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Old 11-27-2021, 09:40 PM
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2021-2023 Everwood Rewatch: Episode 2.21 - Your Future Awaits

Rewatch Overview

Your Future Awaits


When Amy accompanies Ephram to his Julliard audition in Boulder, a romantic moment leads her to confess her feelings for him. Meanwhile, Andy struggles to convince his mentor Dr. Douglas that he needs even riskier brain surgery than originally thought and that Andy is the man to do it; Dr. Abbott faces losing his medical practice after it appears no company will insure him; and Bright decides not to attend his graduation ceremony, much to the disappointment of his family.



May 3, 2004

Wendy Mericle
Patrick Sean Smith

Marita Grabiak

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Old 11-27-2021, 09:59 PM
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I thought that this was a very eventful episode as both a father and a son faced an uncertain future, the father, Harold Abbott, because he lost his practice due to the bureaucracy and intransigence of overly cautious insurance companies and the son, Bright Abbott, who on the eve of his graduation looked back with regret and consternation as his plans for his future were ambiguous.

We also saw our star-crossed couple, Ephram and Amy, seemingly miss their opportunity to finally be together, as Ephram, confident in the knowledge that at long last his feelings for Amy were being reciprocated due to Bright revealing those feelings to him, disregarded how she was putting her heart on the line for him and he “played” her as he felt that she had “played” him in the past, and a golden opportunity for both of them was squandered in this episode, due to Ephram’s callousness and insensitivity.

I liked the opening scene where Irv, as the narrator, said that there are certain milestones in our lives that give us the opportunity to reflect on where we’ve been and look ahead to where we’re going. Sadly, for Bright at that point, he didn’t seem to have much to look ahead to as his friends talked about going off to college, but he was still in Everwood with no concrete plans for the future at that point, and he felt that he had nothing to say to people he had known all his life and they had nothing to say to him.

I liked the scene at Andy’s house with Andy, Dr. Douglas, Ephram, Delia and Nina, but Andy was so busy with the plans for Donald’s upcoming surgery that he didn’t realize that Ephram had an audition for the Julliard Summer program.

I loved seeing Ephram’s talk with Nina and I loved how Ephram confided in her that Amy might like him and that he wasn’t ready to get back into a relationship after everything that had happened with Madison, but as he said so perfectly, “It’s Amy.”

I hated seeing Harold turned down by his insurance company, but that scene really did illustrate that insurance companies love to take your money, but if you pose any sort of risk to them, they’ll walk away from you, and in this episode, like Bright facing an uncertain future, Harold was also facing an uncertain future as his now uninsurable practice was shut down, and he felt that he had run out of options.

I loved how Amy shyly invited Ephram to Paige’s party, but he turned her down, saying that he had an audition, as their story began to unfold in this episode.

I liked how the writers established a parallel between Harold’s situation and Bright’s situation as the future looked bleak for both of them at that point. I liked how Harold saw past his own frustrations as he tried to encourage Bright to go to his graduation ceremony, but Bright, hurt and angry, refused, much to the delight of Rose’s mother, who reveled at the prospect of seeing Harold “fail,” as her and her husband were in town for Bright’s graduation.

The scene between Andy and Donald was fraught with tension as it was revealed that the tumor had grown, and Donald, panicking, wanted Andy to perform a less risky operation that would only remove part of the tumor instead of removing the entire tumor, telling Andy that he was “rusty,” but I’m glad that Andy, confident in his ability to successfully perform that operation to help his friend and mentor, later convinced him to let him do what Donald had trained him so well to do.

I hated seeing Carol make her snide remarks toward Harold as he had just returned from his trip to see his insurance company and he felt compelled to lie and say that his insurance was restored so Carol couldn’t gloat further, but then Herbert asked him to do some minor surgery on him in his office, putting Harold in a difficult spot.

I loved seeing the support and advice that Nina gave Andy, as Andy, angry and hurt over Donald’s rebuke and the aspersions that he cast on his abilities, but Nina wisely told Andy that Donald was scared and that maybe they both were scared, and it was true.

It was both funny and sad seeing Harold pay people to be in his waiting room posing as “patients” for when Herbert and Carol walked in, but then Harold’s ruse was almost exposed by an unwitting Louise, who walked in to water their plant and was confused by the activity in their closed office.

I loved how Amy offered to go to Ephram’s audition with him and I loved the encouragement and support that she offered a nervous Ephram as he was ready to walk out on his audition, telling him that unlike many of the other kids there, he was meant to play music, and then in words that served as a metaphor for their entire relationship, he said “So this is meant to be?”

I liked Andy’s second talk with Donald as he told him that he was ready for this and that he hadn’t forgotten anything that he taught him, and he convinced Donald to allow him to do the full surgery that would save his life, and I liked seeing the confidence that Andy showed when he actually performed that surgery, to the point of kicking out the other surgeon who was looking down on him and expressing doubts about his ability to perform such a long and complicated surgery.

The dinner at the Abbott’s was fraught with tension as Harold had to admit that his insurance company had turned him down, much to the delight of Carol, and Harold looked in despair at the possibility of not being able to practice medicine as the practice that he and his father ran for 50 years seemed to be permanently shuttered.

I liked how elated Ephram was when he did well in his audition, buoyed by Amy’s belief in him, and he asked her to stay in town and celebrate with him instead of going back to Everwood right away.

I loved it when Amy admitted to Ephram that she liked him as more than a friend, putting her heart and her feelings on the line, and Ephram feigned surprise when she said those words to him, but Amy quickly saw through his pretense of being surprised and he admitted that Bright had told her that she liked him, which rightfully prompted an angry and hurt reaction from her, and Ephram, equally hurt and taken aback by her anger, defensively told her that she had “played” him countless times the year before and so now he was “playing” her, which was the worst thing that he could have said and it made Amy back away from pursuing a relationship with him. I really wish that Ephram hadn’t done that and I wish that he would have been honest with her from the start, but Ephram and Amy’s star-crossed relationship always had its challenges, and it would continue to have its challenges in the future as we well know.

I loved the talk between Bright and Harold as they both joked about killing Carol and going to prison together, but then Bright gave Harold encouragement about his own situation as he informed him that he was going to go to his graduation after all, and that he knew they were both scared about their future, and that he was clueless and he didn’t have a plan, but they would both figure it out.

I was so glad that Andy’s surgery was successful and I was really glad that Ephram called him to tell him the good news about his audition and that he asked him about how the surgery went, and that he had been accepted into the Julliard Summer Program.

I loved the heart-to heart talk that Andy and Nina had as Andy expressed remorse for not feeling elated that Ephram had gotten into the Julliard Summer Program, as she wisely told him that he was experiencing “early empty nest syndrome,” and she told him to enjoy the time that he had with Ephram now and not dwell on the future. I loved the role that Nina played in this episode, both as a mother figure to Ephram and as a wise and caring friend and future wife to Andy.

