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Old 09-22-2013, 07:43 PM
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Eastender Eggplants [Bay ♥ Ty] #3: Because some things are just permanent

welcome to the
B A Y ♥ T Y
appreciation thread #3

Credit: Slayerfan714
1. Queen of Babble
2. Sincerely, Me.
3. Andra
4. P&B4ever
5. Princess Pinky
6. Stay to the Lights
7. ~Unfaithful~
8. MPFan09
9. WeBuiltThePyramids
10. cottoncandyandpopsicles
11. Violet Soul
12. Princessatsea
13. EyesOnFire
14. rpdsks
15. toxicgurl169
16. crdias
17. Lozza~TheAussieChick~
18. *Lizzie*
20. Japril






Credit: Slayerfan714

Last edited by Slayerfan714; 11-13-2013 at 02:52 PM
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Old 09-23-2013, 11:29 AM
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Thanks for the new thread!

I've been feeling sorta sad about them recently. Curse these otp feels!
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Old 09-23-2013, 02:09 PM
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Thanks for starting the new thread!

Kayla, I know the sad feeling. I feel like that sometimes too. But then I just try to block the end of the finale from my mind!
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Old 09-23-2013, 05:16 PM
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I too try that haha. Might have to watch some clips of them to remind me how good they were (and still are).

Am I the only one that feels some sense of doom when it comes to Ty? I keep getting this terrible feeling that they're going to kill him off before Bay knows the truth.
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Old 09-23-2013, 06:42 PM
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Yeah, I always go back to old clips and fanfics to make me feel better.

As for the sense of doom, you're not the only one. I have the same feeling and it seems to be getting worse - I can just see them having Ty go missing, then MB tells Bay about the lie and then Ty will die. However my mind always seems to be going to the worst case scenario lately, so I'm hoping that doesn't happen.

But I'm still bitter about the way they broke them up. There are so many better ways to do it that would've left Bay with happy memories of their relationship.
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Old 09-24-2013, 04:34 PM
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That's another situation that I've thought could happen.

The only way they could make it more tragic is if they have Bay visit Ty to talk things out, have them get things to an ok place and then have Ty die.
I cringe and feel all sad just thinking about it.
I really hope the show doesn't go there (or anywhere near the 'make Ty's story even more tragic' plot). It would be far too dark for SAB. But then again with these writers... Who knows.

We need more fanfics! And fanvids!
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Last edited by EyesOnFire; 09-24-2013 at 04:44 PM
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Old 09-24-2013, 06:23 PM
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I know, the more I think about it, the worse I feel. But the scenarios keep getting worse in my mind.
I really hope our feelings are totally wrong about this. Even if they don't get back together, I want Ty to stay alive. But with the way to chose to go with the Bay/Ty story so far, I wouldn't put anything past them.

We do need more fanfics and fanvids! Especially fanvids, it seems like forever since there's been one of them. I have no idea how to make them, but maybe I'll try experimenting this weekend if I have some time... Just got to figure out a song to try out (one that would be easy to vid to)...
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Old 09-24-2013, 09:39 PM
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I too hope we are wrong. Killing him off is so... Pretty Little Liars like. Don't get me wrong, PLL is good in its own rights (and Ty and Caleb are freakishly alike), but going down that path isn't good for SAB imo. It's way too 'light' of a show for that.

But these writers... I don't trust 'em. Not as far as I can throw them. Although I suppose we can trust them to not have Ty murdered... Apparently LW is proud that SAB has remained murder and rape free.

I agree. Even if they don't get back together I wan Ty to live and for them to at least end on semi-reasonable terms.

The one other thing that I can't see the writers doing is leaving them as friends. Which I honestly agree with. (Woah! I actually may agree with them Sigh...) At least on Ty's end, them feelings are obviously very deep and I don't see that changing. That doesn't usually transition well in friendship. Loving someone in a different way than they love you... and with both parties knowing this as well is always difficult to handle.

That'd be awesome! I wish I was good at vids, but I'm still traumatized from my windows movie maker days. *shudder* Total pain.
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Old 09-24-2013, 10:01 PM
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Fanvids have been lacking for SAB as a total honestly regardless of fandom.

I only have windows movie maker which is pretty terrible. But I'm not spending my hard earned money on Sony Vegas. That's expensive.
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Old 09-25-2013, 06:53 PM
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I agree Kayla. Ty and Bay can never be friends due to the amount of history that they have and the feelings that are between them. However, even if they don't get back together, they should make peace with each other with all the truths out in the open. Ty being in the army means that he can be stationed anywhere and they may never see each other again.

