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Old 08-24-2017, 02:14 AM
L i N d $ @ y
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Originally Posted by Si_Crazy (View Post)
Claire is AWESOME! And again, I'm beyond happy that she got Colleen to stay with her to help and protect her, they form a great duo! And of course then when Colleen says that she has abilities too and saves people she just doesn't get the credit was perfect! They're perfect!! Gimme more scenes of them together, I don't care in which show, I just want them sharing scenes all the time , and please, more fighting scenes for Claire, because soon enough she won't need anyone to protect her
I loved seeing both Colleen & Claire fighting. The training on IF paid off.

It was so poetic that Colleen was the one to kill Bakuto I think that if it had been anyone else she would've never had closure.
This too! I'm glad she finally was able to kill Bakuto.

Too bad that he cut off Misty's arm I do think Lindsay's spoiler is correct, I've seen that talk around online after Luke Cage (because of the shot in the arm she got in the season finale). I was worried about Claire and Bakuto knew that she was Colleen's family now , it made sense that Misty would jump in like that in an attempt to save Claire, she is a cop and her first instinct is to help and protect people.
So far, the shows are following the comics. They're not stirring away heavily from the source material (Frank Miller's comics) which is why I love these Netflix shows.

Aww Matt/Elektra It's so sad... they're so perfect for each other, but before she became all dark like that... and now he just couldn't let go of his feelings for her and decide to stay back even knowing he would die It's a tragic love story.
Still not over this tbh.

And having Colleen at the hospital to talk to Misty... I see the friendship from the comics forming there and
Regarding the spoiler tag, after the events that happened in this ep, it would make sense now.

Jessica was pretty affected by Matt's "death" and I liked that, for a character that apparently didn't care much for anybody, we can see that most of it is just a way of her to protect herself. Good to see that in the end she decided to take back her life by opening up her detective agency again, it's a new start.
Yup! Good observation. She was the one that got really affected by his death. It makes sense too since she has bonded with Matt compared to Luke and Danny.

I think that what happened to Matt will be something that will affect Danny forever, it's that push that he needed to be a true hero, and not just depend on the prophecies and faith. He'll take action into his own hands, specially considering that scene of him in the roof of the building looking out into NY after saying that it was his home.
What exactly did Matt whisper to Danny?

And since DD had already been renewed I knew that Matt would be okay, but waking up in the nun's place or whatever he is, also the name Maggie I'm so curious to see DD season 3 now! I need it!!!

Also, I gotta say that this probably is the reason why Karen fully starts to help Frank in The Punisher, she was against the whole vigilante thing, but Matt did sacrifice himself for the greater good, so I can see that changing her way of thinking a bit.
Hopefully and I can see her accept this side of Matt eventually. I guess we'll see soon on The Punisher.

Let's go on a clumsy cute bestie trip!
Already miss our days in Cloud Planet.

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