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Old 02-22-2024, 11:33 AM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
From what I saw it seems they settled and there will be no civil trial. And my understanding is that the settlement is private and confidential so we do not know the details. I hope that Petito's family feel some relief and would be able to move on. They would never forget and nothing can replace the emptiness they feel about their daughter being murdered but hopefully they can at least go back to life as much as they can given the circumstances.
Well said. It’s such a horrible tragedy.
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Old 02-22-2024, 12:35 PM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
Yep exactly .

I don't know if you noticed there was a woman in the room when he was talking to LE. I think is the same woman I had shared a video with STS - Monica. Anyway she said that Luis was not easy person to convince to take this deal as he has had his dark background and in general was not a person that would let people in easily. And that LE did not believe him initially but everything he said checked out and she was actually helping LE to verify what he was saying. So for me it was interesting to watch him there and then connect to what she was saying. It definitely completed the picture for me.
I did notice! I thought she was more or less like a transcriptionist.

Wow interesting!

It makes sense. I mean, not only was he in a gang, but he was a leader of a big-time gang. They have a code, and they don’t snitch. He obviously had a good support system of people telling him what he needed to do if he wanted to have a life eventually outside of prison. I thought I read he’s a great father to his children… you just see and feel there is so much potential with him. I mean, like you had mentioned he had to fire Sigfredo for his drinking. This means Luis took the job seriously and was in a higher up position at his job. He just made wrong choices, and grew up in a very tough situation where you really have to battle through the darkness in order to get to the light. That’s 100% why he went with Sigfredo in the first place. They called each other brothers. He considered him family. He didn’t have a family growing up. This is why he is such a good father now.

But that is very interesting. I think he’s a smart guy in that he knew if he was going to make the decision to go through with the deal he was going to have to tell the truth because he wasn’t going to pull a fast one on the police and the detectives, they would check everything and figure out if he was lying instantly.

I hope, and I would assume, he’s taking some education courses in prison, and getting ready for his release in about a decade. Man, he could get a college degree if I’m not mistaken in prison. You know he’s not in the type of lockup where he’s in solitary confinement or anything and I know that you can take all different kinds of courses. I’m sure he got his GED. I would be shocked if he didn’t and he might be taking some college courses. He could literally think about the next 10 years as being educational. Take every course available that he’s interested in and have all of that background upon his release so he can find a job and it might not have to be a type of manual labor job. Someone might give him a chance if he had degrees. He could be very prepared when he gets out in about 10 years and good for him if he does just that.

Both. Dan's murder was first degree murder as it is clearly planned and premeditated. And there are states that do not allow parole for first degree murder. Cannot say it is most states or every state but there are states like that. For example I think Arizona is such a state. Florida might be too.
Basically all of the very big time conservative states just like Florida and Arizona are. I believe North Carolina is the same way.

Yes it seems Minnesota allows for life with parole for first degree murder but they still would not get it as the murder was planned and premeditated. And in that case even in Minnesota per my understanding it would be life without parole. It is the planning and premeditation that lead to such sentencing.
Minnesota offers more leniency under the right circumstances. As you can see, even first-degree murder could be 30 years only in the state of Minnesota. I actually like this route to be perfectly honest because I am against the death penalty for one. Minnesota does not have that. And two, I think every murder, even first-degree murder, should be looked at with context, evaluating everything like mental health, motivation/and so much more. I think there’s way more to it. I’m not trying to water down murder or crime in general, but I just think every case is different so to have these super strict laws and even the death penalty like a Florida, like an Arizona, like a North Carolina… I just think it’s way too black and white because each criminal in each case is different, it should be evaluated differently and with different punishments if you ask me. I don’t know what it’s like in Florida right now, but I know back in the day Florida was ridiculously charging minors with life in prison and I’m talking like 13-year-olds and I found that utterly ridiculous. I’m thinking of a case like 10 years ago… a 13-year-old was being charged with life in prison (and he was abused). 13! Insanity. There’s even juvenile death penalty cases in the US. Not many, but some, and 98% of them are in the south. As a Psychologist, I could write a book on how much this bothers me. Every case is different and should be treated differently.

