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Old 06-19-2021, 11:09 PM
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2021-2023 Everwood Rewatch: Episode 2.01 - The Last of Summer

Rewatch Overview

The Last of Summer


In last season's emotional cliffhanger, Dr. Brown performed radical brain surgery on Colin Hart in an effort to save his life. In the series' dramatic second season premiere, Colin's fate will be revealed.



September 15, 2003

Greg Berlanti
Rina Mimoun

Michael Schultz

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Old 06-20-2021, 06:03 AM
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I thought that this was one of the most emotionally powerful and heartbreaking episodes of a television show that I’ve ever seen, as everyone mourned the loss of “The Miracle of Everwood,” and as the entire town, and most especially Amy Abbott, who had lost the boy she loved, blamed Andy Brown, and he blamed himself, for his loss.

The beginning of the episode was so heartbreaking as Amy created a fantasy in her grief stricken mind where Colin had lived and they were all enjoying a happy end of summer party together, and Colin told her she was going to have a perfect year, but it was all a dream, as Colin disappeared and Amy woke up in the middle of a memorial service for the boy she had loved and lost.

Amy’s speech about Colin was so moving, and it was sad to see the anger on her face when Andy walked in, and her anger was reflective of the entire town’s anger, as everyone seemed to blame Andy for Colin’s loss.

I hated seeing Andy be ostracized by the town of Everwood because Colin had died, but Andy also blamed himself for not doing enough to save him, and his isolating himself only added to the tension between him and the denizens of Everwood as Ephram pointed out later in the episode. I didn’t like Harold’s remark about Andy being the most despised man in Everwood, but at that point, it was true, and those antagonistic feelings toward Andy weren’t going to go away anytime soon, particularly on the part of Amy Abbott.

There were little things that I loved about this episode, as Ephram, as always, looked out for Amy as she neglected to put in some orders, and he made up a story about a fire in the kitchen to stop her boss from yelling at her. I also absolutely loved the talk between Bright and Harold as Harold told him to stop beating himself up over having caused the accident that ultimately led to Colin’s death, and I also liked seeing Bright show a newfound maturity when he told Harold that he didn’t blame Andy for Colin’s death. I also loved seeing Nina’s steadfast devotion to Andy as she tried to shake him out of his doldrums and invited him to dinner, and she proved to be the one true friend he had in that provincial and harshly judgmental town.

I didn’t think it was right that Mrs. Hart asked Amy to organize the memorial for Colin, because I thought it was wrong for her to put all that responsibility on a young girl that was still dealing with her own grief.

It was sad to see Andy look back on his decision to not take any extraordinary measures to try and save Colin, and it was heartbreaking to see him racked with guilt over that decision, but I do feel that his decision was the correct one because as he later told Ephram, Colin would have been completely incapacitated if he had lived, and that wasn’t what Colin had wanted.

It was so touching to see Amy and Laynie briefly reminisce about Colin when Laynie gave Amy Colin’s computer, and it was so sad that Laynie didn’t get to be there for Colin’s final moments. It was so heartbreaking to see Amy open up Colin’s computer and she the picture of them together and happy on it and it was devastating to see Amy discover Colin’s “Do Not Resuscitate” document.

I thought it was so unfair that Delia was excluded from Britney’s slumber party because her mother didn’t want Andy in her house, and I often found the attitude of the “good people of Everwood” to be appalling throughout the run of the show, but most especially in this episode.

Amy and Harold’s meeting with the Harts was so heartbreaking as she told them about the document she discovered and they told her that they and Andy knew about it, and she felt emotionally devastated and betrayed by this news, and she took out the full measure of her grief and anger on them and later on Andy, as she confronted him in the restaurant and accused him of not trying enough.

Andy’s talk with Ephram was so heartfelt as he told Ephram about his promise to Colin and he explained why he didn’t keep trying in Colin’s surgery because the only way he could fulfill his promise to Colin was to let him go. I also loved Andy’s talk with Delia as he explained that just because he wasn’t able to save Colin didn’t mean that he killed him, and he told her that some things, like Julia’s death, are just out of their control.