I liked that Ephram thanked a still-hurt Amy for being the inspiration for him to pass his Julliard audition, leaving things between them on a hopeful note.

I loved the final scene at Bright’s graduation ceremony and how happy he was and the pride that Ephram and his family took in him as he reached this milestone in his life. I liked the final lines that Irv, as the narrator, said that we’re taught to remember only the significant moments in the rites of passage, but in truth, the smallest steps that get us to these momentous occasions are just as significant. Looking back, we see it’s not just the high points, but the low points that also define who we are and who we will become, and we saw both the high points and the low points for some of our favorite characters in this wonderful episode.

Overall, I really enjoyed this episode, and I look forward to the next one with both anticipation and dread, for reasons which we all know.
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Old 11-27-2021, 11:44 PM
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^ Wow, Jerry, brilliant analysis! I haven't watched just yet but when I do I cannot wait to respond to your thoughts!

Last edited by jediwands; 11-28-2021 at 09:29 AM
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Old 11-28-2021, 09:29 AM
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Thoughts while watching

- Bright looks so off. Annoying how those "friends" essentially act like they are better than Bright.

- I just love how cute Ephram and Bright are as friends. Of course Ephram is waiting for Bright to get done with his graduation practice thing. So adorable.

- Mountains in the background, there's that special character throughout the series.

- Ephram is so Introverted. I love it.

- Theme song... gives me goosebumps always.

- I love how Nina just walks into the Brown house almost like she is meant to be in there very long-term.

- Andy kisses Nina on the side of the face.

- The Ephram and Nina talk... love it. However, Ephram, newsflash, you ARE over Madison, you loon. But you are right about one thing... it IS Amy. I love how Nina reacted to the news like it was special and important... Amy, yes, Amy, and Ephram and Amy.

- Harold losing his insurance to practice medicine is so frustrating.

- Amy likes Ephram so much, awe. I love how her stupid friends have to endure feeling the Amy and Eprahm pausing and tension. Amy is planning things inside her head which is so cute, and the chemistry between Emily and Greg circles everywhere.

- I just realized my older niece (21 years old) has very similar expressions as Emily in this scene as Amy, LOL. Like, exact. I am thinking while watching who does this remind me of? Oh, Anna.

- Even Bright tells Harold that he ran Amy out of the house. Interesting. And very true.

- Betty White has returned! How on earth did Berlanti get Betty White to guest star a few times? Amazing.

- BRIGHT: I have done plenty for this family this year already, OK. I got good grades when you told me not to bother and I kept my mouth shut when you ran Amy out of this house. For once, I'm gonna do what I wanna do, OK, so back off.

^ Sounds like Bright still has issues with Harold's past treatment of both Abbott children.

- Donald taking that shot at Andy about Colin is low, cruel and entirely uncalled for. You had no right going there, idiot.

- Kind of strange Rose would ask Harold how the insurance meeting went in front of her parents since most likely it was not a good outcome. Then she actually believed Harold that he was reinstated? Kind of weird. Plus, Rose's father has a skin infection... why wouldn't Harold just look at him in the house? Why would he need to go down to his office? That is the beauty of having a doctor in the house. Another weird situation. This entire scene is kind of bizarre and not typical Everwood.

- Nina looks SO normal and meant to be in the Brown house. I love how this episode hits home her place with the Brown's, present and certainly, future. I hate to say it but I have already forgotten about Andy and Linda.

- Amy showing up to go with Ephram to the audition is adorable. Chemistry. Oh the chemistry between these two is beautiful. They have so much more chemistry than Dawson and Joey it's actually hilarious how I ever thought Dawson and Joey had good chemistry. I had nothing else is why. I didn't have Ephram and Amy yet.

- Harold going through the fake patients at the office is kind of funny but seems unnecessary. He could have looked at his boils in the damn house.

- The gay male (and fashion) from Betty White's character obviously was meant to be funny since... Greg Berlanti. I don't even know why I pointed this out.

- Amy's speech to Ephram to get him to play is... everything.

- The meant to be comment and how close Ephram and Amy get before Ephram plays... my GOD, the chemistry!

- I love Louise.

- Treat is so good in that scene as Andy with Douglas. Such good stuff.

- Abbott family dinner, once again, brings the fireworks. LOL.

- Notice the balance of drama and comedy clearly demonstrated in this episode, going from the brain tumor storyline to Betty White's comedy but then drama as well.

- Harold having to announce to Rose's parents at the dinner table that he made up fictitious patients is sad and was avoidable. It is strange Harold didn't pull Rose aside and tell her the truth. Even more strange he couldn't have looked at boils in the house!

- Oh Ephram, you certainly are testing Amy right now, aren't you?

- Andy is a boss in the OP. Love it.

- Beautiful scene between Harold and Bright. I love how they have come together during bad moments in their lives. The parallel is significant.

- Bright's fear, cluelessness, not having a plan in life and being psyched about it is why Everowod is so relatable.

- Ephram and Amy and one of their most important scenes features a Ferris Wheel in the background. Coincidence? No chance. Only Everwood.

- I find it amazing that Amy immediately understood that Ephram knew she liked him just based on how he responded. She instantly knew. Connection. Spiritual. Meant to be.

- I love their fight. I never bought the Ephram played Amy bit though. Yes, he tried to get her to tell him how she felt because he wanted her to say the words. He told Nina, it was Amy. So he wasn't truly "playing her" even though I can see why she felt that way and Ephram said those words. Ephram did still feel hurt from S1 but at the same time given what Amy has been through in both seasons 1 and 2, I can see why she is embarrassed and hurt during this moment too. But I like the fight. It sort of concludes their tense past and now they can look forward to the future. So much chemistry. Greg and Emily sparkled in that scene together.

- I love the phone call between Ephram and Andy but it is kind of strange Ephram didn't immediately ask Andy how Douglas was.

- Love the Bright and Amy sibling bickering and how she helped him with his hat.

- Carol is so racist. How she looks at Irv like he's not even human (and he is still so nice to her) disgusts me. Betty White is phenomenal but Carol is despicable.

- Poor Harold. Insurance companies are ruthless and only out for money. They don't care about loyalty or people.

- Notice the two back-to-back Nina/Andy and Amy/Ephram scenes to close out the episode. Not a coincidence. They were so romantically constructed. Nina giving Andy food, sprinkling the same thing on his food as she puts on hers. The tension between Ephram and Amy... such great stuff. Andy/Nina and Ephram/Amy have always been Greg Berlanti's romantic pairings of Everwood and you can see it very clearly in the last two scenes for the pairings in this episode.

