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Old 02-23-2024, 01:47 AM
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Interesting video with former students of Dan. They talk a bit what Dan was as a professor. Not saying that their opinion is the only one but hey it is good that there are students that feel this way.
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Old 02-23-2024, 01:53 AM
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Originally Posted by stlavin95 (View Post)
No problem

Definitely should read up on it, it's a pretty interesting case
I was not aware about this case as well. Based on the brief reading I did, it seems he was a serial killer in Australia. So now there are some thoughts on whether he acted alone or not. Is my understanding correct?

What do you think about this? Do you think he had an accomplice? And if he had why would he remain silent and not mention it?
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Old 02-23-2024, 06:40 AM
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This is very interesting! This guy Jared went to high school with Charlie and Wendi. He then also was a friend of Dan. So he shares a lot of interesting tidbits about Wendi and Dan. He even mentions that Wendi has sent an email few years ago to friends/people she knows to share her side of the story and how she is not involved. Very interesting fact. He also mentions the last time Wendi has approached him in 1:1 via Google chats in September 2014 (so after Dan's murder).
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Old 02-23-2024, 08:06 AM
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This is awful. I wonder the motive? Sexuality? Absolutely vile.
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Old 02-23-2024, 08:13 AM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
Yep. I did what I could. My music teacher wanted me to go from 5th grade into a specialised music school. I could not do all of that . Around this time I chose to prioritise math over music and that's how I continued.

He is terrible. Sadly this is quite often the case here. Not every teacher in college but some of them are really like that. And almost every person has a story like that in their college years.
That’s great. You were smart enough even at a young age to understand what was best for you.

I don’t know if I told you this before, but my dad skipped two grades and graduated high school at age 16, and graduated college with a masters equivalent electrical engineering/physics age 20 at the top engineering college in the country in Cleveland. He skipped 2nd and 6th grade. My grandparents and dad could have accepted or declined. They let him skip because he was too bored in school. But he will always say he regrets missing out on those two years socially and developmentally. Like he obviously has an off the charts IQ so it was necessary but he also feels like he missed out on two years of his childhood in a way, almost like he was forced to grow up too quickly.

Wow, makes sense. Do you know anything about this teacher in the present? Still teaching?
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Old 02-23-2024, 08:15 AM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
We need to check if there are videos from those trials that we can watch, discuss and compare .

Yes, this is my understanding .

Could be indeed .
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Old 02-23-2024, 08:39 AM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
Yeah I think it needs to start educating girls on their rights .
Exactly. I remember the French friend discussing this.

To be fair when I decided to go in this profession I was relativity young - just 6th grade. At this point I did not think that much about the gender disparity or the specifics. I just liked the profession.
6th grade, while most 6th graders only worried about what they were having for lunch.

And that’s true. Although my guess is even if you thought about the gender disparity or the specifics, you still would have gone for it.

Per these stats it is India:

Cool thing is Bulgaria is on 7th place so we do actually have more women compared to other countries and the average. I think overall you will see the countries that are known for Software Development in general. Bulgaria is rather known place for Software Developers in Europe. Espeically where I live. We are like small scale silicon valley. There are over 150 IT companies here. Lots of competition.
That is so awesome.

Do the other top ones surprise you or they make sense?


Ah thanks !

I actually my astrological chart kind of explains the INTJ type as well. They are kind of saying the same thing but through different means. And yeah luckily for me I have healthy dose of Fire - enough to help me, but not too much to be annoying .

Exactly! Perfect balance.
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Old 02-23-2024, 08:43 AM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
My dad had a joke about this. He would tell me "let's not check each other because we will catch each other in the act". It was a joke obviously but what he meant is that there is also a certain amount of trust that you need to have and you can't be paranoid all the time on whether the other person is doing something or not. I am taught that if you think the other person is cheating, even if they are not, it does not matter. It shows that you are not right for each other and you do not trust each other.

My dad is similar . I mean minus the owning a company . He is not big into smartphones and would use a smartphone just for phone calls. He does not like texting, he does not like emails.
I love your dad’s joke and totally agree with your take.

Precisely. Some people despise it.

My dad jokes with Anna and Sara all the time. They would prefer communicating for little things via text but he wants a phone call, even if it’s two seconds long. So if they are really busy and he calls and they cannot pick up sometimes they’ll quickly text and ask if he needs something urgently. He’ll joke, yes, a phone call hearing voices.
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Old 02-23-2024, 09:14 AM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
Yep. Interestingly btw I watched a STS video yesterday and they mentioned that in the affidavit is mentioned that some friends of Donna also tipped LE that they might leave. Apparently Donna asked some neighbours/friends that she has not been talking to for like 20 years on hotels and accommodations for this trip to Vietnam. And they tipped off LE as well.