Andy’s speech at Colin’s memorial service was so heartbreaking as he spoke from his heart and he said that he was sorry that his best wasn’t good enough for Colin and that Colin didn’t expect a miracle from Andy because he was the miracle, and that he was sorry that he was gone.

I loved what Ephram said to Amy at the end of the episode, and what he said was heartfelt and true because when someone you love dies, you really never do get over it, but something inside you breaks and your body learns to compensate for it, as he shared his own experience dealing with loss of his mother and the grief he felt losing her with the girl that he loved with all of his heart. At that point, though, nothing he could say could really help Amy, as she was overwhelmed by her grief and sense of loss, and she still blamed Andy for Colin’s death, so it would be quite some time before this wonderful couple could get back to where they had been.

It was so sad to see Amy “see” Colin much like Andy used to “see” Julia as she was in the throes of mourning for the first boy she had ever loved, and Emily Van Camp did an incredible job in portraying this emotionally devastated young woman.

Overall, I thought that this was one of the best episodes of a television show that I’ve ever seen, and words cannot properly convey what an incredible show Everwood was and how it will always rank as my favorite show of all time.
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Old 06-20-2021, 08:50 AM
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Labor Day weekend, it appears this episode revolves around. This show has never been shy about diving into drama and this episode is no exception. Amy day-dreams about the pool party, imagining Bright and Colin chasing little children around the pool as well as a conversation between her and Colin about a romantic moment under the diving board later that night. I remember first watching this episode thinking that Colin was going to disappear very soon and sure enough, he did. The expression of sadness overwhelms Amy's face and Emily, as usual, slays me with the acting. Immediately heading over to the HS memorial I knew when we saw Amy totally dressed in black we were in for quite a ride with her this season, especially witnessing the glare she gives Andy.

This episode always reminds me of one thing... Greg Berlanti really never was interested in telling a story where Colin prevails. Everwood was largely about Colin before the Brown's came to town and if it wasn't for Colin, the Brown's and Abbott's might not have gotten as close as they ended up becoming; but, ideally Everwood was about Andy and his family coming to Everwood and the strong reason why they went on this journey. Andy was Berlanti's main focus as far as showing that a character doesn't grow unless he encounters conflict, hardships, and obstacles throughout his entire arc. This episode really shows how Berlanti puts Andy in this miserable place, even when it appeared Andy had it all at the end of S1. Not so fast, Dr. Brown. Now Andy has to figure out where he is going to fit in following the unsuccessful surgery, and about that promise he made to Colin in his living room. "Home" was Colin's goodbye and "The Last of Summer" is about loss, adaptation, change, acceptance, and finding a way to move on... classic Everwood.

I thought it was ridiculous and uncalled for when Mrs. Hart asks Amy to organize a memorial for Colin before the first day of school at County High. I really thought it was too much. Of course Amy says yes but is totally wrapped up in sadness while going there. Layne dropping off Colin's laptop and Amy apologizing for not calling her before the surgery was interesting. "Home" was about Colin's individual goodbyes to the people he loved, yet he never called his sister? The exchange makes it seem like Laynie didn't know the surgery happened, which is just odd to me. Laynie pulls a disappearing act in between S2-S3 so it makes sense (in a frustrating way) her disappearing act between S1-S2 would happen as well.

Amy confronting Andy at the new restaurant was heartbreaking. Could she have picked a better time to talk to Andy about this? Most certainly, but she was only a 15 year old girl there, in tremendous pain, trying to understand what went on during the surgery. Also? Essentially, through Amy's words, Andy is finally released from the terrible prison he has been in. Finally everything is out in the open. Ephram and Andy have an honest exchange about what happened. The confrontation freed Andy because the secret came out. The conversation with Ephram gave him perspective, too, which only helped him all the more.

