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Old 08-14-2011, 09:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Gelfling (View Post)
If he accuses her of cheating (if the A/W thing comes out), it can only be because he thinks he started before. Even then, it'd be very hypocritical though.
Yes, I agree. If he accuses her of cheating is going to be because he thinks it was from before, I mean we know he thinks this already when he said "there are three people in this marriage." But if he knows she only spelt with him after the fact and he still tries to accuse her, that would be so wrong and hypocritical. Now I know Peter was angry when he brought up the whole thing about her sleeping with Will, and I think it was dumb of him to say she was sleeping with him. But that other line he had about "three people in the marriage" and Alicia "thinking about Will for the last two years" I believe that was fair game. Not that Alicia does not have to right to think about Will, but the truth is that she has and shes been having dreams about him. So yes imo Peter has a point there, she has not really been into the marriage because she been fantasying about Will, not that we can blame her of course. So her head and heart seem to be somewhere else.
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Old 08-14-2011, 09:28 PM
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But that other line he had about "three people in the marriage" and Alicia "thinking about Will for the last two years" I believe that was fair game.
I don't know, Kiki. For one the timing is all wrong because he's supposed to have slept with Kalinda two years ago so I don't see how Alicia could have been thinking about Will for two years

But also, thinking about someone is not the same as sleeping with them and even if she did think about Will, it didn't start right away, at least not that way.

And even if it did, to be fair, he's the one who screwed up their marriage by actually sleeping with womEn long before that so he cannot blame her for thinking about someone else after he did that.

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Old 08-14-2011, 09:47 PM
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I don't know, Kiki. For one the timing is all wrong because he's supposed to have slept with Kalinda two years ago so I don't see how Alicia could have been thinking about Will for two years
Well yea timing is ALL wrong. I think what the writers where trying to get at was 2 seasons, since Heart. Timing off I agree though.

And even if it did, to be fair, he's the one who screwed up their marriage by actually sleeping with womEn long before that so he cannot blame her for thinking about someone else after he did that.
I agree, which is why I am saying he cannot blame her, and of course she has the right too think of whoever she wants. That I agree with. But what I am saying I do get Peter point and frustration about there being "three people in the marriage," obviously its all his fault of course. But I think he felt that maybe they were moving forward but in reality Alicia heart was not really into the reconciliation, so I can understand that he felt some sort of disappointment towards that. I think Alicia has the right to think of someone else, I just felt that it would have made more sense to end the marriage a long time ago, instead taking misleading steps forward like letting him back in the bedroom. She knew her heart was not in it, she should have acted you know?
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Old 08-14-2011, 10:36 PM
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Well yea timing is ALL wrong. I think what the writers where trying to get at was 2 seasons, since Heart.
Even so. Heart was in the last third of the first season so even if one season was one year (which clearly it wasn't with the campaign and all), that's still only one year but whatever. They need to get un-confused about their timeline, especially if they bring it up all the time regarding A/W, A/P, A/K...

But I think he felt that maybe they were moving forward but in reality Alicia heart was not really into the reconciliation, so I can understand that he felt some sort of disappointment towards that.
The thing is, when you're moving forward, you need to look around you and make sure you're not the only one moving forward. I think the lack of communication between them is showing there.

Peter just assumed that pledging he was changed and talking to pastors and stuff meant that Alicia was on board and not just playing along for the sake of normalcy but I guess he should have made sure that she was moving forward too.

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Old 08-15-2011, 01:05 AM
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Can I be added in the supporter list?

Here is me, from China, male, mid age.

I just finished watching season2 a week ago. sad + disappointment on how the writers handled the character of Peter like that, and intended to shape him into some kind of Evil Peter.If the trend becomes true, that's meaningless but another soap, IMO, I mean I believe most male viewers and A/P supporters can accept the result of their separation or even divorce, but if GOOD can only achieved by showing some1 is bad, that GOOD isn't so good and less blessing in some aspects.

I wrote a post few days ago in a Chinese TGW forum, called <Images of Peter>, recalled my impressions of Peter, here are some points:

From the very beginning, he came on the stage as cheater of his marriage, whore banger, being accused as corrupted grafter, and in jail. His direct positive images
are so less from my memory, followings are some impressed me:

1. In jail time, with extreme cold eyesight and voice, he warned that hooker who harassed his wife, showing that inside this man he has aspect that he would do by any kind of means to protect his wife and family. Some say it contains peter wanted the hooker to shut up in his case too, or mostly. Maybe, but the hooker had said a lot about his case long before she harassed Alicia, and Peter did nothing. Thus I think we can't deny or forget his strong willing to protect his wife and family.

