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Old 11-30-2015, 01:49 AM
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Originally Posted by ds44 (View Post)
I don't really have a problem with that cause to me the show made it clear that she liked him before Eddie showed up because he was too slow. It's only natural for her to be bothered by the idea of Barry with someone else. I think for me its just indicative that her feelings were always there. The thing with Iris in my opinion, is that she did love Eddie and didn't want to be the girl who just dumped the guy cause Barry admitted his feelings.
there's nothing wrong with doing this if you're in love with someone else. you're not being fair to the person you're with.

i always thought that was written so clumsily, because it seemed to me they were coming at it from completely the wrong angle. they seemed to think it was admirable for her to stay with Eddie out of "loyalty" while suppressing her own feelings.

that's NOT admirable though. what it is is unfair. to herself and Eddie. that's not a reason to stay with someone and it doesn't make her courageous- if anything it makes her fearful and weak. I remember feeling so frustrated by some of that stuff, because i kept thinking, wow, they are TOTALLY wrong in the way they're writing this.

we already knew Iris loved Barry because she admitted it in 1x15- and yet we're supposed to support her decision to stay with a guy out of fear of her feelings? that's the kind of wishy-washiness that tends to ruin female characters. it was really awful and completely misguided writing and reasoning. it makes me want to storm into the writer's room and be like "Nope! You guys are doing this wrong- if you insist on delaying this it's going to have to be for a better reason- one that doesn't make her a coward and an indecisive female!"

i swear, we all could write this better sometimes. they should leave the relationship stuff to someone else and just do the action/comic book stuff.
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