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Old 01-10-2013, 05:13 PM
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Season 6 is the worst season of ALL, in my opinion, even worse then the later seasons, nobody had proper screentime ever

But romantic as in Abby/Luka? Because I don't like them
Oh ok, then nevermind 12/13 Lubby is very different from 7/8 Lubby, though, they grew up eventually

I wasn't fan of ALL the family drama, like the brother thing, for example. But Sally Field was always outstanding, imo

I will. If only to understand why everybody talks about it so often
That's why I started too, every good OTP was always compared to Sam/Diane and I HAD to see what that was all about and Sadly, it's a show of doomed ships, but I've had time to make my peace with that already, so I'll keep watching anyway
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Old 01-10-2013, 09:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Imaginary Hat (View Post)
Season 6 is the worst season of ALL, in my opinion, even worse then the later seasons, nobody had proper screentime ever
Well, at least there's Mark/Elizabeth and Mark/Carol, and even Carol/Elizabeth

Oh ok, then nevermind 12/13 Lubby is very different from 7/8 Lubby, though, they grew up eventually
Maybe I'll watch it. I never know with this show

That's why I started too, every good OTP was always compared to Sam/Diane and I HAD to see what that was all about and Sadly, it's a show of doomed ships, but I've had time to make my peace with that already, so I'll keep watching anyway
oh I just wanna watch for the show. And it seems like such a big influence in a lot of writers I like.

Great, M/E reached level of obsession and I have a lot to study but all I can do is go through tumblr posts crying because of their existence. I thought my ER shipper experience would end with Doug/Carol, I don't like this
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Old 01-11-2013, 04:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Kiki17 (View Post)
And for those that watch Girls
Is anyone here watching Girls if so is it worth checking out? or somethingI should be watching...
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Old 01-11-2013, 08:15 AM
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Yes, and YES! I have been watching. It is very interesting not always a good wy. But wld love to hear yours and kikis land others opinions . My 32 yr old dtr does not like it... Girls are all in their 20s, very privileged and self involved. The sex is VERY , too realistic, not like TV drama sex..l eg scene like 4.09 wld be very awkward...and uncomfortable. The led actress is very smart, and she takes off her clothes: she does NOT have a movie star body... I think this is a great thing.....

So think you shld catch it, and let me know.... Of course, on same time as TGW and Dowton!
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Old 01-11-2013, 08:30 AM
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Originally Posted by poehler-bear (View Post)
I have. It's not my kind of thing but it's okay and enjoyable if you're into that kind of procedural
I see, I might try the piliot she what I feel. Thanks

Is anyone here watching Girls if so is it worth checking out? or somethingI should be watching...
You know, when I first started I thought the show was kind of annoying cause it reminded me of all these girls I knew. But then thats what made it real after a while, that this is exactly how many of these girls behave. So I got hooked, and Lena is very good and smart. She makes a lot of what happens on the show feel very real.
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Old 01-11-2013, 02:22 PM
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Oh, I love Doctor Who!!! It has so much heart! I love Rose and Donna as companions. River Song (She'll always be Elizabeth Corday to me though) too! Though I did think the execution of the intent behind the character could have been stronger. Martha was the only one I ever found annoying. When I heard that Billie Piper was playing Rose Tyler, I was skeptical to try out the series, despite many people telling me that the show was brilliant. I mean, I danced to 'Day and Night' and 'Something Deep Inside' as a kid. But she was brilliant! I'm impressed enough that I'll be checking out her other work when I have time. The ER fan in me was doing cartwheels at seeing Alex Kingston back on my tv screen! The 9th doctor is my fav in the new series. But I do rather love the David Tennant's portrayal of him better. Imagine my surprise when I heard the Scottish accent come out of his mouth in an interview I heard! Is Matt Smith the youngest ever to have portrayed a Doctor?

Off the top of my head my favourite episodes are Rose, Dalek, The Empty Child, The Doctor Dances, The Parting of the Ways, The Impossible Planet, The Satan Pit, Doomsday, Blink, Human Nature, The Family of Blood, Silence in the Library, Forest of the Dead, The End of Time, The Eleventh Hour, The Time of Angels, Flesh and Stone, and The Impossible Astronaut. Apart from Becoming part 2 of Buffy, Series 2 epi Doomsday is the only telly episode I've had a hour long sob fest over. That was last month.

Oh, I have so much more I want to say, but this is what I get for watching the so close and as fast as I did. I'm on a high. But I'm going to do a rewatch. Spend more time dissecting, analyzing and squeeing this time around. Well, more than I've already done.

