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Old 11-04-2014, 03:50 PM
ursa major
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Originally Posted by Blackhoney (View Post)
I see nothing but lies.
No need to get nasty. This isn’t life changing stuff here. I'm just stating my POV.

The episodes mentioned weren’t just all about Crane’s life/wife and their past. Like I said, we got more focus on Abbie or someone SHE cared about..

In that sense the show is not much different from what it was last season. However, the biggest problem I’m having with this season is how Abbie is now being utilized. Backstory or not, she is being written to support the insanity that is Crane and now Katrina’s desire to redeem their murderous son, which we can clearly see her questioning but remaining silent because it's Crane, her buddy. That is NOT cool.

That said, based on the addition of Reyes who knew Abbie (and Jenny’s) parents and the introduction of Corbin’s son who is also connected to Abbie’s past I’m trying to give the writers the benefit of the doubt. I hope that they plan to use these new characters, specifically Reyes since Joe is off to Quantico, later in the season to delve deeper into Abbie (and Jenny’s) past.

Originally Posted by KGfan (View Post)
Abbie might have been involved in some of those stories but I have never seen an episode solely about Abbie.
The Sandman episode last season was all about Abbie.

Originally Posted by Myna (View Post)
OMG You hit the nail on the head!! That's literally the comments I've seen about last nites episodes whereas Abbie fans are disconcerted. Abbie basically only exists now to serve, support, protect, and get dissed by the Cranes!!

And characters like Irving & Jennie have basically disappeared!
Myrna. Long time no see! I believe we used to chat it up over on the Merlin board when it still existed. Good to see you again.

I’m very disappointed with what’s happened with Jenny and Irving. This is why I have no love for Nick. We’ve gotten his character at the expense of Jenny and Irving. Both of whom could be doing everything Nick is doing, especially Jenny. Since she did after all track down ancient, mystical artifacts for Corbin.
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