2. On finale of Season1, before Peter went to give speech, the couple had a conversation on the entryway, Peter said:”You know,I was reading about these murals in Sienna. And one of them showed good government, people happy, buildings going up, courts making good decisions. And on the opposite wall was bad government. It was the same people,but they were unhappy, the courts were making bad decisions. It occurred to me that it only works if people step up if you make the sacrifice. Look,I was just an okay state's attorney,nothing special, but I want to be a great one...”These words shows peter's ambitions and his willing that Alicia still there with him. These words were between a 15+ years old couple, we have no reason to doubt they were sincere and from his heart, if not, Alicia might show some unbelieved face or sth that we can understand. From this scene, we can see Peter is a man with good (at least not bad) ambitions.

3. During the campaign, once they were running out of funds, then one sponsor
showed up, Peter declined just coz they had different political views, no matter they were facing bankrupt—that meant his campaign over. One more scene, Peter declined attractive offer from the party chairman of the county in term he quit campaign. These two things shows us Peter is quite a principled politician with self-confidence.

4. When Peter was out of jail and house prisoned, one night Alicia went out to her dinner with Will, Peter hesitated at the door only few seconds, then rushed down to retain her. He clearly knew he would be put in jail again by this, and those previous efforts of his case and campaign would booom to air. From this scene, Peter's love with Alicia, and fear of losing her, are psychologically very touchable and touching.

Beside the above, I can't remember more impressed, but I do remember when he was at jail, quite a lot of people tell Alicia:”your husband is a good person.”As we all know, and some people emphasizing that peter had brought Alicia and the family huge humiliation and pains, I think we might not forget this point at the same time, IMO, brought Alicia and the family huge humiliation and pains is true, but not all, Alicia also got some sympathies, helps and respects as well from some other people, no mater this was not the way she wanted, but I feel no reason to deny. As per his wining of election( related scenes are so rare that we even could only see him Via TV news or posters.), we laterally know this guy had/having fine reputation, at least not bad reputation on his professional role.

As per Peter's negative side, well known as adultery and unfaithful to Alicia before, that's the source of all tragedies of him and the family. This man has history of receive gift or even bribes, the latter is not so clear, that video with him handling a suitcase doesn't have a sequel, regarding to US strict justice system, charging but no result, then we may not think him so bad, IMO. And that runaway witness, seemed to be threatened by Childs to give not-so-real testimony against Peter (am I right?)
TGW has 2 seasons currently, the biggest pity for me is the absent of Peter on screen. This is a show about law and family/marriage/ethics, as now the previous is reducing and the latter is increasing, however, peter, as big part of the family, became more invisible, that's weird and unreasonable. Peter has made what kinds of efforts to change himself, the couple, grandmother and kids, what did they try to work things out, these are almost blank on screen. Maybe can can assume that they were busy, the hurt and damages was to huge to overcome, and they didn't have enough tries, or those tries were not so worth talking. This can explain why those supposed to be very important scenes are absent, but without what they had in relationship, no matter good or bad, without their efforts, no matter more or less, the charecters' building and deduction is very very pale and flat.

I can connect to Alicia's feeling and reaction after she knew Peter's ONS: everything seemed to be get back to normal little by little, and she in her mind she was or was prepared to live with those what had happened. But the ONS news drove her very very angry, but I don't think this is the biggest problem, the news was so damn hammering to her, made her thought that her hope (I do think she had hope) is still hallucination, just hallucination. Regardless Peter had changed as we know in some level, this bubble-breaking thought drove her feeling hopeless. In her mind, thinking“does everything have to go thru again or even worse? Can I and my kids take any more?” led to the separation and consulting Lawyer Lee, the only way to protect the kids and herself when she totally lost security and trust sense on Peter.

Season1 Peter rushed to retain Alicia regardless he wore electronic shackles, Season2 he “when u make your decision, let me know . good-bye”, as a A/P supporter, I feel very sad, I don't see any hope beyond them. I think the Kings try to tell people Peter is such a person: when he is in his difficult period, he restrains his tail, when he is in his prosperous period, he is a jerk who have no idea of thanksgiving. All these are implied, or even can't be called as “imply”, coz there is no clue at all, all are viewers' assumption. These kind of character shaping/molding not only makes people feel sorry for the couple, but also to the show itself. The writers handle characters in such a “convenient”way, I can't help thinking peter's fate was determined very very early from the beginning, due to the writer's value orientation. So as we all saw, tons of eye contacts in office and court, absent of What's Going On Inside That Family, makes sense.