But along with Battlestar Galactica and the first few seasons of the X-files, this has become my favourite Science Fiction series.
“There is something more terrible than a hell of suffering--a hell of boredom. ”
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Last edited by Lily_Marie; 01-11-2013 at 02:30 PM
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Old 01-11-2013, 02:30 PM
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I am thinking of starting Elemetary, anyone seen it? any good?
I'm watching it I didn't really expect to like it, I'm kinda past procedurals at this point, but it's really enjoyable. I've just finished last night's episode and it was the best one so far, really intense!
But along with Battlestar Galactica and the first few seasons of the X-files, this has become my favourite Science Fiction series.
BSG is my favourite show ever! And I'm going to start DW really soon, because my friend have finished it recently, became obessed and it's all I've been hearing about for a month, so I have no choice
'We're having a bromance!'
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Old 01-11-2013, 03:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Kiki17 (View Post)
I see, I might try the piliot she what I feel. Thanks
The second episode is better than the pilot, so if you're not sure after watching the pilot check out the second.

Oh, I love Doctor Who!!! It has so much heart! I love Rose and Donna as companions. River Song (She'll always be Elizabeth Corday to me though) too! Though I did think the execution of the intent behind the character could have been stronger. Martha was the only one I ever found annoying.
Everybody seems to love Rose, but she's always annoyed me. But I was still happy to see her back for season 4. Donnaaaaaa! Favorite, hands down. And I love Amy, Rory and River as well (beautiful family ). I agree about River though, sometimes it felt like too much and they didn't really know who she was. It's such a leap from Kill Hitler River to Silence in the Library River. And I love that she's a Pond, but they could have done that much much better. Well that's Moffat...
Really? I love Martha! And she probably had the best companion arc from beginning to end. But the way the Doctor treated her

The 9th doctor is my fav in the new series. But I do rather love the David Tennant's portrayal of him better. Imagine my surprise when I heard the Scottish accent come out of his mouth in an interview I heard! Is Matt Smith the youngest ever to have portrayed a Doctor?
I love David Tennant! But I really don't like Ten (unless he's with Donna). I don't remember Nine very well. I have no idea if Matt is the youngest, but it's very likely.

Apart from Becoming part 2 of Buffy, Series 2 epi Doomsday is the only telly episode I've had a hour long sob fest over. That was last month.
I didn't cry much watching Doomsday, except the last few scenes but jfc Journey's End!!! I was sobbing for hours! Donna's face I'm tearing up just thinking about it. I can't even watch fanvids or see gifs/arts of it that I get super depressed. All season they kept saying that she would travel with him forever and they developed their friendship so well (as much as you can on one season of DW at least), only to take everything away from you/Donna at the end
Hm favorite episodes? Definitely Journey's End and Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead (Riveeeeer). Plus Blink and Turn Left.

Oh, I have so much more I want to say, but this is what I get for watching the so close and as fast as I did. I'm on a high. But I'm going to do a rewatch. Spend more time dissecting, analyzing and squeeing this time around. Well, more than I've already done.
I don't mean this as an offense, but do you find much to dissect on DW? Because I keep hearing people saying it's brilliant but I can't see it. Yes, it's entertaining and there's more than the obvious but I can't but it on the same level of brilliance as BSG, you know? But then I never made much effort to dissect it, except Doctor/River stuff (and then I bawl my eyes because the more you think of their relationship it gets more painful )

And I'm going to start DW really soon, because my friend have finished it recently, became obessed and it's all I've been hearing about for a month, so I have no choice
Oh boy. Good luck. Don't be fooled by the amount of ridiculous stuff. It hurts a lot. Journey's End is probably top 3 most painful episodes I've watched and if you end up shipping anything you'll suffer.
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Old 01-11-2013, 07:22 PM
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oh I just wanna watch for the show. And it seems like such a big influence in a lot of writers I like.
It's a fantastic show, you won't regret it

Great, M/E reached level of obsession and I have a lot to study but all I can do is go through tumblr posts crying because of their existence. I thought my ER shipper experience would end with Doug/Carol, I don't like this
I SO know what you mean, they hurt you so badly, and the more they do that, the harder you fall for them
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Old 01-12-2013, 04:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Imaginary Hat (View Post)
I SO know what you mean, they hurt you so badly, and the more they do that, the harder you fall for them
I know But I'm like that, the more tragic it gets, the more I love the ship. Well, at least it's less painful (yeah, I know) than my other ship featuring Alex Kingston
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Old 01-12-2013, 04:56 PM
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You mean River/Doctor?
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Old 01-12-2013, 06:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Imaginary Hat (View Post)
You mean River/Doctor?
Yes do you know anything about them?
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Old 01-14-2013, 01:48 PM
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Not really, they get married too, right? Does she die? Or she's already dead and it's all mixed up in time and stuff? Just guessing
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Old 01-15-2013, 12:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Imaginary Hat (View Post)
Not really, they get married too, right? Does she die? Or she's already dead and it's all mixed up in time and stuff? Just guessing
I won't spoil you much but yeah, time is all mixed up, first and lasts

Dude, wtf was the helicopter and Romano???? He's an ass but c'mon, that's no way to go. And poor Elizabeth
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Old 01-15-2013, 07:25 AM
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Ugh I know, that was painfully ridiculous considering he had already been attacked by one earlier in the season. ER wasn't the best with character exits

You can spoil me, chances are I'll have forgotten at least half of what you tell me by the time I decide to start watching
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