- Bright was so funny at Graduation. The interaction with his family and Ephram is so perfect.

Love this:

[Ephram stands and cheers as Bright walks up and gets his diploma. He stands there and lets Dr. H. Abbott video tape him. Dr. H. Abbott motions for Bright to move his tassel to the other side of his hat and Bright does so.]

NARRATOR: We're taught to remember only the significant moments – the rites of passage. In truth, the smallest steps that get us to these momentous occasions are just as significant. Looking back, we see it's not just the high points, but the low points that also define who we are and who we will become.

Thoughts after watching

I really loved this episode. The father/son dynamics of Andy/Ephram and Bright/Harold were front and center, Ephram and Amy and their magical connection was waving at the audience, Andy and Nina were once again showcased as the meant to be pairing for Andy. Overall, it was a fabulous episode. Even Betty White appeared once again which still blows me away that Everwood continued to snatch up high quality guest stars. Only Everwood. This episode certainly set up an amazing S2 finale as well.

Ephram and Amy are the true definition of a spiritual connection filled with sparks and magic. They were all over the place in this episode which made it extra special.

Irv, as the narrator, shined in this one as well as he said in the opening there are certain milestones in our lives that give us the opportunity to reflect on where we’ve been and look ahead to where we’re going. Poor Bright looked so confused and miserable at the beginning. It was sad to see how lost and distant, not to mention, forced it was seeing him interact with friends he had known his entire life. What a realistic scene. This happens after high school quite often as everyone goes in different directions, some feel hopeful, others, depressed and confused.

The scene between Andy, Douglas, Ephram, Delia and eventually, Nina, was really good. I loved seeing Ephram continue having special talks with Nina who, once again, helps him with Amy just like she did in S1. Nina, as a "mother figure" notices Ephram is distracted which, of course, is due to Amy and the grand possibility that she might like him romantically once again. I don't love how he mentioned not being over Madison (my God, make it stop) but when he told Nina it was... Amy... exactly, Ephram! I thought this scene establishes a future mother figure in Nina, the pattern of talks between Nina and Ephram, as well as Ephram (and even Nina) making it quite clear when Amy is involved, it is always massive.

Harold being rejected over and over once again is so sad. It really is true to life, insurance companies and other businesses lose humanity since it's all about the stupid dollar. The parallel between Bright and Harold, father and son, both facing uncertain futures was very interesting and I love how it only brought them together. With big life challenges you can grow closer with loved ones which fills you with hope and strength.

Amy not caring about Page's party but so nervous around Ephram and her friends even witnessing the silent pauses and tension was just great. She was so cute and what fun "hearing her think" when Ephram told her he had an audition.

The scene between Andy and Donald brought out Treat's best which is always THE very best. I didn't like how Donald brought up Andy failing with Colin. Sorry, Donald, Andy did not fail there. Stop it. I did love getting extra backstory on Andy trained by Douglas as a surgeon and their dynamic in general though. It worked out perfectly in the end once Andy got him to completely trust him and his ability to go there and hit it out of the park which he did. I was a bit shocked both Delia and Ephram weren't around for the surgery but they both did voice concern at the same time.

Carol continued to be annoying, racist, homophobic, and overall miserable but Betty White is pure gold. Now I see why Harold needed his office for Herb's boils... surgery most probably. That makes sense. But some just look at them and give medicine too. Most likely he performed some kind of procedure on him though.

The Andy/Nina scene with Nina giving Andy encouragement and sage advice on fear (which was a theme throughout the episode) was very profound. Andy and Nina are so meant to be.

Amy's words to Ephram before his audition were so sweet, telling him he was meant to play music and that is never changing regardless of the outcome of the audition and of course the "meant to be" was so profound as it related to both Ephram's future profession and his romantic relationship with Amy.

Andy convincing Donald that he was the perfect surgeon for his case and he was confident and ready to get it done was outstanding. Treat was so good in this scene. I like how Everwood found a way to continue on with Dr. Brown, the Surgeon, Everwood-style.

Another Abbott dinner which meant tension, comedy and drama. I think Rose's parents finding out about the medical practice having the insurance issue could have been avoided but that did not happen.

The Ephram and Amy scene, I already discussed but yes, this was an important one. Yes, Ephram set up the romantic setting and wanted Amy to admit her feelings for him. Yes, he says he "played her" but he really didn't... he was curious and wanted to find out if she truly liked him and he needed to find out, especially since it was Amy and he went in for the kiss as soon as he received confirmation. I loved this scene, their fighting, right with the Ferris Wheel in the background (the Ferris Wheel has shipped them since S1) and the mountains making appearances throughout their special interaction. Amy admitted her feelings, Ephram tried to kiss her, Amy, intuitively figured out he already knew... the fighting... oh the fighting... but important words were exchanged... Ephram wasn't over S1 and the pain, Amy certainly wasn't over both S1 and S2 and all that she went through which is why she said it was so tough even telling Ephram how she felt. What a scene, but I love it, fighting and all, as they exchanged words and feelings that needed to be said so they could turn the page on the past, and look at the present and bright future these two soulmates have together. So perfect. So beautiful.

I loved the talk between Bright and Harold as they both joked about killing Carol and going to prison together, LOL. It was also great how Bright decided to attend graduation since being psyched due to uncertainty was just as awesome. Both father and son have no idea what they will do in the future professionally but they bonded together and made the most of it, with hope, love and support.

Ephram calling Andy about the summer in NYC was an interesting phone call. Ephram did not call him earlier because he was upset over Amy. But now, he wanted to talk NYC and eventually about the surgery. Andy's look of concern was telling. Amazing he will miss him before he even leaves but more amazing and even heartbreaking that Andy has no idea what turmoil is actually about to happen once Madison walks into his office next episode. It's all so exciting yet sad at the same time.

Andy and Nina are shining so beautifully together in this episode. You can tell Berlanti wanted to establish, together, both Andy/Nina and Ephram/Amy as his main pairings and the roads they are on together for their happy endings. Andy and Nina acted like a true couple in this episode, I loved it so much. Nina acted like both a mother and wife, Ephram and Amy were finally coming together romantically as well. Berlanti was excited to showcase his main two romantic pairings in this episode and you could tell he was having a blast going there.

The last Ephram and Amy scene (like I said, both pairings shared back-to-back scenes, not a coincidence) was beautiful. So much tension and hope. Ephram thanking Amy for the audition was so sweet. Amy has always cared about Ephram's auditions as we will see later on in S3 as well. Their scene together was filled with tension, love, caring, hope and that gray romance they are known for... not quite friends, not quite romantic but the label does not matter since they are spiritually connected.

Bright looked so happy at graduation and I loved his interaction with friends and family. Irv's words at the end were perfection. The writing was impeccable in this one but it is Everwood so of course it was beautiful.