"I'm sorry that he's gone," Andy says, then exits the gym with his family at the memorial. The burden's lifted, though, and he's free once more. I enjoyed this moment very much.

Also, I love how much amazing continuity this show has... notice how bad off Andy and Amy are right now. What do we find out in the premiere of S3 one year later? They are bonding like father/daughter the entire summer. It really is amazing to see the wonderful progression of this future father/daughter-in-law relationship. Bad off right now but one year later, they will be spending a summer together getting closer.

The last scene with Ephram/Amy was fabulous. Ephram's words to Amy were so beautiful, he was so sweet there. Here we are talking about loss once again. Loss is the theme that brings Ephram/Amy and Ephram/Bright together. This theme is ever present throughout the series but in classic Everwood this tough theme works out in the end.

I knew the look in Amy's eyes during that Ephram/Amy scene hit us with a tough reality which was that these two would be on serious hold as far as a romantic relationship. Amy was mentally "gone" right there. She was broken, her mental functioning was severely blocked. She was already being swallowed up by situational depression and no one, not even Ephram, unfortunately, could help her in the short-term. She would have to take some time to get through this. However, this scene did let us know that Ephram/Amy were far from over if even on a temporary break until once again, some really tough situations in life would settle down. But that is what Evewrood has always been about... characters trying to return to normalcy after a devastating loss in their lives. The characters will return to normalcy because this series celebrated the human spirit and how love and loss was back and forth, with love always winning in the end.

Last Thoughts:

- I loved when Harold helped Bright with a tie before the memorial and Harold said that Amy's grief doesn't mean she loved Colin more, which moves Bright to hug his father in thanks and appreciation. I also liked seeing Bright show maturity when he told Harold that he didn’t blame Andy for Colin’s death. What a terrific moment.

- Emily VanCamp was magical throughout the episode. This is only just the beginning of what she has to offer in S2. She is off the charts talented. She is such an incredible actress and would have won the Emmy had this series been on NBC or CBS. I also thought Treat Williams was fantastic, especially when he delivered the speech at the memorial. Both Emily and Treat deserve awards based on this episode, alone. That memorial speech alone was worthy of an Emmy. Emily as Amy switching from being down while talking to Ephram to excitement and joy when she sees DeadColin by the pool was pure brilliance.

- The quick cut from Amy's daydream to the memorial service was brilliant. No transitions to ease us from fantasy to reality, just the immediate truth: Amy's dreaming. Colin has passed.

- I was a bit shocked to see Andy entering Colin's memorial service a bit late. I know it's for dramatic effect, but, it did seem a bit odd and out of character.

- It is so frustrating seeing people in the town mad at Andy for "killing" Colin. What happened to Delia was despicable too. Andy was the only chance Colin basically had. It wasn't meant to be. Plus, Andy was following Colin's wishes before the surgery. Andy not only tried his best, but thought of his patient 100% when he made the decisions during surgery. He should have been commended, not crucified for doing his best. Everwood Townies remind me of a certain political party and given 2020-2021 thoughts are not good.

- I also loved seeing Nina’s caring for Andy as she invited him to dinner. This was an important moment, showing us once again that Andy/Nina are for real. Right now it's just friendship but this is a cornerstone romantic pairing so stay tuned.

- Bright goes through a huge transformation in this. In his final scene he’s so calm and at peace at the pool.

- Every scene between Delia/Andy/Ephram and a combination of the three = superb.

- I love how Harold fights back and starts throwing water balloons, lol.

- The diner scene at the end between Harold/Andy and greeting with Doctor was awesome.

S2, nice to meet you again, darkness and all.

Last edited by jediwands; 06-20-2021 at 12:30 PM
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Old 06-20-2021, 04:56 PM
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EPHRAM: You know, after my mom died. Everybody told me that I was going to be OK. That it would take a little time but I'd heal. That didn't really happen. Not really.

[Amy slowly turns around.]

