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Old 05-16-2011, 06:03 PM
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Originally Posted by GoodWifeObsessed (View Post)
But you have to admit Mare she gave as good as she got - Alicia was harsh in those scenes

Peter was more bitter and defensive, resigned even....

I've never viewed him as particualrly mean to her - Not even in those scenes.
sorry, you and Kiki are both right... I really thought the scene was hard to take,but right on the money in terms of , I am just being my usual parnoid ( cranky ) self, and taking the spoiler stuff too seriously... I am probably taking Kings "directions" too seriously in terms of how Peter will be next season ( a complete A-**** to alicia, and that is what I am reacting to...not really what we have seen so far.

I just go to the pragmatics of the show, not the story(dumb I know) I know that K/A will not be on the outs that long, K is too seminal to the show as a character, and she is a regular, in every epi!. But now that P/A are separated, and he is not in the show that much really, they can use his character in a way that they cannot go with the a complete A**** So that is where I am coming from...
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Old 05-16-2011, 06:16 PM
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Trust me Mare, I do not want Peter to be a total A***** to A either or be "morally ambiguous" but the reason I do not want that is cause I want to hold on hope for A/P and honestly I think we need to realize that they might be over ( so hard for me to admit this) So if they are gonna be over, why not tension between them, is MUCH better than indifference
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Old 05-16-2011, 06:25 PM
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Originally Posted by tvdramafan (View Post)
sorry, you and Kiki are both right... I really thought the scene was hard to take,but right on the money in terms of , I am just being my usual parnoid ( cranky ) self, and taking the spoiler stuff too seriously... I am probably taking Kings "directions" too seriously in terms of how Peter will be next season ( a complete A-**** to alicia, and that is what I am reacting to...not really what we have seen so far.

I just go to the pragmatics of the show, not the story(dumb I know) I know that K/A will not be on the outs that long, K is too seminal to the show as a character, and she is a regular, in every epi!. But now that P/A are separated, and he is not in the show that much really, they can use his character in a way that they cannot go with the a complete A**** So that is where I am coming from...
Plus you've got some very good points Mare

I deviate between - Being kinda of perversely excited - as I like dark Peter, but then sometimes I feel mad and angry and a bit bitter at the limits they are willing to go to with the character ( because you're right - They won't dare to with any of the others ) / I mean look at Eli he's turned into a giant marshmallow for Alicia - I mean wasn't he supposed to be evil incarnate lol!! Now he's like Scotty's little softie - jeesshh

So I completely get where you are coming from and often feel the exact same way myself.

Let's ride the whiny train together my dear

Last edited by GoodWifeObsessed; 05-16-2011 at 06:31 PM
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Old 05-16-2011, 06:34 PM
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Originally Posted by GoodWifeObsessed (View Post)
Let's ride the whiny train together my dear
HAHA I seem to get on and off sometimes! But mostly I feel sad damn this freaking writers
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Old 05-16-2011, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Kiki17 (View Post)
HAHA I seem to get on and off sometimes! But mostly I feel sad damn this freaking writers
Aww poor Kiki

I sometimes get sad ( mostly whiney though lol ) but then I"m so blown away by Chris and Julianna in the brutal gutwrenching scenes that they deliver. That I try to look on the bright side. It will be horrible and painful to watch but oh so powerful and intense - So we have a sort of vicious trade off it seems

Everybody get on the whiny train.
We shipped and shipped was it all in vain?
We're crying and whining in such a pain.
We're sad, we feel bad but we've still something to gain.
Although broken hearted, our pair has now parted with a rage and a wrath so hard to take.
But watching them heated, neither defeated is almost as great as if our lovers had stayed..

Hey it's TGW meets Dr. Suess

Reminds me of the good old days when I used to do the A/P 2,4,6,8 rhymes - Goodness that seems so long ago - They dragged us through hell for a reaally loonngg time didn't they lol!!