This episode basically carried hope and fear as the biggest theme... Ephram having hope and fear over his audition, future with Amy, Bright and his hope and fear over life after high school, Harold's hope and fear about his career, Andy having hope and fear over doing another complicated brain surgery and Ephram leaving for the summer, Amy telling Ephram how she feels. I loved the layers upon layers circling around a central theme.

I am looking forward to the finale of 2! Yes, it's going to be one that brings both light and darkness but all the same, bring it on!

Last edited by jediwands; 11-28-2021 at 11:43 AM
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Old 11-28-2021, 02:13 PM
Jerry D's Avatar
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Wonderful review Michelle.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
Thoughts after watching

I really loved this episode. The father/son dynamics of Andy/Ephram and Bright/Harold were front and center, Ephram and Amy and their magical connection was waving at the audience, Andy and Nina were once again showcased as the meant to be pairing for Andy. Overall, it was a fabulous episode. Even Betty White appeared once again which still blows me away that Everwood continued to snatch up high quality guest stars. Only Everwood. This episode certainly set up an amazing S2 finale as well.
I really loved this episode too. I especially loved how it showcased the end-game couples of Ephram and Amy and Andy and Nina in this episode.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
Ephram and Amy are the true definition of a spiritual connection filled with sparks and magic. They were all over the place in this episode which made it extra special.
Ephram and Amy being so prominently featured in this episode definitely did make it extra special, even if the episode ended with them being temporarily estranged.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
Irv, as the narrator, shined in this one as well as he said in the opening there are certain milestones in our lives that give us the opportunity to reflect on where we’ve been and look ahead to where we’re going. Poor Bright looked so confused and miserable at the beginning. It was sad to see how lost and distant, not to mention, forced it was seeing him interact with friends he had known his entire life. What a realistic scene. This happens after high school quite often as everyone goes in different directions, some feel hopeful, others, depressed and confused.
Yes, the end of High School is one of those watershed times in our lives, and I could understand and empathize with Bright’s frustration as he saw some of his friends had already moved beyond him.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
The scene between Andy, Douglas, Ephram, Delia and eventually, Nina, was really good. I loved seeing Ephram continue having special talks with Nina who, once again, helps him with Amy just like she did in S1. Nina, as a "mother figure" notices Ephram is distracted which, of course, is due to Amy and the grand possibility that she might like him romantically once again. I don't love how he mentioned not being over Madison (my God, make it stop) but when he told Nina it was... Amy... exactly, Ephram! I thought this scene establishes a future mother figure in Nina, the pattern of talks between Nina and Ephram, as well as Ephram (and even Nina) making it quite clear when Amy is involved, it is always massive.
I was also tired of seeing Ephram mention Madison again, but I loved how both he and Nina acknowledged how important Amy was to him.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
Harold being rejected over and over once again is so sad. It really is true to life, insurance companies and other businesses lose humanity since it's all about the stupid dollar. The parallel between Bright and Harold, father and son, both facing uncertain futures was very interesting and I love how it only brought them together. With big life challenges you can grow closer with loved ones which fills you with hope and strength.
I felt so bad for Harold being rejected by various insurance companies over and over again, but it’s also a very realistic look at how heartless insurance companies are. Like Harold said, they’re very happy to take your money, but if you pose any type of risk to them where they’d have to pay out money, they’ll drop you like a hot potato.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
Amy not caring about Page's party but so nervous around Ephram and her friends even witnessing the silent pauses and tension was just great. She was so cute and what fun "hearing her think" when Ephram told her he had an audition.
That really was such a cute scene.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
The scene between Andy and Donald brought out Treat's best which is always THE very best. I didn't like how Donald brought up Andy failing with Colin. Sorry, Donald, Andy did not fail there. Stop it. I did love getting extra backstory on Andy trained by Douglas as a surgeon and their dynamic in general though. It worked out perfectly in the end once Andy got him to completely trust him and his ability to go there and hit it out of the park which he did. I was a bit shocked both Delia and Ephram weren't around for the surgery but they both did voice concern at the same time.
Yes, Donald had no right to bring up Colin again, but he was speaking out of fear, and in the end, Andy did what he did best and performed the surgery flawlessly.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
Carol continued to be annoying, racist, homophobic, and overall miserable but Betty White is pure gold. Now I see why Harold needed his office for Herb's boils... surgery most probably. That makes sense. But some just look at them and give medicine too. Most likely he performed some kind of procedure on him though.
As much as I like Betty White, I hated Carol. She’s a truly horrible and incredibly mean-spirited bitter and nasty person.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
The Andy/Nina scene with Nina giving Andy encouragement and sage advice on fear (which was a theme throughout the episode) was very profound. Andy and Nina are so meant to be.
I loved all their scenes in this episode. Berlanti was really showing us that like Ephram and Amy, they were meant to be.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
Amy's words to Ephram before his audition were so sweet, telling him he was meant to play music and that is never changing regardless of the outcome of the audition and of course the "meant to be" was so profound as it related to both Ephram's future profession and his romantic relationship with Amy.
I absolutely loved that scene and the support and encouragement she gave Ephram just when he was about to give up.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
Andy convincing Donald that he was the perfect surgeon for his case and he was confident and ready to get it done was outstanding. Treat was so good in this scene. I like how Everwood found a way to continue on with Dr. Brown, the Surgeon, Everwood-style.
I loved seeing the confidence that Andy showed in this scene as he convinced Donald to allow him to perform the surgery that would not only save his life but save his quality of life.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
Another Abbott dinner which meant tension, comedy and drama. I think Rose's parents finding out about the medical practice having the insurance issue could have been avoided but that did not happen.
I hated the glee that Carol had in finding out that Harold had lost his practice. I never understood the hatred that she had for Harold.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
The Ephram and Amy scene, I already discussed but yes, this was an important one. Yes, Ephram set up the romantic setting and wanted Amy to admit her feelings for him. Yes, he says he "played her" but he really didn't... he was curious and wanted to find out if she truly liked him and he needed to find out, especially since it was Amy and he went in for the kiss as soon as he received confirmation. I loved this scene, their fighting, right with the Ferris Wheel in the background (the Ferris Wheel has shipped them since S1) and the mountains making appearances throughout their special interaction. Amy admitted her feelings, Ephram tried to kiss her, Amy, intuitively figured out he already knew... the fighting... oh the fighting... but important words were exchanged... Ephram wasn't over S1 and the pain, Amy certainly wasn't over both S1 and S2 and all that she went through which is why she said it was so tough even telling Ephram how she felt. What a scene, but I love it, fighting and all, as they exchanged words and feelings that needed to be said so they could turn the page on the past, and look at the present and bright future these two soulmates have together. So perfect. So beautiful.
I do feel that Ephram handled all this badly, because Amy was putting herself in a vulnerable position and putting her heart on the line only to quickly realize that Ephram already knew she liked him, but in a lot of ways it was good that they had this fight so they could put the hard feelings behind them. Still though, as always with Ephram, his lashing out when he was angry and hurt made him say some hurtful things to the girl he loved.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
I loved the talk between Bright and Harold as they both joked about killing Carol and going to prison together, LOL. It was also great how Bright decided to attend graduation since being psyched due to uncertainty was just as awesome. Both father and son have no idea what they will do in the future professionally but they bonded together and made the most of it, with hope, love and support.
I loved that scene and I loved the support and encouragement they gave each other.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
Ephram calling Andy about the summer in NYC was an interesting phone call. Ephram did not call him earlier because he was upset over Amy. But now, he wanted to talk NYC and eventually about the surgery. Andy's look of concern was telling. Amazing he will miss him before he even leaves but more amazing and even heartbreaking that Andy has no idea what turmoil is actually about to happen once Madison walks into his office next episode. It's all so exciting yet sad at the same time.
This was a very prescient scene when you know, as we do know, what’s coming next.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
Andy and Nina are shining so beautifully together in this episode. You can tell Berlanti wanted to establish, together, both Andy/Nina and Ephram/Amy as his main pairings and the roads they are on together for their happy endings. Andy and Nina acted like a true couple in this episode, I loved it so much. Nina acted like both a mother and wife, Ephram and Amy were finally coming together romantically as well. Berlanti was excited to showcase his main two romantic pairings in this episode and you could tell he was having a blast going there.
I really loved all of Andy and Nina’s scenes in this episode, and I loved the support and advice that she gave to both Andy and Ephram.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
The last Ephram and Amy scene (like I said, both pairings shared back-to-back scenes, not a coincidence) was beautiful. So much tension and hope. Ephram thanking Amy for the audition was so sweet. Amy has always cared about Ephram's auditions as we will see later on in S3 as well. Their scene together was filled with tension, love, caring, hope and that gray romance they are known for... not quite friends, not quite romantic but the label does not matter since they are spiritually connected.
Yes, I loved that last scene and even though they were still estranged at that point I loved that Ephram didn’t apologize and he simply thanked Amy for being the inspiration for his successful audition. I also liked how you could tell that she didn’t like that he would be away for the summer.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
Bright looked so happy at graduation and I loved his interaction with friends and family. Irv's words at the end were perfection. The writing was impeccable in this one but it is Everwood so of course it was beautiful.
I loved seeing the joy on Bright’s face when he graduated and how Amy’s face lit up in happiness for her brother.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
This episode basically carried hope and fear as the biggest theme... Ephram having hope and fear over his audition, future with Amy, Bright and his hope and fear over life after high school, Harold's hope and fear about his career, Andy having hope and fear over doing another complicated brain surgery and Ephram leaving for the summer, Amy telling Ephram how she feels. I loved the layers upon layers circling around a central theme.
Wonderfully put.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
I am looking forward to the finale of 2! Yes, it's going to be one that brings both light and darkness but all the same, bring it on!
I agree, bring it on!
The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. - John F. Kennedy