EPHRAM: (CONT'D) What you are feeling right now, Amy. It doesn't ever really go away. Not completely. It's not like you're going to, you know, you're going back to be the person you were like before they died. The person's gone. It's more like... something inside of you breaks and your body finds a way to compensate for it. Like i-if you busted your right hand, you figure out how to use the left one. And sure, you might resist for a while because you get pissed off but... You have to learn all this stuff again that no one else does. Eventually your body takes over and it figures it out for you and you're glad. Because if it were up to you, you, you'd just... look at your busted hand forever. Trying to figure out what it was like before. [beat] Well.
I can totally relate to what Ephram is saying here due to my mom. I might be lucky to still have a unique way to communicate with her that not everyone has but what Ephram says here is so bang on, touches my Soul. You're never the same, a part of you dies right along with her.
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Old 06-20-2021, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Wilpensix (View Post)
I can totally relate to what Ephram is saying here due to my mom. I might be lucky to still have a unique way to communicate with her that not everyone has but what Ephram says here is so bang on, touches my Soul. You're never the same, a part of you dies right along with her.
That is so true.
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There are those who look at things the way they are and ask why - I dream of things that never were and ask why not. - Robert F. Kennedy
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Old 06-20-2021, 08:43 PM
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Wonderful comments Michelle as always. I really hated how the whole town turned on Andy like they did, and I loved how Nina still stuck by him, and Harold showed him respect. One thing that this show really did was show that small town citizens can be so closed-minded and judgemental. I really felt so bad for Andy in this episode.
The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. - John F. Kennedy

There are those who look at things the way they are and ask why - I dream of things that never were and ask why not. - Robert F. Kennedy
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Old 06-21-2021, 07:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Jerry D (View Post)
That is so true.
It’s a tough reality.
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Old 06-21-2021, 07:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Jerry D (View Post)
Wonderful comments Michelle as always. I really hated how the whole town turned on Andy like they did, and I loved how Nina still stuck by him, and Harold showed him respect. One thing that this show really did was show that small town citizens can be so closed-minded and judgemental. I really felt so bad for Andy in this episode.
Excellent comments as usual your way.

I couldn’t stand this either. They had no idea what happened. They assumed the worst and probably because he was considered the outsider from the moment he entered town, it was easy for them to see him as a villain once again. They liked him since he didn’t charge for medical services but basically used him for this benefit. Everwood was perfect at depicting small town.

Did you like that Andy didn’t announce what went on during surgery earlier, confidentiality and all? But what about the Harts? They knew Andy did nothing wrong yet were just fine Andy was basically abused by the entire town.

I also wish Andy would have explained to Amy precisely what Colin would have been like had he survived. I think he wanted to when she approached him at the restaurant and he told her to come to his office the next day. But you have to wonder if she would have gone so deep into depression had she fully understood Colin’s wishes/what happened during surgery/what Colin would have been like had he survived. I’m not sure she fully understood every aspect of the situation.

It also continues to bother me that Amy never found out Colin was finished with them right before the accident.
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Old 06-21-2021, 08:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Jerry D (View Post)
Wonderful comments Michelle as always. I really hated how the whole town turned on Andy like they did, and I loved how Nina still stuck by him, and Harold showed him respect. One thing that this show really did was show that small town citizens can be so closed-minded and judgemental. I really felt so bad for Andy in this episode.
The townspeople were horrible! Who does this to any doctor? And....what the heck is wrong with Brittany's mom?!?!? How can she uninvite Delia just because she doesn''t like her dad? So cruel for any mom to even think of doing that.

I didn’t think it was right that Mrs. Hart asked Amy to organize the memorial for Colin, because I thought it was wrong for her to put all that responsibility on a young girl that was still dealing with her own grief.
It really was alot for Mrs. Hart to expect Amy to do. But could see what a Mess Mrs. Hart was and this was the beginning of the complete unraveling of the family.