I would expect a good deal. Luis was the one that knew the least about the conspiracy and he got 19 years I think. Katie and Sigfredo knew much more about the conspiracy and that's what LE were after - so I assume they were offered even better deals than Luis. They were just not as smart as him to take the deal.
Well said. Exactly.

Last edited by jediwands; 02-22-2024 at 12:45 PM
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Old 02-22-2024, 12:57 PM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
Yeah maybe we will know once we watch her testifying in her trial which I think she will do.

Even if it is about her ego? I mean you hinted that Wendi saw in Dan a lot that she saw in her mother. Is it possible that Donna did not care about the children or Wendi she saw it as I need to win over Dan in this game. In other words maybe it was about her own ego. Or that's not something psychopaths would care about either.

Donna did cry indeed. However I did not think she cried out of empathy for Charlie, I think she saw it as Wendi is betraying her. And also to kind of make people feel for her (yes including Harvey). I felt the whole conversation a bit of act on Donna's side to garner sympathy.

I see.

I see.
Exactly. I need to see more of Donna to know just how horrible she is. Lol. I know she’s horrible and definitely a narcissist. I’d have to see about sociopath and something else. I don’t think she’s a psychopath though, I just don’t think so. She doesn’t fit the profile. Literally psychopaths, many of them, could kill their own family members and I don’t mean in-laws. I mean literally their own family and not think anything of it.

There could be other motives for Donna. For sure. It could be about a game. Donna not caring about her family as much as she claims. She could be using all of them as chess pieces. That’s true. It’s just… I don’t know how much I believe it because she gave up and did so much for her family and grandchildren and it just doesn’t fit the profile of a psychopath unless it’s all fake.

Even if it is ego, that would fall more in line with a narcissist. A narcissist is so egotistical. They think they are the best, they want to be the best, they want human interaction so they can keep stroking their ego and thinking they are the best. See psychopaths don’t care about that, they don’t care about what people think of them like a narcissist does. Narcissists need people to cut down in order to make themselves look and feel better. A psychopath doesn’t give a crap… a psychopath hates people. A psychopath enjoys seeing people tortured and even killed. They lack all empathy and human emotion basically. A sociopath cares a little more. I mean this is a very loose definition but a sociopath is a “lighter” version or a psychopath. You can tell the difference just based on how they plan killings and tormenting people… a sociopath has a little more emotion so they will do more reckless things reacting. A psychopath feels nothing and savors and gets off on the planning so the planning is impeccable typically and they are more careful. The planning is just as exciting to a psychopath as the ultimate kill.

Donna seemed totally pissed off that Wendi wasn’t under her control. I think she thought Wendi should be grateful for everything that they have done for her. Notice how Donna said something like I kept telling Wendi the case is over, the case is done, it’s not about the case. That is suggesting Charlie is pushed aside as long as Wendi pays attention to Donna. It’s so twisted. Donna is a textbook malignant narcissist.
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Old 02-22-2024, 03:16 PM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Thanks for this. I’ve never heard of this case before. This forensic expert seems awesome.

I’m going to have to look up the case.
No problem

Definitely should read up on it, it's a pretty interesting case
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Old 02-22-2024, 05:53 PM
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Originally Posted by stlavin95 (View Post)
No problem

Definitely should read up on it, it's a pretty interesting case
Will do.
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Old 02-23-2024, 12:27 AM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Will do.
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Old 02-23-2024, 12:58 AM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
You absolutely made the correct choice. You got the best of both words even.
Yep. I did what I could. My music teacher wanted me to go from 5th grade into a specialised music school. I could not do all of that . Around this time I chose to prioritise math over music and that's how I continued.

Wow, he sounds terrible but you completely burned him to a crisp and his theory was also disintegrated thanks to how you showed him up.
He is terrible. Sadly this is quite often the case here. Not every teacher in college but some of them are really like that. And almost every person has a story like that in their college years.
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Old 02-23-2024, 01:09 AM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
That makes sense. I see.
Yeah I think it needs to start educating girls on their rights .

