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Old 11-16-2015, 01:04 PM
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Originally Posted by drunkalice (View Post)
I think many OF fans dislike the idea that she may love Jake as much as Fitz dislikes her saying that she knew Jake the way she also knew him. I guess it's hard to accept a competitor that shows up halfway through S2 and "intrudes" as heavily as Jake does. But in my opinion Jake is a lot more than just a rival, he's someone that knows Liv in ways Fitz can never dream of. Not just becase he's put her on a pedestal and thinks "she's not Mellie", but also because J had an actual chance to get to know her in a normal everyday life.
Your right but if your a Jake fan, your used to being attacked or being dismissed rme but like I said many other fans think Liv loves Jake too, along with some of the actors on Scandal. I feel it's been open to interpatation. I agree with the rest too, Edison was a non factor, Jake is not. He basically takes up the other half of Liv's heart and that was one of the things that made Fitz GO NUTS last season trying to kill him or cowardly beating him up while he was chained as Jake talked about Liv (what Fitz was REALLY mad about, not his son) Jake also said that Liv loves him too. Even though he claimed he said that to mess with Fitz, Jake can also read people really well especially Liv (also like when they slept together in S3 and he told her he could read her and tell she felt something too which she later admitted) so when Jake said that to Fitz I don't think it was all mind games. There was truth in there too. I also agree Jake knows her better than Fitz cause they have done normal things friends and a couple do, or like when they were on the island together for two months. That also made them know each other more intimately. Fitz and Liv have never had a REAL relationship, just quickies and random encounters. They have never really had a chance to just sit and chill with each other like Jake and Liv have. Even though I already said it I agree that Fitz and Eli are alike in how they have both lied to, manipulated, and see Liv as their property.
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