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Old 11-28-2021, 09:29 PM
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Decent episode. I didnt take notes when I watched this time and just let it play out.

The Ephram/Amy stuff started so cute but then totally annoyed me at the end. Like Amy girl, why are you making this so much harder than it needs to be??? So what if Bright told Ephram you liked him, like... how many times has he put his heart on the line for you? It would make sense that he was scared to confront you and wanted to make sure it was true like damn. Her saying he played her and set up the whole thing was silly as heck, no, he just wanted to spend time with you.

And Ephram saying well I played you this time was so dumb too, like boy... Why couldnt they have just kissed and it been cute and Amy said she wanted to take it slow or SOMETHING. IDK, anything else... sillyyyyy

Harold, ugh, I feel bad for him. The whole thing sucks for him. I dont think he should have lied about the insurance to anyone, it wasnt his fault really what happened.

Love seeing Nina in the episode giving advice and being there for everyone. Just her in the brown house is cute, why again are they waiting so long at that storyline? Dang.

Bright was really the MVP this episode with his encouraging words, like he really has come into his own this season!

Top 5:
1. Bright
2. Andy
3. Harold
4. Nina
5. Ephram

I love Amy but girl im sorry you overreacted!
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Old 11-29-2021, 06:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Alexa (View Post)
Decent episode. I didnt take notes when I watched this time and just let it play out.

The Ephram/Amy stuff started so cute but then totally annoyed me at the end. Like Amy girl, why are you making this so much harder than it needs to be??? So what if Bright told Ephram you liked him, like... how many times has he put his heart on the line for you? It would make sense that he was scared to confront you and wanted to make sure it was true like damn. Her saying he played her and set up the whole thing was silly as heck, no, he just wanted to spend time with you.

And Ephram saying well I played you this time was so dumb too, like boy... Why couldnt they have just kissed and it been cute and Amy said she wanted to take it slow or SOMETHING. IDK, anything else... sillyyyyy

Harold, ugh, I feel bad for him. The whole thing sucks for him. I dont think he should have lied about the insurance to anyone, it wasnt his fault really what happened.

Love seeing Nina in the episode giving advice and being there for everyone. Just her in the brown house is cute, why again are they waiting so long at that storyline? Dang.

Bright was really the MVP this episode with his encouraging words, like he really has come into his own this season!

Top 5:
1. Bright
2. Andy
3. Harold
4. Nina
5. Ephram

I love Amy but girl im sorry you overreacted!
I agree that Amy overreacted, but she was putting her heart and her feelings on the line to Ephram, but then she realized that he already knew that she liked him, so she reacted angrily and defensively, as did Ephram, and I attribute that to their ages. They were still just 16, and they had been through a lot, so every emotion was heightened with them.
The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. - John F. Kennedy

There are those who look at things the way they are and ask why - I dream of things that never were and ask why not. - Robert F. Kennedy
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Old 11-29-2021, 02:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Jerry D (View Post)
I thought that this was a very eventful episode as both a father and a son faced an uncertain future, the father, Harold Abbott, because he lost his practice due to the bureaucracy and intransigence of overly cautious insurance companies and the son, Bright Abbott, who on the eve of his graduation looked back with regret and consternation as his plans for his future were ambiguous.
I like how some very key themes that relate to real life were showcased in this one.

We also saw our star-crossed couple, Ephram and Amy, seemingly miss their opportunity to finally be together, as Ephram, confident in the knowledge that at long last his feelings for Amy were being reciprocated due to Bright revealing those feelings to him, disregarded how she was putting her heart on the line for him and he “played” her as he felt that she had “played” him in the past, and a golden opportunity for both of them was squandered in this episode, due to Ephram’s callousness and insensitivity.
Star-Crossed, indeed. Thankfully these "Soulmates" or "Twin Flames" (both can apply) found a way to make it work and be together.