I will stay in the show to find out what they will shape peter's role, hopeful they don't ruin Peter into a Evil Peter, turn a seriously-talking-about -marriage-family-career-show into a soap, just to please some certain famales' psychological need.

Sorry for my poor English. Good day all.

Thanks for the encouragement! I have no shortage of other ideas...only a shortage of time available to devote to writing them down!

It will be done eventually...unfortunately I don't know if they will get done before the new season starts and (probably) makes all my ideas unrealistic according to cannon A/P.

BUT...we can always hope. I guess the fiction bit of fan fic means it doesn't have to be realistic... tho I personally think it helps.
goodwifefan, good job.

There is a GIVE, there is a HOPE.

Last edited by Kiki17; 08-15-2011 at 09:53 PM Reason: double post ;)
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Old 08-15-2011, 09:43 PM
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Originally Posted by c2c2 (View Post)
Thanks for the encouragement! I have no shortage of other ideas...only a shortage of time available to devote to writing them down!

It will be done eventually...unfortunately I don't know if they will get done before the new season starts and (probably) makes all my ideas unrealistic according to cannon A/P.

BUT...we can always hope. I guess the fiction bit of fan fic means it doesn't have to be realistic... tho I personally think it helps.
goodwifefan, good job.

There is a GIVE, there is a HOPE.
Yes your thoughts were wonderful c2c2 and very insightful

Welcome to the board by the way - It's cool to have a guy among us - and an A/P supporter to boot - Hope to chat online with you one day

I'm Jodie by the way - Or GoodWifeObsessed - whichever you prefer!
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Old 08-15-2011, 09:51 PM
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Welcome c2c2 Nice to see a male voice around here
If you need anything please do not hesitate to contact me or Carla (Gelfling) for anything
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but if GOOD can only achieved by showing some1 is bad
Yea we are all a bit worried about Peter becoming a new villain, seems a bit predictable so we are hoping the writers do not go there and keep Peter as the character he is a way who has many shades of grays. I think they did a good job with this in the finale and I hope it continues this way.

From this scene, we can see Peter is a man with good (at least not bad) ambitions.
He is definitely a man with lots of ambitions, does not necessary mean bad ambition but ambition none the less. I did enjoy that scene because in a way it was like Peter was asking for some kind of approval from Alicia, as too, can I do this? I do believe though his best act would have been not to run but of course where is the drama in that

Peter declined attractive offer from the party chairman of the county
ahh thats probably one of my all times favorite A/P scene, them talking and discussion politics I swear if I could just get more A/P where they talk politics and then kiss I would be happy camper I just love how much he wants/needs/is eager for her advice and approve. Some with that scene in the premiere

TGW has 2 seasons currently, the biggest pity for me is the absent of Peter on screen.
one of the biggest downfall for S2, but CN had a decision and he did not want to spent all his time on tv, that is a decision to be respected.

peter, as big part of the family, became more invisible, that's weird and unreasonable.
Yup one of the biggest let down to me, I wanted to see more of that side.

Look I do not think Peter is some kind of hero or should be forgiven. But my biggest disappointed is this marriage was not explored. Communication between them was nonexistent and thats a real shame. There was no way to see how the marriage was doing since they never interact much.

Sorry for my poor English. Good day all.
Its good

(one more thing, be careful with double posting, its not allow, if you want to add something just edit your post )
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Old 08-16-2011, 07:53 PM
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c2c2, Welcome to the board and good to have a male perspective
If you're not too worried by the overwhelming female presence, I hope you stick around

This man has history of receive gift or even bribes, the latter is not so clear, that video with him handling a suitcase doesn't have a sequel, regarding to US strict justice system, charging but no result, then we may not think him so bad, IMO. And that runaway witness, seemed to be threatened by Childs to give not-so-real testimony against Peter (am I right?)
I can only hope there will be more about that. They seem to have indicated in Season 1 that there would be but there were schedule problems in Season 2 with Chris Noth that might have prevented it.
Personally I think Peter did something he wishes he could take back. What it is, I'm not sure but it's not just the cheating. There's more than that going on.

He wouldn't have smelled a rat that fast when Kozko talked to him about their meeting at a hotel and when he told Alicia he wanted to be a "great State Attorney", that seemed to imply he thought he wasn't last time and it's not about his conviction record, since we know that was good. There's also this "fuzzy" business. That sounds to me like a man who wants to admit he did something wrong but just cannot get there.