Yep .

Sad indeed.

I assume you talk about the Bar Mitzvah right? For some reason I missed this. What have you watched and what did Wendi say?

I just wonder if the boys know at all that their maternal family is accused of having something to do with their father's dad. I wonder. I do think even if they don't know sooner or later they will. And yeah if they do know, you are right - they most probably told them that those are all lies and that it is not true.

Wow. LOL. She was so reckless, man. She must’ve really been desperate and fearful of what was to come. It also shows that she had not been talking regularly to Wendi at all because Wendi was the one to consult about this and she wouldn’t have needed to talk to friends she hadn’t talk to in decades. I mean we know she was asking her daughter for help but it appears she was also asking people from the past too. That’s actually pathetically stupid of her going there. She hasn’t heard or google? She could’ve found all answers taking out some time and researching on her own. Funny how she researched Catholic schools to threaten Dan with yet she couldn’t even in the end formulate an escape plan.

Apparently it was on YouTube and for some reason it was taken down. I’m still searching for it. But yes, it was Lincoln’s bar mitzvah. I watched the clip of it when it was released.

Yes, it’s super hard to imagine the boys weren’t told something.
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Old 02-23-2024, 09:22 AM
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Is this the weird friend?

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Old 02-23-2024, 09:23 AM
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He’s claiming Charlie has ADHD and they’re all lying: LOL.

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Old 02-23-2024, 09:24 AM
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Old 02-23-2024, 09:26 AM
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It sucks it’s taken down on YouTube and even Twitter but on TikTok I got the first 15 seconds of it with someone sort of analyzing it. But you see what she’s wearing and she even called Dan a Jewish name that the boys called him:
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Old 02-23-2024, 09:28 AM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
Yes . Two young people dead. Two set of parents losing their children. It is just so meaningless. So sad.
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Old 02-23-2024, 10:50 AM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
From what she mentioned LE did not believe him initially so as a private investigator she had to see if Luis' story checks out. So it makes sense she was taking notes.

Yes, Luis did consider Sigfredo like a family and at this point was of the mindset that he will do anything he asks him to do. It is interesting that he still snitched on him. I doubt it was easy for him to betray a person so close to him. However I had the feeling that he was not that big on Katie. Did you sense the same?

And that is another way he is smarter than the book smart Katie who did lie a bit when she testified in Charlie's trial. This is how you do things.

I don't know how the fact that he cannot read and write impacts him taking GED in prison.

I see.

I tend to agree with this. As long as it is described well on what could be the mitigation factors. The black and white approach has only 1 pro and that is that there is no place for corruption or subjectivity. The judge cannot do anything else but to sentence them to life. We do need good system to decide when to give lenience and to make sure that we give it for the right reasons.
Oh wow that’s interesting. I literally just thought she was transcribing the dialogue. That’s cool, knowing it was so much more.

Luis snitching on Katie and Sigfredo? Well I think with Katie they weren’t even like considered super good friends. I think he just considers Katie “the wife and mother of his brother’s children.” It appears he really blames her and you can see that in the tapes that he blames her for a lot of reasons why Sigfredo was messed up. So I don’t think that was a big deal. I’m not sure of the timeline. Did Sigfredo turn on Luis first in his trial? Sigfredo’s defense was Luis was the one that did the shooting, right? I’m not even sure. But I feel like if Sigfredo turned on him first, then it might have been easier for Luis to really tell the truth and his worry was mostly about safety against gang members mad he snitched, not specifically how Sigfredo feels. Especially since Sigfredo was the one that got him involved in the first place.

What did Katie lie about in Charlie’s trial specifically? If it is true that she has a sort of deal under the table eventually once she testifies more in Donna’s trial and maybe Wendi’s, she obviously is going to have to tell 100% truth.

Yeah. He certainly would have to learn how to read and write. It seems like he’s pretty smart, overall, just based on how he communicates. So I would think reading and writing would come rather quickly, and then the GED. He has a lot of time obviously, and college might be too much. But just learning how to read and write and then getting his GED would really be something.

Definitely. The judge and even attorneys go by the exact laws per state. It is up to each state to set up the rules. Unfortunately super conservative states don’t want anything like Minnesota and other states that give more room for context (and against the death penalty). Conservative states want it as black and white as possible.

Last edited by jediwands; 02-23-2024 at 10:58 AM
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