I liked the opening scene where Irv, as the narrator, said that there are certain milestones in our lives that give us the opportunity to reflect on where we’ve been and look ahead to where we’re going. Sadly, for Bright at that point, he didn’t seem to have much to look ahead to as his friends talked about going off to college, but he was still in Everwood with no concrete plans for the future at that point, and he felt that he had nothing to say to people he had known all his life and they had nothing to say to him.
Irv's narrations were priceless.

I liked the scene at Andy’s house with Andy, Dr. Douglas, Ephram, Delia and Nina, but Andy was so busy with the plans for Donald’s upcoming surgery that he didn’t realize that Ephram had an audition for the Julliard Summer program.

I loved seeing Ephram’s talk with Nina and I loved how Ephram confided in her that Amy might like him and that he wasn’t ready to get back into a relationship after everything that had happened with Madison, but as he said so perfectly, “It’s Amy.”
The "It's Amy" was so great as was Nina naturally inside the Brown house like the maternal figure she so truly is.

I hated seeing Harold turned down by his insurance company, but that scene really did illustrate that insurance companies love to take your money, but if you pose any sort of risk to them, they’ll walk away from you, and in this episode, like Bright facing an uncertain future, Harold was also facing an uncertain future as his now uninsurable practice was shut down, and he felt that he had run out of options.
Bright and Harold came together in this episode which was so nice to see. Amazing how sadness can bring closeness.

I loved how Amy shyly invited Ephram to Paige’s party, but he turned her down, saying that he had an audition, as their story began to unfold in this episode.
Emily/Amy was adorable in that scene.

I liked how the writers established a parallel between Harold’s situation and Bright’s situation as the future looked bleak for both of them at that point. I liked how Harold saw past his own frustrations as he tried to encourage Bright to go to his graduation ceremony, but Bright, hurt and angry, refused, much to the delight of Rose’s mother, who reveled at the prospect of seeing Harold “fail,” as her and her husband were in town for Bright’s graduation.
The parallel was so perfect.

The scene between Andy and Donald was fraught with tension as it was revealed that the tumor had grown, and Donald, panicking, wanted Andy to perform a less risky operation that would only remove part of the tumor instead of removing the entire tumor, telling Andy that he was “rusty,” but I’m glad that Andy, confident in his ability to successfully perform that operation to help his friend and mentor, later convinced him to let him do what Donald had trained him so well to do.
Like I mentioned, I love how Andy the surgeon can be showcased Everwood-style as well as hearing more backstory on Andy's training as a surgeon.

I hated seeing Carol make her snide remarks toward Harold as he had just returned from his trip to see his insurance company and he felt compelled to lie and say that his insurance was restored so Carol couldn’t gloat further, but then Herbert asked him to do some minor surgery on him in his office, putting Harold in a difficult spot.
Betty White is golden, Carol is pathetic.

I loved seeing the support and advice that Nina gave Andy, as Andy, angry and hurt over Donald’s rebuke and the aspersions that he cast on his abilities, but Nina wisely told Andy that Donald was scared and that maybe they both were scared, and it was true.
Andy and Nina shined. Was it just me or did you forget about Andy and Linda in this one?

It was both funny and sad seeing Harold pay people to be in his waiting room posing as “patients” for when Herbert and Carol walked in, but then Harold’s ruse was almost exposed by an unwitting Louise, who walked in to water their plant and was confused by the activity in their closed office.
One of the most underrated way secondary Everwood characters is Louise.

I loved how Amy offered to go to Ephram’s audition with him and I loved the encouragement and support that she offered a nervous Ephram as he was ready to walk out on his audition, telling him that unlike many of the other kids there, he was meant to play music, and then in words that served as a metaphor for their entire relationship, he said “So this is meant to be?”

I liked Andy’s second talk with Donald as he told him that he was ready for this and that he hadn’t forgotten anything that he taught him, and he convinced Donald to allow him to do the full surgery that would save his life, and I liked seeing the confidence that Andy showed when he actually performed that surgery, to the point of kicking out the other surgeon who was looking down on him and expressing doubts about his ability to perform such a long and complicated surgery.
Superb acting all around.

The dinner at the Abbott’s was fraught with tension as Harold had to admit that his insurance company had turned him down, much to the delight of Carol, and Harold looked in despair at the possibility of not being able to practice medicine as the practice that he and his father ran for 50 years seemed to be permanently shuttered.
The consistent theme of Abbott dinners = big moments continues on.

I liked how elated Ephram was when he did well in his audition, buoyed by Amy’s belief in him, and he asked her to stay in town and celebrate with him instead of going back to Everwood right away.

I loved it when Amy admitted to Ephram that she liked him as more than a friend, putting her heart and her feelings on the line, and Ephram feigned surprise when she said those words to him, but Amy quickly saw through his pretense of being surprised and he admitted that Bright had told her that she liked him, which rightfully prompted an angry and hurt reaction from her, and Ephram, equally hurt and taken aback by her anger, defensively told her that she had “played” him countless times the year before and so now he was “playing” her, which was the worst thing that he could have said and it made Amy back away from pursuing a relationship with him. I really wish that Ephram hadn’t done that and I wish that he would have been honest with her from the start, but Ephram and Amy’s star-crossed relationship always had its challenges, and it would continue to have its challenges in the future as we well know.

I loved the talk between Bright and Harold as they both joked about killing Carol and going to prison together, but then Bright gave Harold encouragement about his own situation as he informed him that he was going to go to his graduation after all, and that he knew they were both scared about their future, and that he was clueless and he didn’t have a plan, but they would both figure it out.
Bright and Harold were so great in this episode. The irony is Harold at times seems disappointed in Bright but overall he steps up when Bright needs him the most/is always there for him (finding out he was the driver in the accident, school suspension, college, fight with Tommy, etc).

I was so glad that Andy’s surgery was successful and I was really glad that Ephram called him to tell him the good news about his audition and that he asked him about how the surgery went, and that he had been accepted into the Julliard Summer Program.

I loved the heart-to heart talk that Andy and Nina had as Andy expressed remorse for not feeling elated that Ephram had gotten into the Julliard Summer Program, as she wisely told him that he was experiencing “early empty nest syndrome,” and she told him to enjoy the time that he had with Ephram now and not dwell on the future. I loved the role that Nina played in this episode, both as a mother figure to Ephram and as a wise and caring friend and future wife to Andy.

I liked that Ephram thanked a still-hurt Amy for being the inspiration for him to pass his Julliard audition, leaving things between them on a hopeful note.