Last edited by GoodWifeObsessed; 05-16-2011 at 07:55 PM
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Old 05-16-2011, 07:55 PM
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Originally Posted by GoodWifeObsessed (View Post)
Reminds me of the good old days when I used to do the A/P 2,4,6,8 rhymes - Goodness that seems so long ago - They dragged us through hell for a reaally loonngg time didn't they lol!!
They sure did hahaha bastards! haha
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Old 05-17-2011, 03:20 PM
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Well I read the showrunner stuff with the Kings... sounds like we will get A/P scenes... Jodie ...your kind of stuff...

but I am not looking forward...if it is professional , it might be fun...but if all personal...not so much...
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Old 05-17-2011, 03:51 PM
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I hated the word "adversaries" thats not what I want, but whatever better have good scenes than heartbreaking scenes of a custody battle

I am excited about what they can do next season, but I just have to stop looking at them from a romantic lense cause that seems to be dead! But did ya read the NPR article? EVeryone knows they have SEXY chemistry
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Old 05-17-2011, 04:47 PM
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NPR??/ will check this out...but I am not surprised...what did I ( we ) think??

If P/A had a friendly chat and all was well with the separation , and they discussed how to work together professionally , where is the story...????

This way they get to exploit the chemistry ( and def part of it is sexual thing) without having them together!

Just read the NPR article... loved what they said re A/P... I do like Will, but have to agree with the writer...

What she said about the show generally , the funny thing is, that is clearly where they are headed... whatever they do on tonites show..A/W will not be together now, exactly as she said, ... the only hting is... I think the writer just thinks do it...pair them off now or not ( with Will) but it is clear to me they are still headed to the back burner... they are def sticking with True love, even if in S5... And when you read the vulture article , you do get the sense no matter what Kings say, that the network does influence...

and I am positive they will intro another potential love interest... they will announce in the summer....

Did not love what she said about Chris/play, but then we have no idea how much he has committed to S3..even if he does not do another play...

Kiki ...have you dropped by to see him ...???

Last edited by tvdramafan; 05-17-2011 at 05:02 PM
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Old 05-17-2011, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by tvdramafan (View Post)
This way they get to exploit the chemistry ( and def part of it is sexual thing) without having them together!
You are SO right Mare!!! DAMN THOSE WRITERS

At least we know A/P will get some scenes always a nice thing!
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Old 05-18-2011, 04:22 AM
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Well, he still wears his wedding ring in the finale.
Does Alicia wear hers? I didn't look I need to rewatch
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Old 05-18-2011, 06:38 AM
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NPR??/ will check this out...but I am not surprised...what did I ( we ) think??
It was almost nice to read something by somebody not already on the bandwagon... even though the morning after (today) things looks a bit different. I read the other board and I almost agree with most of the messages (and it's never that way, for good or bad), I was scared by that...
Just read the NPR article... loved what they said re A/P... I do like Will, but have to agree with the writer...
Yes, I agree that Chris and Julianna are good as the old married couple, they have enough chemestry to play that roles. It needs a lot more to be the smoking-hot lovers and at the moment Diane and Kurt looks way better than any other pairs (I'm excluding Kalinda because I'm talking about relationship but of course she was great in the last episode, a lot more sexy than any A/P or A/W scenes). And - don't quote me please - A and W looked better last season in Heart then in the whole season finale scene (but that's true for A/P too). Maybe the writers are better suited to handle angst and sideway glances than actual romance
they are def sticking with True love, even if in S5... And when you read the vulture article , you do get the sense no matter what Kings say, that the network does influence...
We need to wait and see but my gut feelings after the finale and the whole set of articles/interview is that they are going to be just friend sooner than later. And i hope this will allow the show to go back to S1 when we were all happy every tuesday...

Did not love what she said about Chris/play, but then we have no idea how much he has committed to S3..even if he does not do another play...
After the scene with the receipt I was shocked to see Peter doing something good... I almost forgot the whole stage thing (but this is something for the CN thread)
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Old 05-18-2011, 07:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Det.Logan (View Post)
It was almost nice to read something by somebody not already on the bandwagon... even though the morning after (today) things looks a bit different. I read the other board and I almost agree with most of the messages (and it's never that way, for good or bad), I was scared by that...

Yes, I agree that Chris and Julianna are good as the old married couple, they have enough chemestry to play that roles. It needs a lot more to be the smoking-hot lovers and at the moment Diane and Kurt looks way better than any other pairs (I'm excluding Kalinda because I'm talking about relationship but of course she was great in the last episode, a lot more sexy than any A/P or A/W scenes). And - don't quote me please - A and W looked better last season in Heart then in the whole season finale scene (but that's true for A/P too). Maybe the writers are better suited to handle angst and sideway glances than actual romance

We need to wait and see but my gut feelings after the finale and the whole set of articles/interview is that they are going to be just friend sooner than later. And i hope this will allow the show to go back to S1 when we were all happy every tuesday...