There were little things that I loved about this episode, as Ephram, as always, looked out for Amy as she neglected to put in some orders, and he made up a story about a fire in the kitchen to stop her boss from yelling at her. I also absolutely loved the talk between Bright and Harold as Harold told him to stop beating himself up over having caused the accident that ultimately led to Colin’s death, and I also liked seeing Bright show a newfound maturity when he told Harold that he didn’t blame Andy for Colin’s death. I also loved seeing Nina’s steadfast devotion to Andy as she tried to shake him out of his doldrums and invited him to dinner, and she proved to be the one true friend he had in that provincial and harshly judgmental town.
Ephram took care of Amy from the beginning and was always there to protect her. Amy finally realized it at the end of the series.

Last edited by everwoodfan52; 06-21-2021 at 08:57 AM
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Old 06-21-2021, 08:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Wilpensix (View Post)

I also wish Andy would have explained to Amy precisely what Colin would have been like had he survived. I think he wanted to when she approached him at the restaurant and he told her to come to his office the next day. But you have to wonder if she would have gone so deep into depression had she fully understood Colin’s wishes/what happened during surgery/what Colin would have been like had he survived. I’m not sure she fully understood every aspect of the situation.
Andy really should have explained all of that to Amy and Amy should have allowed Andy to explain this in private. How she yelled at him in that restaurant in front of everyone was awful....I don't care how upset she was over Colin. It's just rude.

I also hate the fact that Amy is blaming Ephram for what his dad did. So....she can't look at Ephram without thinking of Andy? Poor Ephram! He can't win!
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Old 06-21-2021, 08:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Wilpensix (View Post)

I thought it was ridiculous and uncalled for when Mrs. Hart asks Amy to organize a memorial for Colin before the first day of school at County High. I really thought it was too much. Of course Amy says yes but is totally wrapped up in sadness while going there. Layne dropping off Colin's laptop and Amy apologizing for not calling her before the surgery was interesting. "Home" was about Colin's individual goodbyes to the people he loved, yet he never called his sister? The exchange makes it seem like Laynie didn't know the surgery happened, which is just odd to me. Laynie pulls a disappearing act in between S2-S3 so it makes sense (in a frustrating way) her disappearing act between S1-S2 would happen as well.
I was happy to finally see Laynie. It did seem that Laynie did not know about the Surgery and Amy apologized for not telling her. Was that Amy's obligation?!? Shouldn't Laynie get that info from her parents? It's like Laynie doesn't even exist in that family.

"I'm sorry that he's gone," Andy says, then exits the gym with his family at the memorial. The burden's lifted, though, and he's free once more. I enjoyed this moment very much.
I love that Ephram walked out with Andy and Delia showing a united front.
Do you think the townspeople were moved by what Andy said and forgave him? I know that Amy didn't, but am glad that Bright and Harold don't blame him.

The last scene with Ephram/Amy was fabulous. Ephram's words to Amy were so beautiful, he was so sweet there. Here we are talking about loss once again. Loss is the theme that brings Ephram/Amy and Ephram/Bright together. This theme is ever present throughout the series but in classic Everwood this tough theme works out in the end.
Ephram was very sweet here and always gives good advice/analogies. Unfortunately he didn't get anywhere with Amy and has to be content with being a "friend".

- The quick cut from Amy's daydream to the memorial service was brilliant. No transitions to ease us from fantasy to reality, just the immediate truth: Amy's dreaming. Colin has passed.
I bet all of those fans who were seeing Everwood for the first time were shocked by the revelation that Amy was just daydreaming. There was some hope there that Colin survived.

- I also loved seeing Nina’s caring for Andy as she invited him to dinner. This was an important moment, showing us once again that Andy/Nina are for real. Right now it's just friendship but this is a cornerstone romantic pairing so stay tuned.
Nina is always going to be in Andy's corner. Wonder when she's going to tell him about Carl.

- Bright goes through a huge transformation in this. In his final scene he’s so calm and at peace at the pool.
Very mature and reasonable. I love it.