Damn. Incredible. I can see why this area of profession was even more appealing to you.
To be fair when I decided to go in this profession I was relativity young - just 6th grade. At this point I did not think that much about the gender disparity or the specifics. I just liked the profession.

That sucks. I am not sure how it is here, like how it was presented. Do you know statistically which countries have the most women in your field?
Per these stats it is India:

Cool thing is Bulgaria is on 7th place so we do actually have more women compared to other countries and the average. I think overall you will see the countries that are known for Software Development in general. Bulgaria is rather known place for Software Developers in Europe. Espeically where I live. We are like small scale silicon valley. There are over 150 IT companies here. Lots of competition.

Honestly, now I know why you have Leo Fire. You needed it! You needed it for so many aspects of your life, even as a little girl, and up. I could list so many reasons but you already know them. Leo plus INTJ really was the perfect recipe for you.

I just think there are so many things, like your development as a kid, growing up, with that horrible woman who wanted your dad, your grandfather's death which hurt you so much, the field you went into, and I know I am missing many things (and I said in the previous paragraph I would not try to list too ) but you are structured Astrologically beautifully given who you are and all that you have accomplished. I know I am proud to call you my friend!
Ah thanks !

I actually my astrological chart kind of explains the INTJ type as well. They are kind of saying the same thing but through different means. And yeah luckily for me I have healthy dose of Fire - enough to help me, but not too much to be annoying .
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Old 02-23-2024, 01:16 AM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Same. I’ve watched the podcast series as you know so same. But also in general on my own, I watched a clip here or there with Wendi Adelson. As we know, and as I now finally know, Wendi wore the same outfit in both of Katie’s trials. When I’ve gone on my own and watched random clips, I didn’t know that about the same outfit and I guess didn’t pay attention to the titles. It just didn’t compute to me that I was seeing clips from both trials because Wendi was wearing the same thing and assumed that the one outfit was her testimony for just one of the trials only. That’s why I would love to go back and analyze, especially compare how she was in those trials leading up to Charlie’s.
We need to check if there are videos from those trials that we can watch, discuss and compare .

Oh I see so the first trial for Katie was a combined trial for Katie and Sigfredo? Then her retrial alone? So essentially concerning the murder of Dan Markel, there have been three trials. Luis Rivera did not have one because he took a plea deal.

So there is the first trial that is Katie and Sigfredo’s.
There is a second trial, which is Katie’s retrial.
And then there is Charlie’s trial.

Is that correct?
Yes, this is my understanding .

I like all your explanations for Wendi, and her demeanor in Charlie’s trial compared to the others. Wendi also could be way more confident and cocky, as she testifies more and more. It’s like she doesn’t want to be there but she’s not nervous as far as having to be there because she knows what it’s like testifying.
Could be indeed .
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Old 02-23-2024, 01:20 AM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
That’s so respectful and outstanding.
My dad had a joke about this. He would tell me "let's not check each other because we will catch each other in the act". It was a joke obviously but what he meant is that there is also a certain amount of trust that you need to have and you can't be paranoid all the time on whether the other person is doing something or not. I am taught that if you think the other person is cheating, even if they are not, it does not matter. It shows that you are not right for each other and you do not trust each other.

EXACTLY. That makes total sense. 100%.

Angela’s dad does not have an email minus his work (he owns a company) but in general doesn’t have a personal one and despises smartphones and even texting. He uses his phone to make calls only.

But yes, precisely, your parents make so much sense.
My dad is similar . I mean minus the owning a company . He is not big into smartphones and would use a smartphone just for phone calls. He does not like texting, he does not like emails.
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Old 02-23-2024, 01:26 AM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Precisely. Donna wasn’t just arrested because of those jailhouse calls. She was arrested because they didn’t want her to leave the country. But they have so much more on her. They just wanted to get everything together before going there. Oh yes they have more than those calls. The Bump is huge, jailhouse calls and probably so much more.
Yep. Interestingly btw I watched a STS video yesterday and they mentioned that in the affidavit is mentioned that some friends of Donna also tipped LE that they might leave. Apparently Donna asked some neighbours/friends that she has not been talking to for like 20 years on hotels and accommodations for this trip to Vietnam. And they tipped off LE as well.