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Old 08-16-2011, 09:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Gelfling (View Post)
sounds to me like a man who wants to admit he did something wrong but just cannot get there.
Oh yes I would love to see them going back to that! So much rich storyline there. And I agree, is obvious Peter did not think he was great before. Politicians all do things that are not quite "ethical" but you can see Peter does not want this out, probably cause he does not want to add more fuel to the fire in Alicia's eye. Though the other day I was thinking, how much did Alicia "really" know about Peter politics and what he was doing? I mean she had to know he was not doing all good, right?
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Old 08-16-2011, 09:29 PM
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Though the other day I was thinking, how much did Alicia "really" know about Peter politics and what he was doing? I mean she had to know he was not doing all good, right?
I don't think she did. I think she stayed out of it mostly. She didn't look like she was active at all. Not sure if she was not interested or just worried about this exact thing.

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Old 08-16-2011, 09:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Gelfling (View Post)
I don't think she did. I think she stayed out of it mostly. She didn't look like she was active at all. Not sure if she was not interested or just worried about this exact thing.
Yea, thats the feeling I got. But I always wished A would have been more active, in a way it comes closer to a lot of the politician wife that we see on tv. Though remember that flashback about Alicia "pinning" down the Governor I like stories like that, where A was involve in the political stuff
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Old 08-16-2011, 10:26 PM
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Though remember that flashback about Alicia "pinning" down the Governor I like stories like that, where A was involve in the political stuff
I think it was more about showing she wasn't star struck and didn't care about embarrassing the guy even if he was a higher up. I wouldn't really call that politically involved but personally I like political activism better than politics because that's what really changes things.

Looking back, it's a weird flashback though. I think it was there to show they had a different dynamic back then and Peter liked the fire (and perhaps she lost that playing the housewife, sorry Jules ) and he saw it in her again in Taking Control. But politically, it didn't really make a lot of sense.

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Old 08-16-2011, 10:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Gelfling (View Post)
I wouldn't really call that politically involved but personally I like political activism better than politics because that's what really changes things.
Yes that line about the governor could be more political activism which I enjoy as well and I do believe that is where a lot can get done. But I do enjoy the politics of it all because if you do not know to negotiate and play the game its gonna be hard to get things done especially in our political gridlock. So for me, I kind of wish we could have seen more about what Alicia did, besides go to fundraisers and stuff. I would have love to know she was behind the scenes laying out strategy, but thats my personal wish If you think about, lots of these women who's husband got caught where very politically savy and very much involve in the politics. But I can see how as a whole it would be kind of too much to show that part of Alicia.

Looking back, it's a weird flashback though. I think it was there to show they had a different dynamic back then and Peter liked the fire (and perhaps she lost that playing the housewife, sorry Jules ) and he saw it in her again in Taking Control.
Yea that fight in her, you can tell he likes that.

But politically, it didn't really make a lot of sense.
what exactly do you mean?
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Old 08-16-2011, 11:29 PM
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So for me, I kind of wish we could have seen more about what Alicia did, besides go to fundraisers and stuff. I would have love to know she was behind the scenes laying out strategy, but thats my personal wish
you know she is NOT Hillary, right?

If you think about, lots of these women who's husband got caught where very politically savy and very much involve in the politics. But I can see how as a whole it would be kind of too much to show that part of Alicia.
But Alicia doesn't seem to have ever been interested in politics. It's more like she was caught in the wake of Peter's ambitions. She doesn't look like she planned on marrying a politician or anything.

what exactly do you mean?
As a politician, Peter would probably count a lot on image and network. Support from a big wig would certainly be very important. Something like that would have cost him points and he's certainly too ambitious a person to take this lightly.

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Old 08-16-2011, 11:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Gelfling (View Post)
you know she is NOT Hillary, right?
Ugh I it wrong that I wish she was more like her more political involve!

She doesn't look like she planned on marrying a politician or anything.
Right, but she did take certain steps when he decide to run. So I do believe there has to be something more there, like she was more involve in the politics. But you are right we never given any indication of her being involve, but to me her not being involve does not seem real. I definitely think she was in sort of ways, probably like you said more through activism. Remember when Owen recognized she had been the one to have written part of Peter's speech, she has it in her. So I can see her being involve back then.

As a politician, Peter would probably count a lot on image and network. Support from a big wig would certainly be very important. Something like that would have cost him points and he's certainly too ambitious a person to take this lightly.
Oh I see yea, but I do not think it was a very public event that happened. I imagined it as something that happened in a private party where Alicia grilled the governor, without making it a big media issue.
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