- The diner scene at the end between Harold/Andy and greeting with Doctor was awesome.
The respect is growing.
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Old 06-21-2021, 10:11 AM
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Originally Posted by everwoodfan52 (View Post)
Andy really should have explained all of that to Amy and Amy should have allowed Andy to explain this in private. How she yelled at him in that restaurant in front of everyone was awful....I don't care how upset she was over Colin. It's just rude.
It really was rude. Poor Andy!

Originally Posted by everwoodfan52 (View Post)
I also hate the fact that Amy is blaming Ephram for what his dad did. So....she can't look at Ephram without thinking of Andy? Poor Ephram! He can't win!
Exactly, and that's what drove him to Madison.
The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. - John F. Kennedy

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Old 06-21-2021, 02:57 PM
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Originally Posted by everwoodfan52 (View Post)
Andy really should have explained all of that to Amy and Amy should have allowed Andy to explain this in private. How she yelled at him in that restaurant in front of everyone was awful....I don't care how upset she was over Colin. It's just rude.

I also hate the fact that Amy is blaming Ephram for what his dad did. So....she can't look at Ephram without thinking of Andy? Poor Ephram! He can't win!
I didn’t like it either. But at the same time, she’s only 15 years old. She’s not even close to being an adult. She is still a kid. Anyone could see her breakdown coming. She didn’t get help when she should have which was very early S1. Now she’s snapping. When you look at that scene as she’s looking out at basically nothingness her eyes are glazed. She was gone. It honestly reminded me of what I was like after my mom passed away. No one could get through to me for a long time. I wasn’t making any sense. I was pushing away those closest to me. If I would’ve been judged for my actions I wouldn’t have anyone in my life right now and I was a grown adult when it happened, not 15.
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Old 06-21-2021, 03:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Wilpensix (View Post)
I didn’t like it either. But at the same time, she’s only 15 years old. She’s not even close to being an adult. She is still a kid. Anyone could see her breakdown coming. She didn’t get help when she should have which was very early S1. Now she’s snapping. When you look at that scene as she’s looking out at basically nothingness her eyes are glazed. She was gone. It honestly reminded me of what I was like after my mom passed away. No one could get through to me for a long time. I wasn’t making any sense. I was pushing away those closest to me. If I would’ve been judged for my actions I wouldn’t have anyone in my life right now and I was a grown adult when it happened, not 15.

You really bring a uniquely empathetic point of view to Amy and what she was going through Michelle.
The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. - John F. Kennedy

There are those who look at things the way they are and ask why - I dream of things that never were and ask why not. - Robert F. Kennedy
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Old 06-21-2021, 03:28 PM
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Originally Posted by everwoodfan52 (View Post)
I was happy to finally see Laynie. It did seem that Laynie did not know about the Surgery and Amy apologized for not telling her. Was that Amy's obligation?!? Shouldn't Laynie get that info from her parents? It's like Laynie doesn't even exist in that family.
Right? So strange. I think Laynie was used for My Funny Valentine basically… jealous Amy and Colin officially finding out about Ephram/Amy.

I love that Ephram walked out with Andy and Delia showing a united front.
Do you think the townspeople were moved by what Andy said and forgave him? I know that Amy didn't, but am glad that Bright and Harold don't blame him.
Overall I think so but they’re so influenced it’s hard to know.

Ephram was very sweet here and always gives good advice/analogies. Unfortunately he didn't get anywhere with Amy and has to be content with being a "friend".
It’s unfortunate. Ephram knows though Amy’s in the dark place. He gets it.

I bet all of those fans who were seeing Everwood for the first time were shocked by the revelation that Amy was just daydreaming. There was some hope there that Colin survived.
Right! It was really teased.

Nina is always going to be in Andy's corner. Wonder when she's going to tell him about Carl.

Very mature and reasonable. I love it.
Really liked Bright in this one. I wish Bright and Amy would’ve mourned Colin together.

The respect is growing.
I loved it because Andy needed to hear it given the treatment he was receiving as a surgeon/doctor.
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