1 chance only.
Yep .

Definitely and they don’t even know them which is so sad.
Sad indeed.

You also have to wonder if the Adelson’s have made the boys believe their father’s family is falsely accusing them of something related to their father. I just do not think unless they have been stripped of any social media and Internet they don’t have an idea that their maternal side is accused of something connected to their father. They’d have to know something. So maybe Wendi and Donna have let them know that they are victims wrongly accused. Don’t they wonder where their maternal grandmother is right now and why she’s gone? It’s just a matter of how much they know. It is possible the Adelson’s have demonized the Markel’s (minus their father). At that Jewish ceremony recently Wendi mentioned Dan to the son more than once, and even jointly mentioned them as his parents. So, I think she talks very highly of Dan to the boys. Unless the ceremony was only for show. But we don’t know what she tells them about Dan’s parents and sister. She truly could have ripped them to shreds. They might believe their paternal grandparents, and aunt are not good people who want to take down their mother, grandmother, uncle.
I assume you talk about the Bar Mitzvah right? For some reason I missed this. What have you watched and what did Wendi say?

I just wonder if the boys know at all that their maternal family is accused of having something to do with their father's dad. I wonder. I do think even if they don't know sooner or later they will. And yeah if they do know, you are right - they most probably told them that those are all lies and that it is not true.

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Old 02-23-2024, 01:27 AM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Well said. It’s such a horrible tragedy.
Yes . Two young people dead. Two set of parents losing their children. It is just so meaningless. So sad.
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Old 02-23-2024, 01:32 AM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
I did notice! I thought she was more or less like a transcriptionist.
From what she mentioned LE did not believe him initially so as a private investigator she had to see if Luis' story checks out. So it makes sense she was taking notes.

Wow interesting!

It makes sense. I mean, not only was he in a gang, but he was a leader of a big-time gang. They have a code, and they don’t snitch. He obviously had a good support system of people telling him what he needed to do if he wanted to have a life eventually outside of prison. I thought I read he’s a great father to his children… you just see and feel there is so much potential with him. I mean, like you had mentioned he had to fire Sigfredo for his drinking. This means Luis took the job seriously and was in a higher up position at his job. He just made wrong choices, and grew up in a very tough situation where you really have to battle through the darkness in order to get to the light. That’s 100% why he went with Sigfredo in the first place. They called each other brothers. He considered him family. He didn’t have a family growing up. This is why he is such a good father now.
Yes, Luis did consider Sigfredo like a family and at this point was of the mindset that he will do anything he asks him to do. It is interesting that he still snitched on him. I doubt it was easy for him to betray a person so close to him. However I had the feeling that he was not that big on Katie. Did you sense the same?

But that is very interesting. I think he’s a smart guy in that he knew if he was going to make the decision to go through with the deal he was going to have to tell the truth because he wasn’t going to pull a fast one on the police and the detectives, they would check everything and figure out if he was lying instantly.
And that is another way he is smarter than the book smart Katie who did lie a bit when she testified in Charlie's trial. This is how you do things.

I hope, and I would assume, he’s taking some education courses in prison, and getting ready for his release in about a decade. Man, he could get a college degree if I’m not mistaken in prison. You know he’s not in the type of lockup where he’s in solitary confinement or anything and I know that you can take all different kinds of courses. I’m sure he got his GED. I would be shocked if he didn’t and he might be taking some college courses. He could literally think about the next 10 years as being educational. Take every course available that he’s interested in and have all of that background upon his release so he can find a job and it might not have to be a type of manual labor job. Someone might give him a chance if he had degrees. He could be very prepared when he gets out in about 10 years and good for him if he does just that.
I don't know how the fact that he cannot read and write impacts him taking GED in prison.

Basically all of the very big time conservative states just like Florida and Arizona are. I believe North Carolina is the same way.
I see.