After the scene with the receipt I was shocked to see Peter doing something good... I almost forgot the whole stage thing (but this is something for the CN thread)
Couldn't agree more Laila - The A/W scene in Heart was infinitely hotter than last nights foray. I actually didn't see that same chemistry at all in this scene / Not even close to the same intensity actually

The Kalinda/Sophia scene was way hotter in my opinion

Speaking of Sophia great character I'm really liking her and hope to see a lot more of her next season. Really looking forward to seeing her in some scenes with Peter and Cary as well - The S.A's morally questionable tag team - I've never seen Kelli Giddish before and I'm very impressed with her so far

Now let's all address the elephant in the room - What did everyone think of the A/W hookup at the end

I personally think Alicia should have waited a wee bit longer. What hey I guess what's good for the goose is good for the gander ( I stole your line Mare my friend )

But in a way it worked because it made her a little less perfect and a bit more human to me. But it also really illustrated to me her total indifference towards Peter and her true love or lust or whatever it is for Will....

She's really hurting from the decline of the marriage isn't she now

Obviously it was a very fractured relationship but I'm a bit suprised that they've had Alicia reacting so cavalier in regards to the pair's demise....

Almost like she could absolutely care less about Peter - Mind you the dude's a serial cheater and all but ya know - oh this is funny but not laugh out loud funny...

Oh Saint Alicia how the mighty have fallen - Okay running away and ducking rotten eggs and tomatoes now heeheehee

Last edited by GoodWifeObsessed; 05-18-2011 at 08:27 AM
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Old 05-18-2011, 08:41 AM
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Originally Posted by GoodWifeObsessed (View Post)
Now let's all address the elephant in the room - What did everyone think of the A/W hookup
HAHA the huge elephant in the room you mean It was weird, it was like Alicia was a different person. It was weird seeing no hesitation from her and actually agree to just one night of fun, does not seem like Alicia does it? But I guess thats the point to see a different Alicia. And I have to agree I felt the moment in Heart was a lot better mostly cause it did not feel as force. This A/W scene at the end felt so scripted like it had to happen because it has been dragged out so long, like almost like it was forced.

I agree Alicia should have probably waited longer, but least be honest, it was not really very romantic. It was a down right lets have sex kind of thing, for one night. Is weird to me even as I think about it now, that Alicia actually agrees to this.

As for P/A that seems much to be nowhere really....funny how Alicia was in court and not once did she run into Peter. But they cannot miss each other forever right?

I do wonder though, is Alicia having sex with Will close the door forever for A/P to ever re-kindle their love? (not that I think re-kindling of the love can happen but I do wonder) But one thing I know for sure, I do not want this fake marriage bull****, if they are done they are done, I do not want Alicia sticking around just for Peter could run for the next office.

Well, he still wears his wedding ring in the finale.
Does Alicia wear hers? I didn't look I need to rewatch
Yup, I think she was wearing hers, but of course she is since they are hiding the separation.
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Old 05-18-2011, 08:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Kiki17 (View Post)
HAHA the huge elephant in the room you mean It was weird, it was like Alicia was a different person. It was weird seeing no hesitation from her and actually agree to just one night of fun, does not seem like Alicia does it? But I guess thats the point to see a different Alicia. And I have to agree I felt the moment in Heart was a lot better mostly cause it did not feel as force. This A/W scene at the end felt so scripted like it had to happen because it has been dragged out so long, like almost like it was forced.

I agree Alicia should have probably waited longer, but least be honest, it was not really very romantic. It was a down right lets have sex kind of thing, for one night. Is weird to me even as I think about it now, that Alicia actually agrees to this.

As for P/A that seems much to be nowhere really....funny how Alicia was in court and not once did she run into Peter. But they cannot miss each other forever right?

I do wonder though, is Alicia having sex with Will close the door forever for A/P to ever re-kindle their love? (not that I think re-kindling of the love can happen but I do wonder) But one thing I know for sure, I do not want this fake marriage bull****, if they are done they are done, I do not want Alicia sticking around just for Peter could run for the next office.

Yup, I think she was wearing hers, but of course she is since they are hiding the separation.
Yaye Kiki LOVE your post - and it's just bang on accurate as well - You go girl

Last edited by GoodWifeObsessed; 05-18-2011 at 07:34 PM
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