I loved the final scene at Bright’s graduation ceremony and how happy he was and the pride that Ephram and his family took in him as he reached this milestone in his life. I liked the final lines that Irv, as the narrator, said that we’re taught to remember only the significant moments in the rites of passage, but in truth, the smallest steps that get us to these momentous occasions are just as significant. Looking back, we see it’s not just the high points, but the low points that also define who we are and who we will become, and we saw both the high points and the low points for some of our favorite characters in this wonderful episode.

Overall, I really enjoyed this episode, and I look forward to the next one with both anticipation and dread, for reasons which we all know.
All of this was so great... such a great set up for the S2 finale, the main and secondary characters were all front and center and of course the two main romantic pairings of Andy/Nina and Ephram/Amy were highlighted. I have noticed when both pairings especially are featured, chances are the episode is going to be a classic.
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Old 11-29-2021, 02:33 PM
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Thankfully they did get together in the next episode but of course something else happens as well. But still they got together so the delay was only one episode. Thankfully.
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Old 11-29-2021, 04:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Jerry D (View Post)
Wonderful review Michelle.
Thank you! Your review was outstanding!

I really loved this episode too. I especially loved how it showcased the end-game couples of Ephram and Amy and Andy and Nina in this episode.
Absolutely. I honestly think Greg Berlanti was having so much fun going there. You could just tell the extra emphasis in the little things such as Nina sprinkling things on Andy’s food, adding the Ferris Wheel in the important Ephramy scene.

Ephram and Amy being so prominently featured in this episode definitely did make it extra special, even if the episode ended with them being temporarily estranged.
That is so true. With these two, even in the darkest times there was always hope. Because you felt their connection, not even for a second did you doubt that they wouldn’t make it work eventually. Credit the amazing writing, story in general, and of course the chemistry between Greg and Emily to produce such magic.

Yes, the end of High School is one of those watershed times in our lives, and I could understand and empathize with Bright’s frustration as he saw some of his friends had already moved beyond him.
Certainly. I remember feeling such a sadness around graduation time. I was definitely happy to get out of high school but at the same time it kind of felt sad. I don’t really know why but I remember feeling sadness along with hope. Basically it was just an emotional time period.

I was also tired of seeing Ephram mention Madison again, but I loved how both he and Nina acknowledged how important Amy was to him.
That was everything!

Acknowledging it being Amy combined with Ephram saying in early S2 Amy was always his first and you throw in his words in the Series Finale that she was always his one just takes Madison and throws her out in the trash where she deserves to be.

I felt so bad for Harold being rejected by various insurance companies over and over again, but it’s also a very realistic look at how heartless insurance companies are. Like Harold said, they’re very happy to take your money, but if you pose any type of risk to them where they’d have to pay out money, they’ll drop you like a hot potato.
Yes, what a horrible situation that is all too realistic.

That really was such a cute scene.

Yes, Donald had no right to bring up Colin again, but he was speaking out of fear, and in the end, Andy did what he did best and performed the surgery flawlessly.
Exactly, that is very true.

As much as I like Betty White, I hated Carol. She’s a truly horrible and incredibly mean-spirited bitter and nasty person.
Terrible person and one that you know will never change. She represents certain real life humans who, no matter what, will never stop being despicabale.

I loved all their scenes in this episode. Berlanti was really showing us that like Ephram and Amy, they were meant to be.

I absolutely loved that scene and the support and encouragement she gave Ephram just when he was about to give up.
It was their emotional connection flowing so effortlessly.

I loved seeing the confidence that Andy showed in this scene as he convinced Donald to allow him to perform the surgery that would not only save his life but save his quality of life.
Treat was amazing.

I hated the glee that Carol had in finding out that Harold had lost his practice. I never understood the hatred that she had for Harold.
It was so pathetic. I do not understand it either. He was a loyal, intelligent, kind man who made a living that gave his family all that they needed. What more could she want for her daughter?

I do feel that Ephram handled all this badly, because Amy was putting herself in a vulnerable position and putting her heart on the line only to quickly realize that Ephram already knew she liked him, but in a lot of ways it was good that they had this fight so they could put the hard feelings behind them. Still though, as always with Ephram, his lashing out when he was angry and hurt made him say some hurtful things to the girl he loved.
Yes, absolutely. Like Amy told him... he could have just asked her if it was true, why create a setting where she would tell him? But even if he let it play out like that he never should have said he was playing her because he actually really wasn't... I mean, he was wanting confirmation but playing her would have been wanting to admit it then either rejecting her or being confused. He was all in then, he just wanted her to say it. I felt so much for Amy. Given everything she had been through in the first two seasons it did take everything out of her to say those words and then she felt so gutted after she found out he already knew.

I loved that scene and I loved the support and encouragement they gave each other.
It was great!

This was a very prescient scene when you know, as we do know, what’s coming next.

I really loved all of Andy and Nina’s scenes in this episode, and I loved the support and advice that she gave to both Andy and Ephram.
Yes, indeed. Nina was like Ephram and Amy's first shipper.

Yes, I loved that last scene and even though they were still estranged at that point I loved that Ephram didn’t apologize and he simply thanked Amy for being the inspiration for his successful audition. I also liked how you could tell that she didn’t like that he would be away for the summer.
The chemistry between Greg and Emily was so beautiful. You could tell they understood what an important episode it was for Ephram and Amy.

I loved seeing the joy on Bright’s face when he graduated and how Amy’s face lit up in happiness for her brother.
I love that Berlanti didn't ignore this sibling dynamic. They were really dark and estranged in the beginning and even middle of S2. We got to see them come back together and get closer again during these last handful of episodes. It is so nice how we were able to watch the entire process.

Wonderfully put.

I agree, bring it on!

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Old 11-29-2021, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Alexa (View Post)
Decent episode. I didnt take notes when I watched this time and just let it play out.
I keep telling myself I will go there too but still end up watching, then commenting during then summing it up. I can't stop the process. Plus, my memory sucks so I personally have no choice whereas you do just fine.

The Ephram/Amy stuff started so cute but then totally annoyed me at the end. Like Amy girl, why are you making this so much harder than it needs to be??? So what if Bright told Ephram you liked him, like... how many times has he put his heart on the line for you? It would make sense that he was scared to confront you and wanted to make sure it was true like damn. Her saying he played her and set up the whole thing was silly as heck, no, he just wanted to spend time with you.

And Ephram saying well I played you this time was so dumb too, like boy... Why couldnt they have just kissed and it been cute and Amy said she wanted to take it slow or SOMETHING. IDK, anything else... sillyyyyy
I actually could understand Amy more given her clinical depression and just coming off of the antidepressants. Well, I guess we don't know the timeline but I could understand why she felt a tad wounded over everything even if maybe she should have tried to let Ephram explain more. Ephram saying he played her was just lame because like I said up thread he really didn't, not in a devious way. He just wanted confirmation, he was all in. So like Amy said, he just should have straight up asked her if what Bright said was true and then she could have confirmed and they could talk.

