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Old 11-22-2016, 01:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Slayerette89 (View Post)
Alfie's laughter is really infectious. This thread title is very appropriate. And much though I loved the angsty, broody Wes, I wish we also saw more of him being happy and laughing.
Same I'm glad we at least got that one scene where he told Laurel he thought she was out of his league.

Originally Posted by stlavin95 (View Post)
I think it will suffer ratings wise, but at the same time for the remaining cast I don't want the ratings to suffer badly enough that it gets cancelled.
It has suffered a lot ratings wise since S1 and expect it to suffer more but only partly because of Wes. I just don't think they can bring back the same intrigue and excitement we had in S1 and part of S2. It was a pretty desperate move to kill off a main character so soon when their seasons are so short imo. I think they should have taken a break from the big flashforward mystery concept and focused on developing all the characters backstories. They all have potential. Also these characters have been through so much in S1-S2 to draw from for character driven storylines. And I think they should have focused more on courtroom drama too. There's a reason The Good Wife managed to go on for so long.

Last edited by ElenaBelle; 11-22-2016 at 01:53 AM
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