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Old 02-23-2018, 12:48 PM
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Originally Posted by fulfilledღ (View Post)
I know it's all about EA, but I really wanted to see that conversation between Ephram and Stephanie. He was clearly in a rush to meet her, talking on the phone and getting ready at the same time. Not only was she stood up for a date, she was also dumped in the same night. Stephanie wasn't a bad girlfriend. She even liked Andy, which is not an easy thing to do. I know it would've been emotional. She questioned Ephram's feelings a lot in the beginning.

I also wanted a relationship with no doubts. No doubts about anything. They could completely rely on each other. They could share everything and not worry about either one of them holding. I feel like, maybe because they were teenagers and still figuring themselves out. I feel like they always held back to spare each other's feelings. You know what, love is hurting someone's feelings, they shouldn't be afraid to be honest.
That’s so very true.

I actually would have loved Ephram breaking up with Stephanie before the Ferris Wheel scene. He could have broken up with her the episode before the series finale.

I have to disagree I never saw her to be in the medical profession, honestly. I see her wanting to something that covers much more than one center of life, like medicine. Amy is someone who can't sit still, she always needs to be doing something, going somewhere. She needs a career and a passion that can take her around the world, to experience life...with Ephram by her side
That’s true. Amy just seemed so great at finding out about Hannah’s dad’s illness. Even Jake was impressed. He couldn’t believe how much she knew before she even talked to him. He assumed she was premed.

Another area for Amy would be law. I could totally see her fighting for the rights of people.

I think we can agree Amy would never be a stay at home mom without a career even if she’d take off time for their children. She’d need a passionate type of career to keep her busy.

Too bad I started Everwood a few years AFTER it was over lol
Lol It would have been great having you around when the episodes were airing live.

This is why it took me a while to reply. I see Bright actually going into social work. He's great at relating to people. Sure he doesn't have so many book smarts so engineering is out of the question lol I would love him to be a counselor. He has more life experience at such a young age then most people have in an entire life. Oh, for Bright to return to County High to be a guidance counselor, that would be amazing. Like a full circle moment. I think Bright belongs in a place where he can encourage and inspire people to do good.

Hannah, not so sure. I do actually see her going into medicine. I don't know, I just see her stepping into that healing role quite nicely. I think it stems from what her father went through and watching Harold and Andy work their magic. Maybe part of me is thinking about the actor who is a doctor in Grey's anatomy. But I feel like Hannah would be great in that physician role.
Totally agree about Bright. He had a sweet gentle side to him. Full circle, indeed, being a counselor giving back to the community/helping kids. I could also see him coaching either football or basketball. He’d be great at motivating the athletes while balancing athletics and education. Counselor/coaching would be a nice combination for Bright.

I could see Hannah in medicine too. We know she was artistic but I don’t see her art as a career, mainly for herself. Medicine or maybe working for her church too. At the very least doing volunteer work for the church. She’d definitely be involved with church functions and activities. It was a big part of her life.
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