What I am curious about is when Ty told the lie and essentially walked out of Bay's life, was he doing this with forever in mind (never coming back into Bay's world) or was it something temporary?

As for the vid, I make no promises! I've never made one or even experimented with vidding before, so it should be interesting to see what happens... if I'm able to come up with something halfway decent, I'll post it.

I agree Alyssa, I did a quick YouTube search for Switched at Birth vids a little while ago and not much came up. It's sad since this is such a great show.
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Old 09-26-2013, 11:00 AM
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I feel a sense of doom as well, but sometimes I think why the "make believe" cheating, if they wanted to break them up for good why not make it a real cheating?

Any thoughts on this?
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Old 09-26-2013, 04:57 PM
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Originally Posted by crdias (View Post)
I feel a sense of doom as well, but sometimes I think why the "make believe" cheating, if they wanted to break them up for good why not make it a real cheating?

Any thoughts on this?
You may not want my input, because I ship Emmett & Bay. I will try to be objective. One positive that I can contribute to Ty & Bay shippers is that, based on what the writers have said and done, I really do not believe Ty will ever be killed or even go missing indefinitely.

I do enjoy discussing the topic of relationships, including cheating, so I am going to throw this out here, since you asked. I promise to be respectful of Ty & Bay shippers, and I welcome disagreement with my opinions. That's the way I learn stuff!

If you look at a dictionary definition for cheating, you will find:

cheating - "to act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain something"

So in that context, Ty did "cheat" in order to extricate himself from his relationship with Bay. He was dishonest, so he could free himself from the responsibility of a girlfriend. And I understand. Ty had other pressing obligations on his mind.

Ty tried to explain to Bay how he was feeling about the future. And rather than listen, Bay wanted to share her ideas. She didn't make it easy for him. In my opinion, Ty should have tried harder, but I do understand that he was dealing with a lot.

It can be argued that the main reason for Ty's dishonesty was to save Bay from pain, if something should happen to him in the future. But the odd thing is that I believe it will hurt Bay no matter what. His pretending that he slept with Aida will not magically make Bay stop caring about him. So in my eyes, he really didn't save Bay any pain. She will be devastated if something happens to Ty, no matter what. But Ty did cause Bay quite a bit of immediate pain. That's what Mary Beth was trying to explain to Ty. I wish he would have listened, or better yet, realized that himself before he chose the easy way out.

I haven't yet addressed the "relationship" definition of cheating. Here's an interesting discussion: The Definition of Cheating in a Relationship - Yahoo Voices -

That article ends with a quote about emotional cheating: "By committing to a relationship, you agree to make the other person a true partner and to live your life with them in mind. Any act which betrays that commitment is cheating." Ty did not sleep with Aida, which is the traditional textbook definition of "relationship" cheating, but Ty did betray his commitment to Bay, albeit, for what he believed to be the right reasons.

Some people categorize holding hands or a kiss with someone other than your partner, as cheating. Others believe it is not cheating unless actual intercourse takes place.

For the last 30 years, I have heard that cheating cannot take place, a relationship cannot experience a betrayal, unless there has been physical intimacy between the partners beforehand. Otherwise, there is no relationship to betray.

But on Switched at Birth, most fans immediately categorized Emmett's indiscretion with Simone as cheating, and Emmett had never been intimate with Bay. So that was a surprise to me. I was under the impression that you cannot cheat on someone, unless you have shared physical intimacy with that person. I guess you could say "Switched at Birth" fans schooled me.

So, as the Yahoo discussion asserts, it's important to define what two people see as cheating. I do believe both Emmett & Bay categorized what he did as a betrayal. Emmett knew Bay trusted him not to sleep with anyone else, and that knowledge is important. But I also don't believe Emmett ever would have done it, if he had shared that kind of intimacy with Bay beforehand.

As for the writers choice to tell this particular story, I believe one of the reasons Ty didn't sleep with Aida is because Emmett already had slept with Simone, and the writers wanted to vary the storyline. Plus, Noah had kissed Daphne, when he was dating Bay. So Ty sleeping with Aida, when he was with Bay, would be overkill.

Plus, Ty was sleeping with Bay. Not only that, he was her first. Betraying that kind of intimacy, that kind of trust, would be far worse than Emmett's betrayal was. I am glad Ty didn't do that.

The sad thing is that, right now, Bay believes he did it.

Another reason I believe the writers chose for Ty not to sleep with Aida (but to pretend like he did) is because of what was said between Bay and Emmett in episode 1x23 "This Is the Color of My Dreams."

Bay told Emmett, "You ripped the fabric apart. You can't just tape it back together with words."