I still love when they fight though due to the chemistry, hee, as well as that Ferris Wheel in the background telling the audience everything is going to be okay.

Harold, ugh, I feel bad for him. The whole thing sucks for him. I dont think he should have lied about the insurance to anyone, it wasnt his fault really what happened.
Yes! I wish he would have told Rose right away, he didn't have to try and hide it. Bright had a great point actually... there were plenty of other things he could do as an MD like teach at a school, etc. It wasn't all hopeless even if losing his father's practice obviously is a big thing for him, as we even see in the abortion episode in S1. But yes, it was so sad.

Love seeing Nina in the episode giving advice and being there for everyone. Just her in the brown house is cute, why again are they waiting so long at that storyline? Dang.
Agreed! She just looks like a permanent fixture in the Brown house, I love it so much.

Bright was really the MVP this episode with his encouraging words, like he really has come into his own this season!

Top 5:
1. Bright
2. Andy
3. Harold
4. Nina
5. Ephram

I love Amy but girl im sorry you overreacted!
Bright was amazing!
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Old 11-29-2021, 05:01 PM
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Originally Posted by slicknickshady (View Post)
Thankfully they did get together in the next episode but of course something else happens as well. But still they got together so the delay was only one episode. Thankfully.

So frustrating that we finally see them get together with the stupid pregnancy reveal.

I remember watching for the first time never for a second believing a romantic triangle would develop between Amy/Ephram/Madison. Like, I knew that was out of the question. But I knew in the future eventually things would blow up for Ephram and everyone around him, especially Amy and Andy. So the bomb was in place ready to explode until it finally did...
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Old 11-29-2021, 05:05 PM
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Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
Thoughts while watching

- Bright looks so off. Annoying how those "friends" essentially act like they are better than Bright.
Those friends were really sickening.

I just love how cute Ephram and Bright are as friends. Of course Ephram is waiting for Bright to get done with his graduation practice thing. So adorable.
Loved it! Finally Ephram was not dwelling on himself and was actually there for his friend.

- I love how Nina just walks into the Brown house almost like she is meant to be in there very long-term.
I love that she's back, but it seems she is only used as a babysitter/breakfast maker.

- The Ephram and Nina talk... love it. However, Ephram, newsflash, you ARE over Madison, you loon. But you are right about one thing... it IS Amy. I love how Nina reacted to the news like it was special and important... Amy, yes, Amy, and Ephram and Amy.
Ephram/Nina talks are the best. As are Nina/Andy talks...whenever he's not yelling at her about magazines or foot massagers!

- Harold losing his insurance to practice medicine is so frustrating.
I hated that Rose pressed him on this in front of her parents. She couldn't wait?

- Amy likes Ephram so much, awe. I love how her stupid friends have to endure feeling the Amy and Ephram pausing and tension. Amy is planning things inside her head which is so cute, and the chemistry between Emily and Greg circles everywhere.
Amy was actually flustered and I think Ephram was enjoying it. Amazing that Amy invited Ephram to Paige's party and Paige didn't cancel the invitation. I guess Ephram has become somewhat accepted.

- Betty White has returned! How on earth did Berlanti get Betty White to guest star a few times? Amazing.
I love Betty White, but would like to ring her character's neck. So despicable! Why was she allowed to spew of all of those insults without someone shutting her up?!?

- Kind of strange Rose would ask Harold how the insurance meeting went in front of her parents since most likely it was not a good outcome
I said the same thing ^^^^ before reading this! I just wanted to say, "Shut up, Rose!!"

- Amy showing up to go with Ephram to the audition is adorable. Chemistry. Oh the chemistry between these two is beautiful. They have so much more chemistry than Dawson and Joey it's actually hilarious how I ever thought Dawson and Joey had good chemistry. I had nothing else is why. I didn't have Ephram and Amy yet.
Loved it! She took a big chance there. He might have told her he'd rather go alone.
- Harold going through the fake patients at the office is kind of funny but seems unnecessary. He could have looked at his boils in the damn house.
Yes...didn't even think of that!
- The gay male (and fashion) from Betty White's character obviously was meant to be funny since... Greg Berlanti. I don't even know why I pointed this out.
I think she was referring to the TV show: Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. The way she said was meant to show what a bigot she was.

- Amy's speech to Ephram to get him to play is... everything.
So beautiful as was the way Ephram's shirt brought out the blue in his eyes.

Oh Ephram, you certainly are testing Amy right now, aren't you?
He really was. I can see why Amy was embarrassed when she realized he was testing her.

- I find it amazing that Amy immediately understood that Ephram knew she liked him just based on how he responded. She instantly knew. Connection. Spiritual. Meant to be.
She knew how Ephram would react to news like that. He was so darn nonchalant that she couldn't help realize something was off.

- Carol is so racist. How she looks at Irv like he's not even human (and he is still so nice to her) disgusts me. Betty White is phenomenal but Carol is despicable.
She is an absolute characterization of a racist.

Question: I noticed that Dr. Douglas was wearing a wedding ring. Where was his wife?

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Old 11-29-2021, 05:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Jerry D (View Post)
We also saw our star-crossed couple, Ephram and Amy, seemingly miss their opportunity to finally be together, as Ephram, confident in the knowledge that at long last his feelings for Amy were being reciprocated due to Bright revealing those feelings to him, disregarded how she was putting her heart on the line for him and he “played” her as he felt that she had “played” him in the past, and a golden opportunity for both of them was squandered in this episode, due to Ephram’s callousness and insensitivity.
It seems like either timing or misunderstanding gets in the way of these two finally being together.
Yes, I can understand why Amy felt really embarrassed, but I can also understand that Ephram needed to know for sure how Amy felt, because he couldn't really take what Bright told him as fact. Ephram did not handle it well, however!

I hated seeing Carol make her snide remarks toward Harold as he had just returned from his trip to see his insurance company and he felt compelled to lie and say that his insurance was restored so Carol couldn’t gloat further, but then Herbert asked him to do some minor surgery on him in his office, putting Harold in a difficult spot.
I really hated that Rose just let her mom make constant remarks toward Harold. It looks like Carol learned nothing from her last visit!
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Old 11-29-2021, 05:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Alexa (View Post)
Harold, ugh, I feel bad for him. The whole thing sucks for him. I dont think he should have lied about the insurance to anyone, it wasnt his fault really what happened.
I guess he didn't want Rose's mom to have the satisfaction of having something else to criticize him about.
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