdo, but someone should have tried to get him into the N/K/W alliance right away. He's a vote for now anyway.

Diane playing everyone off against eachother would be an incredibly respectable move - strategically - if she weren't so freakin' wishy-washy. She set all this in motion and then couldn't handle the fallout. Just when I was starting to think her brain worked.

My only hope is that Nakomis gets a grip on her emotions. She was so angry she let it get to her when Will was nominated. She needs to get back to a cool, crafty and devious game. Put the twins up, no question, but don't let anyone else distract or rattle her for the time being. Adria went so wild and crazy with her schoolgirl power trip that Nakomis should be thinking up some juicy ways to make her eat ***** all over the place.

Most important will be securing the Veto from the twins. Either one of them out is good, but Adria in particular deserves a taste of the karma boomerang.
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Old 08-20-2004, 06:40 PM
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I'm so sad Will is gone. He was such fun. I kept watching the part where he dances over and over. His friends seemed cool. I like that they said they liked Marvin; normally the friends and family condemn whoever their person is up against.
Did Will's parents condemn him for being gay? Just wondering since they interviewed his friends and not him.
I liked how he refused to hug Adria. hahaha
I'm glad Diane voted for Will to stay.
During the HOH comp, Nakomis looked really mad. She was really pretty with the pink hair and pink eyeshadow. I'm so glad she won.
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Old 08-20-2004, 07:14 PM
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Who are you voting for in America's Choice???

Go to CBS and vote for your favorite house guest to win the walk on roll on The Young and The Restless.

Who are you voting for???

I chose Drew. What about YOU?

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Old 08-20-2004, 08:06 PM
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I voted for Michael.
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Old 08-20-2004, 08:40 PM
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Originally posted by alli balli
Adria needs to stop making speeches, like, immediately. She just rambles unintelligibly. And oh, she "flipped a coin." Right. Also love her telling them all afterwards that she's "glad" they didn't all have to be in the same position as her. What. Ever. You ASKED for a tie, bitch.
You are so right!!
I thought that was the fakest speech EVER .

I laughed when no one was talking to the twins at all when Will left.

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Old 08-21-2004, 03:06 PM
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I was watching the feeds yesterday and my dad came into my room wondering why he can hear Adria and Natalie talking, and I said, "Oh, it's the feeds." So he's watching for a few seconds and says, "Ugh." and rolled his eyes at their conversation.
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Old 08-21-2004, 03:08 PM
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Holly said yesterday she's going to be no Nip/Tuck as a sexy nurse.
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Old 08-21-2004, 06:00 PM
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I voted for Michael because Will said he was the most unsexy person on the face of the planet. It'd be hilarious to see him on a soap opera.

It's really cool that Holly is going to be on Nip/Tuck. My drama teacher's daughter was on that show.
"I'm just trying to be really considerate. I've never really done it before but I'm going to give it a shot. You know, I've seen it done and I've read about it so I'm going to try to be nice." ~Will, Big Brother 2
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