And Emmett replied, "Then, I will wait, until I figure out how I can."

I believe the writers will choose to have Emmett be the one to tell Bay the truth about Ty not cheating. Perhaps Travis will learn from Mary Beth, and he will tell Emmett. However it happens, I believe Emmett will be the one to tell Bay. It is sort of a foil to him telling her that he cheated on her, to him telling her that Noah cheated on her. This time, Emmett gets to tell Bay that Ty did NOT cheat on her.

Of course, Emmett will believe that, in telling Bay, all hope is lost for him to ever be with her again.

But I believe that Emmett telling Bay that Ty didn't cheat will be the "tape" that finally puts the fabric back together for Emmett & Bay. Emmett will think it is the end of any hope they will ever reconcile, but by telling Bay, she will know Emmett really loves her. Of course, all of this supposition is coming from an Emmett & Bay shipper. Take it with a grain of salt. It's really only what I would do, if I was a writer.

What are some other ideas?
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Old 09-26-2013, 10:40 PM
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I was talking with a friend (who also ships Bay/Ty) and her ship name for them is 'Taken'.

T for Ty, A and K for Bay, and E and N for both of them.

Ty and Bay Kennish-Mendosa

I have to admit, it's kind of cute even if it is a little bit of a stretch.

What I am curious about is when Ty told the lie and essentially walked out of Bay's life, was he doing this with forever in mind (never coming back into Bay's world) or was it something temporary?
I too wonder this. Particularly considering that the first time things ended between them officially (after the phone call), it sounded like they lost contact despite Ty pining for her as seen in 2B. I wonder if it'll be like that again. He plans for it being permanent even though deep down he wants it to be temporary? Ultimately I do think it will end up being a temporary thing.

This probably makes no sense, so forgive me (bloody 8am classes and my overtired mind!).

The more and more I think about it, the less I see him in the first stretch of season 3- simply because Blair's in Toronto filming right? (or at least he was in late August). I see that The Fosters are having their table read tomorrow. That must mean SAB isn't that far behind.
Of course this only means that I don't see him in the front 5. As for the back 15, it all depends on BR's schedule and filming locations.
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Old 09-27-2013, 03:21 PM
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I believe the writers will choose to have Emmett be the one to tell Bay the truth about Ty not cheating. Perhaps Travis will learn from Mary Beth, and he will tell Emmett. However it happens, I believe Emmett will be the one to tell Bay. It is sort of a foil to him telling her that he cheated on her, to him telling her that Noah cheated on her. This time, Emmett gets to tell Bay that Ty did NOT cheat on her.
Wow! That was really a detailed post, I enjoy being able to read someone else'e opinion. However I do hope that MB is the one who tells Bay the truth about Ty. Either way, I think that there will be an impact on their friendship regarding the fact that MB is holding back the truth, but if she eventually tells Bay the truth, hopefully it will mitigate that. Also, MB is the character with ties to both Bay and Ty, so hopefully she'll play an important role in the truth coming out.
In this case, I hope that Emmett has nothing to do with it, since he was never involved in this storyline. There was some overlap with him and the Bay/Noah storyline, so that was understandable, but not in this case.

I too wonder this. Particularly considering that the first time things ended between them officially (after the phone call), it sounded like they lost contact despite Ty pining for her as seen in 2B. I wonder if it'll be like that again. He plans for it being permanent even though deep down he wants it to be temporary? Ultimately I do think it will end up being a temporary thing.
With this scenario, I just wish we could've been able to get into Ty's head a little bit more - to see if he realized that this could end things with Bay forever. I hope that it will be a temporary thing as well - the writers obviously chose their story to go this way for a particular reason. I guess we'll have to see if I'm putting too much faith into them.
But I think that Ty was very misguided with his lie. He was certain he was going to die and didn't want to devastate Bay, choosing to end things. However, he never considered the fact that no matter what happens between them, Bay would still be devastated if he died. Even after his lie, his death would still affect her and it seems like he never really considered this.

The more and more I think about it, the less I see him in the first stretch of season 3- simply because Blair's in Toronto filming right? (or at least he was in late August). I see that The Fosters are having their table read tomorrow. That must mean SAB isn't that far behind.
Of course this only means that I don't see him in the front 5. As for the back 15, it all depends on BR's schedule and filming locations.
Yeah, I don't see Ty coming back for the first half of the season either. Maybe in the midseason finale we'll get some news about him and then he'll appear in the back half, much like season two.
I wonder just how long his role on Beauty and the Beast will be for.
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Old 09-27-2013, 07:15 PM
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I just wanted to share this cool link I found
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