Minnesota offers more leniency under the right circumstances. As you can see, even first-degree murder could be 30 years only in the state of Minnesota. I actually like this route to be perfectly honest because I am against the death penalty for one. Minnesota does not have that. And two, I think every murder, even first-degree murder, should be looked at with context, evaluating everything like mental health, motivation/and so much more. I think there’s way more to it. I’m not trying to water down murder or crime in general, but I just think every case is different so to have these super strict laws and even the death penalty like a Florida, like an Arizona, like a North Carolina… I just think it’s way too black and white because each criminal in each case is different, it should be evaluated differently and with different punishments if you ask me. I don’t know what it’s like in Florida right now, but I know back in the day Florida was ridiculously charging minors with life in prison and I’m talking like 13-year-olds and I found that utterly ridiculous. I’m thinking of a case like 10 years ago… a 13-year-old was being charged with life in prison (and he was abused). 13! Insanity. There’s even juvenile death penalty cases in the US. Not many, but some, and 98% of them are in the south. As a Psychologist, I could write a book on how much this bothers me. Every case is different and should be treated differently.
I tend to agree with this. As long as it is described well on what could be the mitigation factors. The black and white approach has only 1 pro and that is that there is no place for corruption or subjectivity. The judge cannot do anything else but to sentence them to life. We do need good system to decide when to give lenience and to make sure that we give it for the right reasons.
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Old 02-23-2024, 01:37 AM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Exactly. I need to see more of Donna to know just how horrible she is. Lol. I know she’s horrible and definitely a narcissist. I’d have to see about sociopath and something else. I don’t think she’s a psychopath though, I just don’t think so. She doesn’t fit the profile. Literally psychopaths, many of them, could kill their own family members and I don’t mean in-laws. I mean literally their own family and not think anything of it.
I see. Yeah I don't see Donna hurting her family. Well unless she thinks they betray her - aka Robert. That I can see. But there is huge difference between disowning and killing someone you know.

There could be other motives for Donna. For sure. It could be about a game. Donna not caring about her family as much as she claims. She could be using all of them as chess pieces. That’s true. It’s just… I don’t know how much I believe it because she gave up and did so much for her family and grandchildren and it just doesn’t fit the profile of a psychopath unless it’s all fake.
Yeah, we will have to observe her. Technically I can see her giving up her life because she did not want to work. There are such people. It is not us but there are such people. And she might have framed it as I want to be caring mother and housewife.

Even if it is ego, that would fall more in line with a narcissist. A narcissist is so egotistical. They think they are the best, they want to be the best, they want human interaction so they can keep stroking their ego and thinking they are the best. See psychopaths don’t care about that, they don’t care about what people think of them like a narcissist does. Narcissists need people to cut down in order to make themselves look and feel better. A psychopath doesn’t give a crap… a psychopath hates people. A psychopath enjoys seeing people tortured and even killed. They lack all empathy and human emotion basically. A sociopath cares a little more. I mean this is a very loose definition but a sociopath is a “lighter” version or a psychopath. You can tell the difference just based on how they plan killings and tormenting people… a sociopath has a little more emotion so they will do more reckless things reacting. A psychopath feels nothing and savors and gets off on the planning so the planning is impeccable typically and they are more careful. The planning is just as exciting to a psychopath as the ultimate kill.
I see. Yeah Donna does feel. In fact I think she has less control on her emotions compared to Wendi. So Donna might be more borderline compared to Wendi because I can see her being emotional and irrational.

Donna seemed totally pissed off that Wendi wasn’t under her control. I think she thought Wendi should be grateful for everything that they have done for her. Notice how Donna said something like I kept telling Wendi the case is over, the case is done, it’s not about the case. That is suggesting Charlie is pushed aside as long as Wendi pays attention to Donna. It’s so twisted. Donna is a textbook malignant narcissist.
Indeed Donna wanted to keep contact with Wendi and as she knew that Wendi is distancing herself because of the case, she would deny that anything is related to the case, just so that she can talk to Wendi. I did not see it so much as pushing Charlie aside. More like I am ready to say in words whatever you want me to do as long as you don't refuse communication.
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