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Old 04-13-2012, 07:34 PM
find something real
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just now getting a chance to watch the ep(my mom is having health problems again so I've been at the hospital with her) and oh my godddddd amazing episode. I don't even know what just happened all I know is I'm pissed with these cliffhangers

I loved that Aidan and Josh were fighting for Suren and Nora and trying to do the right thing for them. I also loved Sally's line about that 'so hot'

Speaking of Sally, her SL really got to me! I liked her mother much better this time around. Also after all the guilt Sally has had this season for shredding and possessing people I think she needed something like this to happen in order to assuage her guilt. but wtf is going on with her now gahhhh next season!

Stand out scene for me was the Sally/Josh scene where they were saying goodbye that line sally said, can't remember exactly but something like 'I hope I never see you again until you're old and dead' so perfect, they combine humor and sadness in the most heartbreaking way! And then the hug loved that scene.

Suren dying wasn't a shock, but I was sad for Aidan's sake. and now he's grounded ughhhh I need next season NOW!!!

and now Josh...ok I love Josh I do but he has confused me so much the past few eps! First he chooses Julia over Nora, and now he's willing to risk his life in order to cure Nora? Like I said before it was really sweet and all but idk I just don't really know where his feelings for her stand at this point. But at least with the cliffhanger we know for sure that Nora will be back so I'm happy about that.

the w a r is over and we are b e g i n n i n g
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